More time passed -
The Altering began in 2000 and with it came the Age of Villains.
The Age of Villains, full of strife between superpowered individuals that thought themselves lords rather than men, ended in 2045 when Vanguard struck down Zahak.
From Zahak's end bloomed the Monstering, throwing the world into even deeper chaos.
The Monstering ended in 2070 as Vanguard's power reached heights never before seen, pushing back the great Titans that killed billions.
A full seventy years of conflict throughout the world. By that point, peace was a faraway concept - a distant dream. And that dream never came back.
2077 and 2090 saw the first and second Corpowars.
2100 saw the death of Vanguard.
2120 heralded the invasion of the Greys.
But now, finally, after over a century of constant devastation, mankind grasped that lost dream again.
2035 began a new age.
The Age of Peace.
The next chapter will be the end of the 'dream' series of chapters!