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90.24% Transmigrated as Talion in Middle Earth / Chapter 35: The nothern war end

Chapter 35: The nothern war end


Fram present on the wall next to his soldiers observes the scene attentively, while he sees Baranor breathless on the ground in the distance, surrounded by a multitude of soldiers armed to the teeth, the latter gets up painfully and rushes towards an enemy in particular.

Seeing this scene, Fram is afraid to lose his friend, the enemies around him shoot arrows in his direction, the arrows flying at full speed close to touching him, Fram can only scream while clenching his fist, helpless in front of this spectacle.

"Baranor! Shit, I'm useless, I can't even protect my friend!"

But while he is enraged at his weakness and sad to see his friend being slaughtered before his eyes, large waves of water appear from nowhere all around Baranor and blow the enemy army apart.

Then, thanks to his sharp vision, he sees Idril pick up Baranor and disappear.

Relieved, he decides to give new orders to his soldiers.

"Archers, in the absence of General Baranor, I will lead you to victory, get ready! The enemy will attack us from the front, prepare your bows, your swords, your spears, we will push them back!"

Following his order, the soldiers shouted with courage and got ready to welcome the ennemy.


While the battle has been going on for some time, the sun rises and the visibility returns to normal, the enemy army is reforming in an assault formation.

The waves of water did some damage, but only about 50 soldiers were killed.

The enemy general, wounded, out of breath, and almost dead due to Idril's attack, gets up painfully thanks to his soldiers.

Seeing the enemy wall blocking their progress, he orders, mad with rage

"Reform the lines, bring the ladders, I want the singers of the dead to go to the front line, exterminate them to the very last!"

"Hai!" the soldiers answer in unison as they run to pass on the orders.


Observing the situation carefully, Fram, thanks to the earpieces created by Talion, can communicate to all the soldiers at the same time, using this tool, he orders.

"Unit number 1, advance the catapults, it's time to reveal our arsenal, unit number 2 open fire on the enemy, unit number 3 prepare to go up on the walls to welcome the enemies, for all the archers on the walls, prepare to go down when I order you to do so".

Following these orders, some Olog-hai who were until now in the rear of the battle move forward and push heavy catapults.

They are quickly positioned behind the walls within range of fire, they load the catapults with heavy stones and await Fram's orders.

During this time, a unit until then preserved by Fram climbs on the walls.

Equipped with long bows and heavy armor, they are the finest archers of the kingdom, they position themselves and shoot their arrows towards the enemy.

Fram having planned an original tactic, concentrates a small part of his magic on each bow used by the second unit, this will allow them to lighten the bows and therefore, to shoot faster and with greater accuracy.

Even if this uses some of Fram's remaining magic, it should help to reduce the number of opponents.

As for the unit that is preparing to climb the walls, this one is a unit of orcs spearmen with shields, they wear heavy armor and are imposing, they are the perfect warriors to hold a wall.


While Fram organizes the defense and the archers start shooting at the enemy troops, the latter under the orders of their general regroup and are ready to advance towards the wall.

Quickly, the enemy archers retaliate and shoot in the direction of the walls, some arrows find their targets in Fram's warriors but very few make victim or seriously wounded.

Then, after a few minutes, two legions of dark warriors equipped from head to toe with black armors approach the wall with 8 ladders.

The latter, the singers of death, are ready to climb the walls and slaughter the soldiers of the kingdom of light.

Under the cries and war songs of the enemy troops, they approach the wall dangerously.

Seeing their approach, Fram orders "Archers, aim in priority the troops close to the wall and those who are grouped together, the catapults, fire immediately!"

Thanks to the earpieces, his orders are relayed to the second and applied immediately.

Thus, under constant fire from the archers, the singers of death are slowed down in their progression, and although they are heavily armored, the arrows of the heavy archers posted on the wall do a lot of damage to them.

On their side, the 5 catapults fire without pause on the enemy troops.

With an unreliable precision due to the lack of vision, they shoot blindly, but the enemy army being grouped together, it is an easy target and most of the shots kill about a dozen men.

Under constant bombardment, the morale of the enemy troops begins to falter, although they know they are fighting for their god, Sauron, and in their minds they are convinced they are doing their duty, doubt sets in.

Trying to bring back unity, the general encourages them "Don't be afraid! The enemy is less numerous, moreover I have been informed of the approach of an allied army, so fight to the death !"

Hearing this more than encouraging news, the troops are again boosted and wait impatiently.

And it is a few minutes later, despite the harassment they are undergoing, the singers of death arrive near the walls and deploy the ladders of war.

These are specially designed not to be knocked down, with a metal end that hooks the very structure of the wall, it would take superhuman strength to detach them.

Encouraged by the success of the most valiant unit in their army, all the enemy legions besides the horsemen are on the march and approaching the walls as well.

Noticing the situation, Fram gives these instructions very quickly " Archers, come down from the walls, unit 3 go up, I also want swordsmen on the walls, archers position yourselves behind the melee troops at the bottom of the wall and shoot in the direction of the enemy army from the back ! "

Again, his soldiers move and follow these orders to perfection.

The death singers climb directly on the walls with a strong desire to kill, they are formidable and are ready to tear apart any enemy on their way.

Arriving on the walls, they are greeted by the solid orc spearmen and the men's swordsmen.

The defense is organized and manages to stabilize the enemy near the ladders, but despite their good will, they are overwhelmed and the enemy is too strong.

Within minutes of the initial contact, multiple fronts are created on the wall, the death singers are completely crazy in battle and are unpredictable and very hard to hold for the soldiers.

The death singers try to break the lines to form a single front and push the defenders out of the wall, using their great physical strength.

Observing carefully the situation on the wall, Fram quickly realizes the advantage of the enemies, his soldiers being overtaken by the madness and raw power of the opponents.

Having underestimated them, he rectifies his mistake immediately and sends one of his most valuable units on the walls

"Uruk-hai berserker, go to the walls and destroy the enemy soldiers"

Following his order this unit of uruk-hai leaves running in the direction of the walls.

These last ones, including in particular various captains, is a very valorous unit, equipped with light armor, these last ones possess big axes that can destroy armours, they are uruk-hai in search of fight and seeking blood to quench their thirst, for them, war is a thrilling passion.

Among them, some are crazier than others and are masters in the art of poison, poisonning themselves with spiders in order to be stronger.

Immediately, this unit neutralizes the advance of the death singers.

Being completely degenerate soldiers, they fight without regard for their own health and repel the enemies.

The fight continues and both sides suffer casualties, but the dynamics are in favor of Fram's army, the enemy soldiers are exhausted while those at Fram's disposal are fresh and better prepared.

Moreover, the enemy soldiers are still facing the rain of arrows and rocks thrown by the catapults.

The death singers are almost all decimated, thanks to the berserkers.

Thus, the enemy army loses a large part of its men while the losses on Fram's side are not comparable.

Indeed, on his side, Fram has lost 900 men since the beginning of the fight out of his 2000 while the enemy army has 3000 men left.

Feeling that victory is near, Fram uses the last trump card up his sleeve and communicates with a unit posted outside the wall.

"Make a maneuver and attack the enemy from behind," he orders.

Hearing the captain's confirmation, he can't help but smile.

Only minutes after his order, a troop of 100 warg riders appear behind the ennemy and charge in the rear of the khand's men.

The bloodthirsty wargs descend on the enemy lines in a fury.

Not having seen the enemy offensive, the charge was fatal for the Khands, who fell like flies following the charge.

Seeing their comrades decimated at the wall, but also at their backs, morale was at its lowest in their ranks.

Seeing this offensive, the enemy general orders his spearmen to attack the wargs.

Quickly the enemy spearmen approached the wargs in order to engage them, but when they were close to the wargs, the latter retreated and returned in the direction from which they came.

But during these few minutes the men of Khand have suffered, both mentally and physically, many losses are deplored increasing the chances of success of the army of the kingdom of light.

But while Fram is satisfied with the course of the battle, he hears a sound he knows very well, the horn of khands men.

This horn resounds in the valley and is heard by everyone on the battlefield.

Not far from the enemy army, a second, much more imposing army appears, it is the second army of the khand soldiers.

This last one after having faced the traps of Fram separated in two groups, and the most important arrived on the battlefield.

This last one composed of 5000 men comes to increase directly the number of enemy to face.

Fram seeing this keeps his cool and orders the retreat "We retreat! the orcs on the wall, I have no choice but to ask you to stand guard so that we can retreat, run in the direction of Seregost!"

Knowing full well that the enemies are too many, he takes the most logical choice and sounds the retreat, even if he has to make the heartbreaking decision to leave a hundred men behind to hold off the opponent.

This is war, and in war, everything must be done to win.


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