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Mental Breakdown and Best friends for ever

(Three months later)

During these three months, Masahiko learned the transformation jutsu and the clone jutsu, he could channel his lightning chakra into his Katana, but only for a small amount of time. He also could walk on trees without problems. And he also learned a Water Jutsu, which the system gave a quest for. He knew about the fire of Gray Terminal.

The Quest from the system was this.

(Save the Gray Terminal from completely burning down, using a Water Release Jutsu.)


-More Creativity, for creating your own jutsu.

-fifty percent more easy, to create your own jutsu.

Masahiko also, learned how to use the Adamantine Sealing Chains, but the range was only three meters.

He was currently in the air, flying as a raven. On the way to Gray Terminal. Yes he could also transform into animals, but it felt weird being a raven, but also kind of cool.

If he could marry flying, he would. The feeling of it, was incredibly nice. He just loved, how the air on his face felt, the many things he could do, and the best thing to Masahiko, was the speed of it. He could fly to far locations, in just a couple of minutes.

But he could not transform into a bug, maybe his chakra control just sucked.

Masahiko was already, in the Gray Terminal, but he needed to fly to the midway forest. He flew upwards, then downwards to the trees, and undid the Transformation Jutsu. He cleanly landed on a tree, just several trees, away from Sabo and Ace.

Masahiko befriended Sabo, when Ace introduced Masahiko to Sabo.

He jumped from tree to tree, and met the two, and greeted them.

''Hey Masahiko, there you are. You have come a little bit late, but still not too late. Said Sabo.

Everytime Sabo spoke, Masahiko was reminded of Naruto. It was weird, he kind of looked like Naruto already, only the whisker were needed.

Ace told them, that today was competition day, it was to see, who had the most guts and strength.

Masahiko's strength with chakra was absurd, he could now destroy three trees, with one punch. The competion, has begun now, and Masahiko transformed himself into a raven, he then flew to the mansion, in which the king resided. He knew, that the king would be asleep, as it is only 7:00 am.

He flew through the open window, and undid the transformation. He took out a Kunai, and a Fuin Jutsu technique, which prevented the victim to scream.

He then transformed himself, into an average One Piece adult. To not get recognized, and knocked out the guards, outside the door to be sure.

Masahiko then, planted the Fuin Jutsu on the king, put his kunai on his neck, and woke him up.

''If you don't want your daughter, or your wife to be killed, then give me five-hundred million beri.'' Spoke Masahiko, lowly with the Kunai on the king's neck.

The king tried to scream, but nothing came out of his mouth. He then realizes, there is nothing he could do, and leads Masahiko, to his treasure room. The treasure room itself, was really large and filled with all kind of stuff, there were, emeralds, rubies, sapphire, gold, platinum, all kind of pearls, and diamonds.

Masahiko then knocks out the king, and proceeds to steal the five-hundred million, nothing more, nothing less.

To be completely save, he asked the system, and it said, that he took double of the money. Masahiko then thought. 'Well, I don't care. There is so much stuff left, that you can't even notice it.'

Masahiko then, sealed all the gems into his personal storage scroll, and took all the gold, and asked the system, how much worth the rest of the gold was, it answered, that the gold was worth hundred-million beri.

After hearing that, he put the gold into the other sealing scroll. He took the king, removed the seal from him, and tuck him into his bed. He then went to the window, jumped through it, and jumped to the roof.

Masahiko then, undid the Jutsu, and placed one seal to his left pocket and the other one to his right pocket. It was still 7:10 am, so he sat on the roof, and played a bit with his sealing chains. The wind, made his hair fly a bit.

He thought about the future, but shaked his head. He shouldn't think about the future.

He suddenly got a Main Quest, about saving Luffy. It was hard, but the Reward, was just... Out of this world.

(Main Quest)

(Make sure, that Luffy does not get hurt/tortured today.)

(After three months of following Ace, Luffy finally got into the Gray Terminal. But he will always get into trouble. Help him, but if he gets in trouble save him.)

(Reward: Susanoo)

(Warning, If you accept this Quest, you will not get quests for a long time.)


A FREAKING SUSANOO, SUSANOO. He did not care, if he didn't get a quest for like twenty years. All he wanted, was to get this juicy Susanoo.

So he pressed yes, and immediatly transformed into a raven, there he saw Luffy, in the Gray Terminal. Masahiko wanted, to go get his future captain, but he had to deliver the money.

So, he flew into the midway forest, undid his transformation, and put all the gold, from his seal from his left pocket, and placed all of it in a sack. Masahiko followed the map, and jumped on the tree where it was all hidden. Sabo and Ace, called it pirate savings.

Masahiko waited, but Sabo came ten minutes later. Sabo then climbed the tree, he was about to fall, but Masahiko reached out his hand, and Sabo just took it.

''You are a bit early here Masahiko, I thought I was the first one.'' Said Sabo, with his usual smile.

''Yea, let's wait for Ace, and then, we compare it.'' Said Masahiko.


They waited for twenty minutes, but he came in the end.

''Masahiko! Sabo! Are you guys there?!'' Asked ace, while holding his sack of money on the left hand.

''Oh! Ace'' Sabo said, while looking down on ace, from the tree.

''Sorry I am late.'' Said Ace, while looking up.

''You sure are.'' Said Sabo, while walking on the branch of the tree.

''I have already done some work in the city'' Said Sabo.

They then, smiled at each other, while Masahiko was looking at them.

''Oh yeah? Well, I did, too.''

Ace, then climbs the tree, and we compare all of our money.

''Why do you only have gold, Masahiko?'' Asked, Sabo and Ace.

''Isn't money money?'' Masahiko asked, annoyed at the both of them.

''Well, yes, but how did you get it?'' Asked Sabo now.

''I robbed some Nobles.'' Said Masahiko, which was not a lie. A king is basically, a nobe.

''Where did you find them.'' Asked Ace.

''Does it really matter?'' He asked again.

''Well, I robbed some thugs near the main gate.'' Said Ace.

''Damn, you won this time, Masahiko.'' Said Ace.

''It does not matter, or does it. I mean you guys, are gonna share the money anyways.'' Said Masahiko, now and proceeded to talk again. ''I mean, I am gonna join Luffy's crew anyway.''

''Why will you join him anyway, aren't you better off with us?'' Asked Ace.

''It's because, I told him, that I was gonna join, I dunno about you guys, but I keep my promises.'' Said Masahiko, with a straight face.

''Well, I wonder how much we need, to get a pirate ship.'' Said Sabo.

''I don't know. Maybe ten-million or hundred-million. Long way to go.'' Answered Ace.

''Actually, one hundred million, for a second hand ship, and I dunno the rest.'' Said Masahiko.

''A PIRATE SHIP?!'' Asked Luffy, out of nowhere.

''HEY YOU GUYS! ARE YOU GONNA BECOME PIRATES?!'' Asked Luffy with excitement.

''I am gonna become one, too!'' Screamed Luffy.

Ace and Sabo proceeded to make, funny faces, and climbed down the tree, and wanted to hit Luffy, but Masahiko blocked, both of their incoming punches.

''Masahiko! Here you are! Thank you.'' Said Luffy, while being excited, that he found his future first mate.

''Why did you do this? Masahiko! Answer me!'' Asked Ace, with ferocity.

''Well, I would not be a good first mate, If I didn't. Now would I.'' Told Masahiko to Ace.

''Is this the Luffy you were talking about? Ace.'' Asked Sabo annoyed.

''I told him, how annoying you were.'' Said Ace.

''He also told me how empty-headed you are.'' Added Sabo.

Luffy just laughed, while not giving a fuck about the insults.

''And I told him, how awesome you are.'' Masahiko said to Luffy.

''W-wait, you will seriously join him? Masahiko?'' Asked Sabo.

''Yes. Problem?'' Asked Masahiko, with a death glare.

''O-Ofcourse not, why would I-I have a problem.'' Answered Sabo, while being a bit scared. Seriously who knew that, Masahiko did have such a death glare. Sabo definitly not.

''Oh, are you a friend of Masahiko? Be my friend too, buddy.'' Said Luffy, with cheerness in his tone.

Masahiko, seriously loved Luffy so much, no, not in that way.

''You can't call me buddy.'' Said Sabo, annoyed.

''Well then, what is your name''

''Sa- I am not telling you it.'' Shrieked Sabo.

''Luffy, his name is Sabo.'' Said Masahiko, meanwhile Sabo had a betrayed face on his look.

''This is why, I told you to live here with me.'' Said Sabo, while looking at Ace.

''Sabo, just because, Luffy found out your and Ace's secret, does not mean you need to whine about it, and seriously who would willingly live in a forest, where it stinks like shit.'' Said Masahiko now.

''That is why I don't wanna live here, Sabo. It stinks like shit, why don't you come to us.'' Said Ace, now.

''I don't wanna, because I don't want to do daily, road trips on the mountain road.''

''Just say, that you are lazy. We won't judge you.'' Said Ace.

''Anyways, what are we gonna do with him?'' Asked Sabo

''He find our secret, he is gonna tell someone, we gotta kill him.'' Said Ace, coldly.

''Alright, let's do it.'' Said Sabo.

''If the both of you, wanna kill him. I will kill you.'' Said Masahiko, with a death stare.

He was gonna kill them, if they just touch Luffy, with bad intention. Just one touch, and he will blitz them with his Katana, attached to his hip. He already, touched the handle with his hands.

Luffy then started to cry, and Sabo and Ace fled to the bushes. Masahiko quickly calmed Luffy down, before anyone could him.

''I HEAR SOMEONE IN THE FOREST, QUICK GO AFTER THE VOICE.'' Yelled someone, Masahiko already knew who it was. He threw Luffy, into the bush where Ace and Sabo hid.

It was time for him to test his strength. They talked about something but he didn't care.

''I didn't know that those thugs worked for Bluejam, I shouldn't have taken that money.'' Said Ace, regretful.

''That is Porchemy, he is crazy did you know that?'' Said Sabo

''Oi, what is this, Luffy.'' It was a text, there stood written, Hey Luffy, I am sorry if I die.

''Is he suicidal or what?!'' Hissed Ace. But it was too late.

Masahiko stood currently, in front of Porchemy.

''Are you lost, kid?'' Asked the half fishman.

That neck was huge as f. Honestly.

''Yes, I got lost, while looking at your neck.'' Said Masahiko.

''OI, Are you mocking me, you little shit'' Said Porchemy.

''Who are you anyway. Do you know who Ace and Sabo are.''

''Yes, I know who they are, but I won't tell you. You ugly ass shit.'' Said Masahiko with a smile.

This got Porchemy enraged, but this is what Hiko wanted. People who don't fight with a clear mind, can't really focus.

Porchemy wanted to attack him, but Masahiko jumped up, and kicked him in his face, and put some dirt in his eyes. This hurt Porchemy, and he got more angry. Masahiko them jumped away, using the giants face.

He jumped on the tree, and sticked on it, using chakra. Masahiko then took out his Katana, and channelled it with lightning Chakra. He then jumped, from the tree to Porchemy, and he aimed at Porchemy's neck. Porchemy could not see, due to the dirt in his eyes, and he got the dirt away from his eyes. But it was too late, because Masahiko was so fast, that Porchemy could not react to him.

Masahiko beheaded Porchemy, with his Katana covered in lightning. Everything was so fast, there was not even a scream.

The three people, who were Porchemy's crewmates, could not run. They only covered in fear.

''Come out, Ace, Sabo. You decide what I will do with these guys, should I let them run? Or should they die too?'' Asked Masahiko.

Sabo and Ace, were too perplexed to say anything. How could they even say anything. They just witnessed their first murder.

''Go. Or else you guys will be dead to.'' Masahiko said, while facing the three cannon fodder people.

After they were gone, Masahiko undressed his hoodie and t-shirt, he punched the floor, and screamed. His knees on the grass, with his hands on the dirt. He felt terrible. he felt like, the worst scum on earth, for killing that guy.

He puked on the ground, a yellow slimy substance fell out of his mouth.

After he finished puking, he just layed down on the earth. He was just tired of living, right now. He thought, it would be easy to kill, but it was not. He just wanted to sleep, but he had a quest to do. Protect Luffy from being tortured/hurt.


Luffy, Ace, and Sabo just watched, how Masahiko had a mental breakdown. Luffy then, came out of the bush, and just went to Masahiko.

Ace and Sabo went after Luffy, they screamed, that he could kill Luffy too. But Luffy ignored that, Luffy felt, that Masahiko needed him. Mentally.

Masahiko, could feel Luffy's presence, and just asked him. ''Do you still want me in your crew, Luffy. Even after, I brutally murdered him.''


After a lot of thinking, about what his morals would be, he got over it a bit.

''I am sorry, Sabo, Ace, now you got Bluejam on you.'' Said Masahiko.

''Why did you even need to kill him.'' Asked Ace.

''I don't know, it just got into my head.'' Told Masahiko, them.

''Enough about that kill, I wanna know, what you used. You sticked on that tree, for five seconds, and you didn't fall.'' Asked Sabo.

''Oh that, I thought, that Luffy already told you my secret. It is because, I am a ninja.'' Said Masahiko.

This got Sabo, Ace and Luffy, even tho Luffy already knew, that Masahiko was a Ninja.

''SHOW US. SHOW US.'' Screamed the three.

''Ok ok. Look, closely.'' And they looked at him, closely.

He walked up a tree, and he did not fall to the ground, even tho, he was just using his feet.

''You see Luffy, three months ago, I couldn't even come close to three meter, I would just fall.'' Said Masahiko, as he walked up the tree, and walked even upwards.

''Oh Yeah, I remember now.'' Said Luffy, while smiling.

''Do you want to see, another trick.'' Said Masahiko, while deactivating his chakra, and landed cleanly on the ground.

''YES YES.'' Ok this time, he was pulled out a fuin jutsu (No Scream) Paper. And he planted it on Luffy.

''Ok Luffy, try to scream.'' Masahiko said, to Luffy.

Luffy was trying his hardest to scream, but nothing was coming out, he then removed the seal from Luffy, and they all could hear him scream.

''What was that?'' Asked Sabo, and Ace nicked his head.

''That was a paper, with the ability to nullifye screaming.'' Said Masahiko.

They all had, stars in their eyes, and demanded to see another one.

''Ok, wait where is my Katana, Oh! There it is.'' He took his Katana, and said, ''Watch Closely. I can only do this for ten seconds, then I need to wait an hour again.

Masahiko placed the Katana in his right hand, and held it tight. He then channelled lightning chakra into his Katana, which made it look like a blue blade.

''So cool,-''You didn't see everything yet, so stay quiet.'' Interrupted Masahiko.

They watched as Masahiko ran to a tree, and sliced it like butter, he then sliced the ground.

''Ok, what was that. Your Katana, had electricity. How?'' Asked Ace.

''Well, I would not be a good ninja, if I revealed it.'' Said Masahiko. ''I have two more tricks, and that was it.'' Masahiko said. He still had two more, but wanted to keep it a secret.

''SHOW ME.'' Demanded Luffy.

Masahiko proceeded to, transform himself into Ace, and the three had completely different reactions.

Luffy screamed, where Masahiko went.

Sabo's jaw, was on the floor.

And Ace inspected, Masahiko. Checking everything.

Masahiko then undid the jutsu.

And Luffy was relieved, that Masahiko was not gone.


The four of them, bonded over Masahiko's Jutsu's. Better than they did in Canon. Masahiko told Ace and Sabo, that they should move all the treasure, they gathered.

And so, they did.

They needed five hours, to move all the treasure to a place near Dadan's house.

All of them, had the best time of their lives.

And Masahiko, was sure that they would have much more time together, because Masahiko, had the plan to kill, Sabo's parents.

Masahiko, at the end of the Day, suceeded the quest, which he forgot. Because of the fun he had, with the three.

Masahiko had the best friends, you could wish for, atleast for him. He never had such great friends, as Luffy, Sabo, and Ace.

Memo_429_H Memo_429_H

I hope you liked this chapter.

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