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80% Ten Thousand Realms Starting from Douluo Dalu / Chapter 11: Chapter 11 – A genius Twin Spirit Master

Chapter 11: Chapter 11 – A genius Twin Spirit Master

Tang Hao and Tang Yuehua waited for Xiao San in the shack.

"Yuehua, what do you think, will the elders let Tang San practise in the sect?"

Tang Hao asked his sister. He was wondering about this issue for quite some time, ever since he saw the rebirth of the legendary war hammer that was even feared by the gods. He saw a glimmer of hope.

He wanted his son to have a stable life but now that he awakened a God-level Martial Spirit it would be too wasteful of him given his talent.

Tang Yuehua looked thoughtful, troubled by her brother's question.

Tang Hao did not want his son's identity to be exposed to The Spirit Hall prematurely. And if they knows his spirit then it would almost be a disaster. His revenge upon Spirit Hall would fail.

"Brother I don't know what the elders will think of this matter but I'm sure they still hold grudges against you in their hearts. Even Brother elder brother Xiao could not convince the elders." Tang Yuehua replied as she shook her head in helplessness.

"Alas! Those old fellows..."

Tang Hao wanted to send Xiao San to Houtian~zong, worship the ancestors and return to his roots. There he could grow up safely, sheltered by the winds and rains; also being guided by the others. But now it looks like his plan is not feasible.

It was dangerous for Xiao San to live by his side and will be safer if he could cultivate in the Sect. He walked down the path of a narrow thread, there was no guarantee to his life constantly being in a life and death situation.


The sound of opening the door was heard.

"Father I'm back."

It was Tang San who opened the door. He saw his father and a beautiful woman, supposedly his aunt whom he had never met chatting with each other. The atmosphere was quite melancholic.

Tang San looked towards his aunt, mature and charming wearing a white robe. Seeing her devilish curve, round peaches and the two big rabbits, he was easily smitten by her beauty.

"They are huge! It's definitely G cup....." Ye Chen thought in his mind as he complimented her big assets admiringly.

"What am I thinking? She is my aunt..."

Ye Chen tried distracting himself from these naughty thoughts. Being a modern transverser, he strictly adhered to principled family relationships. But his eyes and thoughts betrayed him as he sneak peaked her two large rabbits continuously, fantasising about fondling them.

This middle-aged beauty had an oval face that was clear of any makeup. Her skin was pale and tender, and unexpectedly, she was in no way inferior to TV actresses and Idols!

With a smile on her face, she looked at Tang San with her phoenix-like eyes, and her graceful figure exuded a splendid manner.

Along with the power coursing in those eyes of hers, she could easily have been mistaken as an aloof goddess with an armageddon might.

Seeing Tang San, Tang Yuehua's eyes were filled with tears as she remembered the face of her sister-in-law. Unable to control her emotions she walked up to him slowly.

With every single step she took, Tang San (Ye Chen) could feel her noble temperament and graceful manners. He was bewildered by her beauty making his heart beat faster as a feeling of taboo love sprouted in his heart.

She slowly rubbed her hand across his cheek lovingly and looked into his Azure blue eyes. Being stared at by his aunt so close he was embarrassed and felt somewhat uncomfortable. After all, he was a single dog in his previous life having no girlfriends and experience with all those stuff.

"Sure enough you have the same eyes and hair as your mother," muttered Tang Yuehua as she stroked his hair. Ye Chen could feel pain and heartbreaking sadness in her tone. For a moment he did not know how to pacify her.

"Um...who are you miss?" Asked Ye Chen quite embarrassed, to soothe his abnormal awkward behaviour.

Tang Yuehua was slightly startled by his question. She then remembered that she had yet to introduce herself to her little nephew.

"Sorry, I'm Tang Yuehua, your aunt."

"Aunt?" Ye Chen asked in an innocent voice sounding astonished.

Seeing Xiao San's astonished look Tang Yuehua giggled. Her voice was like a tune of heavenly music, which made his heart throb with desire.

Though Tang San knew her identity he still looked toward Tang Hao seemingly asking if it was true or not.

"Xiao San she is your aunt."

Tang Hao nodded to Tang San. Though he knew from the novel that Tang Hao and Tang Yuehua were siblings, his eyes were wide open looking at the beautiful women in front and then at his aged father, he could not see anything to suggest they were siblings. If he had not read the novel he would have even doubted their identity as relatives.

"Greeting Aunt Yuehua. I'm Tang San, and I've turned six this year."

Tang San was sensible and mature from his childhood so he greeted his aunt politely hearing his father's acknowledgement.

But he was surprised to find his cheeks unexpectedly pulled by his aunt.

Tang Yuehua was fatally attracted to Tang San's cuteness and could not help herself from pulling his cheeks.

"Aunty it hurts....!" Tang San replied with a face full of grievance.

"Sorry Xiao San, aunty was overwhelmed. Show Aunty, where it hurts?"

Tang Yuehua then slowly rubbed his cheeks lovingly and hugged him into an embrace, her melons right in front of his face. Being squeezed by the two large melons, Ye Chen was in a land of bliss and started having a nosebleed. (T/N - Virgin's symptoms)

"Aunty I can't breathe....!"

Ye Chen squeaked very faintly. He was suffocated by those two large rabbits. Never in his life did he ever imagine enjoying such bliss. Hearing Xiao San's words, Tang Yuehua was startled, and red in shame but she managed to hide her expression from her Second Brother.

Of course, Tang Hao did not see this small exchange between them. He was satisfied to see both aunt and nephew getting along with each other.

Tang Hao's body trembled in agitation whenever he thought of the Legendary Emperor Tian Hammer appearing in his son. He was too excited.

Taking a deep breath Tang Hao calmed himself down. The agitation left as quickly as it came.

He looked towards Tang San being cuddled by his sister.

"Xiao San, bring out your spirit, let me have a look."

"Ok, father." Tang San nodded.

Tang Yuehua released Xiao San from her embrace, she was also interested to see his Martial Spirit again, after all, it was a Divine Spirit.

Tang San slowly closed his eyes and started circulating the Xuan Tian Gong. He particularly felt a warm current permeating his body. The room was illuminated by a blue appearance as a hammer appeared in his hand, ancient & mysterious emanating a powerful aura.

With the appearance of the hammer, the room was enveloped in a heavy atmosphere.

That was an entirely pitch black hammer. Its hammer handle is about half a chi in length, with a cylindrical hammerhead.

Its appearance was elegant and its pitch-black surface was covered in thunderbolts. Various runes, engravings and patterns were carved on its surface and sobriquet in a faint circle that Tang San did not understand.

These profound engravings were the manifestation of the laws of Heavenly Dao.

For some reason, just as the hammer appeared in the middle of Tang San's hand, he was unable to bear the weight of the hammer, his arm slowly drooping. His facial expression had already become somewhat pale.

The hammer made Tang Hao feel uneasy. His spirit was shrouded in a subtle suppression, with its appearance.

Emperor Tian Hammer is considered the supreme existence among Weapon Tool Spirits. So any weapon spirit or tool spirit will instantly be suppressed by its aura on coming into its vicinity.

Worthy of being a Divine Spirit!

Tang Hao and Tang Yuehua were full of appreciation for seeing The Legendary Tool Spirit, which was once awakened by their ancestor.

Tang Hao was able to stay standing despite the huge pressure because of his superior cultivation and robust physique but the same was not true for Tang Yuehua.

She was sweating profusely. Her fragile body could not bear the pressure. Born different from others with a defect in her Spirit, she could never breakthrough the ninth rank. It was becoming increasingly difficult for her to hold on.

Seeing his beautiful aunt, under a huge burden Tang San felt distressed. He took back the hammer Martial Spirit, dispersing in black light, the heavy atmosphere also disappeared.

Tang San was confused and felt a little odd; his hammer spirit was undoubtedly different from the original works and had positively undergone subtle mutation, but why was he still unable to lift it? He remembers when he faced the tribulation, he could at least swing it a few times.

What else made him astounded was that after summoning that little hammer, his inner strength was almost depleted.

"What is your Spirit Power?"

Tang Hao asked after calming down his turbulent thoughts maintaining an indifferent tone.

"The Envoy from Spirit Hall said that I've no spirit power."

When Tang Hao heard this, his eyes frowned. Even Tang Yuehua squinted her eyes hearing Xiao San's remarks.

"Impossible! It's totally impossible! How can a Spirit that has transcended to God level be without Spirit power."

Tang Hao muttered. He was having a hard time believing that the God level Spirit was born without spirit power. Even Tang Yuehua panicked over such drastic development.

Tang Hao suddenly remembered something and hurriedly walked into another room. Minutes later he came out holding a crystal ball similar to the one held by the Spirit Hall's envoy Su Yuntao.

Tang San was surprised to see Tang Hao holding a Spirit Detecting Soul Guide (T/N- this name was given by me for convenience in understanding). This Soul Guide is very rare and limited in number, held by some of the Top forces. One reason for its limited number is because of the resources and lack of technology required to make them.

Most of the Spirit Detecting Soul Guides are inherited from ancient times. Over the years humanity has lost the techniques to produce them. So, seeing one in the hands of his father he was pleasantly surprised.

Tang San suddenly remembered his father's identity as Clear Sky Douluo. Given his father's strength, it's not impossible for him to acquire one of these. His aunt on the contrary didn't look much surprised seeing his brother possessing a Spirit Detecting Soul Guide.

"Xiao San come put your hand on this crystal."


Ye Chen nodded slightly and put both his hands on the crystal. The crystal glowed brightly in nine different colours. Tang Hao and Tang Yuehua's jaws were wide open with surprise seeing this scene. Tang San felt a warm sensation permeating his hands as the Mysterious Heaven Skill started circulating on its own.

Tang Hao's shock was yet to subsidise as the crystal ball started illuminating more dazzling like a small sun. By this time Tang Hao's breathing had almost stopped. He had never heard or seen anything such bizarre.

With the continuous circulation of Xuan Tian Gong, the crystal ball became more colourful, illuminating the whole room.

Unable to contain his surging spirit power, the Spirit detecting soul guide could no longer hold and shattered with a 'bang'! Tang Hao never expected such development. He was shocked then followed by ecstasy.

His son had Spirit Power and it was high enough to shatter the Crystal Ball!

The only reasonable explanation for it was that Xiao San's Spirit power is so high that it is beyond the Soul Guide's capacity to measure.

The Crystal Ball used him could only measure up to the tenth level of Innate Spirit Power. Seeing the Crystal illuminate brightly with such high intensity and then shattering afterwards means his son's Spirit power has already surpassed innate level 10.

Tang Yuehua was also dumbfounded. She started at her little nephew wide-eyed, unable to take her eyes off him as if seeing a little monster. She was relieved to see Xiao San had awakened his Martial Spirit with innate spirit power surpassing even level 10.

"Good!.....Good!....Worthy of being my Tang Hao's son!"

Tang Hao laughed heartily. He was happy that the little envoy from branch hall of Spirit Hall only identified Xiao San with no Spirit Power. Thus he'll not get into the eyes of those Spirit Hall personnel.

Tang Hao was preparing himself to kill the envoy if necessary to hide Tang San's Spirit and Spirit Power but it likes not necessary now.

Tang Yuehua was amazed to see her brother happy, laughing like a maniac. It had been years since she saw her brother laugh. Previously she had always been worried about her second brother all these years but now it looked like he was regaining his cheerful days back; all thanks to little San.

She was happy that her brother could move on from that incident.

Tang Hao patted Tang San's small shoulders, unable to control his strong emotions. But before Tang San could struggle free, he was abruptly hugged tightly to his father's chest by his strong arms.

Under Tang Hao's large, robust hands, Ye Chen's shoulders shrunk. He felt suffocated buried in those large hands. For the first time, he experienced the physical strength of Tang Hao, though he was unintentional.

It felt like a mountain pressing on his shoulders.

Thankfully, Tang Hao released him soon. Tang San was relieved. Rather than being embraced by such a stinky person he preferred getting embraced by beautiful flowers.....

"Dad do you know what my Spirit is called? It feels very powerful way beyond my control."

Asked Tang San sounding innocent.

Hearing his son's question Tang Hao was hesitating whether to answer or not. This Martial Spirit is among the Most Powerful Martial Spirits. If Spirit Hall somehow gets a wind about it, they will do anything in their power to destroy Xiao San before he grows up.

His other concern is about Xiao San knowing too much at such young age which is also detrimental to his growth. He feared Xiao San will become blind, indifferent and arrogant - obsessed with power knowing that he awakened God-Level Spirit.

But sadly he could guide very little on this thing. Everyone has a Destiny so he could not force anything; what has to come will come!

But he just hoped that Xiao San would adhere to the principles.

After some hesitation, Tang Hao finally decided to answer his curiosity. He has awakened God-Level spirit and as his, Clear Sky Douluo's son, even if he doesn't want, Xiao San will still be dragged into this muddy water. So he decided to tell him, at least to have him prepared; how & what the outside world looked like and to understand the viciousness of human hearts.

Tang Hao looked at Xiao San and slowly stretched his right hand. On his hand appeared a small hammer with a cylindrical hammerhead - similar to his yet somewhat different.

"This is the strongest Tool Spirit in the world, Houtian Hammer (T/N~ Clear Sky Hammer). I think by this time you have seen that both of our spirits are the same but there is a subtle difference in them. Your Spirit is also Houtian Hammer but it has undergone subtle mutation. Its name is Emperor Tian Hammer."

Tang San was astonished to hear this information. He then opened his left palm and looked at the mini version of the hammer floating in the middle.

"So, this Spirit is called Emperor Tian Hammer. Huh~" Ye Chen (Tang San) thought to himself.

Tang Hao continued, "In future don't use this spirit too often, it may lead to troubles for you!"

"Troubles!?" asked Tang San sounding confused though he knew what Tang Hao was referring to.

"You don't need to know all these things. With time you'll know everything, you are too young so just focus on cultivation. Only with your strength, you can stand above this dangerous world." replied Tang Hao.


Tang San nodded in understanding not asking any further questions. Tang Hao was satisfied to see his son not asking any further questions. He then began giving some basic knowledge about the Soul Masters and the geography of the continent. Tang San listened to this attentively while Tang Yuehua sat beside them and listened to the father and son duo.

Though Tang San (Ye Chen) knew most of the plots of Douluo Dalu, not everything was shown in animes or novels. There may even be variables in the plot because of his presence. So he found it useful to gather more knowledge about the continent, which may be of his help.

Tang Hao told him everything superficially about how to cultivate Spirit Power, Soul Rings and everything including the limit of Soul Rings one could absorb. Tang San digested all this information with great concentration. He was too excited and could not wait to get his first Spirit Ring.

Tang Hao looked quite demotivated after he finished giving the lesson. He felt guilty for burdening his son for his revenge. Though he was cruel to his wife he could not do such inhumane things to his son. His wife was a soul beast, and humans and soul beast has always been odd, so he did not feel much guilt for her sacrifice but this was his son, how can he push his son to a fire pit - it's like blood is thicker than water.

Tang San (Ye Chen) hearing all of his dad's words suddenly looked thoughtful. Tang Hao saw this and was quite amazed at his son's expression.

"Dad can no one have two or more martial spirits?"

Tang San asked sounding thoughtful. He was planning to see Tang Hao's dog eat shit face when he exposes his other martial spirit to him proving his knowledge wrong.

Tang Hao was thoughtful, he read about the existence of Twin Spirits in ancient manuals of the Houtian Sect. According to the records, even the Sect's founding Ancestor has never met anyone having twin Spirits. He inherited the title of Clear Sky Douluo and learned all these secrets that are unknown to common Soul Masters.

Tang Hao thought that Xiao San was just curious about these things so he just replied, "I don't know if there exists someone with Twin Spirits, though there various records indicating their presence. But no one has awakened twin spirits in more than a thousand-year in the history of the mainland." Tang Hao replied. He sighed slightly as he remembers hearing his grandfather describing twin spirit holders as the darlings of heaven & earth.

"But dad I seem to have another spirit." Tang San answered back with an innocent but hideous evil smile. Saying this he opened his right hand as a blue-coloured small vine materialised in his hand.

"Oh....that must have been your imagi..."

Tang Hao could not finish his sentence when he realised something. His eyes stared at the familiar blue silver grass in Xiao San's hand. For a moment he almost choked, no words coming out of his mouth, his emotions running wild.

While Tang Hao's mood was chaotic, Tang Yuehua's heartbeats became faster with excitement, seeing another Spirit in Xiao San's right hand. She was experiencing the birth of a legend, who will soon be famous throughout the entire Mainland.

Hearing Tang Hao say there has been no Spirit Master with twin spirits, Tang San was stupefied. In the original sequel, the wastrel dog Grandmaster mentioned there were only three twin spirit holders in the history of Mainland Douluo including Tang San, both of them belonging to Spirit Hall. Their existence was not known to the public.

Yu Xiaogang the dog deceived Bibi Dong in her younger years and got all those details and theories, which he published as his own. Ye Chen could not help but curse such a scumbug.

Ye Chen could not help but appreciate how remarkable Spirit Hall's ability was - being able to hide such news of the existence of twin spirit masters, from reaching the ears of the top three sects.

Tang Hao walked over to Tang San frantically and held his right hand tightly. He started at the Blue Silver Grass with complex emotions in his eyes. He did not know when but his eyes were red with dry tears.

His mood suddenly became heavy. Tang Hao's happy face had turned deadly pale seeing the Blue Silver Grass as his son's other spirit. Instead of being happy, he was clouded in a mixture of complex emotions that shrouded his mind.

Staring dazedly at the delicate blue silver grass in Tang San's hand, Tang Hao was in a spell of absentmindedness, for a long time until he gradually recovered. Bright eyes and swallowing hard, he murmured in a low voice,

"Blue silver grass; it is blue silver grass. And the same as hers."

Abruptly, Tang Hao vigorously stood up and walked over to the inner room, the sudden movement nearly causing him to fall over in front of Tang San, the blue-silver grass spirit in his hand dissolving on its own.

Tang San also lost his balance and fell to his butt.


Just when he was about to get up cursing Tang Hao a few times under his breath, there was a slender hand supporting his shoulder. Tang San saw it was his aunt.

"Don't worry little San, your father is okay, just a little upset. Let him stay alone for a while. He'll be fine. Come tell aunty about your experiences all these years. Then I'll tell you nice stories..."

Tang Yuehua took Tang San outside to stroll into the backside of the mountain, as only a very few people visited the area. She was not intentional but she just wanted to give her second brother some space to calm down...

Tang Hao saw his sister taking Xiao San outside. He closed the door, slumped on the chair and gulped alcohol to wash the guilt in his heart but he instantly broke down feeling mixed emotions that were razing his heart.


It was nearly midnight, and the night sky was picturesque. A black to navy gradient was the backdrop for a full moon; the night sky was so clear that one could almost see every crater.

Tang San and Tang Yuehua sat among the hill full of flowers, as the moonlight shone upon them. It was already night. Tang Yuehua accompanied little San and listened to his years of growing up under his father's care.

The moon was glowing in yellowy white, loomed large, surrounded by an ethereal glow. Millions of stars were sprinkled behind it, a few large ones but mostly a multitude of little white pinpricks. Now and then, a twinkle caught her eye as she listened to her little nephew's life experiences. This was an unfamiliar sight from her city life in Tiandou City, where the lights never went down, perpetually hiding the beauty of the nighttime sky.

The ocean waves of flowers lapped lazily at the hillsides, a jumble of navy and royal blue that glistened in the night. White foam crested the top as they approached, spilling onto the grass as winds were being cast.

Tang Yuehua gently embraced Tang San feeling the hardships such a small child had to endure all these years. A maternal instinct of love and care brewed in her heart.

Breaking the silence Tang San suddenly asked,

"Aunt, Do you know my mother. You said I look a lot like her! Were you two acquaintances?"

Tang Yuehua did not expect to be asked such a question. She did not know how to answer Xiao San's question.

"Did your father ever tell you about your mother?"

"No, father didn't mention anything about my mother," answered Tang San while sounding a little dejected.

"Since your father didn't mention anything, I can't say much. But I can tell that your mother and I were more than just acquaintances; we were best friends."

Tang Yuehua suddenly felt nostalgic and sad remembering all these past events. Since childhood, she never had a friend in sect.

Being born with mutated Martial Spirit and no Spirit Power, not awakening the Houtian hammer, a symbol of Clear Sky Clansmen, she was always avoided by peers.

Later she met Ah Yin. After knowing that she was her second brother's fiancee, they quickly became best friends because of similarities in their thoughts. It was because of her encouragement that she established 'Moon Pavillion'. But whenever she remembered her friend is no more, she felt heartbreaking pain.

Sometimes she blamed her second brother for her death but she didn't dare to tell him seeing his condition all these years. She believed her brother was also in pain and guilt. But the reality was opposite.

"Best friends!?" Tang San asked sounding confused. He remembers not reading these in the novels mentioning Tang Yuehua and Ah Yin being best friends.

Just how much has the plot changed with his reincarnation! Ye Chen thought to himself.

"Yes, we were best friends and good sisters...."

Tang Yuehua was trying hard to hide her emotions as she was choking on her words.

"Do you know where is my mother, aunty? Why hasn't she visited me?"

asked Tang San though he knew what happened to her. He just wanted to continue the conversation with Tang Yuehua and be embraced by her mature voluptuous body.

Tang Yuehua seemed electrified as she sat motionlessly, her hands squeezed Tang San's, embracing him more tightly. She was having a hard time on how to explain all these things to Xiao San.

"You will get all these answers in future. All you have to do is cultivate diligently. You have to become strong very quickly."

Tang Yuehua felt guilty as she coaxed her little nephew with such an ambiguous answer. She was afraid of Xiao San knowing such sensitive things at such a young age, so she concealed these from Tang San.

Sometimes, some things are better left unsaid, hidden deep in the heart.

"Umm..." Tang San nodded.

Seeing these Tang Yuehua caressed his hair lovingly. Tang San could feel an ample motherly love from her action. In response, he just hugged her tightly.

A boy and a woman sat in the sea of flowers embracing each other under the night sky full of stars illuminated by moonlight.


In the vast expanse of space, a small spot of light is flying.

That is a point of light that will not attract attention at all, it seems to be somewhere between reality and nothingness.

But in such a light spot, there is conscious existence. It was the broken fragments of Tang Ming~San's soul. He escaped miraculously with his broken soul after fighting Ye Chen in his sea of consciousness; unknown to Ye Chen.

It would not have been possible if the planar consciousness helped him escape. Though he died, he still has the protagonist's aura giving him Qi luck, thanks to that he managed to escape with his wounded soul.

The moment when the consciousness dissipates, only by reincarnation can one reappear to the world.

He tried snatching Ye Chen's body but he got defeated. There is no medicine for regret in this world. Even if he is the Son of Luck, he can't reverse everything.

"Just you wait, Ye Chen! You and I will never share the same sky! I'll make you pay for it. Wait you for me!"

Suddenly in the vast void before his eyes appeared a large blue planet similar to that of the earth but countless times larger, flourishing with deep life energy. Tang Ming~San felt his soul slowly recover as he felt a little bit of its life energy from outer space.

Tang Ming~San felt the world energy here was countless times greater than the Da-Zi world he was in previously. (T/N- Da-Zi world is the name of the world where Tang Ming~San lived previously; where he died by jumping off hell's cliff. I just named it casually!!)

"Just you wait for my revenge Ye Chen!!..."

Saying this Tang Ming~San's consciousness got attracted towards the Falan Planet entering the fetus inside an woman's womb.


«Middle of the night, inside Tang San's room»


Ye Chen was sleeping in his room beside his aunt Tang Yuehua. It was almost midnight. He was having a happy and blissful dream surrounded by beauty. But his dream was shattered by an unexpected sneeze which woke up his aunt.

"What happened Xiao San? Are you feeling unwell?" asked Tang Yuehua in a drowse.

"No, aunty I'm fine."

Hearing Tang San's affirmative answer she instantly dozed off to sleep.

"Fuck! Who the hell is cursing me at such a time!?"

Tang San (Ye Chen) cursed in his mind. He was annoyed being woken up from such an amazing dream. After swearing at the person for a while, he fell asleep.

But in his dreams, he heard some weird mechanical noise...


[Host has awakened Martial Spirit..... Initial conditions requirements.....complete!....]

[System initiation...]

[Host information.....SCANNING!!....]

[System Pannel....Unlocking in 12 Hrs....]

Ye Chen (Tang San) did not mind these weird noises that kept on popping up in his head. He took it for some weird dreams. Without paying anymore attention to it he finally drifted off the sleep, his hand draping Tang Yiehua's beautiful slim waist.


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