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Chapter 03: The Perks of Fame

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.

Betad by morde24, OoalGown, Hermes, TheDonFluffles, and Priapus

The Gamers Guide to Conquest

Chapter 03: The Perks of Fame

— Kuro Tepes —

So, I've been thinking about my new quest.

Specifically, who the hell should I make my Mistress and Dark General? It can't just be anyone, both roles have duties and requirements.

The Mistress is more than just the Dark Lord's lover, she handles the tower/kingdom in his stead, and the Dark General speaks for itself.

I also need someone I can trust to watch my back in a fight, a bodyguard/lieutenant of sorts. I have an idea of who I want for that particular position, but I need to do some more research first.

I have a few candidates, Wanda Maximoff would make a great dark mistress since she's incredibly powerful and… well let's just call it morally flexible?

She should also be stupidly easy to manipulate because I'm pretty sure she's currently locked up at a mental institute, I couldn't find Wanda but I did find Professor Xavier and he's high profile enough that I could find out that he frequently goes to a certain mental institute.

Which makes Wanda the X-Men Evolution version, and I can work with that.

There's also Yelena Belova, Black Widow's little sister. Just as talented, and currently enslaved by the Red Room, but I can fix that with my healing magic and turn her to my side. I could work with a super-assassin and spy by my side, but I'd have to catch her on assignment and that won't be easy.

Finally, Laura Kinney, the clone of Wolverine. She's my personal favourite choice but I think she's still an agent for the Facility. Again, I'd have to catch her on a mission, free her, and probably help her destroy the Facility to gain her loyalty.

They all have their difficulties, and they all have their benefits, but obviously, I intend to get them all eventually.

But I have to find them first, and I'm not sure I'm ready to attract the X-men and Magneto's attention by going for the one I do know the location of.

Though actually… Isis, isn't Gnarl a Dark General? He does lead my Minions for me.

…I spoil you, but I'll allow it.

He fits the requirements if you squint enough. No more freebies though!


Thanks Isis, and have I told you how much more I like you than your predecessor recently?

Yes, but feel free to tell me again.

Actually, tell me how much more you like me daily!

I will, especially if it means I don't have to deal with the grouchy old bastard anymore. The younger, cuter model is definitely an all-around improvement.

I can't be cute, I don't have a body, Master.

Nah, cuteness is more than physical appearance. Between your voice and personality, you're already far, far cuter than the Game. Besides, aren't you an omnipotent system, you could give yourself whatever body you wanted, right?

…hey Master, I have to go do some personal stuff. You can handle yourself for a while, right?

Have fun.

Hehe, will do Master!

Unrelated question, do you have a typ- never mind, got the answer! You're a… man of many tastes, master.

Many, many, tastes.

Eh, variety is the spice of life.

Huh, looks like she's gone. Well, I'm sure it'll be fine and nothing strange will come from flirting with my system.

Walking through the streets, I chuckle to myself as I head towards my next destination. I've acquired a new apartment, actually better than my old one, and all I had to do was maybe hit my landlord with a few custom curses.

A curse of ignorance focused around me to prevent him from paying too much attention to what I do, etcetera, etcetera. I wanted to try a curse of suggestibility, but I realised that it'd make him more suggestible to everyone, not just me. I need to work on fixing that.

I paid up front for this month, with a bonus to not ask why I wanted to pay in all cash, but with that many notes on the table he wasn't going to ask too much.

I want a better apartment, I'm thinking of a nice modern skyrise apartment, with a view of Central Park which in New York will probably cost an actual fortune especially since I don't want to just rent, but I have enough resources under my control to make it happen.

I do still have access to my Dark Tower's vault, which is loaded with gold bars, coins and jewels, the fruits of my conquests, and a bunch of my other stuff.

Not all of it though: Excalibur Ruler, the Heart of Magic, and a lot of the truly powerful things have vanished. But that doesn't mean I've lost everything.

In particular, the Robes of Mannimarco, the Amulet of the Lich, my Durium Plate Armour and Weapons and Sacrificial Dagger survived the chaos, because I had them in my royal bedroom instead of the armoury which has gone missing.

My wardrobe of silk everything is still there as well, which are both more useful than you'd think to be honest. When it says silk everything, it means it. It can give me any type of clothing, any style or designs as long as it's made of silk, which is pretty handy to have. Plus, they're actually damage resistant, not enough to class as armour but better than regular street clothes. Of course with enchantment at my fingertips, I can enchant my 'hero' outfit with damage resistance as well. But that's going to be a job for later.

More importantly, two of my potions also weren't in my armoury, along with one of my relics.

I have two doses of the Elixir of Life, and the Sarcophagus of Rejuvenation. Youth in a bottle and a cursed sarcophagus that can heal any wound or disease and even turns back the biological clock and de-ages people back to their prime at the price of being increasingly addictive the more it is used.

I never really had a chance to use it before, but with corruption being the name of the game perhaps I can make use of it here?

Besides, eternal youth in a bottle is worth a lot more in this world than it was in DxD, and hopefully when I get alchemy back I can reverse engineer it and work out how to make it once again.

I actually prefer my new system quite a bit, because before I never really felt like an alchemist or a necromancer, sure I could do the spells and make the potions but it just kinda happened.

It was like clicking a button on a controller or keyboard, but now it's actually my skills, sure the game gives me them but I spent all last night playing with my curses, altering them to suit my whims and needs.

I understand the magic behind it, it's not just a skill on a list, it's my talent now.

And damn it feels good.

That said, I can't really utilise the amulet and robes yet because they're for a Necromancer and I don't have my necromancy back yet.

My sacrificial dagger though?

[Sacrificial Dagger]

A ritualistically dagger made of jagged stone, unnaturally hard and sharp, it constantly bleeds, remembering the thousands that have died by its edge. Once stabbed with this blade, it's victims become Marked, and upon their death the wielder absorbs their lifeforce to rapidly heal their wounds or empower themselves.

…you know, that isn't what it did before, but then Isis doesn't use numbers so it makes sense that it's gone through some changes to fit the new system.

I already have plans to use it, but I'm not ready yet.

But that's all for later, for now I continue walking through the streets of New York, occasionally spotting people staring or pointing at me. I was right about my identity not staying secret for long.

Thanks Dad.

Someone posted a picture of me online, there's already a superhero wiki and I have a page. They don't have an official name for me yet but thanks to my dear old dad, a lot of people are settling for Alucard.

It didn't take long before the lovely people on the internet found someone in New York with Tepes as their last name (thanks 4chan you fucks). They can't prove anything but word spreads fast and the Avengers are the new big thing.

Of course, I'm not an Avenger but they don't know that. What they do know is that I fought the Chitauri, that I was seen talking to Captain America and that Dracula is both real and my father.

People are still arguing over whether dad is the Dracula, or just someone with a vampire theme, but it doesn't really matter. What matters is that there are pictures of me being spread around, and there's no law against unmasking heroes.

The only publicly known heroes before the Avengers were the Fantastic Four, and they never bothered with secret identities.

There's also the X-men, but they're Mutants, and also not publicly known. I'm only aware they exist because I found Professor Xavier and his school, and he has Ororo Munroe and Henry McCoy registered as teachers on the site.

It obviously doesn't say much since it's all very private, but it's enough for someone with metaknowledge to work out some things.

It might be an option for me if things go south, or they might very much not like me since my mutant power is essentially a fuck you to mutant powers.

Or maybe they'd very much like it since a lot of mutants have really shitty powers. Rogue should be an interesting situation if I ever end up in that neck of the woods.

But for now I have someone else to be meeting with, because I need to start my corruption if I want to complete my quest.

I've been placing curses on random passersby, nothing serious but just enough that I'm hoping it counts. A curse of infidelity on a couple, a curse of wrath on a driver for some magically assisted road rage, it doesn't matter how small the result I just need to cause enough trouble for it to class as a corruption.

But my main target is still May, because while the random nameless nobodies are one thing, they won't be as satisfying as having a devoted wife betray her morals out of desire for me.

But first of all, I need to speak with Peter, because Spiderman is pretty fucking powerful and if I can keep him on my side, I should.

So as I arrive outside Midtown, I ignore the attention I'm gathering as the students start to leave, Peter's eyes widening as he spots me leaning against a wall, a short chubby Hispanic kid following behind him as they both stare at me.

Saying something to Ned, Peter rushes over to me making a lot of the other students whisper as they spot us together.

"Kuro, what are you doing here?" Peter asks quickly, making me chuckle.

"Don't worry. If anyone asks, we knew each other before all this," I say, ruffling the younger teens' hair as he swats at my hand. "Just wanted to give you a heads up, May is definitely suspicious about how we knew each other. I give it a week at max before she catches onto your nocturnal activities," I say quietly, making Peter sigh.

"Guess it was too much to hope I could keep it a secret from her," Peter groans, making me chuckle again.

This is why I'm glad I'm not even bothering with a secret identity.

"Thanks for the heads up, how are you doing?" Peter asks, making me smile slightly. "I saw that your identity has been completely blown already,"

"Eh, I can live with it," I say easily, making him blink. "Well, who are my possible enemies gonna use against me, my dad? Sure, go kidnap Dracula, that's gonna go well for them," I deadpan, making him chuckle.

"Fair, I guess having everyone in your family be super powered is one way to do it," Peter agrees with a grin.

"If it works for the Fantastic Four, it can work for me," I say with a shrug. "But it looks like we're attracting quite the crowd,"

"A superhero is hanging or just outside school, of course we are," Peter deadpans.

"Nah, it's just my natural charm and good looks," I say, watching as a group of girls approach us, a hot olive skinned girl with brown hair and eyes leading a drop dead gorgeous redhead with curves that definitely don't belong on a highschool student and a cute but dorky blonde girl.

"Umm, hi?" the lead girl says as we turn to her, even as I spot a light blush on Peter's cheeks.

"Hi, is there something I can do for you?" I ask easily, making her blush at my attention.

"I just wanted to thank you, I- you are Alucard right?" She asks as I sigh and rub the back of my neck.

"I'm Kuro Tepes, I've never called myself Alucard but it's as good a name as any, I suppose," Ugh, that's going to stick isn't it? "Why do you ask?"

"You probably don't remember, but you saved my life during the invasion," she says, making me raise an eyebrow. "I'm Elizabeth Allen, but you can call me Liz. You caught a grenade that was thrown at a crowd I was in. I just wanted to thank you," Liz says quickly, her words rushed as I chuckle.

"Ahh, I vaguely recall doing that. Was that when I was with Cap or when I was on my own? Well, it doesn't really matter, you're very welcome," I say with a small grin, a hint of fang making her blush.

Someone's got a crush, sorry Peter.

Also playing hot potato with grenades was fun, they never expect you to just throw them back.

"So, what's a vampire hero doing at a place like Midtown?" the redhead asks, a light smirk on her lips as I turn her way.

"MJ! He can go where he wants," Liz says quickly as I chuckle.

MJ, huh?

"I was just checking in on Peter, we're old acquaintances," I lie easily. "Also, I'm not a vampire, otherwise it'd be burning right now."

"What are you then?" MJ asks, hands on her hips as she gives me a cocky smile.

"A Dhampir, the result of a Vampire and a human having a child. All the benefits of being a Vampire without their weaknesses," I say with a smile, showing my fangs.

"MJ! Sorry, Mr Tepes. These are my friends, Mary-Jane Watson, and Betty Brant," Liz says quickly, giving MJ a dirty look as she giggles.

I can see Michelle Jones watching from the school gates, and seeing me look her way she immediately stops paying attention to the commotion and walks down the road away from us. So, this world has both MJs?

"It's fine, and please it's just Kuro," I say with a smile. "I'm not that much older than you."

"Can I interview you?" Betty says after a moment, making Liz sigh in exasperation. "Sorry, Liz. I'm the co-host of the Midtown News and I was wondering if I could interview you sometime, when you aren't busy being a hero," Betty says quickly as I chuckle.

"Hm, I'm a little busy today but you know what? Fuck it, why not?" I say, pulling out my phone, her eyes widening as she quickly does the same. "Text me later and I'll see about arranging a time we're both free,"

"Seriously? Oh Jason is going to be so jealous," Betty says excitedly as we exchange details. "I've got a superheroes number, that's so cool."

He's not the only one, Liz frowns at seeing us exchange numbers.

"Glad to be of service," I say lazily, making Peter sigh slightly at the amount of attention we've attracted.

"So, can you really mind control people? I've had to listen to people trying to work out your powers all day," MJ asks boldly, making me laugh even as I call on my Eromancy, casting Erotic Dreams on all three of them.

"Ah, looking at cliche vampire powers, huh?" I ask, shaking my head in amusement. "I can trance people, but that just makes them stay still so they're easier to feed on, and as a Dhampir I don't even need to drink blood. My father can hypnotise people but Vampiric skills come from age, and I'm barely a child by vampire standards," I say with a smile. I can't hide that I can mind control people, it's a racial ability that's going to come out sooner or later, so I'll just downplay it. "Ask me again in a century or two and my answer will probably have changed,"

I've seen my father mind control vampire hunters with ease, turning people who wanted him dead moments ago into obedient slaves. Growing up in Castle Dracula was never boring.

Oddly enough, Dracula was actually a good (if eccentric) father, or at the least he tried to be.

"Anyway, it was a pleasure to meet you all but I do have places to be," I say, as entertaining as wowing highschool students is, I have a hot aunt to seduce. "See you around, Peter," I say giving them a wave as I turn and walk away, leaving Peter to deal with the barrage of questions.

Eh, he's a smart kid and he can deal with them. Probably. Well, Spidey's history isn't the best when it comes to dealing with women, but he can consider this a trial by fire.

Giving them a final wave as I walk away, heading towards my final destination for the day. As I walk through the city, I get asked to sign an autograph or two, and some people take pictures with me but I figure the hype will wear off soon enough, and just bear with it.

Reaching my destination I smile as I head inside the F.E.A.S.T building, looking around and spotting May as her eyes widen seeing me showing up at her workplace.

"Kuro? What are you doing here?" May asks as she approaches me, making me smile easily.

"I've handled my housing situation, and it got me thinking about what we were talking about before," I lie, making her smile.

"Ah, I'm glad to hear it, you could have stayed with us as long as you needed of course but it's nice to have a place of your own," May agrees as she gives me a light hug. "But that doesn't explain why you're here."

"Well, like I said before, I'm one of the lucky ones and honestly I have a lot of free time on my hands so I decided to see if you needed any help here," I offer, making her eyes widen. "The mundane kind, or the magical type. The cat is very much out of the bag at this point and there's no point trying to put it back inside, so I might as well put it to use," I say with a chuckle, making my hand glow with a pale golden light as she smiles warmly.

PR is a powerful tool, and I fully intend to fuck May's brains out sooner rather than later.

"If you're sure, we'd love the help," May says finally, making me grin.

The things I do to get laid.

— May Parker —

Kuro was a godsend, and that became immediately apparent as he went around healing injuries both new and old. Wounds from the battle and scars from the rough lives the people at the shelter had lived.

Plus his immense strength was helpful, there was still debris from the battle that hadn't been cleaned up yet. Kuro had easily started cleaning up the surrounding area, clearing the road as he piled up the debris in a surprisingly neat pile.

He'd attracted a lot of attention of course, but he seemed comfortable with it and while a lot of people had been hesitant at first, he'd won them over when it became clear he didn't want anything for helping.

Some reporters had even shown up but he'd refused interviews claiming he was too busy, but having one of the heroes of the Battle for New York volunteering at the shelter had helped them immensely, because people came by just to see him and a lot of them brought food and donations to 'do their part'.

She wasn't sure about treating Kuro like a circus attraction, but he didn't seem to mind and she couldn't deny how much it was helping.

Heading into the storeroom, she smiled seeing Kuro moving some of the crates of food a rich patron had donated (in exchange for a picture and autograph from Kuro), easily moving the heavy crates.

"Hiding from your adoring audience?" May asked, not surprising him at all, she'd quickly realised he had a very good sense of hearing.

"The spotlight can be draining, and most of the crowd has dispersed already," Kuro replied easily, giving her a lazy smile as he put the crate down.

Walking towards him, she must have been more tired than she thought as she tripped over seemingly flat ground, stumbling forwards as Kuro quickly caught her before she landed face first.

Feeling his hands on her chest, her face burned as Kuro helped her stand up again, moving his hands away from her breasts, but she knew he'd experienced quite the handful as she chuckled awkwardly.

Worse still, she could feel her panties growing damp as Kuro gave her a small smile.

"We need to stop bumping into each other like that, we've had a few too many accidents over the past couple of days," May joked awkwardly, making Kuro smirk slightly as he stepped forwards into her space.

"You're the one who keeps running into me, not that I'm complaining," Kuro said, her eyes widening as he raised his hand to her cheek. "And maybe I don't want these accidents to stop."

Oh no, he'd gotten the wrong idea. Of course he had, she'd flashed him multiple times, kept stumbling into him when there was nothing for her to trip over, and any teenage boy would see her mistakes as flirting.

As she went to speak, he closed the distance between them and planted his lips against hers, one hand wrapping around her waist and pulling her body against his.

Her panties quickly went from damp to soaked as he dominated the kiss, his tongue forcing its way past her lips and exploring her mouth, his hand groping her backside over her jeans.

Breaking the kiss, Kuro gave her a confident smirk as she backed up, hitting one of the walls as Kuro closed in again, trapping her between the wall and his body.

"Kuro- you can't- I'm a married woman," May said quickly, making Kuro chuckle as he immediately closed the distance again, kissing her as she froze in place, cursing her body for reacting, as he broke the kiss she placed her hands on his chest to push him away. "We shouldn't-"

"You want to know a secret?" Kuro whispered into her ear, his hot breath sending a shiver through her body as he chuckled, his hand touching her stomach and slowly sliding lower as one of her hands gripped his wrist, unable to stop him as his fingers slipped into the front of her jeans, sliding beneath her panties. "I have a very good sense of smell, and do you want to know what I smell from you when I'm around?" Kuro asked rhetorically as his middle finger slowly rubbed along her wet slit.


"I- we need to stop this," May said quickly, her face burning as Kuro's finger slowly pushed into her tight slit.

"Oh? And why is that?" Kuro asked, pulling his hand back as she let out a sigh of relief, which quickly faded as Kuro undid her jeans and pushed them down, her panties joining them as her eyes widened. "I don't want to stop, and I don't think you do either,"

"But- What if someone walks in?" May started, gasping as Kuro spun her around, pressing her front against the wall as she felt him move behind her, one hand moving under her t-shirt and gently kneading her breast. "K-Kuro…" she trailed off as she heard his belt being undone, her eyes widening as she felt him spreading her legs as far as they could go with her jeans around her knees, and something thick pressing against her exposed pussy. "Oh god."

"You know, you keep giving reasons why we shouldn't do this, but you haven't said no," Kuro whispered, his hand flipping her bra up and teasing her nipple. "You've given excuses, but you haven't tried to stop me," Kuro said, kissing her neck as she felt him rubbing the bulbous tip of his cock against her slit.

Thinking back, she realised he was right. She hadn't said no, just that she was married, that they were in public.

"So go on, tell me you don't want this as much as I do, make me believe you don't want me to fuck you right here and now, and I'll back off, we'll never mention this again," Kuro said, the first inch of his cock sinking into her as her lower lips spread for him.

"I- Mhmm- I…" May moaned, hesitating as Kuro gripped her hips. That moment of hesitation was all he needed, Kuro had given her an out and she didn't take it.

As he pulled her hips back, she covered her mouth to muffle the moan she knew was coming as he sheathed himself inside her tight cunt.

"O-oh fuck, this is wrong," May moaned as Kuro started to move, the sound of their flesh slapping together filling the storeroom as she turned to the doorway in worry, bracing herself against the wall as Kuro had his way with her.

She owed Kuro more than she could ever repay, and a part of her rationalised that the debt she owed was why she couldn't bring herself to say no to her hero, but deep down she knew that was a lie or at least an excuse as she quickly felt her first climax approach.

Pushed up against a wall in the backroom of her workplace, she came around Kuro's throbbing cock as he pounded into her, as she moaned into her hand.

This was so, so, wrong. There was a dozen reasons why they shouldn't be fucking, and right now she couldn't think of any of them.

As she heard a door opening, she froze in place as one of the other workers entered the storeroom, looking at them.

Frozen in shock, she blinked as the older man didn't even glance at her exposed body, or mention the fact that she was getting fucked.

"May, have you seen Kuro? Someone is asking for him and they look important," he said, making her stare in confusion.

"I've placed an illusion over us, he sees you sorting crates, fully dressed. It's visual only, so keep those slutty moans quiet," Kuro whispered as she paled, Kuro's hips not even slowing down as he pulled her hand away from her mouth, manoeuvring her to face her co-worker as he pulled her shirt up, exposing her naked chest to him.

"N-No, he disappeared a few minutes ago. I don't think he's left but I don't know where he w-went," May stuttered, her face burning as her breasts bounced in time with Kuro's thrusts.

"Hm, I'll tell them that. They were pretty insistent about seeing him though," he said calmly, not even glancing at her naked body as Kuro fucked her.

"I-I'll, M-Mhmm, I'll see if I can find him," May said, hoping he'd leave as she felt her next climax approaching.

"Are you feeling okay?" he asked, frowning in concern as she felt her cheeks heat up. "You're looking flushed,"

"Maybe I should drop the illusion, let him see just how flushed you are," Kuro whispered as he tweaked her nipple, making her pale.

"I-I'm fine! Just a little tired, that's all. Go and see to the visitors and I'll try and f-find Kuro," May said quickly, making him nod.

"Will do, maybe you should go home early today? Kuro got a lot of work done, guess super strength and speed help out in more than fighting," he laughed, heading back out of the room and closing the door as she shuddered in pleasure.

"Well, it helps to balance work and pleasure," Kuro whispered, speeding up as she felt his dick twitch.

"D-don't cum inside, please," May pleaded, even as she let out a low moan, tightening down on his invading shaft. "Pull out, I'll finish you off," she bargained, sighing in relief (and secret disappointment) as he pulled out of her slowly, his cock popping free of her stretched cunt.

Turning around, she took a deep breath and dropped to her knees, looking up at him as she wrapped her fingers around his cock and started to stroke his shaft, her lips parting as she kissed the tip before she engulfed his shaft.

She couldn't risk him making a mess, that was her excuse, and she was sticking with it as her tongue started to writhe against his shaft, her head bobbing as she stared up at his smirking face.

So close to his climax, it didn't take long for her to push him over the edge, not even flinching as she felt the first load of hot cum splatter against the back of her throat, a surprisingly sweet taste on her tongue as she swallowed, not spilling a drop of his heavy load as he released it all into her waiting mouth.

Pulling back, he fixed his clothes calmly and pulled out his phone, taking a quick picture of her.

"Thanks, May, I think we both needed that. I'll return the favour next time, but I better go see who wants my attention," Kuro said easily, making her eyes widen.

Next time?

"I'll go and take care of this, you better fix yourself up before anyone finds you," Kuro said teasingly as he turned and walked away.

She needed to tell him there won't be a repeat, that this was a one time mistake… but as he walked away, her words failed her and that night her dreams were of the promised next time.

What had she done?

— Kuro Tepes — That Night —

Chilling in my room, idly browsing the internet I send a quick text to Betty to confirm the interview date. It's not like it's going to hurt and playing up the PR side of things could help out in the long run.

I've also made a Twitter account under Alucard, because the internet has decided upon that name and no amount of power can change that.

I've mostly been shitposting on it to be honest, but I've also received a lot of praise and thanks, along with a few nudes.

Speaking of nudes… going back to my messages, I chuckle as I look at the picture I received earlier on, Liz smiling nervously at the mirror she's using to take her picture, wearing just a small pair of red panties and a matching babydoll nightie. You can't really see anything you shouldn't be able to, but her message alone was enticing enough.

'Sorry, I got your number from Betty. I really am grateful you saved me, maybe one day I can show you just how grateful.'

Ah, teenagers these days.

'If I knew being a hero would come with rewards like this, I'd have started much sooner. I'll look forward to that day.'

This hero business is easy, and playing volunteer was annoying but the knowledge that I was going to be fucking May soon made it all the more bearable, plus it's great PR to have such a badass hero helping the homeless and hugging puppies or whatever.

I've already gotten questions about my healing, wealthy people wanting my magic touch but I'm not sure I want to sell my services like that. It's good and easy money, but it's also not quite the rep I was going for.

Plus, I don't even know if I can cure diseases which is what a lot of people want from me, light magic definitely can but that doesn't mean I can yet. Maybe I should volunteer at a hospital next, but they might take offence at me cutting into their profits. I'll think of something.

I've also gotten a request from a Christine Everhart from Vanity Fair for an interview, apparently Betty posted on Twitter about the interview I promised her and that means it's open season on me for all reporters, professional or otherwise. I told her I'd consider it because I looked her up and she's pretty fucking hot, also she's a character I recognise since she had a one night stand with Tony Stark.

Going back to the important task of shitposting, I pause as I get a message from a number I don't recognise.

'Mr Tepes, we met after your victory last night. It occurred to me that I forgot to inform you of some of the rules of the tournament I represent. Firstly, while firearms are banned, other weapons are permitted in the fights,'

The list goes on but the first rule alone peaks my interest. So this isn't a normal tournament at all, if we can bring weapons.

I'm tempted to take my Durium weapons I used as the Overlord, but then I remember something. Durium is a fantasy metal that doesn't exist in this world.

I need a sword that isn't made of a mystery metal, which means one thing.

I need to go see my dad.

—Bonus Scene — Shiklah —

"Don't waste your honeyed words on me, harlot. Your charm has no effect on me," Dracula scoffed, making her sigh.

This was not going the way she had hoped, not at all. Never before had her charms been so utterly unsuccessful on a man, if Dracula could even be called a man

"I assure you, Lord Tepes, I am not trying to charm you. I know better than to use my… unique abilities here, but surely you see the benefit of such a-" Shiklah, the succubus queen of the Monster Metropolis started, her words cut off as he scoffed.

"Why would I want to marry you? To become the King of your pathetic little kingdom? If I wanted to lead those weaklings I'd just tear the throne from your cold dead hands," Dracula scoffed. Making her flinch ever so slightly as he grinned dangerously. "And we both know how easily I could do that, perhaps I should? Don't worry, I'd keep you around, a chain and collar suits a Succubus better than a crown."

As she went to respond, the door to Dracula's lair opened, drawing her attention as a handsome and muscular young man walked inside, with messy black hair and red eyes that seemed to almost glow. His clothes suggested he was just a regular human, plain jeans and a tight white t-shirt, but she knew better.

Dracula's response caught her by surprise, his dangerous smile vanishing as a look of actual happiness crossed his face.

"Child! Have you come to battle me?" Dracula said, making her eyes narrow thoughtfully as she looked towards the newcomer.

She was acquainted with Lilith Drake, though the powerful Vampire had refused to join her kingdom of monsters, she believed that Lilith was the only surviving child of Dracula. She was fairly certain Lilith thought she was the only remaining child of Dracula as well.

"Not yet, I've told you I want it to be an actual fair fight, and you'd either have to hold back or completely crush me," the newcomer said, incredibly blasé about the idea of fighting Dracula.

"Indeed! When you are finally ready, our battle will be legendary! The world will tremble as our blows land, your spells will raze cities!" Dracula agreed proudly, the newcomer sighing with a fond exasperation. "Just give me a moment, I was about to remove this manipulative Jezebel's head from her shoulders."

Hearing Dracula's incredibly casual words, she turned to him quickly, seeing him reaching for his blade as her eyes widened

She was very strong, but Dracula was unnaturally so even for a monster.

"Why? I didn't think you wanted to waste your time dealing with the… what did you call them again? 'Inferior' monsters," the newcomer asked, making Dracula pause.

"I don't, I have far better things to do while I wait for our battle to the death, which is why I'm going to remove her head and deliver it to her kingdom of cowards and weaklings, perhaps if I kill every other member of her 'monster kingdom' they'll get the hint," Dracula explained patiently, making her tense up as she realised how badly she misjudged the Vampire Lord.

She'd assumed he'd want power, but he truly seemed utterly uninterested in ruling, which meant she never had a chance and was just angering him with her attempts.

Her throne wasn't nearly as secure as she would like, and marrying one of the oldest and most powerful monsters, and certainly the most infamous, would do a great deal to help her ensure her rule lasted.

"Wait, there's a monster kingdom? You never mentioned that," the child said, making her silently grateful as Dracula turned to him fully, practically ignoring her.

"Because the monsters there are weak and stupid, I mean they let her rule," Dracula said, gesturing to her as she blinked. "I didn't want their weakness infecting you, Kuro."

Well, that was just rude.

"Oh, what's so wrong with her? I can feel the magic inside her, she feels damn powerful," Kuro said calmly, making her smile slightly.

"Yeah, she's a formidable foe for someone who isn't me, but they actually let a succubus rule?" Dracula said with a scoff. "I believe the youths would call that 'cringe', succubus belong in the sex dungeon, not on the throne,"

"Ugh, you've been on the internet again," Kuro groaned. "Look, she's obviously understood you aren't interested, and if you kill her you know some dumbasses will try and avenge her, hot women make men dumb after all. It'll be easier if you just send her away."

"It's true, Succubus pussy does strange things to a man's self-preservation instinct. Tch, fine, you're probably right," Dracula said after a moment, sheathing his sword.

"Anyway, I wanted to ask you something," Kuro started, making Dracula turn to him. "I kinda need a weapon for a very illegal underground fight ring, so can I have one of your swords?"

"Boy, you have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear you ask me that," Dracula said, making her blink. "Wait just a moment, I will bring all my best swords! My son, all grown up and ready to stab the pathetic mortals."

Did… did Dracula just tear up?

"Oh, if you're here when I get back I'm removing your head, demon harlot," Dracula added to her as an afterthought as he went to leave the room.

Leaving them alone, Kuro chuckled lazily as he watched his father leave.

"So, why exactly did you think bothering the old man was a good idea?" Kuro asked, making her sigh slightly as she turned to him, looking him over.

He wasn't as powerful as his father, but he'd grow and he clearly had magic as well. A very powerful combination, with great potential.

"Politics, I'm afraid. A dirty subject even for a succubus like me," Shiklah joked, offering him her light pink hand. "Queen Shiklah, ruler of the Monster Metropolis, or just Monster Kingdom if you'd prefer," she introduced, watching as he took her hand and raised it to his face, kissing her knuckles lightly.

"It's a pleasure, your majesty. I'm Kuro Tepes, the grandson of dragon, and the Prince of Darkness if you listen to my father," Kuro said, making fun of his titles as she giggled.

Well, she clearly couldn't hook the Leviathan that was Dracula, but his son was quite the catch as well. She could achieve her goals just by marrying a Tepes, she'd even tried to convince but it hadn't panned out.

…which is to say Lilith ran away.

"Thank you for your assistance, not many can say they can reason with Dracula," Shiklah said, stepping forwards as she gave him a smile. "Most who try find themselves impaled."

"They aren't me," Kuro said confidently, a light grin on his face. "What did you even want from him?"

"To marry him, which would secure my rule as the Queen of monsters. There are many who doubt my rule, I hoped to silence my nay-sayers. If it didn't work? Well, monsters settle a lot through violence and his power combined with mine would stop any true challenges," Shiklah admitted.

"Huh, potential succubus step-mom. It's nice to know my life remains as weird as ever," Kuro said with a chuckle.

"Oh, you can still call me mommy if you want, but perhaps another time," Shiklah flirted, placing her hand on his chest. "I'd rather avoid fighting your father if at all possible, but perhaps you could visit my home sometime? The son of Dracula would be quite the celebrity in the Monster Metropolis."

"Perhaps, but yeah, it's probably better that you leave before the old man gets back," Kuro agreed, not stopping her as she stepped forwards and gave him a chaste kiss on the lips in thanks, which given that she was a Succubus admittedly included a bit of tongue.

A lot of tongue.

And some light groping of his well-defined body. But that was so she could slip a summoning card into his pocket.

"It's not a proper Succubus thank you, but we can save that for another time, it was a pleasure Kuro."

"Likewise, your majesty," Kuro said, making her giggle as she prepared to teleport away.

"Please, you can call me Shiklah, among other things," Shiklah said, waving as she made sure to bend over ever-so-slightly to give him an ample view of her magnificent bosom wrapped in its black and purple corset. "And I do hope to see you very soon."

Teleporting away before Dracula returned, she smiled to herself. Things didn't go the way she planned, but that didn't mean she was giving up.

— Dracula —

Returning with a chest full of his favourite blades, each having killed more people than most men ever met, he paused as he spotted his son leaning against a desk casually.

Glancing at the dark purple lipstick stains on his son's face, he sighed and put the swords down.

Well, Kuro was around that age. Maybe it was time to give him the talk.

Specifically how to use his vampiric powers to enslave women to become his brides so he could slake his lusts as often as he needed, which was a talk all fathers should have with their sons.

Unlike that demonic harlot of a witch (who had hopefully fallen into a hole and died), he wouldn't leave their child unprepared for the realities of life.

Class Quest

[Dark Lord Class Quest]

Crush your enemies (23/100)

Corrupt do-gooders (4/10)

Acquire a Dark General (1/1)

Acquire a Mistress (0/1)

New Skills


[Bat Form]

As a Dhampir you can shift to a more animalistic form, calling on your vampiric heritage to take the form of a bat, gaining flight and echolocation.

[Wolf Form]

As a Dhampir you can shift to a more animalistic form, calling on your vampiric heritage to take the form of a Wolf.

[Enshrouding Mist]

The sun might not be your enemy anymore but that doesn't change your heritage, calling on your vampiric nature you can summon thick mists to surround you, obscuring sight.


Making your gaze hypnotic, you can place those who look into your eyes into a deep trance, making them much easier to feed on.



This spell causes the target's body to become aroused, resulting in wet panties and tented pants.

[Flavourful Fluids]

This spell allows the caster to alter the taste of the seed, breast milk or other bodily fluids of themselves or their target, adjusting them to their whims.

[Erotic Dreams]

Causes the victim to experience wet dreams of the caster's design.

[Addictive Fluids]

Allows the user to make their fluids addictive, causing any who imbibe them to crave more. The level of addiction can be adjusted by the caster.

New Items

[Sacrificial Dagger]

A ritualistic dagger made of jagged stone, unnaturally hard and sharp, it constantly bleeds, remembering the thousands that have died by its edge. Once stabbed with this blade, it's victims become Marked, and upon their death, the wielder absorbs their lifeforce to rapidly heal their wounds or empower themselves.

[Amulet of the Lich]

This amulet made of human bone in the shape of a small blackened skull enhances the undead created by the wearer, making them more durable and allowing them to deal more damage. It also enhances the wearer's ability to wield death magic.

[Robes of Mannimarco]

The robes of a true master of Necromancy, which imbues your undead with a greater loyalty in their eternal servitude. All undead controlled by you can take far more damage before they fall, and attack with increased fervour. It also prevents your control from being disrupted and gives your undead a minor resistance to holy powers.

[Durium Plate Armour of the Overlord]

Forged in the bowels of the Dark Tower, this armour is made of the incredibly tough metal Durium, which greatly reduces incoming damage. The gauntlet has the power to absorb the lifeforce of slain beings, for the Overlord to use to create more minions. The helmet possesses an enchantment that shrouds the Overlord's face and makes their eyes glow, and has several spikes for added intimidation.

[Durium Weaponry]

With access to the Durium smelter, your minions can craft you a set of Durium weaponry, ranging from a dagger to a great sword and everything in between. No work breaks needed!

[Silk Everything]

A wardrobe that can produce an unlimited quantity of outfits, all made of extremely fine silk that is both damage resistant and cannot get dirty or stained. They are also unnaturally comfortable to wear and automatically repair any rips and tears.

[Elixir of Life] x2

Bottled immortality, crafted by a master alchemist. This potion will rapidly de-age the drinker back to their prime and prevent them from ageing for several decades.

[The Sarcophagus of Rejuvenation]

This cursed artefact affects those who rest inside it, healing wounds, curing diseases, regrowing limbs and de-ageing them back to their prime. The Sarcophagus is addictive, and once used it leaves the user with a longing to use it again and an increased fear of death.

DarkWolfShiro DarkWolfShiro

I am entirely motivated by praise and interaction, so leave reviews and I’ll probably write faster.

I have a discord server (technically someone else’s but my name is on the server so it’s basically mine) with a bunch of other authors and a load of porn. Here’s the link for that: discord .gg/wd3tUYWVCd

I also have a bad P word that FF doesn’t like, what’s on it? Right now, nothing that you can’t find elsewhere and I don’t know if that will change to be honest, I don’t like the idea of paywalling content but I also like money to fund my pizza and games addiction, so here’s the link for that as well: Pat reon . com/TheDarkWolfShiro

Author’s Note: Dadula is fun to write. Also there was no way I wasn’t including the proper MJ. Obviously there will also be a Gwen Stacey because Spider-Gwen makes my pp hard, and really do I need any further reason?

Kuro’s quest to cuck everyone continues, looking at you Reed Richards and Scott Summers. If they don’t want to be cucked they should just not have hot girlfriends/wives.

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