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Chapter 13: Raid

~Tatsumi POV~

While I was walking around the direction of the 16th marine base location thanks to the Fishman, I tortured them he was more than willing to spill the beans after I force-fed him his fingers to get the point.

What I did was evil but to me, it was for surviving. After all, not all things come in good rewards for information spies or informants are always tortured for what they know. I'm just following the same way to get them.

Torture while barbaric I'll admit has its uses after finding out where the Bandit groups that raid my home village from time to time got to a very annoying point. Ieyasu and Sayo agreed we should end them for good although I was a very lousy torturer, I got better at using them on bandits that were close to my home.

Or use the Danger Beast but all in all it was an effective method to get what I wanted. Since I couldn't exactly reveal future knowledge of what happened to their queen with the chance of Hinata listening in this was my only method.

I prefer not to torture anyone unless I have to get the information needed. What's most important in a war or a fight is the info to tell who has what and to prepare to counter what they have to win.

While I was walking around in my direction, I already made sure to clean myself as I began to move forward to my destination until it was finally within my sights. It looks like a dome with a mouse figurehead on top of it with some marine bases aside.

The 16th Branch Base is a Marine Base and the seat of the 16th Marine Branch in East Blue. It is commanded by Captain Nezumi. The 16th branch commander's code to the headquarters is 0073.

It was this branch that is responsible for the region of Conomi Islands which is where Cocoyasi Village belongs. It was also the one responsible for turning a blind eye to the activities of the Arlong Pirates and their tyrannical reign on Cocoyasi.

They were also tipped off by Arlong and invaded Nami's and Nojiko's home and confiscated all 93,000,000 Bei that Nami had gathered to buy her village's freedom.


Does that mean that Nami still has a lot of Beli inside underground on one of the trees in their garden? If that's the case I don't mind scoring some goodies before leaving if I find my way to Loguetown and enter the shopping district I would get some never-before-seen items in the process.

That sounds like a score for me.

I made sure to keep myself a mask to hide my identity as I have my hoodie cover my face as I began to make my way towards the base hiding my facial features. I don't want the mouse to squeak just yet.

But first I made sure to keep my distance away from there as I examine everything from afar to ensure that I keep a detailed look before I go in blindly charging to a place filled with at least trained soldiers. That is very unlikely but at least I won't go in blind.


Quickly rushing towards the place the marines took notice of my appearance as I rush in as they have their flintlock rifles and pistols at me, but I was too fast for them. Hmm… I guess they are just below average fighters in that case a walk in the park it is.




With that, I continued on my way knocking out the marine idiots from being completely useless in this fight. It was seriously disappointing at least the Fishman was able to stop my sword strike although I used [Aura] at the end to get through their strengths.

While I took care of the guards I managed to enter inside the building as I see other marine soldiers have begun to get their weapons in the process. While I made sure to keep things on the lowest damage, I made sure to knock them out.

Still, these guys are really weak.

Not kidding these guys aren't even that well trained at all. The body type and muscles would say a lot that these guys are lazy as fuck.

However, nothing is stopping me from robbing them once I pickpocket them all. Since we are going to be living here for a few days to organize what we do its best we do something is to get what ammunition or weaponry to use.


Just as the last guard of the marine soldiers fell, I saw one in the distance as I rush towards him grabbing him by the throat as I spoke coldly, "Scum. Tell me where are your treasures that you got bribed from Arlong and his bitches. Don't and you won't even be worth living very soon in the next few seconds."

The man in front of me was now a crying mess as he pleaded with me to let him live while it was convenient, I will let him after all Nezumi would kill this guy once he knows that all his goods are stolen.

The sobbing marine man began to lead me to where the treasure of this place is at while I had my sword at point-blank range at the back of his head. I have to have some leverage here otherwise I wouldn't force him to act.

While leading me around looks like that piece of scum Nezumi isn't around and when I asked the marine, he replied that he was collecting the bribe money from Arlong and his crew for not notifying the other marines in the East Blue.

That is to be expected after all as that happened in the original plot of the story. Still though torturing the Fishman provided to me some info to work on.

An example being vital information is that all the Fishman only lives inside Arlong Park as they consider any other place in the Conomi Islands as inferior because of their blinded hated beliefs.

Another fact to be known is that they have their sea king cow around that could cause trouble for anyone at sea but also it follows the orders of the Fishman Pirates. But if we can somehow manage to poison or gas the building or make the water a death trap it could easily make our missions a lot easier.

Plus, I would like to learn more of that Fishman Karate myself as they have a book about in their home base. Even humans were able to use it, so I don't mind having some water-based attacks in my arsenal.

But first stopping the Arlong Pirates are a must before I could do anything about getting what I want plus I should rob them as well considering the wealth they amassed. That could help me get what I want in Loguetown once this quest is done.

Shaking my head a bit first I have to focus on actually winning first before drunken myself on blind victory like those officers from the evil loli soldier.

Just as we kept on walking to a vault the marine began to unlock it using the codes to open the vault to reveal a shit load of goods inside as I couldn't help that the coward Nezumi was fucking loaded. Maybe loaded in short in East Blue standards but still loaded as I caught my eyes on one of the devil fruits that looked to be able but shaped like a cube with curves all around but if I know who died recently then it's most likely the Hard-Hard Fruit.

It's not bad but it's not great either with its main ability but it's not the one I want what a shame.

This fruit allows the eater to harden the body at will, increasing defense capabilities. The user can also increase the temperature of their hardened body portions, which can be used to increase damage done to the opponent, enough to set his chair ablaze upon contact.

Maybe I should give this to the members although I would have to not say a word to them if that's the case then because to them, I wouldn't have known about this fruit and what it can do exactly?

Or should I just hide it in my bad for safe keepings honestly and give it to one of my childhood friends at least I know they could keep the village safe if that is the case. Plus, people having extra abilities isn't that uncommon although rare.

Then again once the shop functions open I could sell the damn thing for point but even did I wouldn't know how much it would be for and even so, how could I even know what the store has to offer if that is the case then?


Ok, I'll decide by keeping it hidden and revealing it to the members but be ignorant of what it is but even I'm not sure if it's the real Hard-Hard Fruit so I'll keep my options open for now since we just started our quest.


Knocking out the marine guiding me I made my way of taking the devil fruit in a small chest as the fruit itself is the same size as my hand into a small chest as I keep it away. I could take their swords and gold I don't have the time to take them nor anything big enough to carry them so it's best to take this fruit as it's more valuable than anything here for now.

With that, I began to leave the place as I went towards the original location without being followed…

Took some time to fast travel a large distance but I managed to find Ruby and Saeko sparring each other it seems. Have to thank Ruby's good hero nature to train Saeko to pass the time just as I made my way here.

Hearing some footsteps I took a glance to see Hinata appear as she spoke surprised about me while she talked, "Oh? Tatsumi I see you also went around gathering information is that right?"

Nodding my head at that I began to reply an honest answer while I responded to her, "Yeah, managed to find a group of Fishman together. I managed to defeat them and get some key information after some 'persuading' to get what I need."

Hinata just laughed lightly at that she corrected my persuading with another word instead of as she replies, "You mean torture right? You tortured the Fishman to get the information about them, right? At least you took care of the bodies I hope?"

Looks like I'm starting to like this Hinata being more Ninja-like the better.

Grinning at her I responded with a nod as I spoke to her in a serious tone, "Of course I did. I needed information and they won't tell it was their fault for not spilling. Then I had to silence them wouldn't want Arlong to get notified right?"

I was genuinely surprised at Hinata agreeing with that but then I remembered that she was trained to be a ninja at times. Of course, I would forget that something like this might be common for her but Ruby and Saeko are another matter.

For now, we both greeted both of them as we began to talk about the info gathering, we collected.

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