Scrapping together meals, often going without proper clothing, such was his life.
The little girl was lucky to have dug up a centuries-old ginseng. Otherwise, where would this money come from? Was it stolen or robbed? Or did it fall from the sky in a dream, or was it blown over by the wind?
How can such a clever child have such a foolish father? It's fortunate she didn't take after her father, or else she might have been a fool her whole life.
Tang Zhinian was stunned by Chen Zhong's blunt comments and returned home in a daze.
Tang Yuxin took over caring for Sisi, who immediately warmed to Tang Zhinian. At her young age, she knew that her lamb puppet was bought for her by this uncle. Without him, she wouldn't have her lamb puppet and thus wouldn't have milk to drink.
With enough milk now, she wouldn't starve any more. Even her mother was always smiling.
"Sisi," Tang Zhinian was overcome with paternal affection, "you look just like my daughter Yuxin."
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