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30.98% Villains Are My Sponsors! / Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Battle in Wolven Glade (3)

Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Battle in Wolven Glade (3)

I am finally back!

I will add an axillary chapter at the end of 2nd arc.


"You! Who ...who are you!" asked Rogra, the knight-in-command of Kingdom, as he was surprised, that he didn't felt any presence of this young man who was infront of him.

And his surprise on seeing the headless Great Sabre Wolf also made him alittle caution, against this existence infront of him.

"Hehe, You ask who am I?"

"I am death." said our protagonist, Alard he unsheathed his sword, slowly standing up from the carcass of the beast.

"You! You are just single man! by taking out your sword, are you planning on attacking us?" laughed Rogra, as he found it funny, he currently have 100 men strong soldiers with him, and 150 of his army were all surrounding this area, and he was 100% sure, this young lad infront of him wasn't from the Empire.

How can Empire army arrive so fast, there estimated time to arrive at the glade is more then 1 hour from now.

"Sir, Why don't I teach him a lesson?" suddenly a soldier walked toward Rogra, as he asked the permission.

"Sure, Go for it."

"Kid! Quickly leave! We will handle them, you shouldn't get in adults business, quickly escape!" suddenly Razor stood infront of young man, as he mistook Alard intention.

He thought, this kid was trying to protect them from this bandit, as all the soldiers were in disguise of bandits.

"You damn mercenary! This is the second time you are standing against our commander! Are you trying to rebel!" shouted Rogra, but suddenly was hit hard by a surprise.

Razor body was send flying into a tree of glade, his whole body crashing against the tree, the sound of his bone cracking could be echo into everyone ears.

"Who are you to block my way?" exclaimed Alard lowering his leg, looking toward everyone with his cold eyes, while everyone couldn't help but shake like a leaf.

While, Drake who saw his teacher getting kicked to death by this unknown young man, got enraged as he tightly held his bitten abdomen tightly, when he met the eyes with Alard, he couldn't help up again fall on in his knee, his whole body sweating with fear .

Those eyes! it was as it didn't even viewed them as a human, but just a food ready to be devoured at anytime by him.

"Ghh! Charge! Charge! Kill him!" shouted Rogra, in panic as soon 100 of his soldiers rushed toward Alard, all equipped with sword or saber in there hand.

While, Alard couldn't help but carry a grin in his face, his body exploding with excitement.


[<Ghost of Uchiha> said he is ready to watch the movie, "sofa check!, tofu check!, 3d glasses check!"]

[<I am not Freezer> was expecting a huge army, but it was just some pest jumping around, "What do you think <King of Heroes>]

[<King of Heroes> "Mongrels are not worth my time watching, only weakling could be interested to watch this. "]

[<Ghost of Uchiha> "Ha! Are you saying I am weakling?! It has been so long since anyone dare call me that! Why don't you come at me! I will show you the might of Uchiha!"]

[<King of Heroes> "Mongrels aren't my worth time to argue on."]

While many notification appeared above Alard, he had already dash forward.

Alard charged toward the group with a crazy grin, he swinged his sword, chopping a soldier body into half.

"Hihaaaa!" all soldiers roared, charging forward like a pack of boar ... while Alard opened his sharingan, while using ‹Sharingan: Attack Prediction› to skillfully dodge every attack aimed at him, as he slashed through his enemies.

*clash!* *Clang!*

Sword of Alard, and the group clashed, as Alard without much difficulty countered and clashed against all of his enemy attacks.

"‹Maximize Magic: Wind Lance›!" Alard quickly chanted, summoning many strong lances formed by air.

[Magic Attack +400 (temporarily)!]


The ground trembled, many soldier blew far away by the impact of ‹Wind Lances›.

"Kughh! Enemy is a warrior and a Magic caster too! all of you charge him all together!"exclaimed Rogra in shock, while many shadows from tree came into the view in the field.

"Finally, the hidden bugs also came out huh~" Alard chuckled, as he slashed his sword in air, all the blood in his sword splattering in ground.

"Don't underestimate us, you damn brat!' exclaimed the soldiers, as all soldiers estimated to be 200 charged toward a lone Alard.

'Heh! Finally after 10 year, I am able to kill heartfully.' thought Alard, as being a kid under supervision of his parents, teacher and servants. He couldn't openly kill.

But now it was different! He was the highest authority in this glade! he can do anything he wanted! he can show his inner desire, as he wished!

"‹Brute Force›"

[Strength +10!]

"‹Over Magic! Maximize Magic: Ice Pillar›!"

[Magic Attack +600 (temporarily)!]

Alard chanted, as two huge ice pillar spurted out from the ground, as many soldier under its range turned into ice sculpture, there whole body covered in frost.

"Huff! Huff!" Alard was alittle tired out using this spell, as he was currently capable of only casting 3rd-tier spell, but using ‹Over Magic› he could cast a 1-tier higher spell.

"Wh-What! That youngling can cast a 4th-tier spell!" exclaimed Rogra in shock, his panicked expression clear to the public.

While, Alard didn't say anything ...a sword in his hand, he once again jumped toward the remaining soldiers, who could be counted upto 50 to 60.

"Damn it! Charge! Charge! Kill this monster!" shouted Rogra, as he ordered his troops.

"Ahhhhh!! Kill!!" all soldiers shouted in unison, as nobody knew whether they were brave or foolish, there death was infront of them ...still they didn't try to run from it.

"Try it." Alard said with a smirk, he played with his sword hilt, circling his sword in air, as when a soldier charged into him.

"‹Sharingan: Genjutsu›" he directly looked at the soldier, as his body fell down lifeless in the ground, while he stabbed the fallen soldier ...when a sword directly came to Alard neck.


Still, dodging it skillfully, Alard, pierced his sword into the throat of the attacker, as he pulled out his sword ...crimson blood dripped from his sword.

'Ahh~ This is pure bliss.' thought Alard, while he swinged his sword, enemy blood spilling into the ground.

As, it was going on ...Alard one tomoe sharingan suddenly began to rotated wildly, Alard also felt a little bit of itch in his eye, as soon his single tomoe eye turned into two tomoe.

[Congratulations Player, Sharingan (first-stage) has evolved into Sharingan (second-stage)]

As soon as, Alard sharingan evolved from 1st to 2nd, he could feel his perception getting better and better.

He could hear alittle far from where he could normally hear, he could also feel his enemy speed has slowed down.

Alard couldn't help but smirk, as he without much effort, soon killed the remaining soldiers in flash.

When, he noticed the man who was commanding this soldiers, was no were to seen, he was missing!

'Did that dog just barked and ran away?' Alard thought, as he wasn't much of worried about him escaping though, both Froza and David had already contacted him when he was in middle of his battle, so they have already been surveying all the exit of glade.

There was no way, Rogar could escape this glade ...and the only reason, Alard even kept him alive, was because he was the leader ..he must know the real reason of them being here.

"So, You are the final one huh~" exclaimed Alare, as he turned around to take a look at Drake, who had 2 grave hole in his abdomen, his skin turning pale and paler, as his lifeless eye looked at Alard with fear, as he could hear his dead teacher voice.

"If you think only you are the only predator in this world, you should change you thought, idiot student in this wide and unknown world, it doesn't even take a second for an predator to change into prey."

'Hah! I am dying just like this huh? I guess, I will never be able to marry her, forgive me, for not fulfilling my promise, Hilma.' thought Drake, taking his last breath, as he remembered the love of his life.

Hilma, was only a beautiful 17 year girl, Drake was worried what could she do to earn her living after he died. She was an orphan, and the only one who could protect her was Drake, after Drake died, she will have no one to take care of her or anyone to protect her in this cruel world.

"He is dead like that? ..Well, whatever." Alard shrugged his shoulders, as he saw 100 swordsmen under his command coming over here.

"Commander! We have surveyed the area as you ordered! We didn't find any thing suspicious! wo! Woah!" shouted the captain of the squad in shock, as he and his team watched the bloody scene infront of them.

"Good, Let's leave the glade then ...We have the Leader captured, Our mission here is over." said Alard, as he stepped on some of the cold corpses laying down headless, as he began walking out, while other wanted to ask questions about what happened here.

But didn't, as they in the first place didn't have an authority to question there higher up, let alone Alard who is titled as the Hero of West.


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