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28.3% Twilight: Omega / Chapter 14: Ch.14 Baseball

Chapter 14: Ch.14 Baseball

I was sitting on the roof late in the evening. I was just thinking about today and I just wondered if there was any other way that Jacob would have got what I was trying to say to him. I laid down and looked at the sky. Today the sky was clear and I could see the stars and the crescent moon was visible. When I looked at the moon I remembered the dream that I had.

Then Bella entered my room and walked closer to the window and opened the window and said "Why aren't you picking up your phone? Where were you? Cat is worried sick and why didn't you tell me you planned on seeing Jacob alone?"

I didn't respond and she then climbed out and sat next to me and looked at me and said "I am still waiting for an explanation."

I sighed and said "My phone is lost at the reservation."

She looked at me and was confused and asked "How did you lose your phone?"

I said "Because I turned."

She was angry and slapped my forehead and she said "Are you stupid? Why would you do that?"

I said "Because I fought with Jacob."

She was serious and asked "How is he? You didn't do something right?"

I chuckled and said "He is alive, just has some minor fractures. Probably healed."

She then turned around and said "Good, good…" She then sighed and said "So you two fought huh?"

I nodded and she asked "I am sorry chris."

I chuckled and said "Why are you sorry?"

She looked at me and said "Because… because of me…"

I cut her off and I said "It is not really about that sis… Jacob fought with me because I didn't stop you… I let you on this path… even when fully knowing how dangerous it is for you and he is mad because I kept it from him… I led him to believe that I knew nothing. He thinks that I don't trust him or something."

Bella then sighed and laid next to me and said "Chris… I think you knew that you wouldn't have been able to stop me even if you told me their truth and yeah it may look like you don't trust Jacob but how would you have explained as to how you know all this."

I sighed and said "I know, but what is done is done."

She said "Have hope Chris… everything will be fine."

I sighed and said "Wouldn't count on it."

Then Bella got up and gave me her phone and said "Call Cat."

I took the phone and Bella went inside. I then called Cat and she picked up the phone rather quickly. She was angry and she said "Where were you I have been calling you. Why didn't you pickup your phone?"

I sighed and said "Because my phone got lost at the reservation."

She didn't say anything and asked "Where are you?"

I said "Home." She then hung up the phone. After like 5-6 minutes later she reached my house. She jumped on the roof and looked at me laying there.

I then looked at Cat and she had a very sympathetic look on her face and Cat came close to me and laid down next to me. She laid her head on my chest and then hugged me tight and I chuckled and she looked at me and I put my arms around her and I kissed her forehead and I looked at the moon and sighed and said "Everything will be fine Cat…" She snuggled in close.


A few days have passed now and I haven't been contacted by the wolves. I still don't know if my proposition will come to light but I can only hope. I am hoping a lot these days. I was in the garage and was working on my bike today was a Saturday and today was a lot cloudy it had a gloomy atmosphere as I was working a car came and it was Edward and Cat.

Edward entered and the home and Cat came into the garage and she had a tracksuit on and I looked at her and she said "Why are you always working on your bike?"

I got up and got a cloth and cleaned my hands and I said "It calms my mind." I then went in to kiss her but she said "Ah, ah, ah not while you have grease on your hands."

I smiled and said "Please one?"

She looked at me and said "Go and clean up yourself. We also have somewhere to go."

I looked at her and asked "Where?"

She looked at me and said "Today is a thunderstorm." I still looked at her and she looked at me and I remembered and said "Do I have to? You know I am bad at sports."

She looked at me and said "Really?"

I and said "Fine."

I then walked out and was entering my home but she stopped at the door and I looked at her and asked "You coming in?"

She looked at me and was surprised and she said "You want me to come in?"

I said "Yeah, come on in."

We then entered and I saw Edward and Bella and Charlie were talking and Charlie looked at Cat and then looked at me and I said "Yeah, Charlie she is my girlfriend she is…"

He said "I know who she is."

I said "Great then…" I then looked at Cat and said "You guys talk while I wash up."

I then went to the bathroom and washed up and wore a tank top and shorts. I then went down stairs and I saw Cat and Bella and Edward were gone already and Cat was talking to Charlie. I looked at Charlie and said "Looks like you two are getting along."

Carlie then looked at me and said "Yeah, honestly I don't know what she is doing with you?" Cat was enjoying it.

I then said "Thank you Charlie, now Cat we should go."

Cat nodded and Charlie then said "Okay, enjoy and remember to throw the ball with your shoulders."

I said "Thank you Charlie."

We then got on my bike and Cat said "Your dad is nice."

I smiled and said "Yeah."


We then reached the place and I saw that everyone was there and Essme was explaining stuff to Bella and Cat removed the track suit and she was wearing a baseball outfit. Emmet came towards us and he looked at me and asked "You are going to play like that?"

I looked at him and he was super excited more than usual out of the bunch. I like this guy because he is simple and understable. I said "Well, I need mobility to kick ass so…" I then looked around and all of them were excited, even Rosalie.

Emmet looked at me and said "Yeah, we get excited over baseball."

I then nodded and I said "So do we have teams or something?"

Cat said "You will get the hang of it soon."

I said "Alright."

Alice was pitching and Rosalie was batting. The teams were.

Rosalie, Emmet, Cat and Me.

While Alice, Jasper, Edward, Charlisle, Esme.

The rumbling sounds of thunder were heard and a bolt of lightning was seen in the dark gloomy sky.

"It's time." Alice said with a smile, she went into her serving stance, and threw a fastball. The ball was moving like a damn cannon ball towards Rosalie.

Rosalie then gripped tight onto the bat and narrowed her eyes and swung and as the ball made contact with the bat it sounded like a thunderclap.

The ball flew straight into the forest. Bella looked in amazement and said "Now I see why you need the thunder."

Esme smiled and nodded.

Edward turned around and ran toward the forest, his body became blurred, and soon enough he disappeared from everyone's sight.

"This is a homerun, right?" Bella was very confident.

Esme shook her head and said "Edward is fast… very fast."

Bella watched closely now. Edward had already got his hands on the ball and he threw the ball with all his might. The ball was coming for Esme and she grabbed the ball and touched the ground with it.

Rosalie was running like crazy but sadly she wasn't fast enough and Bella said "You are out."

Rosalie was not happy she gritted her teeth and stood up she threw a glare at Bella and walked away.

Emmet said "Nice try babe." He then took the bat and looked at me and said "Watch and learn Chrisy."

I nodded and said "Alright, alright."

He then went batting and took position. Alice smiled and threw another fast ball. Emmet saw the ball and smiled and swung those huge arms of his and the ball went flying. Edward and Jasper went to get the ball they both jumped to get the ball but just crashed into one another.

Both of them fell on their ass and Edward and Jasper both laughed and during that time Emmet entered the final base.

Next up was Cat and We cheered her"You got this, hit a home run." Rosalie and I were fairly dedicated towards Cat.

Cat gripped the bat tight and said "This is for Chris." Alice threw a curve ball and she swung the bat with her full strength but she missed. Bella said "Strike 1."

We still kept on cheering for her"You got this, just wait for the ball."

Alice again threw a curve ball and again a miss. "Strike 2" said Bella. But we did not stop cheering. She then gripped the bat tight and again a curveball and Cat again swung her bat with full strength but this time it connected.

And the ball went flying high into the forest. And Cat started running. Edward was on it and Bella said "She will be out right?"

Esme said "No, Cat is the fastest amongst us."

Cat was giving it her all and she was running and we were only seeing a blur she passed the first, then the second and then the third and we were sure that it was a homerun then Edward caught the ball and threw it with his full force.

And everyone thought that maybe not but she didn't stop and neither did we. She ran with her all and then as she was about to reach she did a dive and Esme caught the ball but there were dust clouds as the dust settled. We saw that Cat's foot was on the final plate and it was a homerun.

Cat was happy and we were happy she ran at us and we hugged her. We said "That was amazing, you were amazing."

Cat said "Thank you, guys."

Then she handed me the bat and it was my turn and Cat said "Knock 'em dead."

I smiled and said "You got it mam."


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