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50% Mushoku Tensei: Artorius / Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Roxy Migurdia

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Roxy Migurdia

While Paul held Rudeus in his arms Zenith held me in hers the four of us are stood outside the main entrance of our home, watching as a lone figure slowly walked and approached us.

Getting closer and closer until finally our family was face-to-face with the individual.

A young girl with blue hair, styled in braided twin-tails, and blue eyes, dressed in a mages attire carrying a single suitcase and a magic staff with a pointy witches hat sitting atop her head..

The girl being none other than Roxy Migurdia.

[Insert Image of Roxy Migurdia Here]

One of Rudeus' three future wives, and one of my future sister-in laws.

But right now she is simply mine and my brother's magic tutor.

Putting down her suitcase and staff Roxy then took off her hat and gave our family a slight greeting bow before raising her head. "Greetings, my name is Roxy Migurdia. I'm the one who accepted your request for a magic tutor." She explained.

"Right." Paul said. "Well, you're not what we expected."

"Right, your just so...."

"Wow, you're little." Rudeus blurted out.

Having no tact in the slightest.

Hearing his comment Roxy fixed Rudeus with a glare. "Yeah, well you're not so big yourself." She retorted. "So, where are these genius students I'm supposed to teach?" She asked. Looking around.

"Oh, they're right here. Our sons, Rudeus and Arthur." Paul spoke.

Once he did Roxy then focused her attention on both Rudeus and I. A completely disinterred look on her face.

'At least try to hide your disappointment better Roxy.' I thought.

I assumed after spending so many years around humans she would've learned how to hide her reactions better. Looks like I was wrong.

"I see." She said. She then started playing with her left hair braid. "This happens quite a lot. Parents see their children perform a bit of magic and then think they have a talent for it. When in reality they don't." Roxy spoke.

Spewing harsh words without any filter.

Hearing them I couldn't help but put a wry smile on my face.

While both Rudeus and I got slightly irritated looks on theres.

As for Zenith...

"Sorry, what was that?" She asked in a sickeningly sweet voice. A smile on her face. Yet Zenith's smile isn't reaching her eyes at all.

Noticing this Roxy became a bit fearful and completely straightened up.


It seem she knows enough not to engage with an angry mother head on. Since for most that is a death sentence. Especially angry anime-style moms.

"Sorry, what I meant to say is that your boys are very young and I just don't think they'll be able to comprehend such advanced magical theory at their age." Roxy spoke.

"Ms, I think my brother and I will be okay. Since we taught ourselves how to read." I spoke to Roxy.

"What, really?" Roxy questioned.

"Yes, they did." Zenith said proudly.

"I see." Roxy replied. "Okay then. Well, I guess we should begin the lesson. Let me see what you two have got." She spoke.

Roxy having no idea what she was in for.


(3rd Person: POV)

While Rudeus and Arthur each sat in a chair in the garden, Roxy paced back and forth in front of them giving the twins a brief lecture on magic.

"-Finally the ranks of magical spells fall into these seven categories. Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced, Saint, King, Emperor, and God. Any questions so far?" Roxy spoke. Stopping her pacing, right in front of the brothers.

"No, not at all master Roxy." Arthur immediately replied.

"Yeah, what my brother said." Rudeus added.

"Okay. Now that I've explained the basic theory it's time we move onto the practical part of today's lesson." Roxy spoke. She then took her staff and pointed it in directly, beginning to chant a spell right after she did.

Only for Rudeus to interrupt her. "Ah master Roxy, do you always need to say the spells incantation to use it?" He asked.

Which made Roxy turn her gaze to Rudeus. "I mean yeah, how else are you going to use the magic you want?" She rhetorically asked.

"I see. Thank you." Rudeus replied.

Since Roxy just confirmed for him he and Arthur are badasses. Since neither of them have been using incantations to cast magic much since they began teaching themselves how to use it.

"Right." Roxy replied. Pulling her hat down a bit farther on her head. "So as I was saying. Let the great protection of water be on the place thou seekest. I call a refreshing burbling stream here and now. Water Ball!" She spoke.

Then a few seconds after Roxy did a water ball formed at the end of her staff and then launched forward.

Ending up striking Zenith's favorite tree and causing it to snap in two.

Seeing this Roxy, Rudeus, and even Arthur got worried expression on their faces.

"Ah master Roxy, that is mother's favorite tree just so you know." Arthur spoke up.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no!" Roxy exclaimed as she ran toward the tree and then repaired it using healing magic.

She then breathed a sigh of relief and returned to Arthur and Rudeus side.

"Okay, as you can see that was waterball. Now then, which if you would like to go first?" Roxy asked them.

"I will." Rudeus spoke. Stepping forward.

He then cast his own [Water Ball] spell. But shortened the chant, peaking Roxy's interest.

Where Rudeus then admitted he rarely used chants in casting magic up until this point.

"Is the same true for you Arthur?" Roxy asked.

"Yes master, it is." Arthur easily replied. "Now then, let me show you what I can do." He spoke.

Arthur then faced forward, stuck out his right palm, and then launched the intermediate wind spell [Sonic Boom] into the sky without uttering a single world.

"I see." Roxy said. Putting a slightly jealous and also happy expression on her face. 'Looks like I've got some interesting apprentices after all.' She thought.

Right after Roxy did so Zenith's favorite tree split in half again courtesy of Rudeus' water ball which hit it.

Seeing this the master and her two students were at a loss for words.

Which only got worse when Zenith arrived and saw what had happened.

Needless to say the first magic lesson for Rudeus and Arthur was not boring.

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