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56.33% Imagine Breaker in MHA / Chapter 80: Chapter 75: Rumi's Problem

Chapter 80: Chapter 75: Rumi's Problem

Chapter 75: Rumi's Problem

Author: Geraint

A/N: To support me, pls donate and subscribe,



YouTube channel: Geraint Ch.


In the middle of the woods, a black car stops with muddy tires. Each side door opened and Ryukyu and Lady Nagant came down from each side. Ryukyu seems to be carrying a luggage as the two of them walks together through the forest.

"Are you sure she's here?" Lady Nagant asked then Ryukyu responded with confident smile.

"Yeah, she asked me to bring her some meal."

"Did you notice? Everytime she meets him in Hero Commission, she gets more fired up to train herself. Isn't that too much? I know she's the number 5 hero but... it's really strange." Lady Nagant was puzzled.

"I also don't have any idea why she's acting like that to him. Even though the two of them are couple, they barely meet each other. I noticed that Rumi avoids him more as years passed by but she always tell me that their relationship is doing fine. Ichika tells the same and he didn't mind it."

"Eh? Imagine a couple who only meets once or twice a year and they don't have that much verbal conversation when they talk to each other? Can you really call that a romantic relationship?"

Ryukyu had complicated expression when she tried to think about it.

"Yeah, it's impossible. Those two should quickly become stranger from each other. But I don't know how those two thinks, Ichika and Mirko... Those two are really strange couple."

Arriving on a temple, they can hear the falling streams of water not far from their location.

Below the waterfalls, Mirko was standing with her hands together while wearing white bathrobe. She was getting gushes down by a freezing water while meditating to cleanse her mind, body and soul. Being soak wet from the stream of water, her bathrobe became transparent, making of her tanned skin expose and it can be easily noticed that she's not wearing any underwear.

"Begone, earthly desire! I won't let my quirk control my body! I'm the Rabbit Hero: Mirko! I won't let this urge beat me! Ugh... No... Ichika is underage! Even he can transform into an adult, it still doesn't count! I will overcome this urge." she was trembling from cold while mumbling.

When Lady Nagant and Ryukyu went down from the stair and saw her meditates.

"What is she doing?" Lady Nagant asked.

"I think she's doing some mental training."

"Does she really wants to defeat Falcon that badly?"

"I guess so... Mirko is really amazing. She doesn't slack off in her training to get stronger. As expected from the Strongest Female Hero in Japan. She's a great model." Ryukyu looks proud of Mirko.

Mirko's face turned red while breathing heavily as she endures her urge.



Ichika arrived in the beach with the girls consisting of Toru, Momo, Nejire, Little Bel, Roboco and La Brava. They are aligned together gazing at the wide sea in front of them.

"It's the sea!" they enthusiastically yelled and jumped up.

"Why do I have to come with you guys!?" La Brava complained with grumpy face.

"You should go out sometimes and touch some grass, Hecker. You stayed too long in the workshop."

"Where's the grass here? It's nothing but sand!" La Brava retorted but Roboco tried to speak to her.

*I want to hangout and relax with Manami-chan at the beach. I asked father to bring you with us.*

"Eh? You should told me earlier, so I can prepare myself for the trip. I also want to hangout with my best friend, Roboco after all." La Brava easily get tricked by her.

The girls went to change to their swimwear while Ichika decided to prepare the tent and cook some meal.

While he's grilling some Barbeque meat with vegetables, someone covers his eyes from behind.

"Guess who?"

Ichika sighs as he already guess the answer just from the enticing voice alone.

"Nejire-senpai... I am grilling right now."


Nejire let go of his eyes and moved in front of him with a mischievous smile. She was wearing turquoise bikini and her long hair is tied in ponytail.

"It's your first lady Mrs. Fujiwara, Mr. President."

"I told you, we shouldn't call ourselves like that in the public. It should be when it's just the two of us." Ichika scolded her.

"Hehe... Don't worry, I sneaked up ahead to meet you earlier. What do you think of my swimsuit?" Nejire pose a little bit in front of him.

Ichika smiled while his hands moved to flip the barbeque on the grill.

"You look pretty. It suits you well."

Nejire looks happy from his compliment then she giggled and replied,

"Hehe... Thank you, Ichika-kun."

"How unfair!"

Toru together with the other girls had finally arrived.

Toru was wearing a white swimsuit while Momo was red. Little Bel has white frills on her blue bikini and Roboco, her teal green swimsuit has a frilly skirt below.

Ichika smiles and complimented them too.

"You girls looks adorable on those swimsuits."

Toru looks happy from his simple compliment and she became embarrassed while Momo was doubting his words. Roboco's expression remains the same and Little Bel doesn't seem to be happy being called cute.

The one who's disgusted by his words was La Brava. She's wearing a swimsuit with pink stripes which has word 'LOVE' on her top.

She shrugged her shoulder while telling him,

"No one will ever believe on those flattering words of yours. It sounds like a lie and you're just forcing yourself to call us cute."

"I'm sincere with my words, Hecker. When I said 'adorable', I only mean them, not you."

"Huh? What did you just say? Are you telling that I'm not cute?!"

"I wonder about that."

Ichika and La Brava glared at each other.

"There they go again." Momo commented.

"Even though, they known each other for a long time. They're still like this." Toru followed.

*It's much worst in the past.* Roboco spoke.

"Actually, I'm quite envious of her." Nejire became curious of them.

"Seriously?" Little Bel looked at her with squinted eyes.

After that, they all went to play in the water together.

"Take this!"

Nejire splashes some water towards Momo and Toru.


"We won't lose!"

Momo retaliates and splashes some water too towards Nejire.


La Brava was lying on top of a swim ring while Roboco is pushing her from behind.

"Let's go!"

*Leave it to me.*

Roboco sped up as she swam very fast and the swim ring turned into a running boat.

Near them was Little Bel, just floating in the water without moving.

They enjoyed their time until they realized something was missing,

"Huh? Hey, wait! Where's Ichika?"

They looked around but they didn't find him.


Inside the cubicle in the bathroom, Ichika was looking at his smartphone with serious expression. On the screen was the old man telling him something.

*Re-Destro is up to something no good again. You should go and check what is he planning.*

Ichika nodded at him then saluted.

*Good luck, Agent P.*

Ichika immediately change into his platypus costume with fedora hat then he used the space stone to teleport away.

(To be continued.)

(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)

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