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Chapter 11: CH 11

"So, Matsui-can. We'll talk about our trips to Aoyama and Shibuya tomorrow." Light said.

"Alright, take care Raito." Matsuda waved.

The car taxi took off.

"3 whole hours and I'm still not finished." Hikaru grumbled.

'I'm so getting the AI to do this the moment we get home.'- hikaru messaged.

'at least you got to show off. If L finds your abilities outstanding, he might invite you to be his +1.'- light

'What about you light? we planned everything already.'- hikaru

'I also wish to work with L, hopefully as the permanent 3rd wheal.'- light

'lol XD'- hikaru

'Want to visit my 'my world'?' Light

'Also, I hate that game name, it's so awkward to type.'- light

'I didn't think about it at the time, and it's too late now.'- hikaru

'Also sure, did you manage to get rid of the heretics yet?'- hikaru

'Nope, but they will be eradicated soon.'- light


"Boys, your late." Mother walked over, worried.

"Yea, we went out to test a few of Hikaru's inventions." Light said.

"Wow! Can I see it?" Sayu hopped on over.

"Sorry! It's Top secret!" Hikaru winked.

"we'll show you on a later date." Light comforted.

"Aw," Sayu pouted at the pair going up the stairs.

"What about dinner?" Mom asked.

"We ate out!" Hikaru waved.

Light locked the door after they both entered. Hikaru grabbed the small box under the bed and removed the small bird and a White USB with the letters HY on it.

"You're not allowed to use the taser function on this well we are out." Light said.

"But what if you're in danger?" Hikaru asked.

"I'll be able to handle it, it push comes to shove I'll use the nasoids." Light said. "I still have the Nasoid pen you gave me; we can just say it's a plasma-based weapon you were working on."

"...Okay fine." Hikaru sighed. "But then dad will know we've been messing with advanced technology, weaponized advanced technology at that."

"Who cares, we are moving out in a couple of months anyways." Light said. "We can always ask Ryusaki if we can get his help in renting out a place near the HQ if it gets to be too much."

"Okay..." Hikaru pouted. "What about our secret base? We have so many inventions in there-"

"When We move out, we can bring all those inventions into our new home. We can even get a better apartment thanks to the online books." Light said.

"Okay, I trust you." Hikaru laid down.


"Tarou-San, these are my collage friends." Light introduced.

"He-hello..." Matsuda looked dumbfounded at the group.

"This is my cousin, Tarou-san. This is his first time in Tokyo so I'm showing him around Aoyama and Roppangi." Light showed his hands as if he was introducing an auction item. "Also, he's looking for a girlfriend. Any volunteers?"

"Hey, Raito-Kun..." Matsuda looked at light incredulously

* At the L's HQ*

"Hahaha!" Hikaru laughed, trying to concentrate on maneuvering the Drone. "I-I found that way funnier than it should have been, Pfft Haha!"

"Deep breaths Hikaru-kun." L said, watching the screen from the side.

"Okay, Okay, Huff." Hikaru Made the bird perch.

<Misa Amame>

"Ah? Wait she's there?" Hikaru looked.

"Huh?" L looked at the name tag above a girl with short brown hair and glasses.

"The drone has a powerful face resignation, and I had the bird announce if it finds Misa or any of the 2nd kira suspects I listed..." Hikaru said. "Should I follow her or stay with light?"

"Follow her." L said.

'Light, don't look but we found Misa in disguise.'- hikaru messaged

'Where?'- light

'In the dinner you passed a minute ago, she was in a short brown wig, glasses, and a middle school uniform.'- hikaru

'L told me to follow her, so I won't have a view on you. Be careful.'- hikaru

'I will'- light

"She hasn't moved, and she's been staring outside constantly." Hikaru said and quietly moved the drone in a more hidden place with a clear view of the girl.

<Ohashi Tajima>

"He's there too?" Hikaru jumped. L also focused, staring at the new kira suspect coming into veiw.

'Light, Ohashi Tajima is also in Aoyama.'- hikaru messaged

'Really? it seems like L was right...'- Light

Ohashi was in a small group of friends, that wasn't strange- but what was strage was that Misa looked excited at the appearance of Ohashi. L bit his nail, staring.

Misa Didn't go and greet Ohashi but waited a few minutes before leaving the dinner. Looking content and happy. Hikaru carefully followed Misa at a faraway distance using the zoom function to keep an eye on her.

'Misa didn't greet him, but she didn't stay long either.'- hikaru messaged

'That might mean her 'eye' power has more than one function.'- light

'That means she can possibly see who kira is!'- hikaru

'And that she's not stupid enough to meet kira head on in public.'-light

"Why are you so far away?" L asked.

"I have no idea if her 'eye' power is just seeing names or if it has a tracing function." Hikaru explained. L nodded.

About 10 minutes later, it was revealed that the girl really was Misa.

"Do you think the eyes have the power to see who the other kira is?" Hikaru asked.

"That is a possibility." L watched the girl go into the apartment building. "Bring the drone back."

"Understood." Hikaru nodded.

'Light, the mission for the bird drone is done.'- hikaru

'Good work Pilot Hikaru.'- light

'good work co-piolet Light!'- Hikaru

'Hey!'- light

'oop! gotta go!'- hikaru

"I got the bird drone." Aizawa walked in with the small bird drone in his hand. It continued to move as a normal bird would on a perch, as it looked around or as it preened its feathers.

"Huh, I'd never suspect this to be a drone." L looked at the drone closer, carefully taking it out of Aizawa's hand. "It's warm?"

"That's the heat release, it keeps the components inside cool." Hikaru explained. "It also adds to the realism."

"Hm, please put the servalence video in this USB."

"Got it."


"both Misa Amane and Ohashi Tajima were found in the same district, but it's believed that Misa(the 2nd kira suspect) might have the ability to see who the other kira is." Soichiro revised. "Amane-san's disguise could be because of her job as a model, but there is a chance it could be for another purpose is a possibility."

"Looks like the 2nd kira isn't as dumb as we thought." L said. "we'd have never noticed this without the drone's facial recognition, Thanks Hikaru-kun."

"Hehe," Hikaru preened at the praise.

'Ryuzaki, there is another package to Sakura TV. According to the stamp it was sent on the 23rd.' the computer said.

"Another one?" L asked.

'I am streaming the video to you now...' The man said.

'I have found kira. Thank you everyone in the TV station and the police station.' She said happily.

"Found!?" Aizawa panicked. "This is bad..."

"Have they..." Soichiro starred.

"We can't say they joined forces yet." L said. "Before this, 2nd kira always said 'meet kira' but this time she said 'found kira.' this means that he has found out who kira is, but probably hasn't contacted him. At least, they didn't meet before the package was sent on the 23rd. If she had, she wouldn't have used the word 'found'."

"So, what now? Do we keep an eye on Ohashi?" Hikaru asked.

"We have already come to this point, it's time for us to use our policing influence to bait the 2nd kira." L said.

"Bait?" Masuda asked.

"Yes." L confirmed. "We give him some incentive and lure him into telling us who kira is. If the 2nd kira doesn't know who the 2nd kira is, he may respond to our trap. Asahi-san, we can't say 'give us info and you won't be prosecuted,' can we?"

"...She killed at least 8 people, so no..." Soichiro said.

"Then, instead of that, we'll be less specific and say that we'll be me lenient with her sentencing if she helps us arrest kira... and that she will become a hero to the world..." L Said.

"She might like it more if you said, 'you'll be with Kira till the end'." Hikaru suggested.

"Ah, that works as well." L nodded, agreeing with the idea. "let's do it quickly. It's 7:25 Pm. Try to get it on the news at 8:55."

"I'll handle it." Soichiro nodded.


'If kira doesn't know who you are, then it's not too late. you must not meet kira just because you're curious! If you meet him, you will be controlled and then killed by him! Kira is a serial murderer! You must not help him. However, if you tell us who he is, we can promise you that you can stay with him till the end. We will even soften your own sentence. So, save the world from the murdering hands of kira, and you'll be able to spend those moments with him.'

"I doubt this will work." Hikaru said.

"Why?" Light asked.

"I imagine Misa to be more of a yandere type, well the 'I'd rather die than give up my senpi' type." Hikaru explained. "This just might make her up and leave her apartment to find kira."

"... You didn't tell this to L, why?" Light looked at his younger brother.

"It just came to me." Hikaru shrugged. "I'll tell him tomorrow; we can't possibly get in contact with him now."

"...Did you forget the belt?" Light asked

"Oh!" Hikaru moved his hand to the hanging belt but froze. "Isn't this for emergencies only?"

"Better safe than sorry." Light said. "If you don't want to, i can tell him."

"No, no! I can do it!" Hikaru quickly pressed the button. it didn't take long for his phone to ring.

'Is there something wrong Hikaru-kun?' L asked.

"Well, this may not be important if 2nd kira dose turn herself in but... for misa I get the feeling she might just up and leave her apartment to meet kira. You know?" Hikaru summarized. "I don't know if this is any good information, but if I were in her mind set, I'd want to meet Kira before he suspects me of getting into contact with the police."

'Oh? That may be the case Hikaru-kun.' L said. 'I'll follow up on your theory and see if the 2nd kira suspect left, thank you.'

"a-ah welcome!" Hikaru jumped. "H-Have a nice night!"

'Yes, have a nice night.' L hung up the phone.

"...I love you big bro!" Hikaru jumped straight into light, who yelled and fell onto the bed with a ouff. "he told me to have a nice night! We said good night to each other! Rai-nii chan he told me good night!"

Light froze at the suddenly childish nick name that came out of his younger brother's mouth, but he smiled and ruffled his sibling's hair.


"Morning Siamese twins!" Sayu waved.

"Well morning to you too." Hikaru scoffed.

"Mom, sayu- please don't tell dad about us staying out so long testing inventions." Light beged.

"Ah, dad will 100% scold you for not studying." Sayu hummed.

"Not only that, but don't tell anyone!" Hikaru said. "It would be bad if someone from the competition stole my ideas..."

"Ah! Is that why you were so hush hush last night?" Sayu asked. "I'll keep it secret if you pay me 5,000 yen!"

"Bad Sayu!" Mom scolded. Hikaru reached into his wallet and gave the girl her 5 thousand.

"You gotta keep it a secret now!" Light said. "Or you've got to give us a compensation of 3x!"

"Ah! I won't say anything I promise!" Sayu zipped her lips.


'Light, I miss you...' Hikaru messaged as he watched the long and languid lecture.

'Class just started...'- light

'I don't like being so far apart.'- hikaru

'I don't either, but don't worry. We can still talk to each other through the nasoids right?'- light

'We can, but I can't sit still.' - hikaru

'You're going to have to get used to me being far away sooner or later. how are you an L supposed to go on dates with me constantly being there?'- light

'True... but you'll always be the 3rd wheel, right?'- hikaru

'Of course, I will, just not being together doesn't mean I won't be there. I also expect you to be there when where not together as well.'- Light

'Don't worry! I will always be there for Nii-chan!'- hikaru

'And I'll do the same.' -light

'we'll I'm board out of my mind, I know everything in this lecture times by 100.'- hikaru

'Same here, I can even find more than what the teacher can.'- light

'Why is collage a thing? why can't we just enter the working world?'- hikaru

'Because collage has reputation, and even L goes to class... sometimes.'- light

'that's only because he has to monitor you... why couldn't I be the kira suspect?'- hikaru

'As much as I would love to have this tail gone, I'd much rather not have my little brother be a suspect for a mass murder.'- light

'Lol, hey wanna play ping pong?'- hikaru

'can't, my desk mate is giving me the stare.'- light

'...I can't wait until we turn L into our side.'- hikaru

'You're planning on giving him the serum?'- light

'Only when this is all over, and we are for sure going to be with him. I'd much rather be with someone who won't die on me in a Mear few decades when we have centuries.'- hikaru

'Understandable,'- light

Light took a deep breath in and glanced over, giving the weird person a look before rereading the messages.

Hikaru would never think of giving someone the serum unless he was serious about spending the rest of their days together... It seems like he was going to have to take this sleep deprived detective seriously.


"It must be troublesome coming back from university." Matsuda said.

"Not at all." Light shook his head, glancing over to his younger brother who happily ate the sweets they got on the way.

"Pft!" Masuda looked away in a hurry.

"Hello!" Hikaru walked forward.

"Raito, Hikaru-kun Good timing." L looked over. "We got another message from second Kira."

"Another one?" Hikaru asked.

"The frequency of these are getting annoying." Light sighed. "I feel like were middlemen."

"Yes, but she says this is the last one. Take a look." L rewound the message.

'I won't use kira's name in public anymore. thanks for the police suggestions...however I want to help kira and get his approval. I'll start by punishing criminal Kira hasn't taken care of yet. Lastly, I am willing to share my power with anyone who wants to help us. I hope the world changes for the better.'

"After seeing this... I feel like the 2nd kira must've contacted kira already..." L solemnly said. "And Misa, right after the broad cast aired left her apartment in a rush...It seems like you were right Hikaru."

"Mn." Hikaru happily nodded.

"What makes you say that?" Masuda asked.

"Well, first she's no longer saying anything about meeting kira, 2nd she said she wants to have kira's approval by punishing criminals. Doesn't that mean she didn't think that before? It won't make sense unless they met. In which, kira told them to start punishing criminals. Kira must have also told them to keep it a secret." L finished chewing the donut and looked towards Hikaru before offering him one. To which he happily accepted and started to eat.

"I see." Matsuda nodded.

"Then Kira's actions this time were rather reckless." Light commented.

"Yes, even though he didn't cover all his tracks... maybe they are playing with us by hinting that they've met. Since a meeting between them is quiet a terrifying thing... or it could be like hikaru said and Misa went out on her own to meet Kira before kira suspected her of going to the police." L said. "I'm willing to lean more towards Hikaru's theory, mostly because the suspects themselves follow it. Because of this, Light kun's chances of being kira are almost impossible."

"How is that Ryuzaki?" Soichiro asked.

"If Raito-kun is kira, he wouldn't tell the 2nd kira to send such a message. He would instead tell L... me to appear on tv. If there are no signs of him and the 2nd kira ever meeting he can blame my death on second kira. The message would've been: 'even though i would have stopped if real kira told me to. i don't think that the other kira message was real anymore. If L dies, kira should be happy, I have no reason to stop."

"...Ryuzaki..." Light looked over.

"Hm?" L asked.

"If Light were kira, he wouldn't do that." Hikaru said, Soichiro jumped and looked at his youngest son in disbelief.

"Why not?" L asked, looking at the younger twin questionly.

"If Ryuzaki is L, then I know L's personality all too well." Light said. L went silent and waited for light to continue. "No matter what happens, L will never show himself on TV. He will never sacrifice himself. He will definitely find some way around it."

".... Your right." L looked up.

"Raito! Even if it's just hypothetical, don't say things like 'if I were kira'. Even though I know you're not, it still hurts me to hear it." Soichiro said.

"Ah, Sorry dad. I just wanted to tell Ryuzaki what I thought. The faster we solve this case the faster I can prove my innocence and saying stuff like 'if I were kira' shows that I'm not kira. You worry too much dad." Light said.

"...That is true." Dad said, calming down.

"Aye. Raito-kun shouldn't be kira. But if he were, I would be in turmoil Because Raito kun, Hikari kun..." L stirred his tea. "Are the first friends I've ever had."

'...Light I was friend zoned!'- hikaru messaged

"Yea... I also feel that Ryuzaki is an irreplicable existence." Hikaru said in a huff, causing L to look over.

"I feel that Ryuzaki is an incredible friend." Light smiled. "It's been boring since you don't come to class anymore. I hope I can play tennis with you again."

'I hope we can go on a date!'- Hikaru messaged

"Ah, certainly." L smiled. "And I hope Hikaru Kun can cheer me on."

"of course!" Hikaru jumped. "You'll beat light next time! I'm sure of it."

"What the hell Hikaru?" Light shoved.

"Haha!" Hikaru laughed as he shoved back.

"After... after the kira and second kira case, no after the whole kira incident is taken care of let's play again." L brought up the cup of tea. "I hope that day arrives soon."

'Wait, I can't tell if he's indirectly telling us we can go with him to solve crime and kick butt or if this is a red flag for disaster.'- Hikaru

'Do you think this is a novel?'- light

"Right now. no matter where I go, I get chills down my spine whenever I see someone looking at me." L admitted. "Maybe it's better if I don't hide..."

'Red flag, It's a red flag.'- light

'I'm not one for murder, but I feel like killing both kira's right now...'- hikaru

'No, stop, I know when your serious and I'm telling you to stop right now.'- light.

'They are making my future husband anxious!'- hikaru

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