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61.42% The Second Coming of Gluttony, the First of Vainglory / Chapter 84: Bundles of Crimson Thread – IV

Chapter 84: Bundles of Crimson Thread – IV

Hannah let out a deep sigh as she sat down in the hospital lobby. "What a freaking mess."

Was the universe that against her getting married to Jihu or something? First there were the constant red stop lights on the way to the municipal office to turn in the marriage papers, and then there was that random truck blindsiding her on the way to work...

Remembering that made Hannah shudder and she subconsciously brushed the ring on her left hand. "It's a good thing that guy's overprotective of his girls..."

That truck had come out of the blue at a breakneck pace. Even with her enhanced reactions, she wasn't able to avoid being hit on the side of her car and having it sent rolling through the air.

"...Dammit. I *just* finished paying the last installment on that car too." Hannah sighed again and then took a look around.

The hospital lobby was packed. While nobody had died in the crash... well, other than the truck driver. But that was a given considering how fast he was going.

Anyway, nobody except for that guy had died, but there were a lot injured. Because of that, there were a lot of people coming in and out of the hospital lobby, either people who were injured, people coming to pick up those who were injured, media, or curious onlookers.

And since it was so chaotic, Hannah had managed to slip away after denying some interviews and getting a clean bill of health from some physicians.

Though she had a problem now.

"...Should I call him?"

Since she was out of a car... and since that guy had properly taken responsibility by signing the marriage certificate and marrying her, she could rely on him right?

...But damn. Hannah still couldn't get over that fact. The freaking bastard actually called her bluff to try and get him to settle down here on Earth and stop running off to do insane things... Crazy asshole.

Though... It wasn't too bad knowing that she had a husband who was rich, competent, and caring. Even if he caused enough problems to make her want to down a bottle of aspirin every day.

Anyway. Since she was out of a car, Hannah should probably call Jihu...

Except that this situation seemed complicated.

It was just too convenient timing. Her getting into an accident just as soon as she left the municipal office and made her marriage to Jihu official. The events and craziness over in Paradise not long ago. And then there was the fact that she had noticed a lot of people tailing her more frequently recently...

Hannah frowned. "...Should I just call a cab?"

Jihu was supposed to be resting. That guy put on a good show of being alright, but considering all that happened, there was no way he was fine. Not only that... she also still felt a bit guilty about that ultimatum.

Miss Flone seemed okay with it... but Hannah knew Jihu. There were plenty of other women in his life as well that he cared for too. Not only that, but she didn't even have that much of a relationship with him. Sure, they had good rapport and a working business relationship, but-

A chime echoed. A notification from Hannah's phone.

She frowned and then pulled it out. "Who's texting me at this time...?"

Her phone was private, so the only ones who could text her would be Jihu and Sinyoung.

It couldn't be Sinyoung. After all, if the 'accident' wasn't an accident, then they would definitely not want to contact her and risk tipping their hand that it was.

Hannah might not be a big fish compared to that organization, but she managed to get enough teeth to at least tear off their ankles on the way out. And since she was alive, they'd definitely be cautious now.

That left Miss Seora and Jihu.

And of course, it was Jihu.

[Stay put. A friend will come over to keep you safe.]

A short message. Not only that, one that made it seem like Jihu knew exactly what had happened.

Hannah wasn't surprised. But still...

[How the hell do you know what happened?]

She texted that reply and then waited. A moment later-

[You're my wife. I told you, didn't I? I'm going to treat my wife very well... Of course I'd know if something happened to you.]

Hannah blushed. "That bastard...!"

Flirting so shamelessly even through text...! No, that wasn't flirting. He was being sincere. Of course he was being sincere. That stupid bastard didn't know how to be anything other than sincere.

Another chime broke Hannah out of her thoughts. It was a follow-up message from Jihu.

[Anyway, don't worry. I know you hate being the maiden in distress, but let your hubby show off a bit, okay? I have to send a message to the people who want to hurt my smart and cute wifey.]


A few people nearby turned to look at Hannah.

She blushed and sat back down, her face a deep red. Glaring at her phone, she grumbled and said, "You're damned lucky you're rich, handsome, caring, and... Fuck. Is this what it's like to be in love? Dammit. I knew I should have just kept things professional. Ugh..." Hannah slipped her phone back into her pocket and then rubbed her face.

This was all Jihu's fault. If he was just a normal person... Hell, if he was just even the slightest bit of an asshole instead of the annoyingly serious overprotective dork...

Dammit. Maybe she really should have just gotten married like her mother said and avoided joining Sinyoung. Her emotions would have been a lot more stable then.

...Though she might have just gone crazy and stabbed the guy she married anyway if she had to live a boring life like that.

Instead, she had to deal with that crazy bastard who chose to marry her while he had that sweet and self-sacrificing saintess who was clearly in love with him and who even gave up her place to Hannah.

"Hah... What a mess."

"Indeed. It seems that trouble follows wherever Jihu goes, does it not?"

Hannah flinched and looked up.

It was a calm and collected female voice. It was also in English. And a voice that she didn't expect to hear on Earth.

Hannah blinked and then tilted her head.

A beautiful foreign woman with long blonde hair kept in a tidy ponytail. She was dressed casually, wearing a plain white blouse and jeans. Because of that, it took a bit for Hannah to recognize her. But even then, she wasn't sure. "...Miss Agnes?"

The woman smiled and nodded her head. "That's correct. But just Claire is fine, Miss Hannah. ...Or would you prefer Mrs. Seol?"

Hannah winced. "T-That's a bit..."

Did Sicilia find out already? No, did they send Agnes out to assassinate her because Hannah pushed the limit? Was Cinzia trying to cut off all ties to Jihu on Earth so that Sicilia could close in? With the situation as hectic as it was-

"You can relax, Miss Hannah." Claire smiled and said, "Whatever you are thinking, it isn't the case."

Hannah gave Claire a skeptical look and subtly grabbed her left hand. "...If it were anyone but Cinzia's right hand, I would believe it."

"Well, you have no cause for concern then. Boss threw me away already."


Claire shook her head and then turned around. "I can explain it later. For now... What do you say about introducing yourself to Jihu's parents? Since he sent me to protect you, we might as well make proper introductions, no? After all, it will be much less awkward if you can affirm my role as Jihu's mistress when you are his legally married wife."


Claire laughed.


I felt a shiver run down my spine and shuddered.

Hao laughed and said in Cantonese, "Ai, what is it, Bro? Worried about more women causing trouble in your life?"

"Don't jinx it, man." I frowned and said, "At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if Teresa showed up out of the blue. So please don't tempt fate."

"Mm." Hao nodded. "If that pink princess is as crazy about you as I think she is, I wouldn't be surprised either. But my Bro... you really like to live dangerous, huh? As expected from an Emperor... you've already plucked both the flowers from Sinyoung."

I sighed.

A makeshift headquarters in an abandoned warehouse deep in Seoul. An old base that the Triads used whenever they sent forces to probe Korea. There, Hao and I sat across from each other at a dusty wooden table to discuss our plans.

After getting Seohui and Seora to safety, I called up Claire and Hao and made arrangements for our play. For Claire, I gave her some items to let her move about roughly the same as she did in Paradise while politely asking her to protect Hannah and my family... And also profusely apologized that we'd have to delay our date.

She took it well. Too well. Well enough that I was concerned that I could tell I was going to have to do some very elaborate storytelling to my parents when this was over even without using my insight.

But that was a later problem.

...Which reminded me that I also needed to check up on Flone and Jinhee.

I wasn't worried about anything happening to either of them, but my intuition was telling me trouble was brewing there too.

"Bro." Hao snapped his fingers in front of my face and said, "You okay?"

I blinked and nodded. "I'm fine."

Hao frowned and carefully observed my expression. "...Are you sure? It isn't an aftereffect from what you did in that place, is it?"

I waved my hand. "No. I'm perfectly fine now. If anything, I'm stronger after what happened. Just thinking about the mess waiting for me after we sort this out."

"Ah." Hao nodded. "Of course. But that's what you get for playing around so much. I told you before, didn't I? Women are emotional creatures. If you play with their emotions too much, they'll become inseparable, you know? And with how you are-"

"I know." I sighed. "I know."

"So long as you do. But be careful. Even the greatest Emperors haven't been immune from troubles resulting from their consorts or concubines."

"Yeah. You don't have to tell me twice. Now... should we get down to business?"

"Mm." Hao nodded and said, "We probably should." He wiped the playful smile off his face and put on the cold mask of a Triad executive. "So. You're really planning on taking out Sinyoung?"

I nodded back. "That's right. What's the saying again...? Two great men cannot hold heaven together. As long as I'm here, Sinyoung won't be comfortable. And honestly, it's the same for me."

Hao laughed. "Well, that's to be expected, isn't it? You're basically one of those great immortals from the old stories. Not only that, but you stole away not just the Second Lady, but somehow tamed that First Lady too. If I was Yun Seojin, I'd be crazy to not try and get rid of you."

"Right? But that's where the problem is." I frowned and placed my elbows on the table, lacing my fingers together. "This is Earth."

Hao nodded. "That's right. But you're also you. It won't be a problem, will it? No matter what weapons or security they have, if it's you, they might as well not exist."

"True. But the ripple effect won't be small. Sinyoung's power might be waning in that place, but here they're still well-entrenched. And with those stunts they pulled, the media is watching the situation with a magnifying glass... And that man is taking full advantage of it."

Hao wrinkled his nose. "That's right. I heard that bastard was a slimeball, but to think that he could put on those crocodile tears on live TV... Tch. He's worse than those heartless old farts back at home." Hao leaned forward and mirrored me, lacing his fingers together as well before grinning. "But that's what makes knocking a guy like that down all the more satisfying, right?"

I smiled back. "Right. And that's where I need your help."

Hao nodded. "I'm all ears, Bro. You want men, I've got them. You need guns, I'll ship some out."

I waved my hand. "Nothing that extreme. Instead... I've got a question."


"Is it true that China has an abundance of 'keyboard warriors?'"

Hao blinked. And then he laughed. "You sly bastard."

I leaned back and placed my hands behind my head. "Well... If that guy's aiming at me where it hurts the most, I might as well return it in kind, right? And what better way to hurt a heartless businessman like him than his bottom-line?"

Kim Seojin, you bastard. Sinyoung might be high and mighty with all the products you made and shipped out. Not only that, but you're a pretty sly guy, using your daughters as chess pieces to try and build up your foundation and prestige...

But let's see how you handle the cancel culture and deplatforming techniques from the 2020s. You might be good at making people disappear the old-fashioned way, but I bet you haven't even scratched the surface on how to do it in this modern day.

"...Damn, Bro." Hao grimaced. "Again, I'd hate to have you as my enemy."

I laughed. "Me too, Bro. Me too." I paused, realizing what I just said. And then I laughed some more.

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