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27.27% Game of Thrones-Age of Warriors / Chapter 3: The Spare

Chapter 3: The Spare

Ivar Stark POV

I was seating on the well next to the stables watching mounted warriors astride their horses,climbing down and doing some inspections of their steed's and weapons while speaking and japing with each other.I took note that some of them were better equipped than others.Behind me i could hear soldier's walking left and right across the training courtyard,in and out of the armory.

Next to the stables the smithy was hard at work as well,their hammers clinking rhythmically.The Bell Tower ringing loudly for as moment before stopping as men were shouting indescribable words,more and more mounted men were arriving through The South Gate holding different banners.Everything i saw filled me with wild excitement i have never felt before,a strange feeling was taking over me as i watched men preparing for war and the entire castle that usually was quiet and leisure had seemed to come to life.

I stepped down from my seat and carefully moved my way up to the battlements and witnessed a sight that made me smile involuntarily,unfolding beneath the castle.Many more horses and men than the ones inside remained camped beneath the castle walls.A lot of them freshly arrived just now,leaving the majority outside,the northern Lords making their way inside,some of them looking entirely too happy about the upcoming war,notably the Houses from the western coast.

As i was watching the unfolding excitement bellow a man approached me and spoke.

"And what have we here,if it isn't the young Lord.What are you doing up here,when your brothers are in the Great Hall,feasting Lords."Asked me one Arne One-Eye Snow,The rather famous or infamous bastard of Harclay.,and the best archer in The North,possibly the The South,with his usual cocky smile,stroking his beard.

"Watching the soldiers bellow.I have never seen so many people gathered at once,there must be at least twenty thousand men."I spoke while my voice was involuntarily getting louder and louder drawing chuckles from some of the men on the battlements who heard me due to my raised voice.

"Twenty thousand?They are barely even ten here,young Lord.You did mention you hated your studies,but it sure looks like you are in dire need of them."Said Arne,while raising his hands in mock gesture.

Arne Snow was a man that had the rare ability to make almost anyone angry if he wished it.His cocky smirks inflated by his skill with the bow,combined with a face that you just wanted to punch were not helped by the words coming out of the man's mouth,unless he was singing.The man had a tendency to spew words that bite towards people he disliked,contrary to his usual jolly smirks and japes.

And yet when you were in battle you kind of wished you were next,just to see him deftly fell men one after another before he even had to draw a sword.Or so i have heard from veterans of Robert's Rebellion,when i listened to their stories.Most of the time it was hard to associate the relaxed and almost always with a wineskin man with the image of a master marksman so good, he was placed in charge of training archers for Winterfell by my grandfather himself at the young age of twenty after he used his incredible skills with the bow to save his life against wildlings.The guards in Winterfell say,'When you are in battle you need him to kill,at a feast you need him to sing but never bet against "The Lucky Bastard of Harclay" '.

"How am i supposed to know how many of them are here actually.I just got here and i have never seen such huge numbers.Am i supposed to count each head one by one?Besides how do you know they are less than 10 000 men?I didn't see you count?"I asked the man who was looking bellow with a smile and recollecting gaze.

"Not in such ways,young Lord.First,you must gaze at the tents.Depending of how big they are,they will have a different capacity for soldiers,by knowing that,you can just count the tents,or in the night when the enemy camped you'd count the number of men around a fire then count the fires and hazard a guess as to how many people are in the camp.You can take note of the banners,and if you had prior knowledge about the strength of the lords,you can try to add them up."At this point he pointed to himself with a smirk and continued speaking.

"If you are experienced enough,you can get a pretty accurate guess just by the length of the troops or the supply carts,all of these have some level of danger however,should they place fake tent's or fires,you will have a wrong guess of enemy numbers.The more insidious and easy ways are to just get to some stragglers and beat it out of them,or bribe them.Even if they only have rumors within the camp,it's still good information.During the Rebellion i spent some times with scouting parties and picked a thing or two."He stopped for a moment,wetting his lips,he went on.

"And at the Battle of The Trident when Rhaegar's army was advancing towards us,i saw men four times as many as i see now.Aaah...Those were the days.Roaring fires on the night before battle,the soft,warm hands of the grateful maidens of the Riverlands."As if recalling some particular memory, he chuckled and then looked back at me.

"Anyways,that's how i know young Lord,experience can go farther than words learnt.The world isn't in those books the Maester teaches.It's out there,waiting.And no book will ever compare to it."He smiled one of his gentler smiles,not the perpetual smirks he usually had.

Feeling somewhat uncomfortable with his current expression that i was not used to,i choose to ignore it and spoke to him.

"I never knew you to be such a deep tinker Arne.The way you speak of the Rebellion,one would think you come back from there in one piece,eh...One Eye.Or did you forgot what you lost."I teased lightly.Despite the man's arrogance,he was not one to offend easily,and handled jabs pretty well.He started to chuckle for a bit before returning to his usual smirk.

"Besides.I have read the result of that battle a hundred times,and heard it at least half that,i don't see what's so great about it anymore.So many years later people still wont stop yapping about it."I said while looking eagerly bellow at the excitement that's happening in front of me rather than a dry ink on paper and slurred words spoken in cups.

"I lost my eye at the Trident,that's true.But in return,in that whole affair i have gained such memories that many don't get until they close their eyes forever.I remember it all.The good,the bad,the worse.I forget nothing.So what?I have attained so much more than an eye.What would you know of the great cavalry charge of The Knight's of the Vale upon the Dornish flank?Where they routed them by the thousands.Or the fighting on our right flank?Where your father held it outnumbered for the better part of the day without breaking while cutting famous knight's one after the other.Or when Robert Baratheon met Rhaegar in a single combat after half a day of fighting and fought like a demon even while injured,and that with one well placed swing of his hammer,ended all hope for the 3 centuries old Targaryen Dynasty?"The more Arne spoke the more eager he got,before he stopped,his one eye hazy with memories long past.Allowing the silence to last for a mere flicker of time he continued.

"It is one thing to read about it,entirely another to see it,young Lord.That one swing of King Robert's hammer I will remember till the day I day.Compared to all of that,a mere eye is nothing."Arne said these words with resolute tone that showed zero regret over his loss of his eye at The Trident.Looking at him acting like he is missing the war,i begin to think about my father and how different he was from the man in front of me.

Whenever someone will mention the war,he will get a grave expression on his face.Well...thinking about it,you can't really blame him for that.He lost two siblings and a father.While i was letting my thoughts wonder,something stuck out from Arne's account of the Rebellion.

"Wait a moment.You said you saw King Robert kill Rhaegar,but as a captain of the Stark archers,you would have been with my father to the right,far away from them."I said to him inquisitively.

"Actually,I was stationed in the center with King Robert.And i wasn't the only one either.There were Tully men,Arryn,Robert's own Stormlanders,but as the fighting went on,neither side was gaining the momentum,then Robert and Rhaegar met in the middle.The fighting was so fierce,even the archers had to jump in the melee,that's how i found myself watching the two men fight."He said to me way too assuredly to be lying,but i wasn't ready to trust him just yet.

"No way!I bet there are at least a thousand men claiming to have been watching closely."I said to him suspiciously.He looked at me for a moment chuckling to himself before opening his mouth.

"I guess a little bragging now and then is not so bad."As he said this,he pulled his leather eye patch to reveal what's beneath.I expected it to be a an empty socket,instead i saw a ruby eye,glowing with a deep, vivid light.

"That's...You lie.It has to be from something else."I was stunned.Ruby's are not particularly rare.A war veteran could have plundered them from some fallen lord or a captured city.But for him to imply he got it from The Trident is a bit fantastical.Everybody knew the story behind the name of the Ruby Ford.Even now i imagine,there are smallfolk looking for the fallen jewels.

"Why would i lie,young Lord?I got them from there.As i was holding my bleeding eye with one hand and waving the other with my sword wildly,for a moment i stopped to watch the fight whose outcome would come to decide the war.And when the King caved in Rhaegar's chest.A big piece of ruby fell right next to me,i picked it up and by the time i lifted my head i could barely see Rhaegar's body.Just men from both armies trying to get the other jewels.Later when i think about the battle i realize how lucky i was not to be slain while absentmindedly watching other's fight,and luckier still. to get one of the fallen ruby's."Arne started laughing loudly at his own jape,before speaking again.

"When your father reached the already sacked King's Landing with his army.I commissioned a drunken Maester to polish the piece into an eye,before I killed the old fool."He said with a smirk,then added.

"Ah,needless to say,we are the only ones who should know of this,if your father heard he will not be pleased with me."He spoke so evenly,i could not help but ask.

"Isn't that a dishonorable thing to do?Or did you have a reason to do it?Surely you didn't just kill him because he was a drunken fool.If it was only that,i would think you two would have rather gotten along."I stated,trying to understand his reasons.

"Not really.I just didn't feel like paying him for the work.He was also annoying and stank of rot so bad,even the wine could not hide the smell,so i just,you know."He spoke without care,while i just listened,stunned from his attitude.

"Weren't you worried people would mock you if they find out?Your honor would have taken a hit if it got out you killed and old man for no other reason but that he smelled bad."I said to him while he was just shaking his head.

"I don't care about honor.Prior to that i was already mocked by the Southrons even some Northmen for killing Jonothor Darry and other knights with a bow deliberately,rather than a glorious single combat.I would rather live the way I see fit.Beside,such acts can be hidden from the world.If you are careful enough.No matter what you do your public honor will remain intact.To others you can remain as pure as a morning dew."

"That's rather harsh,don't you think?"I asked the man,a bit surprised at his thought process.

"What of it?Winter is harsh.Why shouldn't men be as well?Young Lord.Compared to that,what men do is nothing.Nothing men do will ever hit as harsh as winter.It takes a hard man to endure storms harder still."He said without a care in the world,but with voice filled with conviction,before continuing to speak.

"Anyway,after that I still had a small piece left that I used to employ the most expensive "companion" in the city for a full night,when i told her it's from Rhaeger's armor,she give me two,her, I paid fully,hahaha."Arne was again laughing loudly at some memory or the other.I could feel my eye twitching,knowing full well what "companion"meant.

"You are laughing waay to loudly.It's nothing impressive."Honestly.I WAS impressed.It was a great story.I was certainly filled with a lot of questions though.

"How sad will be the world,should laughter disappear,young Lord.You need to take every chance you get to make yourself happy first,before thinking of others.And through you,your men will be inspired and happy as well.It's because i am like that,my men are a known as "The Happy Archer Companions."He started smirking proudly at this.

While i was beginning to feel annoyed,i wondered.Why was he being so poetic today?Pushing down my irritation i asked him.

"They call you that,because when not training,all your men do is eat and drink.Besides,i won't have any men.My father has men,and so will my brother after him.I see no reason for me to inspire anything to anyone."I said to him while involuntarily butting my lip a little.

"Hey,the way I see it,feasting means you enjoy life.And to answer to your statement,I will not be so rash in conclusion.I bet you may yet find yourself leading one day.And you know me,I never lose a bet."Arne said while glancing at me before he returned to looking bellow.

A short silence passed after his last words,my mind thinking of their implications.After a moment i asked him quietly.

"Why did you not sell it.The ruby.You could have made a small fortune,perhaps enough to marry a noble Lady.Instead it stays there,beneath the patch,no one to see it,no one to know of it.Useless to the world."Kind of like me.I thought,though I left that part unsaid.

"After the war i had plenty of coin,and i am being paid well enough to train the archer's,and all the the extra gold could not bring me the Lady i wanted.Also who's to say it's useless.It is hidden from the world now,but when unleashed,it will shine brightly in the sun.The world will know of it."Said Arne while shifting his gaze at the sky expectantly.For a mere flicker of a flame i felt he also seemed somehow mournful,but the feeling passed as soon as i felt it,then he looked down at me and added.

"You are the only one I have said any of this to."He said while gazing at me with an even gaze."For now only I know of the treasure that is hidden beneath where my eye used to be.Sometimes even i forget that it's there,but one day,i think the world will see it too."He said while once again turning to the sky,before he closed his eye,and smiled gently,a gentle northern breeze blowing down through his hair,for a moment i thought he looked as if he was going to disappear in the wind with the sound of the fluttering banners.

I felt the cold breeze settle a bit.A comfortable silence descended upon us as we continued to watch the amassing army beneath the caste walls.

"Oh,that's right,i almost forgot why i came here anyway.I tend to space a bit when i tell war stories,haha.Jory send me to bring you to the Great Hall,your absence has already been noted.You should go,least you upset your father and mother."He said while smirking.

"Do i have to go?I kind of don't feel like attending a feast right now."I said while sighing,feeling rather tired.

"You should still make an appearance,young Lord.It will not be polite to not greet the visiting nobles,your mother will be upset with you."He said with some amusement clear in his voice.

"I guess you are right,let's go to the the Great Hall."I said while he nodded,and we began walking down the stairs,Arne humming slightly.


When we entered the Great Hall,we were greeted by the loud sound of the harps as minstrels played and men were laughing loudly,drinking ale and wine and eating plates of hot roasted meats of different animals,i looked at Arne and nodded at him,before walking next to the head table above the raised platform.There i saw my mother sitting on my father's left,as always,while my father was speaking with a large man on his right,with crossed chains on his chest above fine leathers.

I recognized it was Lord GreatJon Umber next to him was Lord Wyman Manderly.The rich clothing, including a velvet blue-green doublet embroidered with golden thread,a golden trident pins his mantle to his shoulder.Helping to identify the man further as the wealthy Lord of White Harbor,was his rather large girth.Ha was listening my father and the GreatJon speak silently,while nursing a cup of wine thoughtfully.I hope he doesn't intend to fight personally,although he can probably climb up a horse,i think his fighting days are over.There were other Lords seated on the head table on both sides of my parents.

When i reached them i nodded to my parents who smiled and nodded back,although my mother's raised eyebrow was a clear sign of her being upset for my tardiness.I then inclined my head a bit at Lord Manderly who upon seeing me,smiled kindly and raised his cup in greeting,the GreatJon seemingly not noticing me,continued speaking agitatedly.While i was about to walk to the tables before to seat with Robb,i overheard a bit if the conversation between my father and the GreatJon.

".....Ned,surely there is no need for us to go south....Robert can handle the war,we...."

"....and that's why i have ordered only half of our force to ride south....I....oath....end the rebellion."While i could not hear the entirety of the exchange,by the looks of it GreatJon isn't too happy to go to war.

I reached my brother where i could see him speaking with Torrhen Karstark,who by the looks if it will be staying with us while his father goes to the south,they both greeted me and after conversing for a bit we heard the GreatJons booming laughter,and saw my mother,who looked as if her ears can barely handle the noise,and after a rendition of The Bear and the Maiden Fair,the minstrels stopped and Arne made his way to their corner,just as they were about to begin a new song he stopped them and whispered to them what tunes to play,he then spoke.

"My Lords,my Ladies.I have a new song that seems to fit our impending march.Please listen to it."There was some cheers from the men who knew his singing voice.He then began singing jolly.

"Upon the hearth the fire is red,

Beneath the roof there is a bed

But not yet weary are our feet

Still round the corner we may meet

A sudden tree or standing stone

That none have seen but we alone.

Tree and flower and leaf and grass

Let them pass! Let them pass!

Hill and water under sky, Pass them by! Pass them by!

Still round the corner there may wait

A new road or a secret gate,

And though we pass them by today,

Tomorrow we may come this way

And take the hidden paths that run

Towards the Moon or to the Sun.

Apple, thorn, and nut and sloe, Let them go! Let them go!

Sand and stone and pool and dell, Fare you well! Fare you well!

Home is behind, the world ahead

And there are many paths to tread

Through shadow to the edge of night

Until the stars are all alight

Mist and shadow, cloud and shade

All shall fade, all shall fade.

Until the stars are all alight again.

Then world behind and home ahead,

We'll wander back to home and bed. Mist and twilgiht, cloud and shade,

All shall fade! All shall fade! Fire and lamp, and meat and bread, And then to bed! And then to beeed!"

Arne finished to a thunderous cheer from the men in the hall,some Lords throwing coin pouches at him.He bowed and smiled,before sharing some of the coin with the minstrels who immediately began playing their harps again.

I saw Arne make his way to the table where he was welcomed by men with a tankard of ale and began japing and talking with them.

In such way the night went on,and i went to bed before the feast was over.Tomorrow my father leaves for war.

Thinking of this,i laid my head on my pillow and closed my eyes,various thought's swimming in my mind,before long,i fell asleep.


<The next morning>

I woke up with the sound of shouting men,coming from the courtyard bellow.I opened my eyes and groggily got up,the i walked to the basin to wash my face,the cold water walking me up in an instant,then i quickly began to cloth myself.As soon as i was done i walked out and began making my way down the keep,into the the small courtyard next to the East Gate where my mother was holding Arya and the Septa was holding Sansa on her left a step behind her present along with her were, Ser Rodrick,Vayon Poole,Maester Luwin and other members of the household who will be remaining in Winterfell and had gathered to send out my father.

Jon was bit further on the right,within sight,waiting quietly.I waved at him and walked right next to my mother with a bit of a distance between us

"Good morning,mother."I greeted her and the others around,being met with an nod and greeting back.Robb also came down the Great Keep and repeated my actions before standing in the space i left for him next to mother.And then we waited for my father and the other Lords.We did not have to wait for long.Within a moment my father came down the keep,the other Lords already atop a horse waiting on the side.

Making his way to us,the household members behind us bowed before shortly raising their heads,calling blessings upon my father and the men marching south.My father thanked them and then kissed my mother's knuckles,wishing her strength,while she looked like she was barely keeping her tears at bay.It was a short farewell on their part,as to be expected.Proper goodbye's have already been said yesterday,This was all purely traditional and ceremonial send out.

"Ivar,be good and listen to your mother.Be strong.I will be back before long.Do not slack off in your training just because i am not here to watch you.Robb.You will sit in the Great Hall with your mother and Maester Luwin and hold court while i am away.You will welcome visiting Lords and host them as well. "My father said to me and Robb while patting our heads before kneeling to our height and hugging us.

"Yes,father,we wish you and all our northern sons well,you will be in our prayers."Robb said while i nodded in agreement,my father smiled at us before moving again to our mother to kiss Arya's brow,doing the same for Sansa in a moment after that.Then with a flap of his furrcoat,he turned around and walked to his horse taking the reins from the guard he climbed it,before slowly riding out of the gate,the Lords and mounted warriors following behind him.

A few moments after the household began to disperse,my family as well.My mother took my sisters and walked inside the Great Keep.

"Lets go to the battlements to watch the army."Said Robb to me and Jon.

"You two go ahead.I will join you in bit.I want to see Arne."I said to my brothers who nodded and walked towards the stairs quickly while i was watching the riders filter out of the gate,waiting to spot one-eye Arne.I saw his figure before long.Saying to his archers who were on foot to continue ahead he trotted to me.When he approached closer i could see his weirwood bow on his side and a quiver of arrows,after he reached me he smirked for a moment and then lifted his head up.

Following his gaze i saw the grey dire-wolf on white banner of my house,on top of the gate,fluttering in the wind softly.He then looked at me again and spoke.

"Remember today,young Lord.Today,life is good."He said while smiling at me kindly and with a short bow of the head,he turned and rode through the gate without even allowing me to say a word.While i didn't understand his words,i was glad i at least got to see him before he left,even if couldn't say anything.

Shaking my head a little.I made my way up the battlements where my brothers were already watching,i joined them and together,in a silent excitement,we watched the army riding down the Kingsroad,to war.

Mahesvara98 Mahesvara98

This chapter is slower in progression than i planned,while also being longer,for the next one i will try extra hard ;)

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