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63.76% Devil Overlord - Overlord x DxD / Chapter 88: Chapter 88: Have emergency meeting with your mirror

Chapter 88: Chapter 88: Have emergency meeting with your mirror

"Haa- haa- haa…" Momonga felt quite lame as he sprinted off after jumping through the broken wall in his manor, which Sirzechs had broken with his head after Yasaka had thrown him through it.

He had time, technically speaking, as he had stopped time using [Time Stop] once again. But the mana cost of the spell was starting to build quite a bit. He wasn't out of mana or anything, but there was a very high chance he'd come to blows with multiple strong opponents so he had to preserve his strength.

He had landed on the ground face-first after his hop through the broken wall, as he couldn't use [Fly] in stopped time unless he un-froze time and froze it again after a delayed spell took place, but Momonga didn't want to risk it.

Instead, he ran past the battlefield where Devils, Angels, Fallen Angels and Norse Warriors were clashing against each other, and had formed two lines of battle- That was, Angels and Fallen Angels versus Devils and Vikings, while a air-battle had sparked between the airborne Angels and the Valkyries of Norse.

Momonga moved past the now-frozen battlelines in hurry, using the [Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown] to help himself navigate the ground that had turned from a well-maintained garden to a nightmarish, corrupted mess when the Super-tier spell had washed over it… And then had turned to a mud-strawn battlefield.

Momonga guessed that the myriad of oddly shaped angels were to blame for the battlefield's current condition, as he had noticed a polyhedral-like 'Angel' transform itself to multiple linked cubes with a spectacular show of transforming mathematical shapes, and then blast a massive laser at the Valkyries, instantly cutting through a swathe of them and setting multiple longboats on fire in the distance or evaporating them instantly- Alongside roughly a quarter of the City of Kuoh.

Nonetheless Momonga hurried onwards, counting seconds in his head. 'I sent a [Message] to the Dark Young and told them to hold back… I guess it worked… Although talking to them was like talking to a herd of hungry, bleating sheep… Gah, my ears are still ringing…'

And when Gabriel had approached Momonga and had essentially turned the reins of the entire battlescape to him… He had, simply put, panicked massively.

Granted, he had managed to get the panic under control roughly ten seconds after the fact due to [Emotion Suppression], but in that time he had already blurted out an excuse and cast [Time Stop], essentially throwing the mantle of responsibility back at the Arch-Angel in a way that he couldn't easily take back as he had already said the words and stopped time.

In other words, Momonga had made his bed, and now was time to sleep in it.

And so, he used his third-most powerful ability, after 'making stuff up on the fly' and 'delegating responsibility elsewhere': Running away.

The fact Ddraig seemed to have opened a second can of popcorn and had produced a big bag of chips and dip didn't help his case as the Welsh Dragon in Momonga's head was positively glowing in happiness after seeing the Three Factions attempt to throroughly murder eachother.

"Haa- haa… haa…" Momonga's physical body was starting to pant, even though his skeletal body underneath wasn't fatigued at all from the sprint due to undead's infinite stamina.

He reached the woods and disappeared from sight of those in the battlefield, and undid [Time Stop].

The sounds of battle resumed, and Momonga sent another [Message] to the herd of Dark Young which were technically his summons, even if by-proxy, and ordered them to focus their attention on the Norse faction- After all Odin had arrived, and by the looks of it, had brought his entire faction with him.

If Odin was a Player, as Momonga suspected, he'd need to thin the 'Norse God's ranks before he could engage the 'old man'. Assuming the old man caught Momonga and forced the engagement, as Momonga was anything but enthusiastic trying to PVP something that was effectively an unknown foe with unknown level.

"Haa... " Momonga's physical body calmed down and he looked down as he heard some commotion from below him… And saw that he had stepped on a cat's tail. "Oh. Sorry."

The cat seemed quite ragged and miserable and had clearly almost suffered a heart attack after Momonga had, from the cat's point of view, materialized on top of the cat's tail out of nothingness thanks to [Time Stop] freezing everything from Momonga's point of view, while everything seemed to continue in real-time for everyone else.

"Haa…" Momonga sighed as he reached to pick the black cat up and started to scratch it behind the ears. 'I'm procrastinating again… But Peroroncino and Bukubukuchagama both were of the opinion that petting cute things relieved stress… Even though I'm fairly sure they disagreed on what exactly counted as 'cute things'... Still, petting Koneko was sort of fun, I guess, and also gave me some experience… And I'm just trying to distract myself. Although, I guess petting things is… calming, I suppose...'

Momonga looked around himself while the cat hissed and struggled weakly against his hold, and attempted to swipe his fingers with it's claws. However, at the moment Momonga couldn't really care about such concepts as 'consensual petting', so he just cast [Weaken] on the cat which essentially turned it's feral behaviour into faint squirming.

With the cat's moody behaviour out of the way, Momonga reached into his inventory and threw a series of anti-divination scrolls into the air in order to ward himself against just about every possible form of spying, and also put his anti-divination ring on his finger just in case. "[Message]- We need to have a strategy meeting. Move yourself somewhere where you aren't seen, and I'll trace our connection back to you and cast [Gate]. Try to find a place where this 'Khaos Brigade' won't see you either."

"Yes, my lord!" The Elder Lich's voice came through instantly, although there was a degree of panic in it's voice. "My lord, I just need a bit more time to find- Ah, have I displeased-"

"We'll talk later. Now, go!"

"Yes, my lord!" The connection was cut with the Elder Lich's parting words, and Momonga returned to petting the cat on his lap.

The cat was looking at Momonga in a confused way as it couldn't hear the Elder Lich's voice as it was transmitted to his mind through [Message]… Although Momonga realized that he was overthinking everything in his paranoid state as cat's weren't intelligent enough to understand human language so it wasn't as if the cat got confused over him seemingly talking to himself.

'...And can you stop that?' Momonga thought as Ddraig had taken his '3d-glasses' off and was creeping towards a toilet, the latter which was something Momonga really didn't want to have in his brain.

"Sorry, I figured that it's the ad break so…" Ddraig returned to its coiled position around the pile of gold in Momonga's mind-scape, and the dragon returned the red-and-green 3d-goggles on its noggin. "That cat gives off a funky feeling, by the way."

'I used [Weaken] on it, so you're probably getting that…' Momonga returned to scratching the cat while he waited for the Elder Lich to get into position. '...Do cats usually come with two tails?'

"Uh, I'm pretty sure that's not a cat…" Ddraig seemed a bit confused, and then a lightbulb light above the dragon's head. "Although, nevermind~"

"Haa…" Momonga dismissed the dragon's concerns as right now, he needed something that resembled normalcy. He would have liked a book, a strategy guide to YGGDRASIL, or something, but petting a cat would do. 'It wasn't as if there were any cats in Neo-Japan since those got eaten during the famines or died from pollution, but I've petted Koneko a couple of times here… It's close enough, I suppose…'

A confirmation message came from the Elder Lich, and Momonga cast [Gate] at the strand that connected a master and the summon… And landed in a grand conference room in a mansion that looked like it had been exposed to [Black Halo] for extended periods of time.

The walls, roof and ceiling were corrupted by Negative Energy, and had become supersaturated to the point they oozed the energy, invigorating 'Momonga' while the fleshy body he wore began degrading slowly- Although his [Regeneration] activated and kept the body in tip-top shape. 'Huh, it's quite homely…'

A pair of halberd-wearing death knights lifted their weapons, allowing the banners of Momonga and Ainz Ooal Gown to unfold while Momonga walked to the conference table in the middle of the room and sat down.

The motion was automatic, as were the strokes he gave to the black cat's back as he held back the urge to stare at the Overlord that stood on the other end of the conference table.

"My lord, thine servant greets thee…" The Overlord bowed deep, and the voice cued Momonga to the fact that the Elder Lich he had created had evolved into a literal Overlord class.

And if the equipment the Overlord wore was any indication, the skeletal creature had picked 'General' specification that was 'commander' type with additional summoning slots, buffs and command spells when compared to other Overlord variants.

Of course the 'Player' Overlord didn't have such sub-subclass restrictions, and could learn all the skills the sub-Overlords came stock-standard with. At the same time, the Overlord NPC's in YGGDRASIL couldn't learn additional spells, with the exception of 'Wiseman' class Overlords that could cast one spell per summoning from the list of spells it's summoner had. Assuming, of course, that the 'Wiseman' had prerequisites for casting said spell like sufficient level, mana and class.

The fact the 'Elder Lich' had leveled past it's class and had learned spells outside it's 'stock configuration', however, made that restriction moot in the 'ero-world'- Which, granted, was something that Momonga had realized when he had learned 'Actor' and 'Lover' skills that hadn't been present in YGGDRASIL.

Momonga realized that he was procrastinating once again and waved his hand at the Elder Lich- no, at the Overlord General who seemed to be taken aback by the invitation, and then nodded in a way that was almost spirited and joyful, and took a seat on the opposite side of the conference table from Momonga.

"Hm… Ah, before we begin, could you disable your Auras?" Momonga realized that the cat in his lap had spotted the Overlord, saw it bowing deep to Momonga, and then had turned its head towards Momonga, and had promptly frozen utterly still. Or as still as it could, considering that [Weaken] still affected the cat.

He was surprised that the cat hadn't died instantly after getting exposed to the Overlord General's [Black Halo] but Momonga remembered a tidbit of history about cats having nine lives, which explained the oddity. It was fortunate that the creature didn't have its [Aura of Despair] already active, however.

"Of course, my lord." The Overlord General turned off the dark aura, lessening the radiance of negative energy in the room. It seemed nervous somehow, as the Undead coughed to it's fist. and turned towards Momonga in a way that seemed eerily similar to how Momonga did his unconscious ticks or motions "I hope that I have played my part well, my lord… Have I failed? What is to be my next role?"

"Ahem… No, you've done quite well. I'm proud, in fact." Momonga adopted more regal posture, allowing his 'Guildmaster Momonga' self take the wheel- While the Overlord General was partially dependant on him, it's growth meant that he had to be a bit wary of the summon getting disillusioned with Momonga and going rogue for real as it had a quite high chance of becoming a formidable enemy. "You've consumed plenty of Khaos Brigade, yes?"

"Indeed, my lord. I have consumed all who I found, with the exception of those that You have sent to me, or have a role in your plan, my lord." The Overlord General sounded proud. "All who oppose you will be consumed as soon as their fleeting usefulness runs out."

Momonga stroked the cat that had frozen as still as a plank. "Hm, good, good… Ahem, how were you planning on continuing the assault now that the three, er, five factions have engaged each other in open combat?"

"A test, my lord?" The Overlord General seemed a bit depressed, making Momonga wave his hand after waiting just a moment so his sudden panic wouldn't show in the motion.

"Not at all. I merely wish to see your progress- After all, your previous plan…"

"Ah- I understand, my lord." The Overlord seemed to recover and nodded severely. "I am forever grateful for thine guidance and acceptance for 'my' plan in the swamp. Ahem, as to the plan of attack…"

Momonga was glad that his fleshy body was busy degrading so it didn't have time to sweat while he wondered justs what sort of 'guidance and acceptance' he had directed at the Overlord in the battle in Underworld's swamp, when Ravel had been kidnapped and the Phenix family sent a battlegroup to retrieve her.

The Overlord in skeletal form explained his plan to the Overlord clad in flesh, and Momonga sighed internally.

'Huh, a fully fed [Necroswam Giant]... I wonder if that works like he describes… That'd be quite useful for combining with [Iä, Shub-Niggurath] as the latter would produce a lot of corpses, which the [Necroswarm Giant] could eat and add to its mass and power. After all, the super-tier spell ate the experience and left the corpses of the slain behind.' Momonga nodded appreciatively, even if the tactic resulted in more fighting as opposed to quelling it down. 'Meanwhile this 'Katarina Leviathan' person would try to attack Serafall Leviathan, but would be put under an illusion by a slave of the Overlord General, who had also hid him during the cast-time of [Iä, Shub-Niggurat], and Katarina would attack someone from the Heavens, thinking that they were Serafall...'

"Ahem, however, you mentioned that you had lost this 'servant' which was supposed to confuse this 'Katarina'?" Momonga asked the Overlord General as it mentioned that the slave had managed to flee while the Overlord General had been marveling at the destruction the super-tier spell had caused, and the entire Khaos Brigade present in the attack had been utterly transfixed and horrified by it.

"Quite so, my lord." The Overlord General seemed ashamed and bowed its head while an aura of finality seemed to form a cloud over the skeletal form, royally scaring Momonga who nonetheless maintained his regal pose. "And at the same time… I understand the purpose of this meeting, and the haste at which it was arranged."

'Uh…' Momonga sweated a bit.

The Overlord General stood up with a brisk motion… And then prostrated himself into a deep 'seiza' pose towards Momonga. "I am utterly ashamed of my inability to control my slave, my lord! I cannot ask for thine forgiveness, so please, use me as you wish and please order me to be slain in the most humiliating manner possible! For my mistake, my lord was forced to alter his grand plan and capture the lost slave, before bringing it back to me so my feeble plan could continue!"

"Um…" Momonga paused as the undead creature's words hit him. 'C-can I ask him what that slave was? I brought it back to him? Ddraig?'

"That cat you're holding is most likely a Nekoshou, a twin-tailed cat who holds quite a bit of magical power." Ddraig supplied helpfully. 'I had a feeling that it might be one, but if that skele-guy over there tells you that you brought his servant back, it isn't hard to put one and one together…'

'You knew this from the start, then?' Momonga felt a bit crass at the dragon who did a 'oopsie' hand gesture and pulled an appropriate face, causing Momonga's chuuni to shiver in fear as the act was much akin to how a certain pink-clad Maou would pull the look. 'You need to fangirl less over Serafall…'

"Hey, I resent the genderswap!"

'Then stop pretending to act like a cutesy girl…'

The skeletal form in front of Momonga shuddered as 'the Supreme Being' stood up- or rather, wobbled up while trying to hide his nervousness from his pose. The skeletal Overlord pressed his face against the floor while prostrating, no doubt waiting for judgement. "Right… Ahem."

Momonga paused before he could hand the limp black cat over to the Overlord General, as he noticed that the cat had lost it's consciousness and had white foam coming from both sides of its mouth as if it had suffered a major panic attack. 'Umu, it wasn't in this bad condition when I found it?'

He recalled that the cat had seemed quite lively before he had first 'met' it, or rather, before he had stepped on its tail. 'Um, could it be that I damaged it when I stood on its tail and hit it with a [Weaken] spell?'

"Well, the tails signify a Nekoshou's power, so…" Ddraig supplied, causing Momonga to panic.

'Don't tell me… The Overlord General's plan hinged on this thing confounding Katarina Leviathan so she'd go ballistic against a wrong target? And now I've ruined it by breaking his cat?' Momonga's thoughts ran a mile in a minute as he tried to come up with a solution to his current problem. 'Um- Ahem, yes, if the Overlord General thinks that this situation is his fault, and not mine, so I should be able to leverage that a bit… I think…'

Momonga was glad that the short-ranged wordless communication between a master and a summon could only be initiated by the master, as his thoughts were all over the place and would expose his nervousness to the summon if the two communicated in that manner.

"Umu, yes… In that case, I'll alter your plan a bit. I'll take this one, and you'll take this one." Momonga sweated while he moved the unconscious black cat behind him so the Overlord General didn't see the cat when the skeletal creature lifted its head from the floor with a snap-like motion that honestly scared Momonga a little bit.

Momonga handed the Overlord General a [Scroll of Control Amnesia]. "Umu, I feel that this should do the same thing… But better! Yes, much better. Ahem, anyway, we should probably get back to the battlefield since we have our own roles to play in… my plan."

Momonga held himself back from saying 'your plan' by accident, but it was a close call.

The Overlord General froze and then, much to Momonga's shock, black ink-like substance began flowing down from the Overlord's empty eye-sockets like tears.

"My lord! My glorious Supreme Being! I am eternally grateful for thine forgiveness! Yes- of course! I now see… Everything is clear to me now!" The Undead creature took the offered piece of parchment with shaky hands. "I… I am… Yes… Yes! Your will be done, my glorious overlord! All will be thine to command as you see fit, and yours to toy with until the end of time and beyond!"

Momonga felt a bit awkward under the praise the undead creature leveled at him, but didn't let the feeling show on his face.

'Uuh… I hope Koneko knows how to fix this…' Momonga thought about the limp cat that he had in his hand which was hidden behind his back.

And then he remembered that he had to first figure out how to deal with the whole 'war between five factions' thing, and promptly realized that he was procrastinating once more.

The Overlord General nodded to Momonga, bowed deep, and then disappeared into a [Gate] that it cast.

Momonga wanted to do the same, except that he'd cast the [Gate] that led under his bed and he'd wait for the fallout to settle from under there. But he knew that it was a fool's hope that the situation would resolve itself in his favor if he did that.

"Haa… Once more, into the fray…"


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