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Chapter 3: Leaf Concentration Exercise and Change of Plans

The first thing I did when I woke up, was going to the Bathroom and splashing my face with water. I did it, to fully wake up. I summoned the screen and saw that it was 1 PM(13:00). I noticed a notification, I clicked on it and it said, (Due to losing more than half your life yesterday, your chakra doubled about fifty percent.)

Well, I was always a heavy sleeper, so it didn't suprise me. Looking around, I thought about what to do today. While he was in thought's, I recalled the events of yesterday night.

I only wanted to learn Chakra control last night, that is why, I even took some leaves with me. To practice the Leaf concentration exercise. And then, I got attacked by a tiger.

It didn't make sense to me. Well I was going to the forest today early, and not late at night.

It was already 1 PM, so I hurried a bit to not lose time. I then stood up from the toilet seat, washed my hands, got some clothes ready to wear for today, and made some breakfast for myself. It was nothing special. Just some boiled eggs with some white bread and salt. It took twenty minutes to make, but it only took five minutes to eat everything.

It was now 1:25 PM, and this time, instead of just taking my pipe and some leaves. I sealed them this time into a simple storage seal.

The way it worked was simple, just put the items above the seal and then channel some chakra into the seal, and it produced some smoke, after the smoke disappeared, the items magically disappeared too.

I took the paper seal, and placed it in my pockets. As for the outfit I wore, a red hoodie, a t-shirt underneath the hoodie, a piece of black shorts with some white lines, and my normal dark-blue ninja sandals.

I looked into the mirror and I was kind of suprised that I look like kid Gojo from the manga Jujutsu Kaisen.

(Here is the reference)

Now that I have my clothes on me, I stepped outside, summoned the mini-map, but this time on the left down corner. I took my key out, to close the frontdoor. I then looked around, and was glad that nobody was around. I then placed the hood of my hoodie on my head.

Rushing to the forest was fun, I never ran in this body, so I kinda forgot how fun it is to run around. This time, it took three minutes to the forest, but I guess this doesn't count, since I ran here, and did not walk yesterday.

Anyways, I was finally here. Time to avoid the Dadan house and family. As I ran around and looked for a spot, I noticed someone going directly to the Dadan house.

Oh by the way, I could also see every human on the map, but I usually turn it off.

I hid in the brush, and he didn't notice me. It was Ace. Hmm weird, shouldn't he at this time be with Sabo.

Oh well, not that I care.

I searched for one hour, checking nearly everywhere in this area. And I found it, the perfect spot to secretly train. There was a small lake, a small cave, which I checked. And the best thing was, that it was hidden well enough.

It was honestly really worth searching this much. I summoned the whole map of the Island, and I marked this place with the symbol of a crescent moon. I then sat under a tree for five minutes.

With the tiredness leaving my body, I slowly stood up, and took the storage scroll out of my pocket and took out my leaves from the storage seal.

I then placed one leave on my forehead, then I channeled chakra on my forehead.

The leaf sticked on my forehead for two seconds. TWO FUCKING SECONDS, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME MAN.

I calmed a bit down, but it took me one minute. I picked the leave from the ground. I then tried again. It fell again, in only two seconds.

This did go on for three hours. I wanted to stop it for today, but I thought of that one meme, where one guy gave up mining and he was near the diamonds, like one step away. This encouraged me not to give up.

(Click on the comment)

I did the same as before, I picked up the leave from the ground again, and did the same exercise again, but this time I did it for four seconds.


But I stopped, before I realized something. Performing the Rasengan, was gonna be really hard. But that didn't stop me from wanting to learn it. The thing about Naruto himself was, that he didn't give up. and stopped trying. He never gave up on Sasuke.

Thinking about Naruto made me realize something. Where am I supposed to get a summoning scroll from.

Well that didn't matter now, because I was gonna improve till I could stick the leave on my forehead for six seconds. Otherwise I am not going home.

I asked the System, if he had the power to do something about this place, like I could not leave this place, until the leave sticks on my forehead for six seconds.

It replied, that it could do something similar.

(Masahiko Uzumaki is not allowed to leave otherwise he will die.)

My system did kind of a barrier. The entire secret area I found, was covered in it. I assumed, when I tried to leave the barrier, it would surely kill me.

Good to know, that my system can do that, I could use this to my advantage in the future. Like use it to force one vs one situations, where I would be sure I would win.

For now I needed to practice till it sticks to me for six seconds. My thought's wandered everywhere, like I wondered if I could go to the Naruto-Verse with reverse summoning. Or if I could pull of techniques like the Flying Raijin Jutsu. I grinned at the thought of teleporting everywhere like Tobirama or Minato.

As I was having more and more thought's, I didn't realize, that the leaf sticked on my forehead for seven seconds. But the system noticed me of it, and asked me if I wanted to remove the barrier, I replied with a simple yes, and the blue barrier was gone.

I wondered if I could walk on a tree for a second, and I tried it out. Realizing that Kakashi was right, and focusing your Chakra on your feet was actually really hard, sure I could easily channel Chakra into my special pipe, but that was different because it was special.

I gave up for today and decided to go home, because it was starting to get dark.

Tomorrow, I wanted to stick the leave on me for one hour.

(I should have just mentioned it, but if you really wanna train fast, then just skip the leaf concetration exercise, and focus directly on tree walking. Sure, if you can stick it on your forehead for one hour, it's gonna be more easy, but you will spend less time doing the basics and can focus on the important stuff. If you can focus chakra on your feet while walking, you get really much faster and can jump pretty high.)

It told me to just skip the leaf, which I considered. I mean I would rather fail at the hard stuff than fail at the easy stuff.

Going home was kind of relaxing, I felt much pain in my forehead and just wanted to sleep, but I was hungry and I didn't want to cook so I guess I will sleep hungry with no food.

As I walked home, the System had a notification for me, I summoned the whole screen, and clicked on the notification.

(There is now a shop, where you can buy items, all kind of food, basic weapons, like katanas, axes spears, sabers, and kunai and shuriken, you can also buy a log pose or multiple Eternal poses from all countries, all these things can be bought with beli/beri)

I was stunned, I really was. I mean, I have a system, which will give me food when I have money. That means, I could easily befriend Luffy with food, when I meet him again.

Ok this is busted, I will give Luffy so much of my meat, that he will invite me to his crew. Or should I just grab Robin, wife her up, and me and Robin explore the world and the history together.

Decisions, decisions, ehhh I will just take the safe route, meaning I will not wife her up... but could I call her mommy. I wonder how she would react, to being called mommy. The moment I will see her. I will call her mommy. NOBODY WAS GONNA STOP ME...

Maybe this is a bit absurd, not gonna lie, but I mean Robin best lady in the series. So I gotta treat her right. Nami is a close second tho.

What am I even thinking, didn't I just think about giving Luffy my meat, and he invites me to his crew.

Ok, let me think... ok enough thinking I want some mutton curry.

(That costs 600 beri if you want one, however due to your amazing thoughts about Robin, I will give you a offer, you buy two mutton curry, and I will give you one for free. Huh how does that sound?

Allright, I will buy two, wait a second. How does that work, how do I give you the money?

(That is relatively simple, your money, is connected to me all the time, that means whenever you gain money, it is in the system. Think of it like a bank, you are gaining money, and the system will keep it for you. You could basically throw away all your money, or burn it but if you ask me for money. I will give it to you as if nothing happened to it.)

Wait, that means I could technically burn all my beri, and you would still have it in your system? Did I get that right?

(Yes, you got that right.)

Does that count for gold, diamonds, or any valuable thing too?

(No, but yes gold, diamonds, sapphire, rubies, emerald, and much more what you can sell for more than 5000 beri per gram and it counts, but cash works too. Wanna try it out?)

Ok why not, I was not home yet but all my money was home. So I ran home, even though I was exhausted. But I still had a bit chakra left, so I shrugged it off. I trained so much, that I nearly burned all of my Chakra. I was that bad at chakra control.

Some time passed, and I was now home. It was now 6:30 PM, (18:30) and you could barely see the sun anymore.

I took my key out and unlocked the door, and went in. I instantly felt a rush warmness, ahhh, being home after a long day of training, is one of the best feelings.

But before I even went out and burned all my cash, I summoned the two mutton curries with rice and ate them. The taste was really good, It was even better than the Pakistani guy, I always ordered from.

But what really surpised me, is that someone knocked on my door, I took a to look from the door, to see who it was.

I was kind of shocked, that he already had his strawhat back. I didn't know that Shanks did his small journey so quick. And came back so fast.

''Oii Masahiko. *knock* *knock* *knock* are you there.'' Asked Luffy with curiousity.

Well shit, change of plans. I am gonna befriend Luffy right now. Instead of saving him in the second day of, when he was trapped in the bottom valley, while getting chased by wolves.

I took the chair away, and bought lots of meat from the system, it all costed me five-thousand beri, but it's worth, investing in luffy, is always worth.

''Yeah, I am coming.'' I said, while opening the door.

''Oh, I am sorry for my behaviour yesterday. Do you want to eat with me as a sorry?'' I said/asked.

Luffy had a small cloud on the top of his head, with a question mark in it. But I guess he didn't mind free food.

''Oh yeah. I guess, apology accepted?'' He asked/said.

(third point of view, from now on and the rest of the chapter)

Luffy was bored, he didn't know what to do. So he kind of just strolled around Makino's Bar. Luffy wasn't bored this much since a year, usually he was excited for Shanks, but he was now gone. And he had nothing to do. So he thought what to do...

After a lot of thinking, he came to a conclusion. He wanted to recruit people to his crew, so he could become one step closer to becoming the Pirate King. So the moment, Shanks was gone. He asked nearly everyone in the village to become his mates. The only people he didn't ask were Makino and the Mayor. He didn't ask them because he knew, that they had responsibility to do.

At the end of the day, he came to Makino's bar, and asker her this.

''Oi Makino-Nee-chan, I asked everybody in the village to become my crewmates, and they said no.'' Said Luffy, with a bit of sadness in his tone.

''Well Luffy, did you really ask everybody in the village?'' Asked Makino, with a smile on her face, while wiping the tables in the bar.

''Yes I did, do you think I forgot someone?'' Asked the boy. wearing a strawhat, that was way too large for him.

''Did you ask a kid, your age?''

''No I didn't... wait there is a kid my age in the village?''

''Uh yes there is, the name is Masahiko, and his house is green, so you can't really miss it, you know.''

Now, Luffy was fired up, because there is a kid his age in the village, and it is the perfect oppurtunity to ask him for his future crew.

''THANK YOU MAKINO-NEE-CHAN, I OWE YOU.'' Said Luffy, as he rushed out of the bar, and went looking for the house with green colour.

Luffy looked for fifteen minutes, and he found it. He knocked on the door for three times and asked if Masahiko was there. Then the door opened

Luffy was confused, on why he wanted to apologize with food, but that didn't matter. Because, who would say no.

As he was welcomed inside, Luffy could smell the meat, and instantly went to the dining table in the, living room. There was some kind of meat with rice served in a sauce. Some meat, neatly stacked on a massive plate.

''Nice strawhat by the way. But you can put it away so it shouldn't get dirty.'' Luffy could reason with that, he didn't want his precious treasure being dirty. So he took it off, and layed it on the couch where he could always see it.

Now or never, Luffy was kinda nervous, which was never but now. He could see himself with Masahiko on his side, after he complemanted his strawhat.

''Uhhh, I want you to join my pirate crew in the future.'' Said Luffy, as he dropped the bomb, he was always kind of blunt, because that is the fastest way to get responses.

Masahiko, didn't know what to say. As Luffy dropped the bomb on him.

''Only on two conditions.'' Said Masahiko with a straight face.

''And, what is it.'' Asked Luffy.

''My first condition is, that I can do some decisions too, my seconds condition is, that we become the most free and strongest pirates, ever known to history. Also what is your dream?'' Said Masahiko, now with a grin on his face.

''My dream is,TO BECOME KING OF THE PIRATES. And I accept these conditions. But I do the main decisions of the crew.'' Said Luffy, with a serious smile.

''Ok captain, and future king of the pirates, we have an agreement. But now lets finish this meal.'' Said Masahiko, with a big grin on his face, as he saw Luffy laughing.

''YOSHHH, I AM ONE STEP CLOSER TO BECOMING THE PIRATE KING. YOU ARE AWESOME MASHIKO.'' Said Luffy, who was now overjoyed because he just gained his first crew-member.

Well, guys I hope you will like it. see you on next chapter

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