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24.52% Twilight: Omega / Chapter 12: Ch. 12 WTF happened to Jacob?

Chapter 12: Ch. 12 WTF happened to Jacob?

Two to three weeks have passed now since Bella visited the Cullens. She was well liked by others except for Rosalie. But she doesn' like me that much anyways so… others liked her a lot especially Alice. They both are bonding well with each other. Though Bella is not hanging much around them. She mostly hangs with Edward and they mostly are to themselves.

Honestly me and Cat are not that great either, but we aren't as bad as them. I hang around Emmet and Jasper. We train and screw around in the forest and Essme sometimes makes dinner for me. Which I am grateful for, I also take some home for Charlie as well.

Bella is very happy around Edward and both of them are sort of like different people when they are with each other, but when they are in a group they become like a weird awkward couple and not the fun kind, the depressed kind. I still don't get why though.


It was night time and I was sleeping and I was pulled in but this time I had a form and Lucien was not there. I was standing atop of a small hill. The soil beneath my feet was wet the warm air touching my face, the air filled with ashes, my ears are pierced by the screams of fallen brethren. And I was feeling  dreadful and an extreme rage was burning within me.

It was so great that I felt like I was burning from the inside, and then I grew in size, my whole body started to change, I had more muscles, more power, my nails became my claws, my teeth became my fangs, my whole body got covered in a thick fur that looked the same as the ashes of my castle.

I was standing atop a small hill carrying a woman. And a young lass was standing next to me. The woman in my arms I looked at her, her silver locks dangled on her face  that  was pale as snow. She was wearing a ceremonial white garb. She was dressed up beautifully. She had a pearl necklace and a flower crown on her head. I touched her belly and the woman was pregnant and tears started to run down my face. I felt immense pain and I let out a roar that made the ground tremble and struck fear in their dead hearts. My roar was so great that the enemies were paralysed with fear. 

And then multiple howls were heard and my brethren raised ready for a battle to the death. I put the woman in my arms into the ground and I looked at the young girl next to me and she nodded and I got up and turned and I saw him. As soon as I saw that man no, that creature, I knew my anger would not subside until I saw him die. That bastard wrapped in a red and golden cloak looks at me and smiles.

I ran at him into the battlefield and that bastard did the same… and suddenly I got pulled back into reality and  I heard the window open and I got up ready to attack at any moment but then I got a whiff and it was Edward I tried to go back to sleep but they were talking and doing stuff and I just couldn't take it so. I got out of bed and put on my t-shirt and decided to take a walk. As I got up from my bed and walked over to my window I saw Cat right across the road.

I looked at her and she gestured that she was coming over but I stopped her and I opened the window and I jumped out. I then walked over to her and she asked "What are you doing up so late and why are you out?"

I looked at her and I touched her face and she looked at me and asked "Is something wrong?"  I shook my head and I said "Couldn't sleep. Take a walk with me?"

She chuckled and said "You do know a wild animal is on the loose right?"

I looked at her and I said "Yeah and he is my sister's room so I think we are safe. And besides… I would let anyone hurt you."

She looked at me and smiled and said "No need to get so soggy on me." I laugh and she takes my hand and we go for a walk in the middle of the night. With the full moon over our head and the cold breeze reminding me that it is actually very cold outside, but being a walking heater it was no problem.

She asked "What is up you look a little shook."

I said, "It's nothing, just a bad dream."

We then walked for a while under the full moon and the sky full of shimmering stars.


I woke up early in the morning and I was coming back from my morning routine. I saw Charlie on the table reading and drinking coffee. He looked a bit serious.

I said "Good morning Charlie." He nodded and replied. I then walked upto the fridge and got some oj in a glass and then I turned around and he sighed and said "Chris… we need to talk a bit."

I shrugged my shoulders and I sat down. I then asked "What's up?"

He said "It's about Jacob, did something happen with the three of you cause, usually he used to come a lot. I would also hear about him from Billy but now… nothing."

I looked at him and I sighed and got up and said "I'll go and talk to him today. I will fix this."

He then asked "What is this about?"

I turned around and said "Stupid teenage stuff Charlie. Don't worry I have got this." He nodded and I walked away.


I was in the woods with Cat. We were at Eden at the top of the mountain. I was laying on her lap and she was paying with my hair. And she said "I don't know what is going through your head but I am sure everything will be fine."

I looked at her and said "What?"

She said "You look like you are having some troubles and it is okay if you don't want to share them with me. But I am sure whatever the problem may be, you will solve it."

I chuckled and I said "I wish I was that optimistic."

She smiled and said "I just believe in you because I know that everything will be fine."

I just looked at her and smiled and I sighed and said "I am going to have a talk with Jacob. He is still upset about Bella and Edward but I am also going to tell him about us as well."

She then looked at me and asked "How do you think he will respond?"

I sighed and said "I don't know. But as you said if he is my friend he will understand that you make me happy and he doesn't have to be ok with it. He just needs to accept it."

She then kissed my forehead and said "Everything will be okay Chris, believe in yourself."


After school ended I went to go and see Jacob. I was getting a very animal-like smell from the area. Which was weird… ignoring the smell I parked my bike in front of his house. I walked over to the door and I knocked on it, but then I heard two footsteps coming from the outside. I turned around and what I saw kinda shocked me. It was Sam and Jacob. 

But Jacob didn't look the same. He had the same height as me but was still like half an inch short and he looked burly and packed with muscle he also had short hair. He wasn't supposed to turn until the next movie. What happened? He walked closer to me and hugged me.

He looked at me and laughed and said "Shocked I see huh?"

I shook my head and chuckled and said "What happened to you man? You look good."

He chuckled and said "What can only grow like that?"

I said "Ah, it made me feel a bit special, but anyway man you look good."

He laughed and he asked "What are you doing here man? Is something wrong with the bike?" He went to check the bike.

I said "It hurts me that you think I can't meet with my friend unless something is wrong."

He then got up and asked "So then what?  You are here to hang?"

I shrugged my shoulders and he said "Alright, then."


(Cat's Pov)

I was in my room, and my mind was just not in the right place because Chris decided to go and talk to Jacob about the whole Bella and his situation. And I don't know how Jacob will take the news.

If it comes to a fight I am sure Chris will win but I just don't want Chris to fight with his friend. He already has so few friends. I don't want him to lose more because of me. While I was thinking this I heard a knock on my door.

It was Rosalie. She looked at me and asked "Do you want to talk?"

I smiled and said "I am fine."

She sat down next to me and said "Come on, something is clearly bothering you… you can talk to me."

I sighed and said "Chris has gone to talk to Jacob and I am worried."

She looked at me and said "Even though I hate to admit it myself, your boyfriend is too damn strong. I don't see him being taken down by another dog."

I looked at her and she sighed and said "Fine I won't call him that." She then said "I don't know if everything will be fine, but he is smart so believe in him and even if he screws up you can help him."

I just nodded and said "I just hope that they don't fight."


Hey guys i hope you liked the chapter. I couldn't upload because my Anatomy exams was there. Secondly the things will not stabilise until March but after that i know everything will be smooth. I guess that's it if you liked the chapter leave a comment.

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