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Chapter 15: Queen Carmilla

Chapter 15: Queen Carmilla

- Queen Carmilla –

In a secluded chamber within an opulent restaurant in Kyoto, an enchanting blond-haired woman sat regally, flanked by two loyal attendants. This group comprised none other than the reigning Queen of the Carmilla faction, along with her two loyal confidantes.

Queen Carmilla appeared to be a woman in her late twenties, exuding an air of mature allure. Her presence commanded attention, and her statuesque, voluptuous figure was the epitome of elegance and power. Her piercing golden eyes seemed to hold otherworldly wisdom, perfectly complementing her cascading golden hair that tapered into sharp spikes at the ends.

Adorned in her signature attire, she wore a crimson gown accentuated with sharp, obsidian frills gracing her waist and chest. A striking white panel elegantly traversed her torso, creating a captivating contrast. Her arms were encased in pristine white gloves that extended gracefully up to her upper arms, while her legs were sheathed in sleek black stockings. To complete her regal ensemble, she donned white high heels that added a touch of sophistication to her already commanding presence.

(A/N: She looks like KissShot from Monogatari)

Seated beside Queen Carmilla was Elmenhilde Karnstein, a noble, pure-blooded vampire and an unwavering member of the Queen's inner circle. Elmenhilde possessed a striking, doll-like appearance that captured the essence of delicate beauty.

Her long, wavy, light-blonde hair framed her face gracefully, cascading in a silken cascade that contrasted beautifully with her deep, mesmerizing red eyes. Like a Western doll, her facial features were exquisitely sculpted, radiating an ethereal charm.

Elmenhilde's porcelain-pale complexion resembled an exquisite statue, further enhancing her unearthly allure. She was adorned in a radiant, crimson dress reminiscent of princesses from the medieval ages, exuding an air of timeless elegance. An ornate headdress graced her, adding to the aura of regality surrounding her.

Completing the trio was Avrora Florestina, a devoted, pure-blooded vampire who remained steadfast in her loyalty to Queen Carmilla. Avrora embodied her unique and enigmatic charm in stark contrast to her companions.

Her striking blue eyes held a depth of knowledge, a testament to her age and experience. Avrora's long, flowing blonde hair cascaded like a golden waterfall, reaching down to her legs and accentuating her graceful presence. Unlike the traditional attire of her fellow vampires, she donned a female middle school uniform, creating a distinct contrast that set her apart from the rest of the group.

Avrora was renowned for her formidable mastery of ice magic, a power that she wielded with precision and finesse, further solidifying her reputation among their kind and the supernatural.

They were currently waiting for their guest to arrive at their meeting and a possible alliance with the one that had garnered significant attention in the supernatural world,

"My Queen, is it truly wise for us to attend this meeting?" Elmenhilde, unable to suppress her curiosity, voiced her concerns.

Queen Carmilla regarded her loyal subordinate with a hint of amusement. "Oh? Why do you say that, Elmen?"

Elmenhilde explained her reservations, "This so-called Digimon Emperor only emerged a few years ago, and his group didn't gain significant attention until a few months ago with their mysterious operations. We know virtually nothing about this individual or his true strength. Moreover, his sudden invitation for an alliance strikes me as highly suspicious."

The Queen acknowledged Elmenhilde's doubts but made no immediate comment. Instead, she turned her attention to the quiet Avrora. "And what is your perspective on this Emperor, Avrora?"

The timid Avrora took her time to ponder, her voice carrying a hint of uncertainty as she replied, "...I think Elmen is correct. This person's intentions seem highly suspicious. No one has been able to confirm this individual's race or allegiance."

Queen Carmilla contemplated Avrora's words, her expression inscrutable. Her measured response left both girls on edge, fearing they had angered or disappointed their queen.

However, to their relief, Queen Carmilla was not displeased with their opinions; she shared their concerns.

Queen Carmilla held doubts about why this newcomer in the supernatural realm would be so audacious as to involve themselves in the chaotic civil wars that were well-known for their messiness and unpredictability. Despite vampires not being the most powerful among Earth's supernatural races, they still held a respectable position in the rankings.

She pondered what this enigmatic Digimon Emperor could potentially offer to warrant her consideration of this proposed alliance. Had it not been for Azazel and Yasaka vouching for him, she might not have deigned to entertain this individual's propositions.

After all, she was already busy dealing with the antics of those damn pesky vampires from the Tepes. She didn't have the time to be dragged into another mess.

Yet, she couldn't deny her underlying curiosity regarding the mysterious figure known as the Digimon Emperor. The fact that he commanded this formidable Digimon Mercenary group intrigued her. The group of six monstrous beings had already accomplished remarkable feats, and Queen Carmilla had personally met their leader, Leomon.

While she recognized that Leomon's current strength was beneath her own and that of her loyal subordinates, she saw the immense potential in him to further develop his capabilities. His no-nonsense approach and commitment to being a mercenary were qualities that resonated with her.

Initially mistaking Leomon for a beast kin due to his appearance, he corrected her, revealing his true nature as a Digimon or whatever that was. This revelation had opened her eyes to the existence of hidden races on Earth, a fact that had piqued her interest.

The remaining five group members were formidable in their own right, each possessing unique and bewildering appearances that left Queen Carmilla utterly confounded—her centuries of existence had not prepared her for the sheer diversity and eccentricity within Leomon's group.

Encountering a being that resembled a living blob of poop with a grotesque tongue or bizarre green slime that triggered an innate sense of revulsion was enough to send shivers down her spine. In all her immortal life, she had never witnessed such peculiar entities.

This only reinforced her belief that the Digimon Emperor must be able to locate and recruit such extraordinary creatures into his ranks. The mystery surrounding this figure deepened with every revelation about his Digimon companions.

As Queen Carmilla was lost in her thoughts, the private room where she and her subordinate resided was forcefully knocked, drawing the attention of all three of them.

They gazed at the door, their curiosity piqued, as it slowly creaked open. Finally, their mysterious guest had arrived.

Time seemed to hang in the balance as they collectively studied the first individual who gracefully entered the room. An aura of elegance surrounded this newcomer, and their attire exuded a regal and enigmatic quality. The high-collared cape and gloves added an air of mystique to their appearance. Crimson eyes and glistening fangs contributed to the classic vampire allure, while sharp, claw-like fingers and menacing teeth further reinforced the vampire impression.

To Queen Carmilla's surprise, this individual did not possess the telltale scent or aura of a vampire. It was as if they were a living contradiction—vampire-like in appearance but lacking the essence of one. The three women exchanged perplexed glances as they contemplated this enigma.

But the surprises didn't end there. As the second guest entered, the room was filled with gasps of awe and disbelief. The distinctive features of this newcomer were unmistakable.

'A Dragon!' echoed in the thoughts of the three women simultaneously.

Dragons, known as some of the world's most formidable and revered creatures, held an unrivalled place in the hierarchy of supernatural beings. Admired, respected, and feared across ages, they were synonymous with power and majesty.

Dragons were a reclusive and proud race, rarely mingling with other species, let alone pledging allegiance to another. To witness a Dragon in the presence of the Digimon Emperor was a revelation that sent shockwaves through the room. The very fact that a Dragon had chosen to align with the Emperor, willingly or not, hinted at a power that surpassed even the regal Dragons themselves.

This humanoid dragon possessed a robust and imposing physique reminiscent of a battle-hardened warrior. His scales glistened with an ominous emerald hue, bestowing formidable protection and a daunting aura.

Atop his head rested a crown-like helmet, extending gracefully into the upper contours of his face. A lightning-shaped horn adorned the pinnacle of this regal headpiece. Within his helm, sharp crimson eyes exuded an unwavering determination. His reptilian visage bore a fierce and sly grin, revealing a formidable row of teeth that gleamed menacingly.

His powerful arms and hands were adorned with imposing gauntlets, further accentuating his formidable presence.

Their collective gaze felt the immense power emanating from this creature, causing even Queen Carmilla to experience a shiver of trepidation. In this moment, their belief in the might of this Emperor Digimon solidified as he unabashedly showcased the strength of his subordinates.

They were utterly flabbergasted by the identity of this self-proclaimed emperor. To say they were shocked would be a gross understatement, as they had harboured suspicions about the extraordinary nature of these individuals from the very beginning.

The most astounding revelation was that he was a mere human yet held complete dominion over these formidable and monstrous creatures.

The emperor himself was dressed in an impeccably tailored, dark-coloured suit, complete with a formal tie, giving him an air of sophistication and authority. He also wore a matching dark overcoat that draped regally over his shoulders, further enhancing his aura of power. His sharp, intelligent eyes were concealed behind a pair of dark sunglasses, adding an air of mystery to his appearance. His dark hair was neatly combed, and his overall presence exuded a quiet confidence and a sense of control.

Queen Carmilla's mind raced as she sought to understand how a human could stand in such a position in a world filled with powerful beings. Her thoughts darted to the possibilities of Sacred Gears, the divine gifts of the Biblical God, which had the potential to empower humans in this realm.

The idea that this human might be a wielder of the Annihilation Maker, one of the top-tier Longinus Sacred Gears, crossed her mind. However, she quickly dismissed this notion as unlikely, given that the creatures brought forth by this emperor displayed a level of individuality and intelligence behind those eyes that was inconsistent with the mindless creations of the Annihilation Maker. Throughout her long existence, she had encountered users of this Sacred Gear who could only create obedient, single-minded entities.

Still, she couldn't entirely eliminate the possibility, aware that Sacred Gears had been known to mutate or evolve in the hands of unique wielders. However, the chances of such an occurrence were exceedingly slim, especially considering that the Annihilation Maker's abilities had remained relatively consistent throughout its history.

Was this emperor even human to begin with? Queen Carmilla found herself drawn further into a web of intrigue and uncertainty. She became even more curious and intrigued by this man as a new seed named desire sprouted in her heart.

She wanted to know more about this man and his secret.

Her chaotic thoughts were soon interrupted as the Digimon Emperor introduced himself to the room.

"You must be Queen Carmilla, yes? I'm sorry for taking time out of your day. I'm Kaiser, the Digimon Emperor," Kaiser stated, bowing lightly with his arm across his chest.

He proceeded with the introductions, indicating his companions. "To my left, this is Myotismon."

"Greetings, ladies," Myotismon replied, his smile revealing his sharp fangs.

"And finally, to my right is Bulkmon."

Bulkmon snorted, his fierce gaze making the ladies beside Queen Carmilla slightly uncomfortable. Kaiser interjected with a light smile, "Now, now, Bulkmon. You don't have to stare them down. I apologize; Bulkmon is not very good at meeting new people."

"That's understandable," replied Queen Carmilla, covering her mouth with a light cough to wake her two subordinates from their daze. "Indeed, I'm Queen Carmilla, the leader of the Vampire Carmilla Faction. It's a pleasure to meet you, Digimon Emperor Kaiser. You've probably heard of my subordinates, Elmenhilde Karnstein and Avrora Florestina."

"Ah! Yes! I've heard of the reputation of the beautiful doll vampire and the Ice Phoenix! A pleasure to meet both of you," Kaiser responded with a courteous nod as he took his seat at the table.

Elmenhilde and Avrora exchanged glances and then replied in unison, "A pleasure to meet you too, Emperor Kaiser." They were genuinely awed by his presence.

Myotismon and Bulkmon stood beside the door, taking on their protective roles. Kaiser offered Queen Carmilla a warm smile.

"How about we start with ordering?" he suggested. "I've heard wonderful things about this restaurant and would love to savour some Kyoto cuisine. What do you think, Queen Carmilla?"

She nodded graciously and replied, "That sounds quite acceptable, Emperor Kaiser," as she turned her attention to the menu.


**Author's Note: I might not follow my "schedule" perfectly, but I should upload a chapter every Monday-Wednesday-Friday and maybe Sunday.**


Avrora Florenstina – Strike the Blood

KissShot – Monogatari

Bulkmon – Champion Digimon

Myotismon – Ultimate Digimon

Haluo Haluo

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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