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47.72% Harry Potter: The Dragon Emperor. / Chapter 21: Chapter 21

Chapter 21: Chapter 21

In The Middle of Night

Everyone in the house was already asleep and Severus remove the quilt from his face to see that everyone was already asleep but still spread his Observation Haki to make sure and after confirming that everyone is asleep. he sighed in relief but because of not having the habit of Lily and Hope staying in his house for night stay he forgot that they will be able to feel him using his Haki.

In Severus's room

Lily and Hope opened their eyes and Lily asked," What do you think he is going to do in the middle of the night."

Hope," Maybe he is just checking if everything is alright or not."

Lily," oh come on Hope, we both know that even he doesn't use his Haki he can still sense if anything is wrong or not."

Hope," Then what do you think, what could be the reason for him to wake up at night."

Lily start thinking about the reasons and asked," is something special happening today."

Hope shook her head and said," No nothing is special today except the full moon."

Lily again started to think and suddenly realisation hit her and she said with wide eyes," Today is the full moon haven't you read the book given by Aunt Eileen which describes that during full moon power of all rituals increase significantly and If you have very strong magical power your ritual can even cross dimensions and it is confirmed by Merlin himself."

Hope," Woah Woah girl, can you please talk a little bit slow so I can digest the information and how did you remember that much from the books?"

Lily," I just liked how these rituals can do extraordinary things that are not possible by normal magicians."

Hope," Well we have a person who can do anything with his powers."

Lily," who is this person you are talking about."

Hope casually," Of course, I am talking about our Boyfri..."

Hope realised what she was going to say just now and immediately stop herself. she looked towards Lily who was giving her a teasing smile and Hope was immediately covered with blush.

Lily with a smile said," We will talk about this later but now we have to follow Severus and see what is he going to do right now."

Hope nodded and both of them quickly get off the bed, they jumped out of the window of the room and landed in the side of the backyard silently.

They saw that Severus was drawing some kind of circle with a weird pattern on the ground. Both Lily and Hope tried their best to hide their presence but they were still far from Severus's Haki.

Severus had already known for a long time that both of them were watching him from the side.

He said," For how long are you two going to hide."

Both Lily and Hope were surprised but quickly recovered from it as they already understand the gap between them and Severus. Both of them come out of their hiding spot and Lily asked," What are you doing in the middle of the night, Sevy."

Severus," I was just preparing for a summoning ritual which I saw in a book in the library."

Lily with a shocked look asked," Are you serious, you know how much I like pets Sevy can I also try it."

Severus sighed and said," will you not if I disagree."

Lily with a smile," Of course, I will do it anyway."

Hope," What kind of familiars can we summon from this magic circle."

Severus smiled and said," Many kinds of, you can even summon a godly beast from this because the circle I draw here is the most advanced formation you can ever see in magical history, so hope for the best."

Hope," Then who will go first?."

Lily," I will go first because I am the most responsible person here."

Severus and Hope both give her a blank look and just shook their heads with a sigh, Severus said," Okay, Lily will go first all you have to do is to stand on the outer part of the formation and pour your magic power in it."

Lily nodded and immediately went and stood at the outer part of the magic Formation. she pour her magic power from her feet and you can see the magic entering inside the formation from Lily's feet and suddenly the whole formation lit up with a blinding light and three of them immediately closed their eyes.

There was a big fluctuation of magic in the surrounding area but no one will know that because Severus had already blocked every magic from leaking out.

After the light was deemed they were able to see a white colour creature in the middle of the formation and it had wings but they were made out of flesh instead of feathers.

The creature lifted his head and looked towards Lily and asked," are you the one who summoned me."

Lily subconsciously nodded and asked," are you my new familiar."

???," I am but why is my size smaller than the original."

Severus from the side said," oh, that's maybe because Lily's mana was not enough to summon you with all your powers."

???," Then how did you complete the ritual without enough power."

Severus," That's because the formation was the best, by the way, what is your name?"

???," My name is "Lugia".

Severus's eyes got wide, after getting his memories he immediately understand the meaning of this name. Severus said," Congratulations Lily, you get yourself a God-level familiar."

Lily immediately become excited and run in the centre of the formation lifted Lugia and start patting her, Lugia who don't have this type of habit said," What are you doing human, I am a godly beast who has been alive more than your family line and you are treating me like a Pikachu."

Lily hold her a meter away from her and said," No matter what are you back in the world but now we are a family and I will always treat you like one." she said and hugged Lugia in a warm embrace. The pokemon become silent and thought ' Family huh, we will see that in future.'

Severus looked towards Hope and said," Now it's your turn Hope, I am getting very curious about which type of Familiar you will summon."

Hope nodded with a smile, she walked forward and stand on the outer part of the formation. Lily and Lugia are already standing aside and Hope started pouring her magic power inside the formation.

The Formation started glowing like before and three of them with Lugia included closed their eyes and after some time light deemed again they saw a red colour Pokemon standing in the middle of the formation.

Its size was the same as Lugia but it was not looking as cute as her because of its sharp teeth or the claws coming out of its body and sharp fangs on his hands.

He turned his head towards Hope and asked," Why did you summon me human."

Hope," Because I want you to be my Familiar."

???," For that, you need to know my name and that should be told by me to you."

Hope with resolute expression," That's why I want you to tell me your name and become my family."

???, "Family huh, human why do you want to become family of an ugly beast like me. I am not as cute as that b#%@h over there." he pointed towards Lugia in Lily's hands.

Lugia in anger," You bastard, at least you know that you are ugly as hell."

Hope smiled kindly and said," It Doesn't Matter if you are not as cute as Lugia. I will still show you how much you matter to me."

The beast looked at Hope with deep eyes and said," Groudon."

Hope," Huh!"

Groudon," my name is Groudon."

Hope with a happy smile said," I am Hope, let's become a great family in future."

Groudon just Humph and step aside with Hope and all four of them looked towards Severus and Lily said with excitement," Come on Sevy, show us what kind of Familiar you will summon."

Severus with a smile nodded and move forward. he stands on the outer part of Formation and immediately starts pouring as much magic as the power he can pour into it and suddenly a pillar of Rainbow light rose into the sky.

Severus tried to control it as much as he can but some forces had already felt this magic power and immediately started to search for its sources.

While the three children's eyes were closed from the light the two pokemon looked towards each other and Lugia said," are you feeling this fluctuation in Space and Time."

Ground nodded and said with a Pokemon smirk," is it him, can this human really summon him."

Lucia," Yes it's him, looks like we won't be having any normal day with this human around."

Groudon," Now I am happy that I accepted the contract."

Both of them looked towards the pillar of light and flashed a looked of admiration.


Thanks for reading and all the summons will have a certain amount of affection for the summoners because of the formation and it may cause a change in their personalities.☺

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