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21.51% One Piece: Reborn as a D / Chapter 14: Chapter 13: It's A Trap! (Not)

Chapter 14: Chapter 13: It's A Trap! (Not)

(3rd Person: POV)

As Roberts and his crew stood in the middle of the abandoned warehouse surrounding by thugs pointing weapons at them Weisz noticed how calm they were.

Seeing this unnerved him a little.

But he just decided to put those thoughts out of his mind. After all Roberts and his friends meant nothing to him. They were simply suckers who fell for his deception, like so many others had already.

And soon just like those other people Roberts and his companions would be taken for all they had and left with nothing.

'That's just the way this world is. If you don't do whatever you can to survive then you'll end up with nothing at all.' Weisz thought.

He then turned to the leader of the thugs.

"I brought some as promised. Now then, by payment." Weisz spoke.

"Sure." The leader replied to Weisz. He then reached into one of his jacket pockets and handed Weisz several rolls of belli. "As always, a pleasure doing business with you."

"Likewise Farrell." Weisz replied. Stuffing the money rolls into his pockets.

He then made started making his way over to the warehouse exit.

But as he did so Weisz locked eyes with Roberts, who gave him a strange smile.

Seeing it made Weisz get a shiver across his entire body.

But once more he ignored the strange feeling he had, and just assumed his mind was playing tricks on him.

It was not.

Weisz reached the exit of the warehouse and left.

As soon as he was outside the door was slammed shut by one of Farrell's thugs. Who then proceeded to re-lock it.

Seeing this Farrell nodded in his subordinates direction.

He then focused his gaze on Roberts group.

"Alright you brats, this is how things are about to go. You'll hand over any and all valuables you have. That means money, jewels, and even weapons. As you can see we have you completely trapped. So if you don't comply well...things will get ugly. But I'm not the type of guy who likes to do things the ugly way so follow the instructions I just gave you and we can get this over with as quickly as possible." Farrell spoke.

Then as soon as he was finished Roberts placed a finger on his chin and then put a pondering expression on his face.

But it only lasted for a moment before he gave a reply to Farrell's statement.

"How about no." Roberts spoke.

"Hehe, funny kid. But I'm not joking around." Farrell said.

"Neither am I." Roberts replied.

Drawing his blade as he did so.

The second this happened those with guns in the warehouse trained them all on Roberts.

"You move, and you die." Farrell told Roberts.

"Enough talk, let's do this." Roberts spoke. "Guys, go wild." He told his crew.

The moment Roberts said this Law summoned forth his [Room] and then used [Tact] to pull the guns from the hands of all those who wielded them in the entire warehouse.

"What the hell?!"

"Why is my gun floating?!"

"This can't be happening!"

Several of Farrell's subordinates voiced their shock at their weapons levitating and flying around in the air.

But Roberts and his crew paid them no mind.

They simply went on the attack.

Closing the distance to the leader of the gang Farrell Roberts made a horizontal slash across his chest using his blade. A small grin on his face as he did so.


Yelling out in pain as blood seeped onto the floor of the warehouse from his wound Farrell gritted his teeth in anger.

"Kill them!" Farrell shouted. "Kill them all!"

Hearing his words Farrell's subordinates began moving to kill Roberts and his crew.

But they had no idea who they were fucking with.

Jumping into a fray of enemies, his hands and feet sparking with electrical energy courtesy of electro Bepo began punching and kicking with ferocity and no hesitation.

Cracking sounds rang out through the warehouse as he easily broke limbs and caved in chests.


"What the hell is this shit?! A bear is kicking our asses!"

Hearing that comment Bepo stopped fighting for a moment, getting a cloud of depression over his head.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"It got depressed so easily!" Several of Farrell's subordinates screamed in unison.

As they did so one of them tried to slash Bepo.

But when they did the polar bear mink snapped out of his momentary depression and punched the man square in the face with his electrically charge right fist.

Sending the enemy flying into the warehouse wall. The impact creating a small crater in the process.

After this happened Bepo continued taking down enemies without any reservations.

On the other side of the warehouse Alfia stood surrounded by several enemies.

All of them men, looking at her with lecherous gazes.

"Hey, before we kill her let's have some "fun" with this one." One of the men said.

"I get to go first."

"No me."

"No way, I do."

Hearing the comments the men were making about who would get to go "first" when it came to her Alfia put a truly disgusted expression on her face and started looking at the men in front of her like they were bugs and nothing else.

"Disgusting filth!" Alfia shouted.

She then released a sonic scream from her mouth.

It is one of the abilities she gained from eating her devil fruit, and the best part is she can use it without having to do her partial or full transformation.

Turning her head from side-to-side Afia unleashed her attack on all the enemies she saw. The moment it touched them all of them fell to the ground, dead. Blood pouring out of their eyes, nose, and ears shortly after they did.

For Alfia's sonic attack was literally scrambling their brains.

Seeing their allies in trouble several thugs rushed toward Alfia from behind.

But due to her observation haki she sensed their approach.

Finishing off the enemies in front of her Alfia immediately turned aroun and unleashed another sonic scream against the enemies who were approaching her form behind.

Killing them all without any mercy as well.

A slightly bloodthirsty grin on his face Law dealt with the enemies against him easily.

After using [Amputate] to cut up their bodies he rearranged their body parts using [Tact] as easily as breathing.

"Ah, what the hell is this?!" A disembodied head cried.

But Law ignored the question and simply continued dispatching his enemies.

Dodging a slash from Farrell Roberts delivered a kick to his gut. Making the older man skid back due to the force behind it.

Right after this happened Roberts raised his free hand into the air and the second after he did so he began absorbing the vitality from Farrell and several of his subordinates.


Falling to their knees Farrell and his subordinates began losing any remaining strength and stamina they had. Turning pale and sickly.

Once Roberts was sure he had absorbed enough energy from each of them so that they couldn't fight back he started cutting them down without hesitation.

Seeing this Farrell got angry. "Stop! Stop, you bastard! How are you cut down defenseless men!"

"That's rich coming from you." Roberts spat at Farrell. "Were you not going to cut down me and my friends when you were thought we were nothing more than helpless kids?!"

Hearing Roberts words Farrell didn't have a reply.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." Roberts spat. "Anyway, enjoy the after life." He spoke.

Raising his blade over Farrell.

"No, wait, stop!" Farelll pleaded. "If you kill me you'll regret it!"

"No, I don't think I will." Roberts replied.

He then used his blade to cut down Farrell without any hesitation.

Afterwards Roberts worked with his crew to make short work of the rest of Farell's subordinates.

The group of four having painted the entire warehouse red with their enemies blood.

Sheathing his blade Roberts cracked his neck from side-to-side.

"Ok, now that that's taken care of let's go have a chat with our good friend Weisz." Roberts said.

He and his crew then left the warehouse.

Weisz having no idea some monsters in the making were coming after him.

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