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chapter 4

I had never seen mount Orthys before even with all the rumors and information I had been told by Metis and Amalthea couldn't have prepared me for the monstrosity that was the home of the titans it was a large mountains so tall it almost seemed to touch the heavens itself and the palace itself was made of marble yet held no of the beauty classical Greek structures held it had sharp and refined features and looked more like a formidable fortress rather than a realm of immortals like Olympus. In fact if not for the giant 30 feet tall titan who looked like an Olympic weight lifter standing at the gates I would have mistaken it for a prison.

As we grew closer to the titan stronghold I began to recognize certain titans due to their PJO descriptions such as Atlas who was contained by heavy spartan armor and held a spear as wide as a tree trunk and held a spear point that looked like the tip of a missile, he stood ever on guard in front of the entrance to mount Orthys gazing upon the lesser deities with contempt until his eyes settled on me and for a second I believed we had been spotted until his gaze continued to sear across the other deities.

Moving on we continued up the fortress until we finally reached the throne room where the original twelve titans sat upon their thrones. And whilst Atlas had given off an aura of strength nothing could have prepared me for the power that seemed to pulse out of the pours of the skin of these titans as I approached Kronos the aura expanded and seemed to increase in intensity and it felt like i was holding the skies burden upon my shoulders as molten gold eyes gazed into my very soul, and i believed for sure that he had recognized me, until one of the most beautiful women i had ever seen with warm brown eyes and cascading brunet hair that was tied up into a ponytail tugged on his arm, mother Rhea i recognized her warm expression as well as beautiful features immediately and whilst Atlas and Kronos both gave me scares when i believed they recognized me i could tell for sure she did know i was her son from the twinkle in her eyes as she gazed at me. I suppose that what i should have expected from the titan of motherhood, thankfully she was on my side and not fathers otherwise i was sure i would've faced a similar fate to grandfather via Kronos' scythe.

finally i had reached the foot of Kronos' throne and placed what i hoped was a charismatic smile and began to speak "Titan king Kronos!, i bring to you the greatest drink ever created" Rhea smiled down at me in reassurance whilst Kronos merely raised an skeptical eyebrow. The satyr behind me attempted to boast about how his drink was greater just as planned and Kronos decided to try both and see what's better he grabbed my potion with force and downed all of it in one big gulp before clutching his stomach in pain before hacking upon two men, three women as well as a rock. I instantly recognized them as my siblings Poseidon with matt black hair and swirling sea green eyes that pulsed with power, Hades with volcanic black eyes with hits of red fire had greasy black hair, Demeter with warm green eyes and long blonde hair, Hestia with eyes that seemed to burn with orange fire and beautiful orange hair and finally the most beautiful woman i had ever seen and that was a surprisingly very long and hard to contend with list, she had warm brown eyes as well as luscious black hair she had an hour glass figure and seemed to radiate pride and confidence. I finally managed to pull my eyes away from gawking when i heard an enraged roar, i turned to see a wrathful Kronos who had finally made the connection between me and the rock which had just came out of his stomach he turned violently to rhea scythe in hand and she has her eyes closed in fear as his scythe moved closer in a decisive blow. Quickly breaking out of shock i quickly began to generate my divinity to call upon the might of the sky itself as Kronos grew closer suddenly deafening thunder resounded through out Gaea as i released all of my pent up divinity for one very powerful thunderbolt as a monstrous bolt of lightning shot down from the heavens into my awaiting palm as i hurled it with all of my strength in Kronos' direction faster than then he could react it clashed into his chest and sent him hurtling into his throne crushing it as well as the walls of the throne room only stopping when it looked like he would be thrown from the mountain. There was a moment of silence before chaos broke as the titans began to arm themselves and move in our direction without even stopping to inform my siblings, Metis or Rhea i called upon a the power of the Odin force to summon the Bifrost to take us to Amalthea's cave, leaving behind a shocked Titan council as well as a furious Kronos.

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