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66.66% Mother Tongue

Chapter 1: Aptitude Test

11 PM

When would my life turn for the better? It would be good if I could become a billionaire easily.Ernst said while browsing the internet.

He saw an interesting video about how language can greatly affect life.

"Why are Vietnamese good at singing?""Have you ever wondered why Chinese are often good at math?" "Our mother tongue may influence the way of problem-solving circuits in our br..." 

8 AM"HELICOPTER!! HELICOPTEEER!!!""Fuuuckk!" Ernst yelled as he tried to locate where that annoying sound was coming from."Hey, bro, today's the aptitude test in our school," Zen said while laughing.

Zen Childe is Ernst's best friend. He comes from a slightly rich family and has been Ernst's friend for 10 years. Although Ernst isn't rich like him, it doesn't affect their friendship at all.

"What is an aptitude test?" "Did you lose your memory from too much masturbating?" It's to identify whether you have a talent for invocation."Invocation?""Did you really forget?" Zen frowns"Just prepare already; it starts at 9:00." "I'll tell you everything on the way," Zen said before he left Ernst's room.

Did I transmigrate? But I don't remember dying. Did someone kill me while I was sleeping last night? Wait"Does it have something to do with that video I watched last night?"

Ernst carefully checks the entire room and finds out that it is exactly the same in his memory. Both Zen and Ernst have been living in this dormitory for a year. 

"Wait, I don't remember having those books."

'History of Alexander Alliance Vol. 1"Basic Knowledge in Invocation"Guide on finding the suitable beast for you

Ernst reaches for the first book and reads it."History of the Alexander Alliance, Vol. 1""In the year 2027, the world starts to change." The domesticated animals, like cats and dogs, become terrifying monsters, while the wild animals transform into something that could trigger a catastrophe. The plants became carnivorous. The corpses of billions of humans became undead. and other mythical creatures start to emerge one after another. Some of them obtain intelligence on par with humans. The humans thought that they would also change and become powerful like the other creatures, but it didn't happen.

In just a few weeks, humans fall to the bottom of the food chain. It was hell for humans everywhere. 

Until Alexander Wade, a Russian Professor found a way to tame a beast by signing a contract using invocation with his mother tongue. Humans sign contracts with beasts and try to reclaim territories from demonic creatures. Humans discovered that every language has its strengths. Mandarin can make your tamed beast smarter, while Vietnamese can make the beast have a good voice. Some of them are useful, while others aren't.

"So I really transmigrated to another world where magic exists."Ernst tried to read the other books. There's one that teaches the basics of how invocation works. Invocations are like manipulating mana through words; they can be used to summon creatures or sign contracts with demonic creatures. While the other book teaches how to choose a language that is suitable for your mother tongue,

'FUCKKK"Would I be able to summon flying swords?" Fly around the world?I need to think more about this. So I transmigrate to another world, but everything here is the same as in my old world, and the only difference is that this place has mana, or magic.

"Arghhhh," Ernst groaned in pain.

Huge amounts of memories flow through his head. After a few minutes, he tried to recall everything about "him" in this world. He's Ernst Majarlika, 16 years old, and he comes from a middle-class family. Everything is the same as in his memory of the previous world, aside from the fact that his mother here possesses a tamed beast and his father died protecting the city from the demonic creatures. 

He also realized that the Philippines were no longer the same as in his previous life. The Philippines are now called "Area 49," and there are only 5 cities that can be considered safe from the threat of the demonic creatures.

He remembers that he needs to take the aptitude test, and if he ever failed to do so, he would've needed to pay for it at the Invoker Association, and it costs a lot. The "Aptitude Test" tests the potential of children who are 14–16 years old to see if they can make an invocation or not. Invocations are important for summoners and tamers.

8:58 AM

They walked until they reached the designated place for the aptitude test. There are thousands of students talking with their friends there, so you can imagine how loud it is. Most of them are nervous about the aptitude test. For the lower class, the aptitude test is one of the things that could easily change their lives. If you manage to pass and get favored by the big organization, you will surely have a better future. "QUIET!!" 

as the principal shouts. The students immediately shut their mouths and started paying attention to the people in front.

"I'm your principal, Xanadier Ciello, and I greet everyone here, especially our visitors. It is our honor to have your presence here at the Bright Hope Academy."As you know, today is one of the most important days in our school." Some of you would have the opportunity to become an invoker, and the more invokers we have, the safer it is for humanity. Okay, I'm no longer going to prolong my speech. Let us start the aptitude test.

Thousands of students formed several lines to test their aptitude. 

"Abigail Dolle F, 15 years old, passed away""Dimitri Nabokov, M, 16 yrs old, passed away""Yuri Oslov M, 16 years old, passed away.""Park Ye Jin F, 16 years old, has passed.""Ling Yun M, 16 yrs old, passed""Sakura Yune F, 14 yrs old, passed away"

as time goes on. The names of the students who passed the aptitude test were announced through the entire school and written on the big screen so people could see them.

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