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15.62% Surviving Scarlett / Chapter 5: Night In (Scarlett)

Chapter 5: Night In (Scarlett)


The house was empty when I got home. Thank God! I throw down my bag before unlacing my boots and leaving them in a pile at the front door. My body still ached from my mammoth run yesterday, so I decide to soak my muscles in a warm bubble bath. I checked my phone as I wait for it to fill—three new messages.


Hey sis. Going to Alisa’s tonight, so don’t wait up. Call me if you need anything, or go to Morgan’s x


OMG, news just in. Barbie #1 apparently ran out of PE crying. Rumer is she got rejected from Loki at lunch :o trouble in parodies. Love you, missing you already xoxox


Don’t forget to text me when your home safe! Adam messaged saying he’s out tonight, so maybe sleepover? Let me know. Love ya xoxox

I smile, reading my Best friend messages. She always knows how to make me feel better. I quickly compose my reply.

Me to Storm

I am home, just about to have a bath & read ;) Come over whenever. BRING FOOD! AND SNACKS! Why does your big bro always have to be the centre of attention? He is worse than Barbie #1, I swear to god. Missing you too. See you soon, lots of love xoxox

I set my phone down on the floor, walking back into my bedroom to grab my book before finally stripping off and settling into the tub. I wanted to moan; the hot water felt so good. My sore muscles loosening and soothed by the waters embrace. I closed my eyes for a few moments. Enjoying the silence and my own company more than was probably healthy. I let the stress of the day wash off me. I finally opened my eyes again, picking up my romance novel. I began reading.

Before long, the book turned filthy. As I read, my mind shifts to images of Loki. I knew I shouldn’t. The man was fucking Satan. But I couldn’t get him out of my head. His tattooed muscular chest, that sinful smile. God. I pressed my thighs together, nearly dropping my book into the water. I quickly set it down on the floor.

My hands were suddenly moving over my breasts, squeezing them gently. I let my fingers travel lower, sliding down my sides, my waste... then lower. I close my eyes.

Remembering those piercing black eyes, daring me, challenging me. My fingers start to circle my clit. I gasp as pleasure throbs between my legs. I feel Loki breath on my neck. His lips on my ear as he whispers all the dirty little things he’s going to do to me. I move my finger down, pushing them inside of me. I moan. I imagine they are Loki’s fingers, and he’s kissing me. His tongue was massaging my own. His hand was exploring my body as he fucks me with his fingers. I gasp. So close. I move my fingers quicker, using my thumb to circle my clit.

The front door opens and closes with a loud thump. Fuck! I jump out of my skin. My fingers falling away, my head falling under the water. I resurface, gasping for breath. Shit. Surely Storm hadn’t finished school already?

“Scarlett!” Storm called from the bottom of the stairs.

“I’m still in that bath! Be done in a minute!” I shout back. I step out of the bath and grab my fluffy towel from the hanger, careful not to drip water on my book and phone. I swear that girl has the worse timing. I pull the plug out, then walk back to my room. I find my silk baby pink pyjama’s with black lace trim. I was putting them on, followed by fluffy ankle slippers and a hoodie. Tapping my pocket to make sure I’d taken my phone and cigarettes with me.

I found Storm downstairs raiding my kitchen for plates, bowls and cups. “Hey”, she mumbles around a mouthful of food.

“Hey”, I chuckle in reply, searching through the bags and food Storm had brought. Large enough to feed a small army. It was all our favourite. Mountain dew, sour skittles, Profiteroles, Halloumi fries, curly fries, pizza, garlic bread, and so much more. But a gleaming red and white box caught my eye. Naughty but good. Bucket of KFC chicken wings. I ignore everything else and start to nibble on the delirious fried chick goodness. I moan.

“You are the best”, I groan between bites of chicken. Storm laughs, taking one herself. After most of the wings, a slice of pizza and a good handful of Halloumi and curly fries had been eaten. I decide to take a tactical smoke break. I was pouring myself a mug of mountain dew before heading to the back door.

“I’m going to go change into my Pyjama’s”, Storm called after me.

I step out onto the decking, the sun slowly setting over the horizon. I go over and lean on the railing before lighting up and inhaling deeply. It was peaceful. Our garden was not nearly as lovely as the Morganstar’s though Adam did keep the lawn trimmed, so that was at least something. I took another drag of my cigarette as I looked over the large blossom tree, overhanging on the Morganstar’s side of the fence. My phone buzzed, pulling me out of my thoughts. I frowned. I wonder who could be texting me.


Hey you x

I reread it. Who in the hell? The number wasn’t recorded on my phone, and the only people that text me were Storm, Adam and occasional Alisa. But this was someone else. Asher maybe? He had texted me once, maybe twice. I, however, had never bothered to save his number. There was a simple way of finding out, but I didn’t feel like being that person.

Me to unknown.

Hey. What did I do to deserve to have this honour? X

I click send. I hoped my question would bring me more answers as to who the hell was texting me. I was unsure if I should put a kiss or not, but one was no harm. I sent one to my brother and Alisa. I took another drag of my cigarette. I watched the screen waiting for a reply, but none came. After a while, I finished my smoke and walked back inside.

Storm lay spread out on one of the sofas, the coffee table before her covered in snacks. “I was thinking either Zombie land or hunger games. What do you think?” She asked, turning her attention to me.

“Zombie land, you know I have a lesbian crush on Emma Stone”, I laughed, snuggling up on the love seat.

“I was defiantly feeling Zombie land first”, Storm grinned, finding it on Prime. Buzz. I pulled out my phone.


Do I need a reason to text a pretty girl? ;) x

Dam. Well, that had been zero help. Still, I wanted to reply. I didn’t know why exactly. Maybe I was just an attention whore. Either way, I was okay with that.

Me to unknown

Flattery, I’m sure that works on all the girls x

I click send before throwing my phone to the other end of the sofa. I had missed the beginning scene, which sucked because, come on, it’s like one of my all-time favourite movies. I take a handful of skittles and settle down watching the film. Buzz. I peered over at my phone, and the screen lit up. No. I was having a girl’s night. Whoever it was could wait. It lasted about 20 minutes. Before the curiosity over, Ik me. I would read what it said, but I would not reply.


Maybe. But you’re not most girls. Tell me, what do you get up to when you’re not breaking hearts? x

I read it over twice. It was so flirty and well crafted. Maybe a little cheese. But, hell, anyone who tried was given a star in my book. I wasn’t exactly the nicest of people. Bitch would have been more fitting.

Me to unknown

Breaking hearts? I wouldn’t consider it a hobby of mine. Is that just a polite way of being nosy? X

I click send. Reaching down to grab my half-empty mug of mountain dew. I take a large gulp.

“Oh, I love this bit!” Storm kicks her feet excitedly. I laugh. She was such a little kit sometimes. Buzz. That was quick.


You honestly have no idea how many guys are pining over you. Do you? Maybe, tell me anyway? x

I almost burst out loud. That was a joke if ever I saw one. That or this guy was trying far too hard to win me over. I hadn’t had a boyfriend since I was about sixteen. And even that relationship was laughable. I had, however, had hook-ups or friends with befit type things. But not for a long while now.

Me to unknown

I can’t tell if you’re being funny or trying way too hard. I am watching a movie with a friend. You? x

The reply this time was much quicker.


I would say I could prove it to you, but that would be breaking the bro code. What movie? I hope you mean Storm and don’t have some random guy I don’t know about, LOL. Otherwise, I’m going to have to have a talk with Adam about that. I’m just finishing up at practice heading home in a few x

I read the text two times over. This time trying to work out who the hell was this guy. Practise...probably football, I assumed. Though he had been texting me throughout? So maybe not. It was clear; he knew enough about me to know who my best friend, who my brother was and that I wasn’t currently dating anyone. Again this made me think it was Asher.

Me to unknown

Zombie Land, and yes, Storm is here. Football practise? X

I send my reply, but after a few moments realise that I won’t get anything for a while. I pour myself another cup of Mountain Dew and concentrate on the rest of the film. Storm wasn’t very chatty as we watched the movie, which was just her. She got very into the story, often crying and laughing along with the characters. When the final credits play, I excuse myself for another smoke while she picked the next film.

Perched in my usual spot ageist the railing, I light up and Inhaling deeply. When I realised the lights in the Morganstar house was off. It could have been a coincidence that Loki wasn’t in. After all, he was on the football team and had a meaningful social life. I exhaled a cloud of smoke before taking another drag. I heard the sound of the Harley pulling into our street. Followed by the flash of headlines as he pulled into next doors drive. Before the lights and the engine switch off. After a few second and the sound of keys being inserted in a lock, the lights in the living room flicker on. Guilty, I duck down and shimmy silently across the decking. I didn’t know why exactly, I was hiding, but there I was!

“What are you doing?” Storm asked. I jump back, a loud squeal leaving my lips. Followed by a crash as something fell.

“Oh my God! Don’t do that!” I hiss, in a loud whisper slapping her arm. She laughs.

“Alright, detective Winters,” She teases. “Are you seriously still hiding from my brother?” she asks, her voice too loud for my liking.

“Shhh”, I caution, gesturing for us to go back inside. She giggles but does as I say. I take one last quick drag before blowing out the smoke and following her inside. She was standing leaning ageist the kitchen counter; arms crossed over her chest. An accusing but amused look in her eye.

“So? She asks again.

“Yes, I am still hiding from him”, I answer her question, my voice still low. Buzz. I squeal again, quickly clasping my hand over my lips. “Sorry, the phone made me jump”.

“Who is texting you?” She asked, winking.

“Honestly, no clue”, I admit, walking back into the living room as I check my message.


Good Film. Emma Stone is fire. No band practice first time we been back into the studio since July. Shame you were not there to dance ;) x

Me to unknown

I know, right. You were not supposed to be watching me. Does Adam know you are flirting with his little sis? X

“Earth to Scarlett”, Storm calls, waving her hands in front of me., pulling my attention away from my phone.

“Sorry”, I mumble, pressing send before giving her my full attention.

“So…what got you so distracted?” She asks, raising an eyebrow at me. I sigh. Passing her my phone. Storm scrolls up to the top of my messages and starts reading. Grinning from ear to ear as she does.

“New message”, Storm tells me. Walking over to the sofa as she reads. She was quiet for a few moments, then started to giggles.

“What?!” I ask, snatching the phone from her., taking a seat beside her as I read the message.


It’s not my fault you’re a good dancer. Adam told me to stay away from you. Maybe it can be our little secrete x

“Do you know who it is? Do you recognise the number?” I ask.

“If I did, I wouldn’t tell you”, She grins, sticking her tongue out at me.

“I thought best friends were supposed to tell each other anything?” I tease, throwing a pillow at her.

“I never agreed to that. BBesidesthis is way more fun!” She laughs. I roll my eyes at her before starting to compose my own message. TThendelete it again.

“What should I say?” I ask my best friend.

“Pass it here, let me write it”, She offered. I hesitater for a moment before passing over my phone. She types, backspacing a few times before handing it back. I read the message.

Me to unknown

I will consider it. G2G xx

I laugh, shaking my head at her.” I thought I was mean!” I remark.

“Hey! I have watched enough movies to know that men hate it when you leave them hanging”, She reassures me, wiggling her finger around.

“And we want this guy to hate me?” I consider, grinning at her.

“Love, hate, it’s the same thing. They want what they can’t have and to be challenged. Holding the cards keep them hooked,” Storm informs me.

“Who knew you were so wise” I tease. Storm laughs before going back to flicking through Netflix. “Want to do a face mask with me?” I offer

“Yes!” She beams, jumping up from the sofa. We run-up to my bathroom and pick out a different mask each. Mine a tee tree infused mud mask, her cool cucumber. We Tying up our hair before applying it in the mirror. “We should paint our nails too!” Storm said, picking up my bag of nail varnish. We go back downstairs and choose another film. Hunger Game, of course.

“Which colour you want?” Storm asks, offering me the bag of nail varnish.

“Red”, I decide, picking it out of the bag to give to her. She takes the varnish and starts painting it on my nails. After mine are done with the second and topcoat. I paint Storms nails Pastel Green, two coats and a topcoat. We watch the film waiting for them to finish drying.

The Front door opens and closes. We look at each other. Who the hell was that? Adam was sleeping with his girlfriend, and we were not expecting anybody else. A tall, muscular figure appears leaned on the door frame, his hands in his pockets. His arms covered in tattoos, and his black hair tossed. He was looking sexy as hell, in loose-fitting grey shorts and a tight white tee.

“It smells of chemicals in here,” The familiar deep voice of non-other than Loki grunts.

“Nail polish,” Storm remarks, flashing her newly painted nails at him. “Have you come the crash girls night?” He shrugs, not moving from the doorway. His black eyes were falling on me. I sucked in a breath, feeling naked under his lazy gaze.

“What’s on your face?” he snickers. I press my finger to my face having forgotten I still had the mask on. I felt my face heat up with embarrassment, quickly turning away from him.

“Face mash, Durr!” Storm remarked, rolling her eyes at him.

“Adams not here,” I tell him, getting to my feet. I needed to wash this mask off.

“I know,” he replied simply, a small silence falling before he adding “I was broad” He moves from the doorway and starts helping himself to the food still laid out on the table.

“Hey!” Storm protests slapping his hand away. I sneak past them, running up to my bedroom to quickly wash off the mask. Once it was gone, I dried off my face and let my hair down. Peering at myself in the mirror, I looked younger without makeup on. My eyes less defined, and my freckles more viable; thankfully, my skin was clear. I still wanted to put makeup on but knew I couldn’t without him noticing. Sighing, I made my way back downstairs.

Storm lay splayed out on one of the sofas, Loki having stolen my seat. There was a whole other sofa he could have sat on, but no. He had picked to sit where I had been. I walk up to him and cross my arms over my chest, blocking his view of the TV.

“You’re in my seat,” I scowled.

“I did warn him,” Storm chimed in. Loki’s gaze slowly drifted up to my body until they met mine. His black eyes slightly darker, with a mischievous glint in them.

“I can share,” he offered. I raised a brow at him almost to say ‘really?’ making his lips tug up in a cocky grin. “I don’t bite...most the time,” He teased.

“Shhhh! It’s a really good bit,” Storm hushes us. I shake my head at him before turning away. Fine, if he was going to be all flirty and want me to sit with him, I was doing the opposite. But of course, Loki did like that. His hand snaked around my hips, tugging me backwards. I fell onto the chair with a loud thump. Storm, thankfully, was too focused on the TV to notice.

I sucked in a breath. Loki’s arm was still wrapped around my waist, my legs on his lap. He looked up at me, his dark eyes searching mine. We were too close, his body warm ageist my own setting sparks through my skin. His intoxicating scent was filling my nose. I try to move away, but his grip stayed firm. He licked his lips, peering towards Strom before looking back at me. I open my mouth to speak, but before I could, his finger presses ageist my lips silencing me. He shakes his head. Don’t talk; he seems to say. Despite myself, I nod. Loki took that as invitation enough. His finger moves from my lips to my neck, then my shoulder. Pushing away my hair and hoodie, exposing my shoulder to him. I bite my lip as his fingers trace over the spot between my neck and shoulder. His mouth lowers to my ear, his breath tickling my skin.

“tell me to stop,” He whispers, his voice deep and husky. I try to find words, but I had none. I didn’t know what he was doing or what he wanted. All I knew was right at this moment; I was entirely at his mercy. “Tell me you don’t want this, and I will stop,” He whispers. His fingers still drawing circles over that sweet spot. I close my eyes, my breath uneven. When I didn’t answer, a low growl escaped his lips. Barely loud enough to be heard over the TV. His lips lower to the sweet spot, slowly brushing them ageist my skin. Heat flares between my legs, forcing me to press my thighs together to relieve the ache. His hand gripping onto hip harder, I was sure to have a bruise tomorrow. His tongue darted out, licking the perspiration off my skin. I had to suck on my bottom lip to suppress the gasp. Loki grazed his teeth over the sensitive skin before licking it again. My hands grip onto the cushions, my body arching begging. Then, as if he heard my silent plea, his mouth crushes down on that same spot, biting and sucking. My eyes roll back, and I have to bite down on my tongue hard, forcing the moan to the back of my throat—his silent attack causing pleasure to burst through my body in waves. My hands dart out, tangling themselves in his hair, tugging at it, only making his assault on my neck more intense. I was so close to moaning out loud.

As quickly as it started, he pulled back, just enough to softly lick over the sensitive skin. My eyes were watery, and my body felt more turned on than I had ever been in my entire life. He chuckles softly, ageist my skin, kissing it before drawing back. I let out a small Whimper from the lost contact. He looks at me, a smirk on his lips. Then gently pulls my hoodie back over to cover me. I wasn’t sure what to think, how to feel. My body was suddenly feeling cold. The film was still on, storm quietly snoring. Loki wordlessly pulled me closer to him, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, my head falling on his chest.


I didn’t know why, but as I watched Scarlett sleeping form nuzzled into my chest, I felt incredibly guilty. It wasn’t as if I had slept with her. Hell, I hadn’t even kissed her. But hell as my witness, I wanted to. Scar’s body was dressed up like a goddam birthday present in those tiny shorts and lacy top. But the problem was it wasn’t my birthday and she would never, could never belong to me. Yet my hand was still tangled in her hair, her body pressed against my own.

I had come far too close to breaking one of the most important Bro Codes rules. But it was more than that. I actually cared about Scarlett. She was family. Shit. I was an Animal. I gently untangled my hand from her hair and, careful not to wake her, picked her up. She mumbled something, cuddling closer to my chest, but stayed asleep. She fit perfectly in my arms, and I couldn’t help but smile at her cute sleeping face. Snap out of it! I sighed. I was carrying her carefully up to her bedroom. I lye her down gently on the bed and wrapping a fluffy blanket up to her chin. I headed into her bathroom to take a quick piss, almost falling head first when my shoe collided with a well-worn book. Thankfully Scarlett didn’t stir. I picked up the book, curiosity getting the better of me. It was hard to make out, with only the dim glow of the moon for light. The front cover was a picture of a half-naked man with a six-pack and tattoos down both arms. ‘Devil’s Rider’ read the title. I almost burst out laughing. Did she honestly read this crap? I flipped through the book, noticing pages folded over throughout the whole goddam book. I flipped to one and started reading.

‘“Jake. You going to kiss me already?”

I ran the back of my hand down her cheek. I wanted to kiss her. I wanted to do a whole lot more than kiss her. But I was too old for her.

“No, sweetheart, I’m not going to kiss you” as much as I wanted to, I couldn’t fucking do it.

“Didn’t think so.”

Before I could stop her, she rose on her toes and planted a soft kiss on my lips. I didn’t hesitate. I kissed her back hard and rough. A small moan escaping her lips. It had me pulling her body closer. If my place in hell wasn’t already reserved. It sure as hell was now.’

I peered back into Scarlett’s bedroom. She was still fast asleep. I looked back at the book before chucking it into my back pocket. I knew it was a dick move taking someone book, but I fully intended to give it back later. But first I wanted to have some fun with this. I would skim through it, see what got her hot and heavy. Then I would use the information either to tease and bully her or... for other purposes. I slipped out of her room and down the stairs. I was checking in on my lump of a sister, who was still fast asleep. I find Scarlett’s keys on the kitchen table and lock them up on my way out. Posting them back, though, making sure to chuck them a reasonable distance away.

As soon as I fell onto my own bed a few moments later, I pulled the book out again and began to read.

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