Looking him up and down one more time I could easily tell he was powerful; his body produced this aura of strength I've never seen before.
"Hello, I am Dylan Everroot." I said while bowing with respect.
"Hahaha" he started laughing while seeing me be formal and bowing. "No need to be so formal to your uncle lad"
I stopped bowing and looked into his piercing green eyes, seemingly assessing me.
Right as I was about to speak uncle cut me off. "Your father trained you better than I expected, to think all your meridians are fully cleansed at such a young age".
"Meridians?" I said with a puzzled expression. Once uncle heard me say that a look of surprise and stupor grew on his chiseled face.
Uncle started to stroke his beard in deep thought while pacing back and forth. I was unable to think of what to say next, so I chose to stay silent.
"Dylan, sit down since this information will be a lot to handle" Uncle said while waving his hand and a massive flower sprouted from the ground for me to sit on. He also created one for him to sit on.
"Child what has your father told and taught you about martial arts?" uncle said.
"Well uncle, he taught me the thirty-six forms of peace and a set of sword movements. He refused to tell me the name of the sword martial art but told me when I was little to never use it unless I'm in a life-or-death situation." I said to uncle while sitting on the overgrown flower.
"Interesting, interesting indeed" uncle said with a dead pan facial expression while continuing to stroke his beard. "continue talking child, I know there's more then just that" he said.
"Father made me practice both in secret away from the rest of our family, the day before father was killed, I attained one with the art in the thirty-six forms of peace." I spoke. "Father told me that my strength is enough to rival adults in the second spirit stage".
Once uncle heard that his eyes looked like they were about to pop out of sockets. Instead of saying anything to me uncle looked upward to the sky and said in a whisper "thank you for the chance to train such a talented child James. I will repay this debt by training him to be the strongest".
I just sat there with my mouth open, staring at uncle wondering what the hell he was doing. "Um uncle, what are you doing?" I asked. "Sorry child let me continue what I was saying.
A martial artist has what's called meridians in the body, they are the veins that guide mana through your body. There are certain stages a martial artists body becomes once you cleanse the meridians. The first stage is called the cleansing stage, this is when beginners body starts to absorb mana from the surroundings into the meridians. The meridians flow the mana through your body to strengthen every muscle, bone and even every single cell in the body." Uncle said in one go.
"That's... an extreme amount of information" I remarked slowly processing all of it. I absorbed all of it like a sponge. Taking a couple seconds I closed my eyes to sort out my thoughts and puts all the pieces together. "If what you said is true uncle how are my meridians fully cleansed?"
I asked puzzled as if the last piece of the puzzle was missing. Seeing my confused mind uncle thought it would be funny to play a joke on me to lighten the heavy mood. "Actually nephew your body descent is from an ancient dung beetle capable of crushing boulders with ease and excreting at a fast rate" Uncle said while grinning.
As uncle was about to finish speaking, I cut in blurting what was on mind. "hm…. I'll take it considering dung beetles carapace's defense was almost unparalleled in the entire beast kingdom so what if I poop a little faster". I looked up towards uncle to only see a horrified expression on his face along with what seemed to be a small hint of creepiness.
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