Once again, there she was, with fiery red hair, eyes as bright as a blazing flame and a silhouette encased in the enchanting glow of the moon, shaming even the moon, so much so that it bled.
She sauntered across his dream, fiery red tresses swaying ever so slowly in the wind, her form doused in a haze of fog, concealing from his view what he most desired to see...
A face, just a glimpse that could give him the semblance of an identity, if only the creator had granted him that much, he would have mustered every manpower at his disposal and scoured the very ends of the Earth till he found her.
He had tried chasing once, years back when the red haired angel first walked his dreams, chase and chase he had,
His little legs carrying him closer and closer whilst his dreams took her further and further away till she disappeared completely, leaving him desperate and broken.
Night after night, she walked my dreams...
Her lush red tresses a flowing stream....
She was light, she was peace, she was happiness and everything beautiful,
Yet she was a mirage, a figment of my imagination, a dream...
I knew this and yet I hoped never to awaken, for whatever she was did not matter... only that she was mine...
~Askel Vance Niolen
Daily updates begin today! Hopefully I can keep up with it.
Please drop a review as you read, I'd really, really appreciate that. *insert puppy dog eyes*
Comments are also appreciated, let's get this show on the road!
BTW, what do you all think of Askel?