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21.42% Everyday Life of A Delinquent / Chapter 6: Ch. 6 - Reality

Chapter 6: Ch. 6 - Reality

With P.E. Now starting, as everyone has managed to get together, they were told to get into groups of two, for stretching. The plan for the day was mostly to get to know the building, so there were laps to be done later after the stretching. Drake, even though he already had seen her just barely in clothes, her pajamas, right now it felt he got to take a piece of her body structure frame by frame. She was just shorter than him, putting her taller than most of the other girls. She wasn't very muscular anywhere in particular, but she also wasn't noticeably fat anywhere. She had a slender body and a very alluring almost model-like hourglass frame. Her breast wasn't large in any way, and just over B, but not going further than a lower C. Her hair color was also notable, she was a Redhead and reached down just barely touching her lower back. Her hair did make her stand out if you noticed her just once, especially when matched with her brown eyes, and see the make around her eyes that only help make them pop. Then her waist, she was slim, yet had some defining part of her on her body. She was thick enough and slim enough to balance out herself just right. Her legs were smooth and long and you couldn't help but think how hard she must have worked to keep her body good and in shape. Her hands were also another thing he got to notice and enjoy, she was delicate, but also it felt like she didn't mind throwing a punch or slap. He did think for a moment, wondering if she thought of herself as better in any way than others. Yet even though he only has just met her, and up until recently been closer, he also thought she didn't care for how she looked. Or how others saw her. She was headstrong about herself and he could see it. She didn't make an effort to be friends with anyone, even if she could have, she ended up getting close to him. She was far more interesting than anyone he has met or talked with before.

"You know Draky…" she spoke. "I can feel how hard you're staring you know…" She teased.

"My bad… I was lost in thought…" He said and slowly got up, helping her now get up.

"About what?" She asked, and could see he wasn't exactly the Flirty type.

"You…" he said, throwing a wrench into her thoughts just now.

"Gross…" she said and looked away.

He was shocked. "What? Why?"

She was lost for a second. As it surprised her, she just went back to her first question. "What were you thinking about, when you were staring at me…?" She said as it did also began to bother her if he was the type to like more busty women.

"Oh… nothing much… wait," he said before she would feel bad it was just something he felt if he didn't explain. "Nothing bad… I swear and nothing like what you could be thinking, I was just thinking about you… and I was sort of captivated. You look cute and have that charm any guy would like, I was sort of just appreciating your…" he stopped himself.

"Your what?" She asked and couldn't help but feel shy all of a sudden. "Tell me Draky…" she said, holding on to his shirt and looking right at him.

"It's… best I don't say…" he looked away, as he didn't want to hide his thoughts on her. But, for some reason just couldn't seem to say it to her face.

"Is it bad?" She asked. As she felt like she might have just caught onto him.

"No… that's not it… I like you as you are… why the hell can I not say it dammit…" he said and scolded himself.

"It's pervy what's on your mind huh." She said and teased him.

"Shut it…" he said and looked back down at her. "Yeah…"

"Then…" she was red herself. "Say it… you jerk…" she also couldn't help but smile oddly.

"I was… appreciating your body… how good you look in practically anything I see you in… how cute you also you dress and do your make up, even if brings the wrong attention I like it… your alluring in every way… " he said, and felt like he got something off his chest.

She was looking down shyly. 'What the fuck?!' She thought, 'what a helpless idiot… who says that about a girl! And to her face!' She let go of his shirt and hugged his back to hide. "Jerk… pervy… stinky jerk" she mumbled against his back, happy to hear she wasn't in any way inferior to the girls who commented on her body a moment ago.

"Sorry… that was out of line wasn't it…" he said, really thinking he said something he shouldn't.

"I want to hear it more…" she said softly.

"More what?" He rebuttal.

"More praise… more flirty things… more of your true thoughts… I want to hear everything you think of me okay…" she said and grabbed onto his stomach, feeling his chiseled abs over the thin material of his shirt.

"If that's what you want, then… sure… I might just say something out of line or nowhere though" he said, as he hardly had self-control over what he said.

"That's fine…" she said, and after another minute to calm down. She let go. "Let's go outside now… and do our laps…"

"Alright…" together they are they're way outside and went on with their day.

It was meant to be easy for now, still the first week of school, so of course, as time would go on the classes and what they are doing would change up. The day went smoothly, up until it was time for the last class of the day. When Drake had to get his things and leave to head to another class. Some thought he was ditching, but anyone interested just asked the teacher and they all were told he wasn't meant to be in that class but another.

Drake walked down the hall and entered a sort of science room. Computers were lined up, and everyone looked up to him. The teacher filled him in on what he was to do so he went and took a seat. He looked gloomy, some thought, others just didn't care. One guy, in particular, didn't even notice him, he just looked at his screen. Drake was then sat next to him.

Both didn't say a word to each other until Drake had to break the ice. "Hey, man… mind explaining to me what I meant to be doing" even though he didn't want to talk, either of them. Both have different feelings about change. For one, the guy felt intimidated. Drake looked like anyone else who would pick on him. Yet for Drake, he spoke to him because he just had no other choice and if he wanted to graduate he'd have to leave that comfort zone and work for it. When he got no reply, he just left him thinking he was like anyone else. Yet, the boy spoke to him nervously.

"We… we are just learning a bit of coding… so in the future, we can make strong presentations or for work… it's really interesting…" he said, and suddenly got more anxious. It was something he enjoyed and was just sharing his thoughts openly with Drake. Both were opposites of one another. He was timid, while Drake was forward and open.

"Alright…" Drake said, sounding not too interested. And this indirectly affected the boy. "What's your name?" Drake asked while observing his program once he got to work with the rest of the class.

"It's Akane. My parents are from overseas… a weird name right?" He joked and put himself down.

"I don't hear a punchline…" Drake said not minding or caring too much. But when he looked over. He could tell something was up. "It's a cool name if you ask me… and a unique one from overseas… why would it be weird?"

"You don't think it's strange having a foreign name?" He asked, unable to even know what this meant.

"Should it? It's a cool name man… have some pride to have it" Drake, didn't want to be too honest, but he could see this somehow meant a bit too much for Akane. So he didn't want to say anything about it even if it was starting to weird him out on what made him so attached to this topic. Until he saw his eyes under his long bangs. "Do you get made fun of? For that name? And your bloodline?"

He had hit the nail perfectly. "Yeah… because of my depressing looks and how frail I am… I have a weird name, but I get made fun of because I'm also just easy to pick on… it seems like a lot of other people don't like strange things. Or anything strange at all…"

"Yeah, I get what you mean there… Hey, I don't mean to cut this conversation short… but Akane… would you mind helping me get used to programming stuff? I messed only with computers in the library and even then… I don't use or look up this stuff…"

Akane felt nervous but nodded. "Sure… and what's your name if you don't mind?"

"You didn't listen when I came in?"

"..." He looked away. "No…"

"It's Drake… it's a pleasure"

Akane lifted his head and got a better look at Drake through his hair. He saw what everyone else did, a delinquent. But, not his smile. He was able to see Drake was genuinely talking with him. And saw no malicious intent from him.

"Nice to meet you drake…" he said back and began to help him with what programming was. And also showed sites the school allowed them to use to get hints and help.

The class noticed this going on, as it wasn't against helping another student. But what was noticeable was a delinquent talking with a nerd. A geek, two people from different worlds were talking to one another. And murmuring was heard until Drake asked him and just loud enough.

"So Akane… who put that bruise on your cheek…" he asked him, and the room got cold. He looked at him with a casual stare.

Even though the question was asked, he didn't want to answer. "Uh… I just feel don't worry Drake…" he doesn't want him to get involved in his troubles.

"Just tell me…" when it seemed like people stopped gossiping, Drake then let it go. "But if you're fine I'll drop it…" from just a few words of concern., he was able to make the room go silent. It was shocking and it made Akane now wonder.

'Who… did I just get involved with…?!' He froze up, and he did try to keep going with class with him.

Drake indirectly gave him a sort of protection. But how long can that really last?

At the end of the day, school was over. "See you around man," he told Akane and left his class. He went to pick up Marlene who was still in the other class as she has waited as he asked her to.

Akane walked away on his own too, and for once, he wasn't touched or messed with time around he was able to leave on his own.

Marlene and Drake walked together as they left school and headed home. They talked for a while, discussing how their class went without one another.

"It looks like people's attention to me ends as you leave… but I still get their stares here and there. It's annoying… anyways how about you…? My class was boring without you" she said holding onto him.

"Mine was the same more or less, only if the attention left it just followed me to another… I sat by some nerdy-looking kid, his name was Akane. He was helpful actually, but something tells me he's getting picked on…" he explained to her as she then spoke up.

"Yay, you're making friends… and do you think he's gonna be okay?" She asked now concerned.

"I did ask who left that bruise on his cheek, everyone stopped muttering after I asked… so maybe he will be alright… he helped me get my shit together, in that class so I might as help him. Or be his friend, he doesn't seem too bad" he explained.

"What do you make of him?" She asked, wondering if he'll handle it.

"Nothing I wouldn't do… I'm just getting to know… I'll help him if I need to… I wouldn't call him a friend, but I don't think he's all too bad, he was able to keep up a conversation with me without freaking out or making it awkward…" he explained.

"Really? Okay, then I'd like to meet him too if you don't mind…" she said.

"Well let's give it time, he may not be as friendly as I'm making it out to be, what if he just talked with me to get rid of me? Or if he thought I was going pick on him too"

"You do have a point… well keep trying, if I have to go on my intuition, I'd say he's a lot better of a friend than anyone else here…  even if you just met, don't you think?" She says back and then adds. "But if you make a girl… friend, then we'll have an issue mister" she was just joking. Partially.

"Hehe… sure thing, I'll see you tomorrow okay…" he said, as they came to a stop where she could walk on her own.

"Cya, I'll call you when I get home or something," she said, kissing his cheek and leaving.

"Sure…" he was alone again but didn't mind it. He walked to pick up his sister and saw the teacher again waiting.

"Welcome back Drake… no work?" She asked in a police motherly tone.

"No… I will this weekend though to make up for leaving early the other day… and it was already on my schedule…" he explained and soon picked up his sister who looked tired out.

"I see… maybe I'll stop by then… Do you need anyone to babysit her then?" She asked.

"Maybe, if I can't hear Maria or Trey, I'll come to you. Is that okay?" He asked.

"For sure… be safe, okay Draky…" she said, walking over to pat his head and kiss his sister on her head.

"Be safe…" he told her and left together with his sister.

Things seemed to get better. At least outside of the home. It was all he thought about really. Outside felt like a home more than his real one, and he never even thought of it actually on his wall back. He was just glad things were better for him.

Just as he got home, however. He was snapped back to the reality of his world. How everything outside was just a temporary bliss. Just as he was going to open the door, he was met with a swift heavy fist to his face. He quickly grabbed his sister and shielded her. As he was knocked to the ground. His nose was broken and bleeding. The sudden force alerted Sarah as she began to panic. But when she looked up, it was her father. Drunk and high off his ass as he began to speak while reaching for Sarah pulling her hair.

"Damn brat… get your ass inside…" she screams in pain and was quickly tossed onto the floor and even as Drake tried to keep her when he did he felt his father's boot on his side ribs and a kick to his stomach. "Let go… you fucking punk…"

Drake watched and heard as his sister was pulled by her hair and thrown like a toy inside the house. He looked up at his father as he didn't hold back. "What the hell was that for?! Sarah…! Are you okay…?!" He called to her but only heard her cry and whimper. "get to the bedroom… Now Sarah!" He told her as he sat up and looked at his father.

"God how are you son… with a fucking stare like that… and those damned eyes…" he said getting only more irritated. A bottle was held in his other hand.

All Drake could do was guard and mitigate any more damage. He did tell him. "I told you… you fucking asshole… don't you fucking hurt her…"

And soon, the bottle was smashed over his head. And yelling was heard as he spoke back to Drake. "Or what punk…?! Huh! You ungrateful monster…" he began to kick him again and again with so much force it was like Drake was a literal punching bag for him. "This wouldn't be happening… if you just paid the bills like you were damn supposed to… now look at what's happening… your whore mother worked for hours and barely gets us by… your annoying sister… who if she doesn't shut up!" He yelled aggressively inside at her. "Will be sent next to collect money… next time fucking do what you're told…" he began stomping on Drakes's head and his legs and arms. "Do you hear me… child… this is your damn fault…. Don't let it happen again…" he said kicking Drake all the more hard as he finished his scolding.

Drake was bleeding from his scalp again. And also felt dizzy. "Sarah…" he mumbled as he slowly got himself up. He grabbed his bag and hers as he made his way inside. Limping to their room. "Sarah… what did I tell you…"

She was crying and held onto her brother's jacket. "Not to cry… or scream… when dad gets mad…"

"I did…" he held onto her head. "You're a brave girl Sarah"

'Don't…. Close your eyes… don't pass out…' he told himself as he then crawled to the bed.

"Draky… I wanna leave… I wanna…"

"Sh… I know… I know Sarah…" he hugged her. And kept himself awake. "Do you remember… what I said… not what to do… but, what I would do…?"

He asked as he began to cough up blood in small amounts.

"You said you will keep me safe…" she said back, answering and listening to him. It gently calmed her.

Drake grabbed his phone and played music in it for her. "That's right… big brother will keep you safe… don't forget that okay…" he hugged her and laid down with her keeping her away from the door.

"Don't… don't fall asleep…" she said, shaking as her brother was her only safety.

"I won't… just nap on your brother… it's just a bad dream okay…" he told her. As she then laid down curled up and scared.

'I wish… it was just a bad dream…' Drake said as he was fighting to stay conscious. He slowly wiped away any tears on her. And even brought her blanket to cover her.

'I'm sorry…' he accepted what his father told him. How this was his fault. If he had just worked. If he had just not been selfish. This didn't have to happen. Every day he did get Beaten, his father reminded him it was all his fault.

He ended up falling asleep all of a sudden. And luckily. That was all for the day. He woke up. And looked around. He then touched his head and felt glass. It should have hurt, but he had been used to it.

Slipping out of bed, he went to the bathroom to wash his head and blood. He was brought back to the world he knew. One that as long he never was happy, nothing would happen to his sister. And he was fine with this. He was fine with an unhappy unfulfilling life. If it just meant, his sister could have it all. He limped to the room, grabbing a change of clothes. He also picked up his sister and left that night with her. He was slowly walking and aimlessly in a direction. He then found himself at Marlene's house. He walked to the door and rang the bell. It was the middle of the night, no one was awake. So he rang again. And again.

Until the father was fed up. He went down pissed and to his surprise saw him. Drake, wounded and still bleeding, held up his sister. And finally collapsed again at his feet.

"Get the first aid!" He told Jess, as she came over also and picked up Sarah who woke up and saw Drake on the floor and Jess. She began to cry again more softly this time as she held onto Jess.

The house was awake, and to Marlene's horror saw Drake and his problematic state. She didn't know how to react and just felt herself sinking. She was weak on her knees but still made the effort to be by him.

For the next few hours. Sarah would explain what happened the best she could, but in detail, tell them the last conversation before both of them fell asleep.

Jess looked to her husband and wanted him to do something about their father, but he just couldn't. While she has good reason too, he was thinking of others who could be harmed, such as their mother, or possibly them all over again. There was a lot to think about.

Drake began to wake up, as he first moved his arms. His left was mostly unharmed. So he moved it to touch his ribs and chest. He felt something broken, but it wasn't so intense. He also began to breathe from his mouth. No trouble doing that, so there was no more blood-forming in his lungs. He then tried to move his feet but found it difficult. Still, he could sit up at least. So when he looked around and saw he was back at Marlene's home. He wondered how he got there. His nose was banged up still, but, as he raised his hand to me. He grabbed something to bite on and fixed his nose. It hurt like a bitch for him, but after some deep breaths, he was okay again. "It never gets any easier…" he said, as he finally noticed a sleeping Marlene on his lap, and across Jess coddling Sarah on a leather chair.

He then remembers the beating, and what his father said. Even though the warmth of the people in this room was what he needed. He felt cold and lifeless. If he fails next time. His sister's life just may be in danger. It was a horror that for the first time I'm a long time sent shivers down his spine. "This… can't go on… I… can't go on like this…" he said to himself. As he was on the verge of giving up. His father always had a way of making sure Drake was a whipped child. Breaking him down countless times.

'What the hell did we ever do? What did I do to deserve this? I can't… I said I would be I can't protect her…' every bad thing yelled and beaten into him and banged on his head. Over and over words he has been called and told from his father stabbed him. It was like never-ending screaming. He wasn't right in the head anymore. And it wasn't just his father anymore.

'Kill him, Drake…' an internal conflict began to build, and great it's led within his mind. A desire for this to end and a desire to let go. 

'Or just kill yourself…' It went on. Quietly eating away at him.

'No more worrying either way…'

"Stop…" he told himself as it just went on. He was shaking as it felt like this is what it's come to.

"Drake?" Marlene said slowly waking up.

In mere moments. He came back as he heard her. He looked down at her and gently placed his hand on her hair. "Yeah…?"

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