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18.18% Game of Thrones-Age of Warriors / Chapter 2: War,Once More...

Chapter 2: War,Once More...

General POV

Eddard Stark was in his solar,looking over a few report's one last time,before finally ending his long day of managing The North,locking his seal and a few rater important letters in his ironwood desc,before safely putting the key on his person,he headed out.

He was walking down the stairs of the Great keep,and outside,guards bowing as he walked pass them ,he headed towards the Great Hall,where his family was waiting for him to join them for supper,when before he barely even entered the hall his nose was assaulted pleasantly with the smell of roasted meat and fresh-baked bread.It was the smell of home.

The next thing that attracted his attention was the walls covered with banners of all the northern Houses,then the one thing that always seemed to draw his attention,even when he wasn't thinking about it.The high seat of the old Kings in the North.The seat's cold stone having been polished by the many Kings and Lords who have sat upon it,its arms decorated with the carved heads of his House's snarling sigil.

A few steps in front of the high seat that was on a raised platform reserved for noble guests,was a long table spread abreast,his wife was already seated there,holding a restless baby,to her left sat another girl,quietly,left of the girl was a septa,teaching her the proper way a Lady should eat,while the mother of the girl was cooing to her other daughter,trying to calm her down,the scene made Eddard Stark smile involuntarily.

There were others in the hall,the steward of Winterfell,Vayon Poole,the master-at-arms,Rodrick Cassel,the captain if the guard,Jory Cassel,and on the tables bellow the raised platform,sat men-at-arms waiting while servant's placed trays of food in front of them,they stood up and bowed soundlessly to Eddard Stark when they saw him enter,the man gestured at them to sit down,this got the attention of the Lady of Winterfell.

When the Lady of Winterfell raised her head and saw her husband she gently smiled at him,while the almost four year old girl stopped listening to the septa,pulled her chair back and before she could be stopped,ran straight into his arms.

"Father."cried the girl who was lifted of the ground,while giggling happily at her father.

"Sansa,it's impolite for a Lady to run."Chastised Catelyn,more amused than angry,shaking her head at her daughter's behavior.

"i am sorry,mother."Immediately apologized the girl at her mother.Her equally amused father put her down,and watched her with a gentle gaze as she fixed he skirt,before she curtsied to him.

"Hello,father."She spoke,her childish voice trying to sound as polite as possible.

"Hello,to you as well,child.Were you good today?Asked Eddard his daughter.

"Yes,father.I accompanied mother today while we sang to Arya."Replied the girl,sounding somewhat proud,making her father chuckle.

"Very well,Sansa,as expected of my little Lady."Eddard complimented his daughter while bending slightly and running his hand gently through her red hair,making the girl smile happily.

"Go back to your seat now,your brothers are coming shortly."Said Eddard to the girl softly while walking towards his own seat on the right of his wife.

"Yes,father."replied Sansa while moving to her seat significantly slower than she left it.

The Lord of Winterfell sat on his chair,and greeted his wife with a smile,and gently rubbed the forehead of the baby within her embrace.

"Cat,you look exhausted.Is our little wolf giving you too much trouble?Asked Eddard to his wife who was still trying to calm the girl in her arms.

"I can handle her for the most part but the only time the girl stays put is when she is sleeping."Catelyn said while helplessly shaking heard head.

"The twins?"She inquired.

"They will be here in a moment."Just as he had finished talking,three boys walked in the hall,making their way inside,as they approached further,one of them soundlessly split from the group and made it's way to the lower tables to sit with the man-at-arms,while the other two didn't stop and made their way next to their father,nodding to him,Robb sat down next to him while his brother to to his right.

"Hello,mother."The two greeted their mother who smiled kindly at them.

"Good evening,boys,i was beginning to worry you had lost your way."Catelyn lightly spoke to her sons.

"Not possible,i am starving,i could eat a horse."Replied Ivar to his mother with chuckle.

"You have had a productive day then,to be so hungry."Replied their mother while passing the baby who finally fell asleep carefully to a handmaiden,who took her gently and went to sit at a bench in the corner of he hall quietly.

"We did mother,almost too productive.I feel so tired i almost fell asleep in the bath."Replied Robb with a tired sigh.

His father spoke then.

"It won't be that way for very long.The more you grow,the more you will get used to it.Now eat your supper boys,and then get to rest.You have an early day tomorrow and the boar the hunters brought today looks too good to allow to get cold."Smiled Eddard while gesturing at the roast boar to the boys.The boys smiled and waited for the maid's to finish carving the boar and place into the treys to finally be consumed.

"Father,can we go hunting tomorrow?"Asked Robb,while looking at the lord of Winterfell expectantly.Eddard thought on this for a moment,then spoke.

"I don't see why not,and it will be good to change your usual routine somehow from time-to-time."Replied the boys father,before as if recalling something he turned towards his other son and asked.

"Can you handle the ride,Ivar?"Questioned Eddard his second born,keeping in mind that he is not yet a good rider.

"I will father."Simply replied the boy in question.If he was worried,it did not show at all.Seeing his expression,his father nodded and turned his attention at the plate in front of him.

"Hunting,Ned.Really?"Asked Catelyn her husband.

"It has been a while since their last one,and we wont go too deep in the Wolfswood.The boys can use some air outside of the castle,it will do them good."Replied Ned to his wife,who after listening to him turned silent.

The rest of the meal was spent in a conversation rather quickly,mostly from the boys mother asking them various questions regarding their studies,with the father chipping in every now and then,before it was time for everyone to retire to their chambers.


Eddard POV

As i was watching my wife,put down our daughter in her crib within the nursery,i could not help but feel grateful to the Gods.Not yet ten years married and already our union has produced four healthy children,some men are cursed to not have even one in that much time.On that account, the Gods were good to me.As Cat finished placing our girl in her crib,she turned and smiled at me,I found myself smiling back.She walked next to me and linked her arm with mine,we started walking towards our chamber in comfortable silence,after we reached them,we entered and began preparing for sleep,as we were removing our clothes,Cat began talking.

"I must ask you again to reconsider taking the boys hunting,Ned.They are too young,what if they should have an accident,i am worried."Said Cat with an expression of worry on her face.

"It's going to be fine,Cat.They have been hunting before,and we wont be away for long,just an hour or two,they need a distraction from time to time or they will go mad,You worry too much."I said to my wife,knowing full well she will not feel relieved at all.

"I am their mother,it's my job to worry about them."She said with helpless smile on her lips while looking at me.

"And it's my job to teach them to be men."I replied teasingly at her,making her laugh.

"You are not worried?"She asked me while she was undoing her hair,removing her silver hairpin.

"Of course i am worried.But on the life of each boy comes a time where he needs to get used to this stuff.If i hold the boys back they will fall behind of their peers."I said to her the same words i overheard my father tell mother when he first took me hunting,before speaking again of my other plans for tomorrow.Something that will upset her even more than the hunting trip.

"There is something you should know,the deserter we captured,i am taking the boys with me tomorrow.I had thought about this and i decided that it's time for them to see first hand how the laws of the lands are upheld."I told my wife about my plans and prepared for the inevitable protest only for a few moment's to pass with no sound coming from her whatsoever,for a second i thought she did not hear me,but the she responded.

"I always knew this day will come,and though i wish it will not be so soon,i understand you are only trying to teach them something.It doesn't make it easier,however.Such duties were never expected from me,nor did i ever want them to be.But our boys are too young yet to see such things,please Ned."She pleaded with me,and as much as i wanted to not upset her,some things are more important than an upset wife.

"We all have our duties.You fulfill yours,and the boys will learn theirs.It's vital to their growth."I said to my wife when i saw she was struggling with the situation,before helplessly nodding her head in agreement.I was pleased to see that despite her struggle she was still willing to do what's necessary.

"Its getting late,Cat.We should get some sleep.Tomorrow is going to be a busy day."I said to her,before getting under the warm fur blankets,she nodded and joined me,placing her head on my chest,before long i could feel her falling asleep.She really must have been rather tired,taking care of Sansa and Arya all day,she fell asleep almost immediately.Thinking about the day ahead,i closed my eyes and i could feel sleep overtaking me.


"Ned...Ned...Ned..."I could feel my wife rocking me out of sleep,calling my name.I opened my eyes slowly.

"Ned,you have to get up.It's morning already."She said with a mock anger.

"I am awake,thank you Cat."I thanked her,she nodded with a smile and went to her cabinet where she pulled some of her favorite rosemary oils and began applying them to her skin sprinkling some on her hair before she started fixing it up.

Watching her prepare herself for the day,i slowly climbed out of bed and went to the corner where an ewer and a basin were waiting for me.I pored some of the water in the basin and began washing my face.

"I am going to see if the boys are awake.We will break our fast quickly and then leave shortly.We will be back by midday after the hunt."I said to Cat as i wiped my face with freshcloth,before beginning to cloth myself.

"There is no rush.surely.The septa must have roused Sansa by now.We can break fast together."

"The sooner we leave,the sooner we will be back.I want the boys to be back in time for their lessons with the Maester,at least."I replied to Cat as i clasped the wolfheads of my furcloak to my clothes,before i headed to the door.

"I understand.I will see you later then,i hope you are back by dinner."

"I am not making any promises.Depending on how the hunt goes we might eat in the woods."I replied to her.

"Good day to you,my Lady."I said to Cat,smiling her way.

"To you as well,my Lord."She said while smiling back at me.

Walking down the stairs of the Great Keep,i went outside and began walking towards the Great Hall,next to the well i could see Ser Rodrick talking to Jory,walking next to them,they bowed after they saw me.

"Good morning,my Lord."They greeted simultaneously.

"Good morning to you both as well.Are my sons awake?"I asked.

"They are my Lord.They are in the hall waiting for us."Replied to me Jory.

"Good."I looked over to Rodrick who began speaking.

"I send some of the lads with the deserter earlier to go ahead of us to the stone block,they will wait there for us."The knight said in an even voice.

I nodded to Ser Rodrick,before i turned to his nephew.

"Send a lad to prepare the horses,we are going hunting with the boys after."I ordered the Jory.

"Yes,my Lord."He nodded and turned towards the stables.

As Jory was walking away,me and Rodrick began walking to the Great Hall.

After we entered,i saw the boys talking to each other while laughing,when they saw me approach they stopped and greeted me and Rodrick,good morning,replying back,we sat down to eat.

"Looks like you boys are exited for the hunt."I started conversing with them as i tore though my bacon strips.

"Well,it has been a while since the last time we went."Replied to me Ivar while breaking his soft boiled egg.

"We can finally settle the score from last time,where Ivar was the only one who actually shot something."Said Robb while looking exited,making me smile a bit.

The rest of the meal went by amidst the children's boasts.When we finished breaking our fast,we walked to the stables,seeing the saddled and prepared horses,made the boys even more eager than they already were,there i stopped the boys to tell them where we are going first.

"Robb,Ivar,Jon,come here."They approached me silently,wondering what i am about to say to them.

"We are not only going hunting today,before that there is another order of business to take care of."I said to them while they began to look at me inquisitively.

"Yesterday we captured a deserter from the Night's Watch,you are coming with me to witness the execution."I explained to them,hearing this,Robb and Jon began to fidget a bit,while Ivar looked a bit calmer than them.

"The time has come for you to learn of the old ways of your ancestors."I explained to them,the boys nodded their heads,i gestured for them to get on on their horses,before i walked to my own,Rodrick already atop his,silently watching our interaction.

"Looks like you told them where we are heading,their expressions dimmed a bit,your own too.The lads look worried."Said Rodrick as I climbed atop my horse.

"I did."I replied to the man,before continuing.

"There is no need for them to worried.That's our way."I said to the knight.

"Perhaps they are worried they will disappoint you with their conduct,my Lord.At any case.It's a right of passage.You and your brothers had it,your father,and his father before him.It's one of the many things that make us different from a great deal of many southrons who live in songs.The boys will understand,my Lord."Said the knight.

"True enough,Ser Rodrick.Somethings are vital to a boy."I agreed with the man as we rode through the South Gate and began riding to the stone block where for thousands of years the ground has been watered with blood.


General POV

At a small flat ground beneath a grass covered small hill,six figures could be seen waiting next to a small stone block with a weirwood head rest that looked carved into it.Two of the men were holding the grey direwolf banner of House Stark,the other three were guarding over a terrified kneeling men in black that was praying,teeth chattering hard,from the cold or from fear,it was hard to say.Soon the sounds of riders approaching could be heard.A group of ten riders quickly advancing on the waiting men,three of the riders were young boys.

"My Lord."The waiting men bowed to the man at the front,who after reaching them,dismounted,nodded to the others and then turned to see the boys who were standing by their horses looking towards him,before he turned back around to stare at the man kneeling.

"Do not close your eyes lads,your father will know if you do,be steady."Said the elderly knight to the boys who nodded silently to him,handing the reins to a guard,they approached closer,eyes focused on the scene in front of them.Ser Rodrick grabbed a large sword from a horse and stepped to stand next to the Lord of Winterfell.

Lord Stark gestured to the guard's,who brought the man forward and pressed his head on the headrest,all the while the man asking for mercy.Ser Rodrick held the sword and pointed the pommel towards the Lord of Winterfell,who grabbed it and in one fluid motion drew the absurdly large sword from the old wolfskin sheath.He rested the sword in the ground and began speaking in a quiet and solemn voice.

"In the name of King Robert of the House Baratheon,first of his name,King of the Andals and First Men,Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.I,Eddard of House Stark,Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North...Sentence you to die."Ignoring the men's pleas for mercy,Eddard lifted his sword and brought it down,severing the men's head cleanly away from the body,blood squirting from the wound.He handed the sword to Rodrick who took it and with a rag deftly cleaned the blood from the sword.

Eddard Stark approached his children who seemed to be taking the site in front of them rather well.

"You did well,boys.Do you realize why i did it?Why I had to be the one to do it?Asked Eddard of his sons.

"We are Starks of Winterfell and our way is the old way.It's the way we have always done things.The way we always will."Replied Robb,while his brothers nodded in agreement.

"The man who passes the sentence,must swing the sword.Robb,when you are Lord of Winterfell this will be your duty.A man who has his soldiers do things he has no understanding of is no man worth serving.And a Lord ordering the death's of men,while remaining in his castle,easily forgets how important and valuable life is.Especially in winter."Explained Eddard to his young heir,the other boys paying close attention to his words too.

"Yes,father.I will remember those words until the day i die."Replied Robb with a solemn voice,as much as a child's can sound anyway.

Eddard Stark looked at the way his son was trying to sound like him and smiled proudly before gesturing for the boys to get on their horses.Just as he was about to command they leave for the hunt,he spotted a rider in the distance,approaching as fast as the horse could run,a deep frown settled in his face at that,sensing ill-news.

The identity of the rider become clear as he was coming closer and closer.It was Jory Cassel,the captain of the Winterfell guard.He reached them and stopped,a little breathless from the rushed ride,in a moment he regained his bearings ,and spoke with a grave voice.

"I bear bad news,my Lord."Said Jory and passed a raven scroll to his Eddard solemnly.

Taking the scroll from the man and giving it a careful read the Lord of Winterfell,exhaled in frustration,and crumbled the missive with his fingers.Seeing the grave expressions on the faces of his nephew and Lord,the master-at-arms of Winterfell approached the two worriedly,the boys also taking notice of the tension in the air,when he reached them he shared a short glance with his nephew and spoke to his Lord.

"My Lord,what has happened?"Asked the knight.

Eddard Stark put the scroll in the inside of his sleeve,sparing a glance at his children before turning to the master-at-arms,and spoke.

"We are at war."

Mahesvara98 Mahesvara98

The second chapter is here,i will try to move the story along a bit faster now.

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