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45.16% Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey / Chapter 14: Chapter no.14 In the Cabin part 2

Chapter 14: Chapter no.14 In the Cabin part 2

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The Team Rocket helicopter descended noisily onto the forest clearing. Dust and leaves swirled around as the rotors slowed, the ground trembling under the force of its landing. Several grunts quickly disembarked, their uniforms dark gray, each adorned with the same red 'R' that marked their allegiance. They moved with a purposeful swagger, their faces hidden behind masks that left only their eyes visible.

The cabin door was no match for them; they broke through it with ease. Inside, they found the space deserted. "Madam Sird, this place seems to be empty."

"Is that so?" came the reply from the leader of the group, Sird. She was a striking figure, tall and imposing, her long teal coat fluttering as she stepped off the helicopter. The prominent 'R' on her coat gleamed ominously in the dim light. Her silver-colored hair, mostly slicked down with a widow's peak at the front and four cowlicks sprouting out, added to her imposing presence. Beside her floated a Starmie, its gem pulsing softly.

Sird entered the cabin with a confident, slightly menacing smile. Her gaze swept the room and quickly focused on the open window.

Silently, she motioned for the grunts to investigate.

As some dashed toward the window, others scoured the rest of the cabin, but Sird was drawn to a bike oddly positioned inside the cabin.

A few tense moments later, the grunts regrouped.

"Madam, we have searched the entire cabin; no signs of anyone present, man or mon."

Her eyes turned to the others peering out of the open window.

"We have found bare footprints out in the mud."

"Bare footprints," Sird muttered under her breath, piecing together the events. Whoever had been in the cabin had fled the moment they arrived, not even bothering to hide. This behavior could only mean they knew the value of the Eevee they possessed. She stood still for a moment, her mind racing.

"Looks like we have our clue."

"Set up a pincer movement. I want teams of two to follow from the back and the sides, heading towards the direction of the footprints," Sird commanded crisply. "I will be in the air, overseeing the operation."

"Yes, Ma'am!"

With her orders clear, Sird turned on her heel and strode towards the helicopter.

The grunts wasted no time.

They quickly organized into small teams. Each pair checked their equipment one last time before darting out of the cabin. Their boots thudded against the soft earth, stirring up leaves and small twigs as they moved with purpose towards Viridian City.


[ 3 Minutes Earlier ]

"T-They deserved it, right?" Nobunaga stuttered, his eyes locked on the lifeless Beedrill scattered on the ground.

Suddenly, he felt a cool breeze sweep through the room. Turning, he saw Austin opening the window.

"What are you doing?"

"Not dying," Austin replied tersely. He quickly removed his shoes and stuffed them into his backpack, then purposefully took heavy strides outside, imprinting deep footprints into the soft soil. This was a deliberate ploy to mislead anyone who might be tracking them.

"Pikachu, Vee, return," Austin commanded, swiftly returning the two Pokémon to their Pokéballs.

"W-What do I do?" Nobunaga asked, his trust in Austin solidifying in the face of danger, more convinced than ever of the boy's intentions over those who sought harm to Pokémon.

"Climb up that chimney," Austin instructed without hesitation.

As Nobunaga moved to comply, Austin turned his attention to his injured Spearow. The small bird looked up at him, a mix of pain and determination in its eyes.

"You're going to have to fly, buddy," Austin said softly, pulling out a Max Potion that Nurse Joy had given him. He sprayed the potion over Spearow, and almost instantly, the bird's demeanor changed. The potion worked rapidly, mending the injuries and invigorating the Pokémon with a surge of energy and health. Spearow's feathers bristled with renewed vigor.

"Now, fly me to the roof!" Austin commanded, gripping the flying type's talons firmly. Spearow flapped its wings with increasing force, driven by the sheer will and pride of helping its trainer. The effort was immense for such a small bird, but it managed to lift Austin, rising higher with each beat of its wings.

As they reached the roof, Austin's eyes quickly scanned the horizon.

There, he saw Sird.

"Oh, it had to be her," Austin muttered under his breath as he watched from the roof.

He remembered Sird all too well—one of the three beasts of Team Rocket. A cruel, shrewd, and disloyal woman who, in reality, didn't even work for Team Rocket but was a double agent for Team Galactic.

Not someone I want hunting me down like a dog.

As soon as Sird entered the cabin below, Austin peeked over the edge to check if the coast was clear before he swung himself into the chimney. There, he saw Nobunaga clinging desperately for dear life.

Austin braced himself inside the narrow chimney, pushing against the walls with his hands and feet to maintain his position.

So glad I have a ten-year-old's body, he thought.

Reaching into his backpack, Austin took out Pikachu and Vee's Poké Balls and released them.

"Vee, start using Helping Hand on Pikachu," he instructed quietly.

Vee and Pikachu looked up at him, their expressions worried in the dim light filtering down the chimney. Covered in soot but managing a smile, Austin reassured them, "Don't worry, this is if we have to fight. For now, we are going to hide in this place until we are safe, but if it comes down to a fight, at least this will give us a fighting chance."

The next few minutes tested Austin's nerves.

He sat cramped in the chimney, his body tensed, his mind racing with possibilities of what might happen if they were found. Every small sound seemed amplified in the tight space; each creak and whisper of the wind felt like a potential alarm. The anxiety was palpable—his heart pounded against his ribcage, and the wait felt like an eternity.

Finally, relief washed over Austin when he heard Sird's words followed, a minute later, by the sound of the helicopter's rotors firing up and fading into the distance.

The tension in his shoulders eased slightly, but he remained vigilant.

"Can we go down?" Nobunaga whispered from below, his voice barely audible.

"Let's wait another 15 minutes," Austin whispered back, his voice steady but low. He knew they couldn't risk emerging too soon, especially with someone as dangerous and shrewd as Sird possibly lingering nearby.

This was the time to be super cautious, to wait until they were absolutely sure it was safe to come out of their precarious hiding spot.


Fifteen minutes later, Austin and Nobunaga cautiously crawled out of the chimney. They emerged covered in soot, their faces and clothes streaked with black marks. Neither of them attempted to clean up, driven by the paranoia that Team Rocket might return at any moment. They were on high alert, their eyes darting around the dimly lit room as they listened intently for any signs of danger.

Minutes turned into hours, and the duo sat in silence, the tension palpable between them. Austin was deep in thought, aware that attempting to run in the dead of night, especially with Team Rocket potentially lurking nearby, would be risky. He suspected that there might be hidden Rocket members stationed near Pewter City, yet there was also the chance that he had successfully led Sird on a wild goose chase towards Viridian City.

"Austin, you awake?" Nobunaga's voice broke the silence, his tone low as they both lay in their sleeping bags.

"I'm thinking," Austin replied, his voice heavy with the burden of their situation. He was desperate to find a way out of this mess. As they lay there, an idea suddenly struck Austin. He could have Vee disguise itself in a thermos as water while he made his way into Pewter City.

They won't even know it, he thought, a flicker of hope rising within him.

Austin's thoughts were interrupted as Nobunaga asked, "Who were those people?"

"Team Rocket," Austin responded without hesitation. "They are bad people who steal and sell Pokémon."

"Oh, but why did they come here?"

"They are looking for a very rare Pokémon inside Viridian Forest."

"How do you know this?"

"Before our fight, I encountered some Team Rocket grunts who told me this."


A heavy silence settled between them again, stretching out as they both pondered their next move. Finally, Nobunaga broke the quiet, his voice soft yet urgent, "What now?"

"As soon as it's light, I'm heading to the location on your map, and from there, I plan to go to Pewter City."

"Pewter will take a few days to reach from here," Nobunaga pointed out, concern etching his features. "Do you want me to go with you for extra safety?"

Austin smiled, appreciating the offer. "Thanks, but I think it would be better if you head to Viridian City."

"What's the point? It's not like Gary is going to pay me, and I haven't finished turning the silk strings into a proper bundle."

"Well, this place is probably going to be checked by Team Rocket, and I think you have a business in the Viridian Forest."

"I do?"

"You do now," Austin said, tossing his last remaining Pokéball to Nobunaga, who caught it, looking surprised.

"Catch yourself a Caterpie, man," Austin encouraged, trying to sound upbeat.

"Thank you, you are a kind man," Nobunaga said, his voice trembling slightly with emotion.

Austin managed a smile, though it felt forced. Internally, he wrestled with his motives.

Austin hadn't given Nobunaga the Pokéball purely out of generosity. He recognized it as a tactical decision, aimed at building a sense of obligation in Nobunaga. This way, if Team Rocket ever tried to coerce information from him, Nobunaga might feel too indebted to Austin to betray him.

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