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Chapter 42: Vainglory

Early the next morning, we departed. The moment Hugo and Chohong got back, Maldong grabbed Hugo and forced him to pack their bags, dragging him along.

Chohong, Ian, and Flone remained at the office. Chohong stayed as the proxy leader since she was the only real High Ranker. Ian, because he had the experience to handle any situations that might pop up, and also to make some preparations of his own for the Banquet... And Flone because I didn't want her to go overboard if things went sour with me and Maldong.

Which I had a feeling was more likely than not considering how there still wasn't any color around the old man.

Like that, the three of us headed towards that Huge Stone Rocky Mountain for Maldong's training... Or that was the plan. Along the way though, two unexpected guests ended up tagging along.

Claire and Kazuki.

Apparently, both had been trained by Maldong in the past and wanted to come along to touch up their skills... or something.

I didn't care. Or rather, I wasn't in the mood to care.

Riding in a cramped carriage with the others, it took all I had to tamp down my irritation and anger at the situation.

...This was why I didn't want to join Carpe Diem in the first place. Abiding by someone's orders and will who didn't even understand me, who completely underestimated me...

I closed my eyes, ignoring the others and focused on my abilities.

I'd show that old man soon enough.

A tense silence.

Did the others sense it?

Although Claire sat beside me, she didn't say a single word. And although Kazuki looked eager to come along, he remained silent.

Even Hugo, who complained up until we left, had shut up.

Like that, time passed with only the sounds of the carriage racing through the fields.

And then we arrived.


A cave about thirty minutes into the mountains.

One of Arbor Muto's hideouts were nearby, so Maldong took the time to use retrieving the old mage's possessions as a 'test' for me.

Which led to the current situation of me standing by the cave with him and Kazuki nearby while Hugo and Claire watched from the side.

The sun had just started to rise in the distance, illuminating the surroundings.

But even so, the cave was still pitch black.

Maldong looked inside the cave and then turned towards me. "Brat. Tell me the four elements that make up qi."

I forcibly relaxed and said, "Quantity, flow, control, and imagination."

The amount you had, how smooth it moved, how much you could control it, and then how creative you were at applying it.

A simple question considering I'd been doing it ever since I woke up as Seol.

"At least you know that much. Then..." Maldong turned to the cave and tossed a rock in. "Deal with the monsters as soon as they pop out. And only with your magic."

That time, I couldn't resist my irritation and grit my teeth. But I quickly stopped and walked towards the front of the cave.

It was easy to see.

Two headed monsters that looked like mutated goblins. Gray skin, sharp talons and teeth... Cave Ettins.

Six of them charged out of the cave, racing towards me.

Without hesitation, I flicked out my wrist. Ice spears flickered into existence and short forward, shredding the group in an instant.

I glanced back at Maldong, but the old man wasn't fazed. Instead, he tossed me an iron sword and said, "Deal with the rest up close."

"Tch." I grabbed the sword and turned back to the cave. "That bastard..." I muttered and tightened my grip on the sword.

After seeing that, he was still looking down on me?

No, was it always going to be like this?


A Cave Ettin leapt towards me.

I swung my sword and instantly cut it in two. But I didn't pay attention to that, my heart pounding with rage.

If this was going to be the case. If people were only going to keep looking down on me unless I went all out...

I glared at the other Cave Ettins and activated it. The ability I normally kept sealed and only used for cursory information. The one I held back on because I wanted to experience things on my own instead of getting a shortcut.

[Future Sentiment is reacting to ??? Insight.]

'My' power activated, the ability unique to me that had been hidden beneath Seol's Nine Eyes.

At the same time, a low male voice chuckled in my head. [Heh. Can't hold back anymore huh? Fine, fine. Since you endured so well, I'll lend a hand just this once.]

[??? Insight reveals its true might in accordance with your emotions!]

[Transcendent Insight awakens!]

[Synthesis Blade evolves to Unbound Karmic Sword!]

[Energy Manipulation evolves to Energy Domination!]

[Your innate ability Synthesis is combining unnecessary abilities... The innate ability Chaotic Resolution is formed!]


Maldong tilted his head towards Kazuki and said, "How is he?"

Kazuki stared at the shredded Cave Ettins and nodded. "As expected of my benefactor. Jihu is good- No, more than good. I would say that his magic is enough to make up for even a High Ranker Archer. And if he can sustain that precision and power for long periods of time..."

Maldong stared at Jihu and said, "And if he can?"

"Then nothing else needs to be said." Kazuki nodded and said, "I'm looking forward to the Banquet."

"Then what about now?"


Maldong stared at Jihu and said, "His close-quarter combat."

"That..." Kazuki fell silent.

The reason was simple.

While Jihu wasn't being pushed back, and while he was slaughtering them all, it wasn't out of technique. He outclassed the Cave Ettins, but in pure physique rather than skill. Using his outlandish strength and speed, he cut through the attacking monsters... but it was brutish. Like how a child would kill insects rather than true combat.

Against most people and in most situations, that was fine. There was no need for technique if you outclassed your opponent in speed and strength.

But this was Paradise. A place where unexpected situations and hidden monsters laid in wait at every corner.

Raw strength and speed wouldn't be enough to survive. And even if they were, those crazy Seven Army Commanders had both paired with the skill to use it.

Realizing that, Kazuki frowned and said, "He's-"

Suddenly, a change.

Maldong's eyes grew sharp and he quickly looked over.

Kazuki did as well.

An invisible ripple. Not only that, but the sword in Jihu's hands shimmered a bright light. No, multiple lights, like a kaleidoscope.

Kazuki's eyes widened. "Is that... A spell? Enhancing his blade?"

"No." Maldong muttered. "That's... Sword Qi."

"Sword Qi?" Kazuki's eyes widened. "But that's impossible. A level two can't-"

Suddenly, the light vanished. At least, that's how it appeared to the untrained eye.

But to both Kazuki and Maldong's sharp eyes, it was clear that it hadn't. Instead, the energy around the blade had increased in intensity so much that its light could no longer be seen to the naked eye. The only sign of it existing was a faint shimmer around his sword.

The moment that happened.

Jihu stepped forward.

A dozen Cave Ettins leapt at him.

He swung his sword in the air. Just once, nowhere near close enough to hit any of the Cave Ettins.

But then the Cave Ettins split apart, minced into hundreds of tiny pieces.

Kazuki's eyes widened again. "Not just Sword Qi... That's-"

"Formless blade." Maldong muttered again.

At the same time, his heart ran wild.

He... Did he really misread the young man?

As if to drive the point home, the young man's stance changed. Before, it was held with the grip of someone who only knew how to wildly swing. But now...

As a Cave Ettin leapt at him, he smoothly stepped to the side. At the same time, his wrist flicked, and the creature split in half.

He stepped forward again, swinging his sword. But unlike last time, the monsters didn't just fall apart.

A burst of lightning. Frozen shards. Steel spikes.

A blade that imbued the elements directly within.

In an instant, the surroundings grew quiet, all the Cave Ettins reduced to nothing but ashes and shredded meat.

After that, Jihu turned around, his gaze sharp and his eyes gleaming with otherworldly light.

Despite himself, Maldong found himself flinching.

A deep, penetrating gaze. Dark eyes that seemed like the endless universe, flickering with every color of the rainbow.

But it quickly faded as Jihu closed his eyes and let out a deep breath.

When he opened them again, his eyes were normal.

But Maldong couldn't forget the appearance of those eyes.

An unfathomable gaze that seemed to unravel existence itself. Sharp eyes that Maldong had never seen in anyone in all his years in Paradise...

Maldong let out a wry smile.


[A Divine Presence has noticed your Transcendent Insight!]

[Divine Presences have quickly moved to compensate for the broken causality!]

[The balance has been restored, but be warned! A strong counter force will emerge in the future as a result of the tipped causality!]


I couldn't help but feel frustrated.

I didn't want to resort to it, but that old man pushed me to this point.

Was it a matter of pride? For some reason, I couldn't stand him looking down on me.

No, that wasn't the only reason.

Urgency. A sixth sense saying that it would end poorly if I allowed things to stand. That I had to hurry and get stronger quickly before it was too late.

Walking back over to Jang Maldong, I looked up at him and said, "Well? Satisfied with what you saw?"

The old man was quiet and then carefully said, "What was your level again, Seol? And your class?"

"Level Two. Synthesis Knight."

"Synthesis Knight..." Maldong muttered and then said, "I don't recognize it. A unique class?"

I sheathed the iron sword and then crossed my arms. "It is. Gula created it for me to emphasize my talents to combine everything as one."

"I take it you had a choice then? What were your other options?"

"A level 5 Sword Master or a level 4 Magic Knight."

Kazuki drew in a breath.

Maldong let out a long exhale as well. After that, he looked at me and bowed his head. "My apologies."

I blinked, taken aback at the sudden change. "W-What?"

Maldong shook his head. "You were right. Is it because of my old age?" He sighed and said, "I attempted to measure your ability by the standards of others I've taught. Needless to say, I grossly underestimated you." He muttered and said, "Was this what Ian talked about?"

I frowned, about to reject his words.

But then I noticed it.

Before, Maldong was colorless. That was why I didn't expect anything from him. But now... A glowing golden light, emanating from him. Not only that, but that light came from golden threads that were drifting towards me.

Seeing that, I sighed as well. "It's fine. I did hide my abilities, so I shouldn't have expected you to see through them."

"Hide your abilities?" Maldong blinked and then gave me a sharp look. "You hid your talents? Even from me?"

"I don't know about your innate abilities or skills, but I have one that can hide things from even an angel's Divine Insight. It's... a necessary countermeasure."

Kazuki shook his head. "You... Jihu. You are truly outstanding. Truly."

Maldong frowned and then said, "Jihu. I understand that you're a person who likes to keep his cards close to his chest, but if you want for me to aid in your training, I need you to answer my questions- No, to tell me the extent of your abilities."

"That's..." I paused and then said, "I won't say it out loud. I don't know who could overhear. But... Here."

I showed him my status.


[Your Status Window]

[1. General Information]

Summoned Date: March 16th, 2017

Marking Grade: Gold

Sex/Age: Male/24

Height/Weight: 180.5cm/80.2 kg

Current Condition: Great

Class: Lv. 2 (Synthesis Blade)

Nationality: Republic of Korea (Area 1)

Affiliation: Carpe Diem

Alias: Jihu, Seol, Haramark's Hero, Miracle Worker, That Bastard, Incorrigible Stealer of Maidens' Hearts, Oppa, Benefactor, Shameless Flirt, and ten more.

[2. Traits]

1. Temperament:

- Analytical (Takes in all the information to consider the situation)

- Decisive (Once a decision is made, immediately acts with force)

- Unyielding (Will not stand those that oppose or belittle him. Will not bend to those that attempt to bar his path.)

2. Aptitude:

- Immeasurably Insightful (Can perceive patterns and information from the barest of traces at a level that seems impossible.)

- Iterative (Continuously refines progress from quick reflection and contemplation)

[3. Physical Level]

Strength: High (Middle)

Endurance: High (Middle)

Agility: High (Middle)

Stamina: High (Middle)

Magic: Divine Beginning

Luck: EX

Remaining Ability points: 3

[4. Abilities]

1. Innate Abilities (6)

2. Job-Related Abilities (1)

Unbound Karmic Sword (Ungraded) - Cause and effect. Natural consequences. Order and Chaos, harmony and dissonance. A blade that defies all such concepts to sever and bind, unify and separate.

3. Other Abilities (0)

[5. Level of Cognition]

Domineering (One whose actions allow no compromise or defiance)/Contemplative/Karmic Rule(Malice with Malice, Goodwill with Goodwill, and one rule to connect them all)


Reading the status screen, Jang Maldong froze.


It was a nonsensical screen with information that he couldn't even begin to imagine.

Let alone the physical stats, Jihu's Luck and Mana were at a level that Maldong had never seen in all his years teaching.

Divine Beginning... he could only imagine what that meant. His first guess was that it was the step after High (Highest). But the Luck stat showed there was a gap before it. 'EX'. That was what lay beyond the limit.

But Jihu's mana was beyond even that. Divine Beginning... It was the threshold to divinity.

Yet that wasn't the most shocking. Setting aside his Aliases, there was the fact that he had six innate abilities. Abilities that he must have had while on Earth.

While Jihu had hidden them, the fact that they existed at all was shocking.

"Master Maldong?" Kazuki's voice echoed.

Realizing that, Maldong shooed him away, leaving only himself and Jihu standing there.

After some time, Maldong said, "I have to ask. Seol Jihu... Who are you?"

"I'm me. That's all I ever am and will be."

A straightforward answer, but one that didn't explain anything.

Maldong sighed and swiped the Status Screen away. "I see your issue now."


After recovering Muto's items from the cave, mostly just some healing potions and some Competence, we headed towards an open area on the mountaintop, near some forested areas.

Maldong sent Hugo away to train in the distance, and both Kazuki and Claire went to do their own things. That left just me and the old man... No, since he was being respectful now, I could at least acknowledge him as a coach.

Anyway, my new coach brushed aside a rock and sat down, staring at me with a thoughtful gaze. "From the way your movements suddenly changed in that fight... I presume you crossed a wall?"

I shook my head. "Not quite. More like... I allowed myself to stop holding back."

It was something that I was capable of doing from the beginning, but was holding off on. Still, I didn't have the time to try and gradually analyze anything anymore like I planned.

"Mm." Maldong nodded and said, "Holding back... That was wise of you. I don't know what you did on Earth or how you achieved your stats, but charging headfirst without proper training would have been reckless. Still, since you've reached this level..." He sighed and said, "What a ridiculous situation."

I couldn't help but agree.

My problem wasn't like ordinary Earthlings. Where most people would be spending their time to lay out a foundation and increase their stats, mine were already higher than 99% of all people here. Not to mention my Mana.

And then there were my innate abilities to consider as well.

Even so, it was dangerous. And the reason for that...

"You're too strong." Maldong looked at me and said, "Your Mana is completely beyond your body's ability to utilize it properly... In fact, I'm surprised it can even contain it. One of your innate abilities?"

"...Something like that."

If it wasn't for the fact that I had Energy Domination and that I had created my unique energy core with repurposed divine energy as the base, I was sure that my body would have blown up a long time ago. But even that had a limit... which was why I held off on using any ability points.

"Mm." Maldong rubbed his chin and stared at me. "Trying to balance your stats is impossible. At your level, it would take fighting one of the Parasite Army Commanders to break through. That or some other ridiculous feat. You still have some points, so that might help, but... No." He shook his head and said, "Even then, it might not be enough. Fortunately, it seems like Lady Gula has thought ahead in choosing your class for you."

"Mmhm. She did say that my class was something that would help me make use of everything."

"Synthesis Blade..." Maldong muttered. "Classes reflect their specialty, so something like this... Yes, with your monstrous talent, I suppose it just has to be that way." He nodded and then turned to look at me.

I stared back.

Maldong slowly stood up and said, "Most people wouldn't be able to afford diversity. They either lack talent, time, or physique to train in various areas. As a result, they end up specializing, their body adjusting to suit. But for someone like you... I'm sure you've become aware of it. The 'wall' that you face isn't physical, but rather mental."

I nodded. "I'm aware."

What I lacked was 'knowledge', 'experience', and 'skill.' Talent, physique, and insight weren't issues. My shortcomings were only due to not knowing where to look and what to do, not 'how' like most people.

"Good." Maldong nodded. "Then we'll begin." His eyes lit up with passion as he stared at me and said, "What I said before hasn't changed. No matter your talent and stats, you still lack experience. Fortunately, you're an insane monster that can make up for that experience through raw ability... So we'll double down on that strength." He smacked his stick on the ground and said, "Archer skills, warrior skills, mage skills, priest skills... In the next week, I'll teach you as many as I can." He smiled, a genuine expression filled with anticipation. "Let's see how far you can go."

I smiled back.


"The body doesn't possess only five senses."

Maldong's voice drifted off from my side. At the same time, I felt a faint breeze on my left.

I immediately swung the stick in my right hand and knocked it away. But the moment I did, I was struck by something on my right.

It didn't hurt, but it was annoying. Even still, I suppressed that annoyance and focused.

I couldn't see from the blindfold over my eyes. While I 'could' with my Energy Domination skill that let me 'sense' everything else, that was cheating.

What I was doing now was training something else.

"Being one with the world. Moving in harmony with nature. Countless people come up with flowery names to describe it, but ultimately the phenomenon boils down to a sixth sense. The ability to perceive danger and anticipate future events."

This time, there was a faint breeze in front of me.

I swung my stick again, knocking aside a rock aimed at my head. At the same time, I instinctively turned my body, dodging another rock aimed at my chest.

A faint inkling of understanding.

...Right. It was 'that'.

Eye of the Mind, being able to perceive and anticipate future moves while taking the most optimal path to success.

In contrast to that, there was intuition. A true 'sixth sense' that caused the body to automatically react. Whether to danger, or some other thing, it was an ability that helped a lot in split second moments that always occurred in combat.

Maldong's voice echoed again. "I'm sure of it. You should be able to attain that if Lady Gula valued you so highly. In the worst case, we can use Competence... but you don't need that, do you?"

A sensation like a blade pressed against my throat. Danger.

I instinctively stepped back. At the same time, I spun, crouching low, and then slashed up at an angle.

A steel clatter echoed. The sound of a blade being knocked to the side by my stick. After that, a whistle passed by where I had just been standing. An arrow, aimed at my skull.

And when I did that...

[The ability Danger Sense has been learned.]

...My efforts were acknowledged.

But it didn't end there.

I immediately stood up and swung my stick in front of me, coating it in sword qi. The moment I did, another clatter echoed, the sound of a blade locking against my weapon.

[The ability Danger Sense has turned into Intuition.]

Accumulated insights and half-recalled theories of combat from my memories before becoming Seol.

While 'Intuition' was useful, it was still reactive. Being able to sense how things were going to happen wouldn't let you change it. So then, reading a few more moves ahead, a few more seconds and a few more possibilities... Then minimizing those by reducing the most lethal...

[The ability Eye of the Mind has been achieved.]

[Transcendent Insight reacts to Intuition and Eye of the Mind.]

[Chaotic Resolution reduces unnecessary skills.]

[The ability Combat Flow has been obtained.]

A series of messages ringing out in my mind. At the same time, I felt a shift again. Like how my sword technique suddenly became smooth, I 'felt' it.

Similar to how I could control the energy around me, I felt something 'else.' An intangible presence that I could only compare to suddenly being able to see the raw data from wifi signals and parsing it directly into information while sending it back- Wait, I could already do that, so maybe that wasn't quite right...?

Either way, in an instant, things changed.

I step here. A slash there. A kick here, and then jump...

Clatters, arrows splintering in the air, a body being sent backwards... And then a loud thud and a low groan.

"Dammit," Maldong pushed himself back to his feet and said, "You learn way too fast, Kid."

I took off my blindfold and let out a sheepish smile.


A glistening lake surface.

A week had already passed since Jihu's training began in earnest.

During that time, Maldong could only shake his head in disbelief.

A monster. That was the only way to describe the young man.

Maldong began their training with the basics, hoping to develop Jihu's Intuition into a proper skill... but in less than a day he had already achieved a level beyond mere Intuition.

The two did some testing, but it seemed like Jihu managed to achieve something similar to Phi Sora's [One with the Sword].

It was different. Since Jihu lacked proper sword training, he wasn't at that level. His attacks had become more elegant since the first time Maldong saw Jihu practicing in the back, but it was still far from an 'art' like most swordsman. Instead, he was ruthlessly pragmatic, able to anticipate and react to danger and combat with a level that made Maldong wonder if Jihu could read the future.

And it only accelerated from there.

Flash Step, Eagle Eye... The bread and butter techniques of warrior and archer classes that Maldong knew, he taught them all to Jihu. And the young man not only picked them up, he quickly integrated them into his fighting style and even seemed to possess the higher versions.

His Status didn't show them as being learned... but Maldong had a feeling that it was because they were being subsumed by one of Jihu's innate abilities.

After that, Maldong taught him basic healing spells and magic. But Jihu took to those even faster, quickly reaching a point where he could pass for a High Ranker Priest and Mage.

And now...

It was early morning.

Maldong had told Jihu to take some time off to experiment for himself and familiarize the abilities he learned. Maldong would simply observe and make notes on points to improve. But...

"This damned brat." Maldong shook his head in exasperation as he watched Jihu.

The young man stood in the middle of the lake, his personal magic sword in his right hand glowing a pure emerald hue. Beneath the morning light, he slowly turned, standing on the surface of the lake as if it was solid.

Where his sword swept, an invisible ripple spread through the air and water surged. But the moment his blade passed, everything returned to normal, as if it was an illusion.

Perfect control, as if the area was his private domain. That was what Jihu seemed to have obtained.

But Maldong knew it wasn't enlightenment. While impressive, the old man could see the inner workings of what Jihu was doing.

Flash Step performed in rapid succession, barely moving at all so as to stay in place. Mana control and Sword Ki to move the water and slash through the air. Eagle Eye to perceive the targets and extend his control...

It was a performance that was built upon fundamental skills any person could learn. The incredible part was his integration of them all into a seamless whole, enough to give the illusion that it was a skill on its own.

A faint rustle from behind. Someone walking through the grass towards the lake.

Maldong turned to see a young woman walk over. Claire Agnes.

Her glistening blonde hair was tied in a neat ponytail, and the usual maid outfit had been replaced with a simple leather tunic and pants.

Glancing at Jihu, a faint smile crossed the young woman's face. At the same time, she subconsciously brushed a ring on her left hand.

Maldong smiled and said, "Happy to see your beau training, Miss Agnes?"

Agnes flinched and quickly dropped her hand. She smoothed her expression and said, "Jihu is not my beau, Master Maldong. He is simply a close friend... Though I will not deny that I am happy to see he is making progress in his training."

"Mmhm. If that's what you want to tell this old man, Miss Agnes."

Agnes kept a straight face, but her cheeks started to turn red. To change the subject, she turned to the lake and said, "So... What do you think of him, Master Maldong?" She glanced at Maldong and said, "You've trained Jihu for a week now. Does he meet your expectations?"

Maldong groaned and lowered his head. "Don't get me started." He glanced at Jihu, watching as the young man started sending ice shards through the air and shattering them with lightning. "...That bastard is ridiculous. Setting his monstrous stats aside, most people would only ever be able to master one field. Everyone naturally has an inclination towards a particular talent or way of fighting."

Agnes nodded. "Of course. That is why the gods give out classes."

"Right." Maldong stared at Jihu and said, "At least, that should be the case. But that crazy bastard is different." He ran his hand through his white hair and said, "Just what the hell did he do on Earth before coming here?"

Agnes tilted her head. "...Is it that odd?"

Maldong looked at her and said, "You've known him the longest, haven't you? From what Cinzia said, you helped train him in the Neutral Zone... was he always like this?"

Agnes shrugged. "I gave up on evaluating Jihu by normal standards long ago, Master Maldong."

Maldong sighed. "Right. I suppose that's the smart thing to do. Still..." His face turned serious and he said, "It doesn't make sense. I want to say that his development is from his unique class, but it isn't. Instead, it's that crazy monstrous talent..." He shook his head and said, "It's insane. If I didn't know any better, I would say that he's like an actual hero from one of Ian's animations or one of those trashy web novels he reads. Jihu... that young man is inhuman."

"...Is that bad?"

Maldong was quiet and then he said, "...Maybe."

"How so?"

Maldong sighed. "That bastard... If something doesn't go his way, he'll stubbornly advance regardless. At the same time, he's analytical, so he'll properly take things into account... but then he goes with his emotions in the end. It's ridiculous."

Agnes grabbed her ring and then frowned, as if remembering something unpleasant. "Yes. That does sound like Jihu. But... Is that really so terrible?"

"No." Maldong shook his head. "In fact, that's a good quality for a leader. But... He's grown too fast. In a normal setting, if he had time, it would be excellent. Maybe five years ago, he would be a powerhouse on his own, supplanting even Sinyoung. But..."

"But there are enemies."

"Too many. He's so outstanding that even a fraction of what he could do would send all of Paradise after him. So the key here is balance." Maldong looked at the youth training and said, "The balance to keep himself in check. The abilities to support from the shadows rather than lead until the situation is right. I'll teach him all I can to prepare for the variables, but even so..." The old man sighed and said, "I can only hope that Paradise won't be overturned for the worse..."


Time continued to pass. Days blurred together as I continued learning all that Maldong had to teach me.

New skills, combat fundamentals, magic, healing techniques... Countless things that I didn't even think about were being crammed into my mind.

But I wasn't bothered by it.

Unlike before, where Maldong treated me like an unruly brat, he was taking on the role of a proper coach. Suggesting ways to improve, giving insight into how things might come together...

Slowly but surely, I felt myself become stronger. Not in terms of stats. There wasn't much we could do about that. But I felt myself become more capable.

My sword that used to just rip things apart now flowed like a stream. My body that previously felt rigid and a bit unbalanced due to my excessive energy began to feel light again, in harmony from the various support skills and techniques I learned. Not only that, but since I properly learned healing magic now instead of just relying on Fate Reversal the energies were in balance too.

But it wasn't enough.

Despite all that I learned, I could sense it. At the moment, while I had all this power, I still couldn't utilize it all.

If I had to compare my current situation... my potential was an entire ocean and I only had a tiny cup to draw out from it. While that cup was damned near indestructible now from my Energy Manipulation turning into Energy Domination, it didn't change the fact that I lacked the tools to draw everything out.

Although learning these skills were letting me figure out ways to more quickly draw water from the ocean and refill the cup faster, it was only the tip of the iceberg.

Fortunately, it seemed like Gula had thought of that ahead of time with my class.

Unbound Karmic Sword was a technique that linked everything together, letting me use things like archery skills in combination with magic and sword techniques in tandem.

But even so...

"What a hassle." I muttered to myself and stared at the sky.

It was getting close to evening. After a long day of training, mostly attempting to automate my casting while attacking with my sword and channeling mana to reinforce my body, I was cooling off by lying on the lake surface.

The sky had turned to a lush violet hue, and the faint twinkling of the stars were starting to emerge.



"...Why do I feel uneasy?"

Maybe it was that ominous message about a counter force resulting from my actions. Or maybe it was the fact that everything had been going so smoothly... Or smooth enough.

I sighed and closed my eyes.

It couldn't be helped. I was already doing all I could at the moment to prepare.

Well, maybe not 'all'... I could return to Earth and use my Insight... or rather, Transcendent Insight without penalty to rapidly improve my skills.

But at the same time, my intuition was telling me that it'd be a double-edged sword.

I sensed that my rapid progress was being allowed here in Paradise because it was being built off of what existed. The world 'recognized' the abilities as being part of its system. That, and so far I had been sticking close to the general flow of how things should unfold. As a result, there wasn't much push back yet.

But if I went back to Earth and started increasing my abilities too much... If I started developing my unique energy more or taking my Divine Beginning Mana to the next level... I had a feeling it wouldn't go unnoticed when I returned.

Transcendent Insight... I could use that a bit here to get information. But using it too much was bad too. Didn't those messages show that? It was something enough to rip causality to shreds and get detected by divine beings... which had to include the Parasite Queen.

A balance. That was what I needed. That skill was my ace in the hole, so I had to keep it for the critical moment. Until then, I needed to use other things.

Gula made my class just for me to utilize my strengths, so I needed to work on that.

My skills were adding to it, but I also didn't really understand the skill quite yet.

Synthesis Blade was one thing, but this Unbound Karmic Sword was different.

And to use it-


A soft bounce.

My head hit something, but it wasn't hard. Instead, it was squishy, almost like rubber. No, it was more comfortable than that.

I opened my eyes and sat up, looking towards what I hit. When I did...

A beautiful woman with pristine white skin. Golden hair that fell down in soft curls, along with clear blue eyes that seemed to shine with the fading sunlight. Her body was bare, revealing everything except for her chest, which she had covered with her hands.

I blinked and then coughed and averted my gaze. "My bad. Seems like I drifted off for a bit, Claire."

An awkward silence. And then she sighed and said, "It's fine. I'm the one who didn't notice you approaching. And you aren't the sort of person to peek on a woman bathing in any case."

I smiled and then said, "I'm glad you think of me so highly... And I'm also glad that there weren't any scars."

While it was an accident, I did get a clear look of her bare body. And despite everything that happened, there wasn't a single blemish on her body.

"...Only because of you."

I didn't see it, but I heard Claire shift and run her hands along her body.

"It's incredible. Even the scars I received from before then are gone."

"As they should be." I nodded and said, "A beautiful woman like yourself shouldn't have to be marred by rough scars... And a deadly woman like yourself is even more effective if she seems dainty, right?"

A pure giggle, like ringing bells.

The sound was so odd that I instinctively looked towards Claire again.

She was laughing, a bright smile on her usually stern face. And because she was laughing, she had forgotten to cover her body.

A beautiful sight. Like that, Claire seemed to be a sacred water fairy, stepped right out of a fairytale.

She blushed, realizing I was staring, and quickly covered her body.

I coughed and looked away.

"...You know me too well, Jihu."

I shrugged. "I'd like to think we're good enough friends that I have a good read on you."

"And yet I barely know anything about you. Despite all you've done for me..."

I waved my hand. "It's fine. We can always hang out later."

"...Then it's a date."


Claire coughed and said, "N-Nothing. I will... I suppose I've been in the water long enough."

Water splashed and then Claire's voice started getting further away. "Don't stay out too long, Jihu. And be careful."

Like that, she vanished into the night, swimming out into the distance.

I resisted the urge to watch her go... and I ignored the bright red and gold threads leading out after her.

...Dammit. I just had to open my mouth, huh?

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