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56.92% Naruto: Futa Swordsman / Chapter 28: Uzumaki Family 2

Chapter 28: Uzumaki Family 2

Nariko was walking home after a long day of hanging out with her friends. About 10 minutes later, Nariko finally reaches her home. She unlocked the door and went inside. Nariko took off her shoes, hanged her jacket, and screeched out her arms, after a long day.

"Kaa-san, I'm home." Nariko stated

But she didn't get any response. She then heard loud moans coming upstairs.

"It sounds like it's coming from Ototo's room." Nariko thought to herself, as she went upstairs to found out what was that moaning.

Nariko turned to see Naruto's door cracked open a little, as the moaning grew louder.

"Oh, Ototo brought home a girl, huh?" Nariko thought with a smirk.

Nariko was always a girl who would like to take a peek at things and be a bit nosey. Little did she know she was going to make a shocking discovery? Nariko looked through the cracked open door... she almost let out a scream, as she witness her mother and little brother were having sex. Nariko couldn't believe her eyes, but yet she was seeing it right in front of her. She saw her mother taking her brother's cock inside her ass. Kushina was moving her big butt around, resting her hands on Naruto's chest. Naruto loved it, he loved that his mother was on top of him he relaxed and enjoyed his mother's part. He watched his mother's big tits jiggled freely around, as her cock was rock-hard.

"Oh, fuck Sochi! You love it, when I fuck you like this huh?" Kushina said with a lustful grin.

"Yeah I do, Kaa-chan. It feels so, fucking good!" Naruto groaned.

"Oh, Sochi! Love how big you are! You're in so deep inside my tight little ass… ugh!" Kushina moaned, as she continued her movement.

"Oh, God, Kaa-chan! I love how you're ass tightens around my dick, oh, fuck!" Naruto groaned in pleasure.

Kushina then increase her speed, bouncing on Naruto, as if she was a teenage girl. It was pure bliss for Naruto and Kushina. She then wrapped her arms around his neck, to give him another tender kiss. Naruto then used his own movement; he then grabbed her ass and squeezed it, as he felt his mother's butt-hole tighten more around his manhood. Nariko still shocked about this, she then decides to stop her mother and brother's little sex game. She kicks open the door and shouts.

"Kaa-san, what the hell are you doing?!" Nariko asked.

Kushina still fucking Naruto, she turns to see her daughter and stops her movement. Naruto picks up his tired head, to see his older sister a bit anger, as his sweat drops.

"What do you mean, Nariko?" Kushina asked.

"You know what I mean!" Nariko replied.

"I'm just spending some time with my man, that's all." Kushina replied with a smile.

"Oh, on... this is not going to be pretty..." Naruto thought, as his sweat dropped more.

"You're fucking Ototo! I bet your just using him for sex, huh?! That's a new low even for you old-woman!" Nariko stated.

"Huh? I'm not using Sochi. We are a married couple." Kushina stated, as she moved her body a little, making Naruto's cock twitch inside her ass.

"M-Married couple?! I bet you forced him to your little game!" Nariko shouted.

"Anee-chan... it's true, me and Kaa-chan are in love." Naruto stated, as Kushina smiled and kissed Naruto.

"Ototo, do you know Kaa-san has a dick, well let me tell you about..." Nariko stated with a blush, till.

"I know; Kaa-chan is a Futanari. And well... she really knows how to show me a good time. And I love her for her; she's not using me for pleasure." Naruto replied, as he blush a little do to his cock still being inside his mother's ass.


"See, I told you. Sochi is my man." Kushina stated.

"Oh, yeah, well... it's not fair that you hogging him all to yourself!" Nariko stated.

Naruto finally reaches his limit, as he felt his cock about to burst with his white-ropes.

"Ugh... Kaa-chan... I'm going to...!" Naruto moaned.

"Huh, what is it, Sochi? Are you okay?" Kushina asked, till.

Kushina's body betrayed her, as her sexual urges too over. She wrapped herself around Naruto ready to take his warm milk. Naruto buried himself between Kushina's DD-cup breasts once again, as he released his large amount of white-ropes inside his mother's anal-tube. She felt his white ropes spraying around her anal walls. After a minute of cumming, Naruto's loads die down, as his manhood slipped out of Kushina's ass. Nariko blushed even more, seeing her little brother's juiced cover 9 inched semi-hard cock.

"Oh, fuck... I'm sorry, Kaa-chan… I was saying I was about to cum..." Naruto moaned weakly, as he was still buried between her breasts.

"I'm sorry too, honey... my body betrayed me..." Kushina replied, as she was still on top of Naruto.

Nariko blush grew darker red, as something was getting hard in her tight black-shorts. Kushina turned to her daughter; Nariko loved her little brother, she wanted him the same way, as her mother haves him... as a boyfriend or a husband. Kushina then got an idea that will be fair for both her, her daughter, and her son/lover.

"Well then, Nariko-chan... how about you join us?" Kushina asked.

"Kaa-chan?" Naruto asked.

"W-What did you say, Kaa-san?" Nariko replied with a blush.

"Join us... in our little family-time together... I'm sure Sochi will not mind that his favorite big sister joins us, will you Sochi?" Kushina stated, as she winked at Naruto.

"I wouldn't mind, Kaa-chan, Anee-chan..." Naruto replied with a blush.

"Ototo..." Nariko said, as she sobbed a little.

Naruto noticed that Nariko had something hard between her legs.

"Anee-chan... are you a...?" Naruto asked.

"Yup, she is the same, as me, Sochi..." Kushina replied, as she kissed Naruto.

"Un-huh... I'm a Futanari too, Ototo..." Nariko stated with a dark blush.

Like Kushina, Nariko is also a Futanari. She took off her shirt revealing her orange bra and C-cupped breast; she then slowly took off her tight black-shorts showing her big butt. She took off her bra allowing her breast to jiggle free. Last her special panties that Futanari women were.

"Okay, I can do this..." Nariko said, as she took off her panties.

Naruto blushed, Kushina smiled... Nariko had a 12 inched cock. Kushina got off Naruto and licked his semi-hard member, thus tasting herself.

"Well, Nari-chan... come here and suck Sochi's cock." Kushina said with a smirk.

Nariko climbed into the bed with her mother and brother. She licked Naruto's manhood along with her mother. Naruto groaned in pleasure. Nariko felt her own cock getting hard, she never felt such pleasure her live before. Naruto's cock now clean and hard, Nariko was also hard. Naruto stoked his sister's cock, making Nariko moan in pleasure. Kushina watched her two children have fun, as she lay on the bed and watched the fun.

"Ototo... ugh..." Nariko moaned.

"Your cock is really soft, Anee-chan." Naruto stated with a smile.

"Ototo, I... I..." Nariko moaned.

"Come on, Anee-chan, say it." Naruto said.

"Suck my dick, Ototo!" Nariko moaned.

Naruto smiled, and licked his sister's member. Nariko moaned in pleasure, as she got her cock licked by her little brother. Naruto stopped his actions, and started to suck his mother's cock. He took about 7 inches of his sister's cock. Her eyes rolled back, she grabbed the sheets of the beds, and then used her hips to go deeper into Naruto's mouth. Naruto then took all 12 more inches, of Nariko inside of his mouth, as he played with her balls. As for Kushina who was getting hard from the Incest action between her children.

"Ugh, Ototo that feels so good... agh, please keep sucking my cock..." Nariko moaned.

"Oh, my..." Kushina said with a smile, as she continues to watch.

"Heh, Anee-chan is a lot like Kaa-chan." Naruto thought happily, as he sucked Nariko's cock harder.

"Ototo, ugh... just like that, keep sucking my fat cock." Nariko moaned, as she felt like she died and went straight to heaven.

Nariko felt the back of her brother's throat, it was really tight and deep, it was pure pleasure. Nariko always masturbated to relief herself, but the blowjob she was getting from her brother was something better than masturbating. If getting head for her little brother was this good, what will it be like when she fucks his ass? She might find that out later, Kushina jacked herself off getting hard again.

"Ohhh...Ototo... ugh, that feels really good... your throat is so tight..." Nariko moaned, as she played with her tits.

"Man, Anee-chan really tastes good just like Kaa-chan... and it seems she enjoying her first blowjob." Naruto thought, as he went back playing with her balls.

"Ototo, please suck my cock harder... ugh, just like that!" Nariko moaned.

Nariko's true wild lustful side took over her, as she got on her feet and holding her brother's head in place. She felt her cock being squeezed dry, as she felt Naruto's throat tightening around her dick. Naruto liked how his sister was taking charge just like his mother, as he grabbed her bubble-butt. Nariko uses her own movement to thrust Naruto's throat. Kushina jacked herself harder and faster, she wanted to fuck Naruto in the ass again. After the sister and brother's fun, it will be mommy's turn to play. Nariko got her first orgasm of her life, as her cock twitched, knowing she was about to cum for the first time.

"Ototo! Ototo, I'm going to cum! I'm going to cum from my cock! Take it! Take it for me, Ototo!" Nariko shouted in pleasure, as she deep-throated Naruto harder and faster.

"Oh, shit! Anee-chan is almost there! She's about to cum inside my mouth!" Naruto thought, as he prepared himself for Nariko's white-ropes.

"Oh, God... Sochi, I want to fuck that tight ass of yours again! I'm going to give you a great fucking then before! Fuck I want you so badly!" Kushina thought, as she jacked herself harder and faster

"Here it comes, Ototo! Take it!" Nariko said, as she released large amounts of her sweet milk inside Naruto's mouth.

Nariko released big loads of her white-ropes in his throat, also all over Naruto face and body.

"There's so much... but Anee-chan tastes so much like Kaa-chan..." Naruto thought happily.

Like Kushina and Naruto, Nariko came for a full minute and it was her first time cumming inside someone's mouth. After a minute later her loads die down. Nariko sighed in bliss, she had never cummed like this before. She really enjoyed it. Nariko pulled herself out of her little brother's mouth, as her last shots hit his face. Nariko then looked down at Naruto and giggled to see him covered with her Futa-cum. Kushina crawled to her son licking and tasting the cum off his face, as did Nariko. Naruto kissed both of the women he loved.

"That was awesome, Ototo..." Nariko said in bliss.

"Sochi you're such a man." Kushina said.

"Heh thanks, but I'm still ready for some more action." Naruto said with a smile.

"Oh, I have an idea, Nari-chan will you help me with it?" Kushina asked.

"What do you mean, Kaa-chan?" Nariko asked.

"We'll see..." Kushina smiled lustfully.

Kushina got on her back and sprayed her legs showing her rock-hard cock. She waved her finger to Naruto, as he got on top of Naruto. The Kushina waved to Nariko to get on top of Naruto. She got on top of her little brother; Naruto, Kushina, and Nariko were ready to take their relationship to the next level. Naruto let out moans of pleasure from the cocks of both his mother and sister rubbing against his anus.

"Ready, Sochi?" Kushina asked.

"Hai... I'm ready." Naruto replied, as he waited for his first three-way with two hot Futa-women.

"Don't worry, Ototo we will be really gentle." Nariko said.

Mother and daughter slowly pushed themselves into Naruto's tight anus. The young blond moaned and groaned in pleasure, but also a little pain. Both Futanari women managed to push themselves in Naruto tight anus. Truly Naruto is a man who can handle these two Futanari women with large cocks inside his ass. He let out a yip of pain, but it was also pleasurable, as Kushina and Nariko continued to enter his ass inch by inch. Kushina and Nariko felt their cocks rubbing against each other while being in Naruto tight anal-tube. His eyes rolled back, his tongue hanged out, and he never felt such pleasure in his life before. The Uzumaki family stayed motionless for about 5 minutes. Naruto buried himself between Kushina's DD-cup breasts once again, as he felt his sister's C-cups on his back. Naruto's eyes rolled back from the pain and pleasure.

"Oh, God... such a perfect fit... oh, Sochi, your Kaa-chan is so proud of you..." Kushina moaned happily.

"Ahh... Ototo your ass is so damn tight. I like it..." Nariko moaned.

"It hurts... but it feels really good..." Naruto groaned in pleasure and pain.

"I know it hurts, baby, but you'll be begging for more I promise... we'll go nice and slow, okay, Sochi?" Kushina asked.

"Uh-huh..." Naruto replied, as he stayed in place in his mother's rack.

"Good, boy." Kushina said, as she kisses her son.

Kushina and Nariko then started a slow movement. Mother and daughter went nice and slow, so she wouldn't hurt Naruto. As for Naruto, it was painful, and yet pleasurable. His dick hardens between him and Kushina, for the feeling of his mother and sister deep inside of his ass. Both Kushina and Nariko didn't think that they would there was someone who liked Futanari women, but the Uzumaki women found their man. A man who loves a woman for just being herself, luckily Naruto is that kind of man. As the Uzumaki family continued to have their first threesome, the position went on for about for about 10 minutes. Naruto still felt pain, but he also felt pleasure and wanted his mother and sister to fuck his ass more.

"Please, fuck me more... Kaa-chan...Anee-chan..." Naruto moaned, as he buried himself deeper between his mother's breasts.

"Ugh… so good… agh… this is the best… it's so tight… I might lose my mind." Nariko moaned.

"Ohhh… God… Sochi, your ass is so fucking tight around our dicks." Kushina moaned, as she gave Naruto a deep tender kiss.

Kushina and Nariko continued to fuck Naruto nice and slow making sure not to hurt him. He felt his sister's breasts rubbing his back, as Naruto was between his mother's breasts. Kushina clapped Naruto's cheeks and pulling him into another deep kiss, as she and Nariko fucked Naruto. Naruto was really enjoying his first threesome with his mother and sister. Now adjusted to his mother and sister's cock sizes, Naruto felt no more pain, but pleasure. Another 10 minutes passed, like wild animals, Kushina and Nariko went all out on Naruto fucking him harder and faster. He loved it, he wanted more and more.

"Oh, God! Yes, Kaa-chan, Anee-chan, fuck me harder! Fuck me!" Naruto moaned.

"Oh, shit, Ototo! Ototo! You're ass is so fucking tight! It feels so good… oh, fuck!" Nariko growled, as she increased her speed.

"Oh, fuck! Sochi our first threesome is so fucking good! Ugh! Oh, fuck! I'm going to lose my mind!" Kushina said, as she fucked Naruto harder.

"I love this! I love Futa-women fucking me! Ugh!" Naruto moaned.

"That's right, Sochi, we'll fuck you good! Shit this is the best!" Kushina moaned.

"Agh! Yes, Ototo's ass is getting tighter, Kaa-chan! Shit! So good!" Nariko groaned.

"Oh, God... fuck! Fuck!" Naruto moaned.

Kushina and Nariko increased their speed even more, as all three Uzumakis got mind-blowing orgasms of pure pleasure. They felt Naruto's anus tightening around both his mother and sister's cocks. Naruto held his head up with pleasure, as his sister and mother fuck him in the ass. Kushina and Nariko are happy. They are happy that they have a real man in their lives. Most men wouldn't have sex with a Futanari, but Naruto was a different story. Kushina and Nariko are very happy indeed that someone loved them for them, even if it is with their own brother/son, they knew is was incest, but the Uzumaki family didn't care anymore. Both Kushina and Nariko felt their cocks twitching inside of Naruto anal-tube, as their eyes rolled back, and the younger Uzumaki knew his mother and sister we're about to reach their climax.

"Oh, fuck! Fuck! Kaa-chan, Ototo, I'm going to cum! I'm going to fucking cum! I'm going to fucking cum inside of Ototo's tight little ass!" Nariko screamed, as she fucked her little brother harder.

"I'm going to cum too! Oh, fuck Sochi, Nari-chan! I'm going to cum! I'm going to fucking cum! Take it! Take our Futa cum inside that tight ass of yours, Sochi!" Kushina yelled in pure pleasure and bliss.

"Yes! Yes, Kaa-chan, Anee-chan! Cum inside of me! Cum inside my ass!" Naruto moaned.

"I'm almost there! I'm almost there, Ototo, Kaa-chan!" Nariko screamed.

"Yes, I feel you about to cum, Anee-chan, Kaa-chan!" Naruto said, as he baked his head in pleasure.

"I'm cumming! I'm almost there! Cumming! Here it comes!" Kushina screamed.

"AAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The three Uzumakis screamed in pure pleasure and bliss.

With one last hard final thrust, Kushina and Nariko released the biggest loads of Futa cum inside of Naruto's anal-tube. The two female Uzumakis never felt suck bless, until now. Naruto was in heaven indeed. He was happy that he had two beautiful Futa women in his life, as well as Kushina and Nariko had Naruto in their lives. Naruto felt waves of cum filling him up, he felt like he was going to faint. After releasing their love milk inside of their son/brother's asshole they pulled themselves out of his ass. Nariko rolled over her back, as Naruto buried himself again between his mother's large breasts.

"Whoa... that was really amazing..." Kushina said, as she let out a sigh in bliss.

"Yeah it was, Kaa-chan, Anee-chan..." Naruto replied.

"Now that was a great fucking, Ototo..." Nariko said.

Naruto speared his sister's legs, and she welcomed it. Naruto was not done yet, as well as Kushina. He saw his sister's wet virgin pussy and blushed. Kushina got on top of Naruto rubbing herself against her son. Now it was Naruto's turn to fuck his sister. Nariko blushed, as she was ready to become a woman by her brother. Naruto rubbed his member against Nariko's womanhood, making her moan in pleasure. Naruto then positioned the tip of his penis next to her pussy lips. Kushina slowly reentered her son's anal-tube, as she, Naruto, and Nariko moaned together.

"Ototo, I need you inside me..." Nariko whimpered.

"I know, Anee-chan. I'm going to make you a woman, now." Naruto stated, as he used his cock to enter his sister's virgin vagina.

"Yes, Sochi... make your Nee-chan a woman..." Kushina purred in Naruto's ear.

Naruto slowly entered his sister's virgin womanhood. Nariko whimpered in pain, as her little brother's cock was slowly going inside her, as her cock hit Naruto's chest. He made sure he didn't hurt, Nariko. Naruto was able to fit all his 9 inches inside of his Futa-sister. Nariko let out a tear, as she felt pain, but also pleasure, as she bleeds a little, due to being a virgin. Naruto used his hands to rub Nariko's belly. She also used her hands to help Naruto rub her stomach. As Kushina thrust a little to fuck her son.

"Ohhhh… uuunnnmmm… Ototo…" Nariko moaned.

"Anee-chan, your pussy is so warm..." Naruto said.

"Oh, Ototo…" Nariko replied.

"Sochi, you know just what to say to a woman, ugh... so good." Kushina moaned.

He rubbed his sister's belly for about 10 minutes, Nariko is now ready. Naruto than begins a slow motion rhythm movement. Nariko felt her brother's thrusts and her mother's thrusts. Naruto was enjoying fucking his sister's cunt, as he also enjoyed getting fucked by his mother in the ass. Naruto felt his sister's cunt tightening around his manhood, as for Kushina, she increased her movement.

"Fuck, Sochi... I love your ass... oh, so tight..." Kushina stated, as she thrusts her son.

"Agghhh... Kaa-chan that feels really good. Ugh, I'm fucking Anee-chan, while being fuck by Kaa-chan... Shit it feels so good." Naruto moaned in pleasure, as he fuck his sister while being fuck by his mother.

"Yes, Ototo... fuck me more... ugh!" Nariko moaned.

Nariko wrapped her arms around Naruto's neck to bring her little brother closer. Kushina fucked Naruto deeper in his anus. Nariko then slipped her tongue inside of her bother's mouth, Naruto welcomed it. Bother and sister kissed for about 3 minutes, as his mother fucked him. Naruto and Nariko broke the kiss and he then increased his speed. Naruto and his Family/Futa-lovers continued this position for about another 10 minutes. Nariko and Kushina knew they were about to cum again, as was Naruto.

"Yes! Oh, God yes! Fuck me! Fuck me! That's the spot! Right there, keep fucking with that big fat dick, Sochi! Oh, fuck I'm going to cum everywhere!" Kushina yelled.

"Oh, shit! Fuck, your pussy is fucking good, Anee-chan! Ugh, Kaa-chan fuck me harder! Oh, shit!" Naruto growled, as he thrusts sister harder and faster, while by his mother fucked him harder.

"Sochi, Fuck! I might cum already! Fuck!" Kushina growled.

"I... I think I'm going too, agh! Cum too! Shit!" Naruto replied, as he increased his speed even more.

"Yes, fuck! Ototo, I want you to fuck me! Give me your milk inside my pussy! Oh, fuck! Go deeper, Ototo! I'm going to cum! I'm going to cum from my cock and pussy!" Nariko moaned.

"Cumming! I'm cumming!" Kushina growled.

"Me too, I'm cumming too!" Naruto roared, as he, Kushina, and Nariko were about to reach their climax.

Naruto, Kushina, and Nariko reached their climax. Naruto released his seed deep inside of his sister's womb. Kushina once again, filled up her son's ass, as Nariko came all over her brother's chest and herself. Kushina pulled herself out of Naruto's ass, as he took his cock out of his sister's sore pussy. Kushina got on Naruto and licked his cheat tasting her daughter, as did Nariko. Then both his mother and sister sucked on Naruto's nipples, making him moan in pleasure. Kushina and Nariko led Naruto down on his back, to suck his cock clean. Kushina and Nariko grabbed, his manhood stroking it and massaging his balls. Naruto moaned and groaned in pleasure and bliss. In his book Futanari women are the best.

"We need more… Naruto-kun." Kushina and Nariko said in a husky tone, as they licked the tip of their son/brother's mushroom head.

"More, really?" Naruto said, he couldn't help but chuckled.

With that said, Naruto made his hand-signs to perform a jutsu.

"Kage Bunshin No Jutsu! (Shadow clones)

Kushina and Nariko, both gasped at Naruto and his five shadow clones. One of Naruto's clones grabbed Nariko from behind her, to enter her unused anus. Nariko let out a scream of pleasure and pain, due to his never doing anal before. Nariko now sitting on his manhood, reversed cowgirl position. She let out a few moans and groans of pain, but also pleasure. The second clone moves her balls to reenter Nariko's womanhood, as her cock got hard again. Like a new-born baby, the second clone suckles on Nariko's perfectly C-cup breasts, making Nariko moan. The third clone, entered into her mouth. The way Nariko was getting fucked was amazing to her, she truly felt like a real woman. Truly her little knows how to pleasure Futanari-women. The real Naruto laded on his back, while Kushina got on top of her son. Kushina moved her cock to once again ride on Naruto, or rather her son/lover. The real Naruto buried himself between Kushina's perfectly large DD-breasts. The forth clone got behind Kushina entering her anal tube, as her cock harden between her and her son. Kushina moaned in pleasure. The final clone was in front of Kushina with, his hard steel cock. She wasted no time; she took the clone's manhood in her mouth. The real Naruto was enjoying his mother's wet cunt, as he and his clones gangbang his Family/Futa-lovers. The gangbang continued for about 30 minutes, when the shadow clones reached their climax. The real Naruto and his shadow-clones reached their climax, as they climaxed inside of Nariko and Kushina's love holes, their bodies, and cummed from their own cocks spraying their warm milk on Naruto's bed. The clones disappeared after their climax. The real Naruto still buried between Kushina's perfectly large DD-breasts, let out moans of pleasure. He wrapped his arms around his mother and brought his older sister with him, and all three Uzumakis cuddled with each other. Kushina and Nariko rested their heads on Naruto chest with their cock now soft and limped.

"That was amazing, Ototo..." Nariko stated with a smile.

"It sure was Sochi; I hope we can do this everyday." Kushina stated with a motherly smile.

"It's fine with me. But from now on, I don't want you girls fighting anymore. I love you both for you two to be fighting, so no more, okay?" Naruto stated, as he kissed both Kushina and Nariko on their heads.

"We promise." Kushina and Nariko said, as they held each other's hands and giggled a little.

"Since we are all married couples, we share one bed together, is that okay with you girls?" Naruto asked.

"That sounds like a great idea, Sochi. What do you think, Nari-chan?" Kushina asked.

"I love it, but..." Nariko stated.

"But what?" Kushina asked.

"We should get cleaned up... and wash all of Ototo's sheets." Nariko stated, as she, Kushina, and Naruto looked at Naruto's bed covered with white-ropes.

"Yeah we should get cleaned up." Naruto said.

"Hey, Ototo, when you get a chance, I want you to met some of my friends." Nariko stated.

"Hmm?" Naruto said.

"Heh, I don't mind sharing, as long as Sochi gives some lover to me first." Kushina said with a smile.

"Huh?" Naruto asked.

"It's a girl thing, Ototo, right, Kaa-chan?" Nariko asked.

"Yeah, it is." Kushina replied with a giggle.

Kushina and Nariko grabbed Naruto by the hand taking him to the showers.

"Let's get clean Sochi." Kushina said, with a wink.

"We need your help, to clean our bodies too, Ototo." Nariko said.

Naruto, Kushina, and Nariko were in showers washing their bodies off, of the sweat and cum. The lovers were in the showers for about half an hour. After their shower, Naruto dried himself off; he put on a fresh clean shirt, and boxers. Kushina and Nariko just dried themselves off; they did not bother to put cloths on. Naruto, Kushina, and Nariko went into Kushina's room, to sleep the night away. Kushina and Nariko crawled into bed with their new lover. The two goddesses put their heads on Naruto's chest, Nariko and Kushina, slept without a care in the world. Naruto was a real man who knows how to please women, Futanari women that is. Naruto also slept peacefully that night.

"I can't wait for tomorrow what's next." Naruto said to himself.

Naruto slept with his two favorite Futa-women. What is next for Naruto tomorrow?

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