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"In a week, we will go to Alola."

This news left Alec dumbfounded, not only because of the unexpectedness of it, but he never expected that before traveling through Unova, he would first travel through Alola.

The professor seemed to like the look of surprise on Alec's face, but then she continued with a serious look.

"I was recently informed that they will send a group of pokemon researchers and trainers to Alola to promote the development of the region, since how do you know, they still maintain their ancient traditions, and it was Professor Kukui from Alola who requested it."

Hearing this, Alec frowned a little, the situation in this pokemon world was quite particular, and the relationship with Alola and Galar, relatively "new" regions, was still in its infancy.

As far as Alec learned on his own and what Professor Aurea told him, the development of the pokemon world began in the ancient great nation of Quartz, before it was divided into Kanto and Johto respectively, and it was the one that founded the system of the pokemon league, with great old families coming together back then such as the Joy and Jenny family, even the ancient and powerful Lance dragon family was also involved in the birth of the pokemon league system, which is also why who monopolized both the health and order systems in the Quartz region.

It was when the whole region was united, that they started to develop beyond their region, which is when they ran into a whole new region, which was Hoenn, but due to the strength of the trainers in that region and the strange pokemon and strangers that inhabited it, decided not to act by force, in the end, it was the group of researchers and pokemon professors from both sides who reached a cooperation agreement and, shortly after, Hoenn also adopted the league system, with the creation of pokemon gyms and the elite 4, with the champion in the lead.

It was thus that both regions developed rapidly, and it was when they noticed that the best approach if new regions were discovered was scientific exchange and mutual help, since it benefited everyone, but under their breath, both knew that to achieve this, the first thing was that they had to have strong trainers for it.

Adopting this measure, little by little, regions such as Sinnoh, Unova and Kalos were discovered, for which, with the example of Hoenn, they applied the same measures, in the end, all regions benefited from this exchange of knowledge and information and due to how practical and well structured the league system was, all the regions ended up adopting this system.

The curious thing in all this history was that no region ended up invading another, what's more, each region is totally independent, and even if a disaster were unleashed in some, other regions would not intervene unless said region requests it.

All this was fine until the Alola region was discovered, a region that, unlike the other regions, still had ancient traditions and its technological development was quite poor, but even so, its mysterious movements, along with the crystals Z and the appearance of Ultra Wormhole, made all the high commands of other regions put on hold any development plan until they knew more about the situation in this island region.

It was at that moment that the name of Professor Kukui was raised, who, being a disciple of the Kahuna of one of the Alola islands, as well as a researcher in his region, was widely accepted in the circle of researchers, in which he made a name for himself and even traveled to the other regions before returning to Alola to mediate and convince the other kahunas to promote development in Alola.

It seemed that everything was going from strength to strength, but the creation of the Aether Foundation in Alola, coupled with the appearance of Team Skull harassing researchers, caused the relationship between the league and Alola to cool down.

Finally, the straw that broke the camel's back was the discovery of a new area called Galar, which curbed the spirits of the researchers for Alola and they focused on the investigation of a strange phenomenon that occurred in this region, the dynamax phenomenon.

This phenomenon and the little control that the Galar researchers had over it caused the borders and exchange of pokemon to be closed, for fear that some pokemon that left Galar would "become giant" and wreak havoc in their regions.

Alec, remembering all the information he learned so far, couldn't help but sigh.

"So we have a backward but potentially dangerous region on one side and another with the phenomenon of making Pokemon giants, which is why they closed borders."

Seeing Alec immersed in her thoughts, Professor Aurea decided to tell him the reason for the sudden trip:

"Although most researchers have focused on the Galarian dynamax phenomenon, a small group of pokemon professors, including myself, believe that researching Alola should be a priority, especially since our research sources have informed us that the Aether Foundation is now at the forefront of the appearance of Ultra Wormhole along with Ultra Beast."

So far, the professor paused before continuing.

"Personally, I think the Alola region is more mysterious and potentially dangerous than we realize, and not only do I think that way, my father and Professor Oak think the same, even Professor Oak's cousin settled in Alola to investigate more on the matter."

Hearing Professor Aurea's opinion, Alec nodded, acknowledging what she had mentioned, but inside, Alec was amazed at the intuition of the old monsters and the lady in front of him.

"Leaving aside the normal Ultra Beast, as far as I know from the game, Guzzlord was able to devour everything in his path, even the dimension where you find him is very similar to the pokemon world, but in ruins, not to mention Necrozma, the powerfulness of that pokemon left a great impression on me, also in its dimension it was considered the ultimate ultra beast, although it is only my speculation, perhaps it is at the same level as Arceus, creator god of the pokemon world."

Just in view of these 2 natural disasters, what Professor Aurea said was correct, and although chronologically speaking there was still time for them to appear, who can say the reality where he lived now complied with that time?

Thinking of this, Alec suddenly shivered, due to the peace and affection he had received, he had forgotten the dark side of this world.

"But what the hell, how could I forget about the rocket team with Giovanni and mewtwo? Or the Hoenn Magma and Aqua team with Groudon, Kyogre and Rayquaza? Or even the plasma team with Kyurem, Zekrom and Reshiram? This The world is far from calm and peaceful than I thought."

It was only now that Alec noticed a fact that he had left out until now, and that was that this was the real world for him, he didn't even know if Ash existed in this world, much less the protagonists of the games, although the villains in the anime they summoned these powerful pokemon, it was a pretty deplorable plot that prevented the chaos from breaking out, but would Alec be lucky enough to live in a world where these conditions existed?

"I can't delay my journey to become a trainer until I'm 10 years old, my mental age now plays an important role, although there are people who will take action if the sky falls, but it is the weak who suffer the consequences of it, I should at least get stronger together with my pokemon to have the ability to protect myself."

Thinking this far, a serious and determined look appeared on his face.

"I have to think about which pokemon in particular I want to have in my team, my advantage is that I can see the potential of the pokemon, so training them will be much easier, plus I have the money and resources on my side, which I lack now they are the pokemon that will help and support me, and this trip to Alola is my starting point for that."

Seeing the change of expressions on Alec's face, Professor Aurea was concerned, so she approached him and placed her palm on Alec's forehead, in order to take her temperature.

This caught Alec off guard, and like a cat whose tail was stepped on, he jumped back, tripping and falling to the ground.

"But what are you doing so suddenly Aurea neesan!"

Seeing that Alec seemed to have regained her usual self, Professor Aurea came over and held out her hand to help him up.

"You seemed quite worried just now, even your complexion paled, so I was worried about your health, after all, even though we do regular tests, you never know if the situation when we found you will repeat itself again."

Hearing this, all of Alec's annoyance disappeared and with a sigh, she replied:

"Sorry for that Aurea neesan, but I was thinking about the trip to Alola, can you maintain your face as a worthy professor if all scientists share the same home? I would not like the circle of scientists to talk about the messy life of Professor Aurea."

Hearing this, all of Professor Aurea's concern disappeared as suddenly the professor's smile became quite creepy, it even seemed to be getting colder in the room.

"Hahaha, it seems I was a fool to worry about you, as for the trip, we will all have our own apartments in Alola, so your worries are unnecessary."

For a moment, Alec felt that the danger emanating from the teacher was far greater than any legendary pokemon, so he quickly apologized and left with the excuse that he had to take care of the little starter pokemon in the lab.

Seeing Alec leave, the professor just sighed, before sitting back on the couch, while she thought about the video call.

"I really didn't want to go to Alola right now, let alone take Alec, but the situation here in Unova isn't safe either, if I go and leave him, I don't know what will happen."

On Alder's part, Aurea had already learned that groups of people had appeared in Unova who preached about the release of the pokemon, and there was even talk of a new criminal organization called the Plasma team, which, according to what Alder investigated, seemed have a connection to the underground lab where they found Alec.

"*sigh*, not only in Unova, in Kanto and Johto it seems that the Rocket team seems to have ceased its activities, but only god knows what they are up to, after all, their leader is Giovanni, besides that Hoenn is not peaceful either, Adam is already old and many doubt if he still has the strength of a champion, the old man from Sinnoh has not appeared much either and in Kalos the champion's position is still empty..., it seems that a new era is approaching.

If Alec heard what the professor had just said, he would definitely give her a thumbs up and praise a woman's sixth sense, the champions of the different regions were still young and growing, it was only a matter of a couple of years before that they astonished everyone with their strength.

Of course, Alec didn't know about this, he was now feeding the group of starter pokemon from the lab, wondering if he should pick one to train.

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