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23.4% Pokemon: Blood Bonds / Chapter 8: Battle Cry!

Chapter 8: Battle Cry!

"Ralts use Calm Mind."

"Eve, use Tackle."

As both of them gave commands, their respective pokemons did what told.

The number of moves an Eve or a Ralts could use were very limited, along with the fact that these moves were not too powerful. A tackle from Eve might barely leave a scratch on some pokemons, or the calm mind from Ralts might not raise its special attack by much. Another big issue was the 'cast time.'

It would take some time for Ralts to use Calm Mind but was it enough for Eve to close in on her opponent?

As Eve approached Ralts but the psychic pokemon completed its move just when she was a little bit away from it

"Ralts, dodge the Tackle and use Disarming Voice," with a small shout, Daniel gave a command.

It did as told a dodged towards its right, and then fired off a ripple of fairy energy. A wave of energy clashed with Eve, who had just finished her tackle, dragging her away from Ralts a little.

Disarming voice may not physically hurt Eve, but it could lower her psych, dealing her damage not physically but mentally.

"Eve, shake it off and go for another Tackle," as Alan gave another command, he thought about possible ways he could win this.

Neither the pokemon were at a disadvantage to each other; what mattered now was who could do more damage.

Eve once again ran towards Ralts for a Tackle, but Daniel just smirked, "if it did not work once, do you think it will work twice? Ralts dodge it and use Disarming Voice."

'What can I do?' thought Alan as he saw Eve run towards Ralts, 'this is harder than I thought....' he gritted his teeth a little, but he once again calmed himself down. He had to support Eve at the moment; either that or he would have to watch Eve get pummelled in her first battle.

'One thing at a time,' he told himself and took a deep breath as he focused on what was going on in the field.

"Eve, don't let him rest and keep going at Ralts with a tackle," he gave another command.

Outside on the battlefield, many kids had gathered, excited for the battle that was happening.

"Who do you think would win?" asked a girl with orange hair.

"Of course, it's going to be Daniel; not only is his pokemon higher level, but he has also been in a few battles, and from the looks of it, that bumpkin is going through his first battle," replied a boy with pointy hair and purple shirt.

"What do you think?" the orange-haired girl asked the other boy on the side, who wore a red cap.

"Pokemon battles are always unpredictable; many unknown factors can lead to an unexpected result. But I will support Alan since I don't like Daniel, right partner," he said before turning to a small yellow mouse pokemon sitting on his shoulder.

"Pich chu."

Cynthia, too, watched the battle with complete focus; in her opinion, it was difficult for Alan to win; his chances looked bleak to her.

'Can you win?'

Eve and Ralts were in a loop, Eve would use tackle, but Ralts would dodge and use Disarming Voice.

The attacks from Ralts may not be too strong yet, but they left some damage on Eve, who was weaker than it, and it could be seen by the movements of Eve, which were slowing down.

Eve once again went for a tackle, but Ralts dodged; it was prepared for another Disarming Voice when a loud voice reverberated in the arena.

"Eve, use Sand Attack."

Following her trainer's words, Eve did not finish her tackle but raised one of her paws and swiped it at the ground sending a small dust cloud towards Ralts.

Ralts and Daniel were too focused on the loop that they almost forgot the possibility of another move being used.

Caught off guard, the sand went straight into Ralts eyes before it could use Disarming Voice.

"Raaltsss!!" it gave a loud cry as the sand entered its eyes.

"Eve, use Tackle and follow it with Tail Whip," seeing an opening after so long, Alan hurriedly gave a command to Eve. And being annoyed with all the hits it took, Eve gave a small cry before it ran towards the Ralts and slammed into its body at full speed, sending it flying across the field but then Eve closed on it again, this time jumping and swinging her tail at its face.

'It worked, and now I know the range,' thought Alan as he saw the turn of events taking place in the field, 'but it is all thanks to Eve for hanging on so long.'

He could not find any way for Eve to overpower Ralts; hence he had to think out of the box if he wanted a chance to win this fight. At first, he had Eve use the same attack to set a rhythm for Daniel and Ralts. Then he had Eve use tackle in different angles and found the range of Disarming Voice, and surprisingly, it was not any further than a meter.

He was still wary of the other attacks from Ralts.

"Ralts, dodge the attacks," with the sudden turn of events, Daniel lost his cool.

Ralts tried to dodge but with some sand still in its eyes, its movements were not as good as before. Eve too, did not let go of this opportunity and swung her tail at Ralts face sending her flying again.

Just as she was about to follow up with another tackle...

"Eve, stay back."

"Use Confusion straight ahead."

Both the trainers gave a command, as Eve did not pursue the injured Ralts, making Daniel click his tongue.


Confusion was like a ripple that went in the air. However, it hit nothing but air.

As he saw what happened, Alan gave a small smile, 'About a meter as well.'

He roughly calculated the effective range of confusion, and with this, the two moves he feared the most from Ralts, he now knew their limitations and could use it against his opponent.

"Eve, good job, now let's win this use tackle once again but be prepared for my command," as he gave Eve the deserved praise, he followed it with another command.

"What are you doing Ralts, now hurry and use double team," shouted Daniel as he saw Eve closing in on Ralts.

"Shit, I forgot about this move altogether," said Alan when he saw four Ralts appear on the field surrounding Eve from all directions.

"Now use confusion," yelled Daniel as he saw Eve pause, looking at the four Ralts in confusion.

"Ra Raltss."

The Ralts send a ripple of psychic energy towards Eve from four directions trapping its opponent with a small yell.

This time before Eve could even dodge, a ripple hit her from her right.

"Eve, run away from the circle," yelled Alan, but to his surprise, Eve was left confused after the last hit.

"Use Disarming voice," seeing his strategy work, Daniel gave another command with a slight smirk on his face.

Once again, Eve was hit by Disarming voice dealing enough damage that it was now hard for her to stand on the field.

When he saw the weak Eve, Daniel laughed out loud, "Did you think you could win against me? Know your place, bumpkin."

Gritting his teeth, Alan looked at Eve, who was barely holding her ground; two maybe three more hits, and she would be down for good. He felt his mind shake a little, 'shit, why would I even think I could win? Ralts is higher level; we never stood a chance. Just because I landed, one good hit doesn't mean it would work again, dammit,' he clenched his fists hard enough that his nails dug in his skin.

Eve used all her strength to stand up; it ignored everything and looked at the Ralts, who were also looking at her with a slight smirk. She waited for a command from Alan, but she did not hear anything, and she turned to look at him; he stood there with his fists clenched.

"What did I say? he will lose. Look at him all shaken up," said the kid with spikey hair.

"Shut up, Garry," disputed the girl with orange hair, "but yes, he had lost this battle."

On the other side of the field, Cynthia stared at Alan, going through turmoil.

'Is this it?'

Not just them but everyone watching spoke in small whispers of how he was about to lose, and these words reached Alan's ears as well.

'What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do?' as Alan kept thinking the same thing, he was almost about to be overwhelmed when a sharp roar rang out in the whole ground.


The roar was not mighty; it was neither filled with any special energy, but as soon as it was heard, the whole battlefield went silent, Alan who was going through his inner turmoil, stopped and looked at the owner of the roar.

Eve whose back was to Alan, stood there with a ferocious face, her right front leg sweeping the ground, ready to charge. Alan, who saw this, felt a bolt in his mind.

"Kek," he gave a small laugh and looked into the sky, 'yeah, I might not win,' he looked back at Eve, who was waiting for a command, 'but who gives a flying duck about it.'

He raised his hands and gave a hard slap on his cheeks.

"Gawd dammit, it hurts," he said out loud as he felt a sharp pain on his face, but now he felt like his mind was clear. His long, dishevelled hair fell in front of his eyes, covering them.

He looked at Daniel and Eve, who looked back at him with a grin.

"Yeah, we got this partner."

He raised his right arm straight in front of him before opening his clenched fist.

"Eve, use Tackle," he swiped his arm to the right as he gave the command and Eve, who was waiting for it, happily followed.

"Rawr," with a small battle cry, she ran towards Ralts with everything she got.

"Use Double Team."

Once again, four Ralts appeared on the field, but Eve did not stop and kept running towards them.

"Use Sand Attack in the air," he cut the tackle mid-charge and gave a different command. Eve, who was in a zone, followed the instructions without any error, immediately stopped her tackle, and threw sand into the air.

'Why would he use it in the air?'

Everyone thought as they could not understand its point, but they ignored it and then looked at Eve, who four Ralts once again circled.

"Use confusion."

Eve looked around her, but she could not figure out who the real Ralts was. Confusion was a very slow ripple of psychic energy, and it could be dodged, but with four Ralts, not knowing which is real Ralts, it became an attack almost impossible to dodge. It was a very good strategy by Daniel where he used one move to cover the weakness of the other.

As ripple of energy came towards her from all directions, Eve tried her best to find the real Ralts but to no avail.

'Its over now.'

With these thoughts everyone shook their heads. If Eve got confused again it would only take maybe one more Disarming Voice to defeat her for good.

"Eevee?" said Eve and then all things became slow, everything tuned black and white to her while three Ralts in her vision disappeared leaving behind only one in front with a ripple of energy coming towards her.

As everything went slow to her, she jumped to her left dodging the attack when everything went back to normal.

Everyone watching the battle, the ones who were battling, Alan, Daniel, Ralts and Eve paused for bit before saying the same thing.


Eve had successfully dodged the attack and the ripple passed through the dust cloud Eve had made prior to it creating a ring with just its circumference.

Alan made a wide grin and immediately figured what had happened. Who knew Eve better than him? Without a delay of even a second he gave his next command.

"Eve, run towards Ralts full speed."

His voice snapped everyone out of their daze and Daniel immediately called out an attack.

"Ralts, use Confusion."

Eve was very close to Ralts and at this point even if she predicted the attack she could not dodge it, and it was going to be a perfect hit.

'With this I will finish you off,' thought Daniel but then his face lost all colour.

"Eve, jump into that ripple and bite Ralts," he called out his command and once again the crowd was stunned.

'Is he giving up? His Eevee can't use bite either.'

But then to everyone's surprise Eve passed through the ripple as if nothing happened to her. All were confused and only very few figured out what had happened.

'All the energy of the confusion is in the outer ring? But how did he figure it out?' thought Cynthia as she too was amazed by the discovery but then her mind went to a 'useless' move Alan had called out, 'no way he use that Sand Attack for this?'

"Are you stupid, Eevee can't use bite," said Daniel as he looked at Eve who was almost upon Ralts.

"Are you stupid?" said Alan with a smirk on his face, "what do you think it takes to use a bite?"

'What does it takes to use a bite?' everyone asked themselves same question.

"Ralts dodge," ignoring Alan's words Daniel gave a command to his pokemon.

Ralts immediately saw Eve coming at it and was ready to dodged to a side.

Alan knew this was an important moment, if he could take over the flow of battle here, he could have a better chance at winning but how was he to figure where Ralts would dodge and just as he was looking for any clue for it, the world turned slow.


Underneath his dishevelled hair, his eyes shone in red, it was just for a moment, for just one moment but that was enough.

"Eve to your right," he shouted and just as he said, Ralts dodged to right but Eve who had heard her trainers command turned her face to right and opened her small fangs before biting Ralts in the head.


The whole crowd was surprised and then they thought about Alan's words, 'What does it takes to use bite?'

Wasn't the answer, teeth?

Who said that it had to be the dark type move Bite? Eve had teeth and she for sure could bite.

Daniel and Ralts who were shocked by the events became stunned before a painful cry of Ralts was heard.

"Eve throw it into the air and then Tail Whip."

Eve did as told and with anger on her face, she flung the Ralts in air and just as it came down, eve hit it with a Tail Whip sending it flying but Alan was not finished yet.

"Now finish this off with a Tackle."

"NO!! Ralts dodge the attack," cried Daniel but Ralts who was still going through the pain of bite and Tail Whip could not stand up in time and took the full brunt of Eve's angry Tackle.

The Ralts slid across the field but Eve did not pursue any further.

The whole crowd fell silent, what had just happened? Wasn't the Ralts going to win for sure? But why was it now on lying on the ground not moving while the Eevee they all thought would lose stood there panting for breath with a ferocious face?

It was not just the Ralts who was lying on the floor but Daniel as well had fell on the ground clenching his chest.

They got there answer soon when the judge walked up to the Ralts before he raised a red flag into the air, "Ralts is no longer able to battle, the winner is Eevee. The victory goes to Alan Salvador from Elian Region."

Even as the judge spoke there was surprise in his voice as he too had thought Ralts would win for sure.

There was no claps or shouts for the victors when the result was announced but just silence but that silence was louder than anything else.


Hearing the result Eve gave one more roar, as loud as she could before she finally collapsed on the ground.


Alan ran towards Eve when he saw her fall and immediately checked on her. She was still conscious but heavily injured and tired.

"E-evee," she said in a soft voice.

"Yes, we won. Now drink this and rest," he took out a potion and fed it to Eve before carrying her in his arms. He caressed her head and then looked at the crowd who was still looking at him with surprise, but he ignored them and walked away.

His eyes met Cynthia's and he gave a small nod as he carried Eve away with him.



I tried to research as much as I could about these two pokemons and then create a fight. As I said earlier, only pokemon I watch is Anime with now understanding but I am trying to learn more about type and all those things.

I need a genuine opinion on how I did in this fight. I want to improve but i won't be able to unless I get some help from you guys. Drop your opinion in the next line. Thank you so much in advance.

[Opinion Here]

Alan_demonic Alan_demonic

Hello everyone,

Please read authors note below chapter.

I will post a chapter everytime I have written two extra ones.

I hope you will like my work, please let me know in the comment section.

I will take any positive criticism there is or any suggestion which you all may have. I will make sure to change those things if I think should be changed.

Thank you!

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