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19% Dimensional Group Chat Life / Chapter 23: Chapter 23: Traveling is an Experience

Chapter 23: Chapter 23: Traveling is an Experience

~Tatsumi POV~

After encountering the rude ugly bandit and looting their corpses for some money I made my way towards the Path of Peace HQ then go over to the next region although I don't know which exactly?

I was split on where I should go exactly to the Northern or Southern Regions of the Empire since I'm interested in going to new places like those to see the situation. But according to the map here, if I follow the current path as I am now, I should reach this Romari town soon.

Still, the rapid bandit attacks are something else as that has been happening to me lately as I follow down this path. But their dead bodies and money are something I can take advantage of using for my money.

Although I wonder where exactly I'm at in the plot of the show or manga in this world?

I could very well be in the fact that I'm in the Akame ga Kill Zero plotline from the manga or somewhere near the beginning of the actual plot of Akame ga Kill?


I swear to find out which one is difficult enough unless I meet one of the characters to know why!

Life can be very unfair at times. Still, no use arguing about all of this as I kept on going my dirt path as I made sure to constantly use my [Observation Haki] to search for people although it's in a very short range.

The only ones I find using my Haki are more Danger Beasts, Thieves, and Bandits as I killed them off and rob them instead. At least they help me fill my pockets with cash as I move forward more to the path of Romari.



Sensing something coming in the hot direction with my [Observation Haki] I quickly get out of the way as I managed to see what the roar was coming from. God damn it to hell!

Why did it have to be a Special Class Danger Beast!

This Danger Beast shouldn't be anywhere near this place in the Western Region as they reside in the Central Region where they usually thrive so why is there a Torikupusu came from is a complete surprise to me. The Torikupusu is a large animal similar to a rhinoceros. It has several horns protruding from its body.

But what makes this type of Torikupusu the Special Class is that the horns on them have the unique ability to spin at fast speeds that can pierce through steel easily but also shreds them apart because of the spinning.

Though the horns sell for a lot for gold coins because those horns are used as armor or for hammers the problem with these Special Class is that they are very dangerous to handle for a single person. It usually takes a team to take one down but I'm taking my chances to get the chance to go out training my techniques.


The Torikupusu finally took its attention to me as its horns stopped spinning and it decided to try and ram me to death. A foolish mistake on its part as I began to coat the two of my hands using [Armament Haki] as I began to use the [Hasshoken] along with my bodily control.




Taking a quick sidestep away from the Torikupusu away from the horns I focused on its body than the horns as I landed a hit on its side using the [Hasshoken] powered up with my hands coated in [Armament Haki] as its eyes widen from the pain it received.

That attack alone passed its thick muscles and skin going straight in for the internal damage as it fell straight down on its face. Ouch, I would feel bad but with [Armament Haki] increased the damage as the Torikupusu was flailing in pain.



Using my semblance [Construct] I changed my aura into a hammer as I slammed it down on the Torikupusu back as I landed the hit as the Danger Beast roared out in pain as it did damage him but didn't end it.


Here I was hoping it would die from that but then again those Special Class are really hard to put down as it began to stand up on all fours again as it began to turn around in my direction as it releases a rush of wind from its nose.


The glare it was giving me pretty much told me I pissed it off as it began to use its horns as drills while trying to ram me to death as I moved away from the rhino knock-off. Changing the shape of my aura I remade it into a bow and arrow as I got ready to strike.

Glad I listen to Sayo and study her techniques to use bows and arrows for my spare time to use. Instantly changing my aura into an arrow, I began to pull the bow aura string as I got ready to shoot it down as I spoke, "Sorry there rip off version Rhino but you are going to die here. Your mistake to come after me as being the prey."



Releasing multiple shots from my [Construct] it landed on the body of the Torikupusu as it roared in pain as I was annoyed as I made the final shot as it roared at me, "Oh do me the favor and shut up already you stupid Rhino!"



And just like the aura arrow landed on the inside of its mouth as it pierced its skull and into its brain as I walk towards it using my aura knife getting ready to harvest the beast, "My Semblance is convenient as its stronger than my normal knives. Plus, their hides and skins are tough to cut off now then… time to harvest this bad boy."

After cutting up the Torikupusu Danger Beast core and getting some of its horns while I finally managed to get to the Romari town.

Romari is a town situated on the road of the same name which leads east to Kyoroch the place where the Path of Peace HQ is located at. While I was walking around I see that the people here are different from my village as I can sense their emotions with my short-range [Observation Haki].

Well at least they don't care about my appearance but the haul I have is another story as I can feel their very greed. Quite the scary and use technique this Haki stuff is.

Even if it's basic with the short range of my [Observation Haki] as my rewards I have to say these are overpowered in my world. Hell, the [Hasshoken] alone makes me a walking death machine because of me solely using shockwaves to bypass normal defenses in my world and that is a family technique in the one-piece world.

There was a damn good reason why it wasn't distributed around the world.

And in a world where they were steel, or danger beast armor the [Hasshoken] alone made it able to bypass most protection in this world. Even the rare ones like barriers are too scarce to be used.

While I was walking around the Romari town I have to admit it looked a bit modern and close to Egypt-like buildings I recall from watching Jojo Part 3 Stardust Crusaders when they fight Dio. The buildings looked to be made of stone in this place.

Not a bad taste honestly but I prefer a wooden home although maybe a fireproof home with some good electronics and stoves.

But ignoring everything I found the building I was looking for as usually the Chieftain is in charge of trade but looking at the map, I got from the system using my points this right here is the merchant guild trade center.

They are the Speedwagon Foundation of this world as they work in all kinds of trades for the values of products they have on for sale. If the products are good and clean the seller gets a lot more of the money, they sell.

There is an exception though when it comes to Danger Beast cores and parts to be sold. The merchant guilds are strict when it comes to them as they sell quite well the higher the class the Danger Beast is but there are times were fraud had happened, they don't take kindly to that from what I remember what the chieftain said in the past that is.

Entering through the door I see a table filled with people showing off their kinds of Danger Beast cores and parts as they are busy selling them like flies to a fire. Going through I see a recipient as I talked to her were to sell the products of my hunts, "Excuse me miss but can you tell me where exactly I sell my Danger Beast core and Horns of the Torikupusu by chance?"

Hearing that her emotion changed slightly before looking at my stuff as she tilts her glasses up as she talked to me with a kind tone, "Let's see… oh? This your first time in a merchant guild young man?"

Nodding my head at that she then pointed where there was a group of people inside a center where they trade items to the merchants as she spoke to me, "In that case, if you go where I'm pointing at you should be able to sell your items of Danger Beast cores and Horns of the Torikupusu's over there. Another person would be there to assist on your items claims."

Nodding in understanding they wanted to see if my products were the real deal as they can't be too sure of me holding something this valuable, but I have to say the other guys have better stuff than my Special Class items.

Fuck does that guy have cores of facing off against a group Class 1 Marg Dons?

Those bastards are the same as velociraptors being tricky clever girls fighting in groups as well as their unique ability to breathe out fire.

Then there was another guy holding a clear bag containing if I'm not mistaken some Class 1 Earth Dragon cores shit those sell a lot for them being used in the Imperial Army because of the Earth Dragon natural durability to survive ground-related earthquakes and fire resistance.

Damn and here I thought I was tuff shit when these guys around me faced these Danger Beast in a group or by themselves. At least it tells me how strong the mobs are around me is an opener for me.

While I was waiting it was finally my turn to turn in my stuff as they went ahead to look at it to see if it was real before finally nodding their head as another person soon came over with a bag as that person spoke to me, "Ok then sir here's your payment for the Danger Beast core and Horns of the Special Class Torikupusu's. The amount should be 10 silver coins along with 3 gold coins for the Horns. Please have a nice day."

Taking my well-earned money and thanking them I left the merchant guild as I began to look around the Romari place as I enter inside their shopping district. Since I'm a bit curious if I can buy some info or something else worth valuing in this place.

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