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94.11% Pokemon: The Trickster / Chapter 32: Chapter 32

Chapter 32: Chapter 32

" Atsumu... how do you know this? " Valerie asked with a smile, her mind reeled at the information Atsumu revealed. Her heart was racing, it's been a long time since she had an opponent who surprised her. 

" I frequently participated in the Battle Tree. " Atsumu said. " It's a faculty similar to the Battle Maison, but we climb an extremely tall tree instead of a large mansion. " 

" Do they post records online that we can publicly access? " Valerie asked, taking out her phone. 

" Yeah... " Atsumu sighed. " Yeah, they do. Just type in Battle Tree and click the first link offered. It's the main website. " 

While typing in Battle Tree and hitting the search button, Valerie was given many results and clicked on the first option. The link directed her to a website with a large tree as the background. 

" Should I just type in your name? " Valerie asked. 

" Yeah, but you'll have to sign up first or if you did, sign in. " Atsumu said. " After that, put my name in the search bar and... "

Quickly signing up and signing in, Valerie typed in Atsumu's name and was given her results. A picture of Atsumu was on the left-hand side with the Pokemon he used on the right. Scrolling below, her eyes widened when she saw his win-loss ratio and the total number of battles he participated in. 

Total number of battles: 2354

Wins: 2332

Losses: 22

Singles W/L ratio: 20-0

Super Singles W/L ratio: 1200-15

Super Singles current streak: 657

Doubles W/L ratio: 20-0

Super Doubles W/L ratio: 1070-7

Super Doubles current streak: 576

" Atsumu... how long have you been doing this for?! " Valerie exclaimed. " 2354 battles of which you won 2332 and lost 22!! " 

" Dude! That's awesome!! " The referee said, a smile on his face, looking at Atsumu in awe. 

" Thanks. " Atsumu said. 

" What's Super Singles and Doubles? And why have you done more battles here than in regular Singles and Doubles? " Valerie asked. 

" Singles and Doubles have only 20 battles. After you finish them, you unlock Super Singles and Doubles thus making Singles and Doubles inconsequential. " Atsumu said. " Super Singles and Doubles are infinite. You can continue battling for as long as you want, building a streak that is only broken once you lose. " 

" Your current streak is 657 for Super Singles and 576 for Super Doubles. Coincidence? " Valerie inquired. 

" Deliberate. " Atsumu informed. " I lost due to some minor mistakes. But once I found my groove, I continued as I pleased. " 

" I don't get it. " Sophia said. " What's so special about the Battle Tree? "

" The trainers at the Battle Tree and Battle Maison are on par with Gym Leaders and Elite Four Members! " The referee gushed. 

" Oh Arceus, is that true?! " Laura asked. 

" Yes, it is. " Valerie replied. " None of the trainers there are meant to be taken lightly. The only way to have access to these facilities is to complete the Gym Circuit or... what did you have to do in Alola? "

" I had to complete the Island Challenge. " Atsumu said. 

" I see. So... I'm guessing this is what you're doing to get this good and in 2 years before the first Alola league, that's super human. What are you? A battling machine. " Valerie said.

" No, I'm human... Wait, did you say 2 years? " Atsumu asked. 

" ... Yes. " Valerie said. " You took the Island Challenge when you were 20 and participated in the Alola League when you were 22. " 

" ... Where did you get this information? " Atsumu asked.

" This is all on your trainer profile. " Valerie said confused. 

" Sorry about this, I need to make a phone call. " Atsumu said, taking out his phone and dialing Kukui's number. 

Kukui didn't pick up. 

Atsumu dialed again. 

Kukui didn't pick up. 

Atsumu dialed again. 

" Yello. " Kukui picked up. 

" Check my trainer profile. " Atsumu said. 

" ... Give me a moment. " Kukui grinned and searched on his computer. Getting Atsumu's trainer profile, Kukui read through it and burst out laughing. 

" Yes, yes, it must be hilarious! " Atsumu said. " Fix it. " 

" Atsumu... it says that you took the Island Challenge at 20 and the first Alola league at 22... " Kukui chuckled. 

" It had to be Susan... " Atsumu sighed. 

" And that's not the best part. Guess how old you are? " Kukui asked. 

" Kukui... " Atsumu said. 

" 23! " Kukui said, laughing like a Mightyena. " At least your birthday was right! "

" For the love of Arceus, Kukui just fix it! " Atsumu said. 

" Alright, alright. I'll go in person. " Kukui said, calming down. " Satisfied? "

" Very much so. " Atsumu said. " Thank you. "

" No problem bro. " Kukui said. "Whatcha doin' anyway? "

" In the middle of a gym battle. " Atsumu said. 

" Seriously? " Kukui said surprised. " That must be one chill gym leader. " 

" Curious is a better adjective. Anyway, thanks... again for this. " Atsumu said. 

" No problem bro. Good luck with the gym battle. See ya. " Kukui said, hanging up the call. 

" So... what was that all about? " Valerie asked. 

" Everything you read on my trainer profile is wrong. " Atsumu said. 

" ... What do you mean? " Valerie asked, crossing her arms. 

" I took the Island Challenge when I was 12, ya hear, 12! " Atsumu stressed. " I completed it when I was 14 while traveling with my friend Kukui, who was on the phone just now. After completing the Island Challenge, I had access to the Battle Tree, where I spent the next 10 years of my time while Kukui was studying to become a professor and became one.

Then I was with Kukui, helping him organize and fill out all the legal stuff behind the scenes to help authenticate the Alolan Pokemon League, which I participated in when I was 25! "

" My birthday was 2 months ago, I am 26 years old! " Atsumu said, then sighed. Giving a rant always leaves one parched, so Gengar gave Atsumu a water bottle. 

" That... makes so much more sense. " Valerie chuckled. " How'd this even happen? "

" There is an 82-year-old woman named Susan who refuses to stop working. " Atsumu revealed. " Many people have tried to get to stop and retire, even showed documents of being fired when she was 75 and taken away by police back to her home... only to find her at work the next day. 

When asked why, she says, ' It's because I want to die in my home doing what I love and this place is my home and I love to fill out forms on computers. '. " 

" That can't be real? " Valerie chuckled. 

" Oh no, it is. " Atsumu said. " Because after that, the company had to do this aggravating but unanimously agreed by almost all the citizens of Alola decision that she should continue. Thus, they created this chance where if someone calls in by phone to fill in something or sends in a request for a form to be filled, it could be redirected for Susan to fill in. And she is 82 and gets facts wrong. Either that or she's doing it on purpose. " 

" Alola sounds fun. " Valerie laughed. " I should take a vacation there next I get one. " 

" Good choice, " Atsumu said. 

" Sorry... for interrupting but you are still in an ongoing match. " The referee said. " Ms. Valerie, please send out your last Pokemon. " 

Valerie blinked, " We're still having a battle... oh yeah, it's a 3v3. " 

" Mawile, let's dance. " Valerie said, sending out Mawile who had a headband with a megastone on it. 

" Mawile vs Froslass. Battle Begin! " The referee states.

" Frosslass return. " Atsumu said. " Sableye. "

" Mawile, mega evolve. " Valerie said. 

Sableye appeared on the field as Mawile transformed into her mega-evolved state. Sableye stared at Mawile before he broke out a devilish smirk, chuckling. Mawile wondered what Sableye was chuckling for, but she shrugged it off with a calm, serene smile. 

" Misty Terrain. " Valerie said and a pink aura melded into the ground, covering the battlefield in a bright pink mist. 

" Flash Cannon. " Valerie followed. 

Bringing her hands up, Mawile fired a beam of steel-type aura at Sableye. 

" Flash Cannon. " Atsumu said. 

" Dodge. " Valerie responded. 

Sableye grinned, opening a Phantom Force portal in front of him. The Flash Cannon went straight through and exited another portal formed to Mawile's right. Mawile jumped back, avoiding her Flash Cannon. 

" Shadow Claw. " Atsumu said. 

Sableye stuck his hand into the portal and sent a Shadow Claw to grab Mawile, covering his claw in ghost-like energy. The Shadow Claw grabbed Mawile and Sableye yanked her through the portal, throwing her across the battlefield, and slamming her into a wall! 

" Shadow Ball. " Atsumu said. 

" Fairy Wind, Play Rough. " Valerie said. 

Sableye launched a Shadow Ball at Mawile who saw it coming and dodged it by flipping back onto the wall. Planting her feet on the wall, Mawile pushed forward while using Fairy Wins, boosting her advance towards Sableye. Upon arrival, Mawile brought her fists back, fairy aura covering them, and went in for a punch. 

" Detect and parry with Fire Punch. " Atsumu said. 

Detecting the oncoming attack, Sableye dodged Mawile's first strike. Mawile's fist shattered the ground as Sableye bounced on his feet, his grin never wavering. Mawile rushed in to strike him, Sableye Detected and parried some strikes with his fists on fire! 

" Stone Edge, box him in. " Valerie said, impatiently. 

Going in for another strike, Mawile stomped the ground causing a stone to appear behind Sableye. Sableye felt his back against the stone wall as Mawile came in hot, but he was still smiling. A Phantom Force portal opened in front of his face, Mawile's attack went straight through and destroyed the stone wall behind him. 

" Dazzling Gleam. " Atsumu said. 

After Mawile retracted her hand, Sableye peeped behind the disappearing portal and blasted a Dazzling Gleam right in Mawile's face. Mawile braced herself, the Dazzling Gleam tickling her but had left her blind from the sudden flash of light! 

" Psychic, Will-0-wisp. " Atsumu said. 

Lifting her off the ground, Sableye engulfed Mawile in purple flames. 

" Shadow Ball. " Atsumu said. 

Right after, Sableye hit Mawile with a Shadow Ball, blasting her back. Mawile rolled on the ground but came to a halt standing straight. She was suddenly covered in flames, grunting in pain for a brief moment, the burn from Will-o-Wisp taking its toll. 

" Swords Dance. " Valerie said in annoyance. 

" Clone. " Atsumu said. 

Dancing swords circled Mawile, her attack getting buffed while a second Sableye appeared on the field, an exact copy of the first as the Misty Terrain disappeared. 

" Misty Terrain. " Valerie said. 

" Quash, Hex. " Atsumu said. 

Sableye's Prankster kicked in, dark-type aura covered Mawile and suppressed her movements, delaying the reinstatement of Misty Terrain. While one Sableye used Quash, the other attacked with Hex, and Mawile writhed in pain. 

" Play Rough. " Valerie said with a small growl.

Mawile grits her teeth, her eyes glaring at the pair of Sableye grinning across her. The Sableye that used Quash Taunted her, beckoning her with his hand to " Bring it ". The pain from Hex became an afterthought. All Mawile thought about was beating Sableye to a pulp. 

It started with a step, then walking, then a light jog, to a full-on sprint. Mawile dashed towards Sableye, and slammed her fists into both of them, thus making them poof out of existence, leaving Mawile the only one on the field.

" Sableye... where's Sableye? " Laura asked, frantically searching around the place making others follow. 

" Misty Terrain! " Valerie called out. Mawile tried but failed. 

' Taunt. ' Valerie realized. 

" Time for the finale. " Atsumu said. 

A sudden strike to the right side of the face caused Mawile to skid back in surprise. Hanging on to her bearings, Mawile stood straight as she got punched in the gut, then another punch to the face, and it repeated! On the battlefield, all anyone could see was Mawile acting like she was getting attacked while being the only one on that field. 

" Fairy Wing! Cover the entire area! " Valerie shouted. 

Mawile grits her teeth, eyes wide open and filled with determination. Finding herself in a tight spot and unable to get out easily, she thinks fast and releases a small blast of Fairy Wind from her body, pushing everything around away a bit knowing that something is there. Regaining her footing, Mawile charged up another Fairy Wind and made a larger blast, covering the entire field. 

Breathing heavily after taking a beating, Mawile scanned the area before a Phantom Force portal opened below her. From it, a Shadow Claw came out and slammed into her gut, sending her into the air. 

Finding herself in pain, Mawile opened her eyes to look down below to see Sableye grinning at her, his arms stretched out to his sides. Looking around, Mawile's eyes widened upon seeing the multiple Shadow Balls in the air. 

With a grin, Sableye takes a bow as the Shadow Balls bombard Mawile from all directions! A massive explosion filled the room, Mawile dropped to the ground, no longer in her mega-evolved state. 

" Mawile is unable to battle! Sableye wins! " The referee announced. " The winner of the match is Atsumu Miya. "

Valerie sighed, returning Mawile to her Pokeball. Atsumu walked up to Sableye and Sableye jumped into the air, having a high-five with Atsumu. Valerie walked up to Atsumu as he returned Sableye to his Pokeball and held out her hand for a handshake, and Atsumu responded, shaking her hand. 

" So... what now? " Valerie asked, reaching into her pocket and handing Atsumu her gym badge. 

" ... Go back to the couch and think. " Atsumu sighed. " Battles aren't helping anymore. " 

" Or, and here me out here, I give you a session on cloth production? " Valerie suggested. 

" ... Aren't you a professional designer with an important showcase coming up? " Atsumu asked. 

" I am, but I also decided to agree to a gym battle against you. " Valerie smiled. " And while I do like you, that's not enough reason to accept your challenge right now... unless production was ahead of schedule. " 

" ... Really? " Atsumu asked. 

" Really. " Valerie said. 

" Ms. Valerie's right. " Sophia said. " We're at the last steps way ahead of schedule. " 

" We'll be done... in about 3 days, probably. " Laura said. 

" ... It's better than getting nowhere in my thoughts and getting frustrated over it... When can we start? " Atsumu asked Valerie. 

" After I get my Pokemon healed. " Valerie said. 

" Alright. " Atsumu said. 

" Hold up! Shouldn't you go too? " Laura asked as Valerie walked away. 

" Don't have to. " Atsumu said. 

" Shut the hell up and go! " Laura whispered, snapping. 

Atsumu stared at her, took a few steps back, and walked away to catch up with Valerie. 

" ... Did that just work? " Sophia asked. 

" Guess he finally understood. " Laura smirked. " It's about time. " 

" Laura? " Valerie asked.

" Laura. " Atsumu responded. " Quick question, will you use the healing machines here or go to the Pokemon Center? "

" Good question. " Valerie said, making a thinking face. " Let's go to the Pokemon Center. "

" Alright. " Atsumu agreed and Valerie smiled. 


" Can someone explain to me how a man that dwarfs every single person on this planet... managed to slip into the city for a pastry and then leave like a damn ghost?!! " Lysandre raged, staring at the security camera footage that had AZ on video. 

" We... don't know sir. " One of the admins of Team Flare spoke in the online meeting being held. 

" A man that large would be the talk of the town! " Another admin states. " Perhaps this is a work of the Pokemon. "

" Perhaps... " Lysandre considered. " Or... you all are incompetent fools! "

" This man has something tied around his neck and after sending Xerosic a photo, he's determined that the object this man carries is the key to activating the ultimate weapon! " Lysandre stressed. " Which means, hahaha... AZ was here in Lusmiouse city. He was within my grasp. My dream was within grasp... "

" But he's long gone now. " Lysandre sighed. 

" I want all of you to find him. " Lysandre said. " Get everyone you can, spread out, and search for him. Until you return with him, don't bother contacting me. Understood? "

Without waiting for a confirmation, Lysandre exited the online meeting and stared at the screen. Rage flowed beneath his skin, his blood boiling as he raised his hand and slammed it onto his desk angrily. 

" One job, just one job. " Lysandre muttered. " It's a 10+ tall man, how in the hell do you miss a man like him?! " 

" No. No. Calm yourself Lysandre. " Lysandre whispered. " AZ has appeared. The only other option was to find his grave; nothing could be traced back to that. We got lucky that he appeared. If it weren't for Alain noticing him in the park, we would have missed him entirely. " 

Lysandre leaned back in his chair and sunk into it. 

" Soon... It's coming soon... " Lysandre muttered, his eyes glazed over. 

" My perfect world. "



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