Chen Chu Chu cried with tears streaming down her eyes, she covered her face and her entire body shook with her sobs while Chen Xi who was sitting beside also started sniffling before she threw herself in her sister's arms and started crying. The sisters cried as if their world have ended, when Song Yan saw the tears that were streaming down the cheeks of the two sisters, she had to admit that their acting was really oscar worthy, they were wasting their time by harming innocents.
However, Song Yan was here to 'comfort' Chen Chu Chu and Chen Xi, she did not show her emotions on her face and continued to say comforting words that would help Chen Chu Chu and Chen Xi cope with their loss, since they were acting out their roles so well, she has to do the same. It was a good thing that Old master Fu came to the military district a few weeks ago for Old master Yan's birthday, this way she would be able to investigate this case without any hurry.
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