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19.35% Journey Home – Multiverse, starting at the Avatar TLA / Chapter 8: Thoughts about robbing the world - E

Chapter 8: Thoughts about robbing the world - E

Michael finally put his staff behind his back and went to wake his companions. He knew they were unlikely to wake up right away, but he could not leave them lying here. He tried to wake the three of them up, but the siblings were the only ones to react.

Sokka muttered something in his sleep and turned to the side, putting his bag-covered head on the ground more comfortably.

Katara... Well, when he tried to wake her up, the girl froze Michael's lips without even moving so he didn't try again.

Safe to say, the older teenager got annoyed and threw the unconscious bodies of the three idiots on Appa's back - the Kyoshi Warriors just giggled at his fate while Michael wondered why he chose this world as his first.

The world of the Avatar has been at war for the past hundred years. It all started with the Fire Nation - which was an obvious nod to the Third Reich – where one fuck decided that they should rule the world and started the war.

Of course, there were many more reasons for starting the war, but Michael was not interested in them. He chose this world and he was not interested in the past, only the future.

Aang ran away just in time to escape death at the hands of the Fire Nation during the Air Nomads genocide.

Using Sozen's Comet, which amplified the power of Firebending a hundredfold, the Fire Nation was able to take over most of the land on the continents.

All Airbenders were dead - Aang was an Avatar, he doesn't count.

Earthbenders have long been left without the support of their Capital where the puppet King sits on the throne.

Only half of the Waterbenders survived the war. The art of Waterbending from the South Pole was lost forever.

'A world that has been at war for a hundred years... Why did I think this would be a good idea? This is the real world, not a cartoon. People die every day... Although when I cared about strangers before?'

He shook his head and took the Appa's reins tighter.

'And also, the belief of everyone that only an Avatar can restore and maintain balance. Although considering that this World coexists with the world of Spirits and other strange shit. Ah, wait a second, isn't there a Spirit of Balance - Raava - in every Avatar? What was the name of the second one? The Dark one? Vaatu, right.'

Suddenly, an interesting thought popped into Cordato's head.

'If I find Vaatu and offer him residence in my body, then I will become the Dark Avatar.'

Michael seriously thought about this thought, but his treacherous brain began to whisper a million problems associated with this choice.

'Yin cannot exist without Yang. As soon as I leave this world, Vaatu will leave it with me. Raava will spawn a new Vaatu just as Vaatu will spawn a new Raava. I can't just bring immortal Spirits to every world I visit. And this is not even mentioning that I'm likely to go crazy.'

So, he decided to shove the knowledge of the prison of one of the oldest Spirits far into the darkest corner of his mind. He doesn't need to remember it in the future, because he does not need it. No sir.

'But I can use Energybending to steal Raava… Stop! You are not a thief anymore. You've been given a second chance and you'll waste it on stealing?!' The all-too-familiar voice of a long-forgotten father rang in his head.

'It will be pretty good loot though.' Added the voice of his Master Thief part.

Michael felt his hands begin to itch.


It has been a long time since he felt this itch. In Air Nomads Temple, he could take anything he wanted. There was simply no one to stop him, to say that it was wrong to do something.

And right now, there was something - someone – in front of him that he definitely shouldn't take. And his mind began to accept it as a challenge.

'But wouldn't stealing the Spirit of Chaos and Madness be much more interesting?' The Master Thief muttered in his mind. 'The First Thief that could steal Vaatu and walk away with him unscathed. I think even the Spirit itself will be impressed.'

Michael's hands began to itch even more. His fingersbegan to twitch under the bandages, the knuckles on his arms began to burn with renewed vigor.

He realized that he had lost at that moment when the rope that he was holding on snapped under the pressure of his hands.

"... Fuck."

He just stared at the snapped rope before tying the torn pieces together. His decision had already been made.

While everyone else goes about their business in the North, Michael will carry out the most dangerous robbery in this world.

Michael began to devise a plan to steal Vaatu from under the noses of all the other Spirits.


The Kyoshi Warriors were fed up with the silence, even if they had no chance against this... Michael. He didn't give them his name, but the girl from the Southern Water Tribe called him that. Suki - without looking at the ten-ton Flying Bison behind her back - casually began the conversation.

"What are you doing on Kyoshi Island? We've stayed out of the war so far, and you don't look like merchants."

Michael seemed distracted by something but quickly returned to reality.

"Ha! No, we are definitely not merchants. The bald kid - Aang - decided that we need to rest after our long journey and chose this island. We do not belong to the Fire Nation in any way, although I still advise you to strengthen your security anyway. Some say that Prince Zuko's ship is swimming nearby."

Suki just nodded. This stranger advised them to increase their security in their first friendly-ish conversation. Was this an insult or advice? Although he said something about Prince Zuko, could they be related somehow? Either way, she will deliver his words to the Elders.

"Don't you want to introduce yourself? You know my name, but I don't know yours."

Michael looked at him with a raised eyebrow, as if doubting her intelligence.

"... You've been following us for hell knows how long and haven't caught our names? Is this a joke?"

Suki openly pouted.

"That's polite! I can be a Warrior who kicks your butt, but I can still be polite!"

The Dual Bender waved his bandaged hand dismissively.

"Politeness is overrated. Enemies can be terrified when you call them by name, especially when you shouldn't know it." He said with a cruel smile. "So, when you see a familiar face, you can make them fear you with just a name."

Now, Suki hadn't thought of such a thing before. Her job was to guard one relatively small Island. She hadn't even heard of psychological warfare. What Michael told her was the very basics of it.

"Also, a good deterrent technique is the loss of one or more of their senses. Deprive the enemy of Hearing, Sight, Smell and they will start to panic. I can give a couple of tips on how to do this if you have time."

Suki was now high alert. A complete stranger - about whom she only knows the name and that he is a good fighter - wants to teach her something? Nothing happens in the world just like that, she knew it very well. Some might say that she is a naive girl, but some will forget that she became the head of the Kyoshi Warriors at the age of sixteen. This required not only muscles but also brains.

"I will need to discuss this with the other Warriors, but I think they will be interested." Suki suggested.

Michael just smiled. Why not help your future allies? He will help not only Avatar but also his friends. Well, he came into a world full of war, he will - try to - leave the place better than he found it.

Finally, they reached the village, where Michael once again tried to wake up his companions. To his surprise, this time each of them woke up. He decided to wake up Sokka last so that he had less chance of accidentally insulting someone.

While Katara and Aang were coming to their senses, Michael unconsciously approached Sokka and threw water in his face. The teen woke up but did not jump to his feet as Michael expected. Sokka just glared at Cordato with a strange emotion on his face.

"Where does this strange reaction come from?"

Sokka wiped the drops of water from his face and flung his hand towards Katara in annoyance.

"When you live with a Waterbender, who is also your sister, you get used to water in your face. Oh, Spirits, now I have to put up with three of you!"

He clutched his head in horror and accidentally let his hair down. Michael watched, mesmerized, as Sokka changed from a naive-looking idiot to an attractive-looking young man with this simple act.

The Dual Bender approached Katara and turned her towards her brother.

"Tell me you can see it too."

Katara blinked a couple of times to chase away the remnants of sleep and her jaw hit the floor. Sokka didn't look like an idiot!!

"This... What? How?!"

Katara walked over to Sokka and pulled his hair into a ponytail. Now even Aang was looking at how a hairstyle could change a person. Sokka's face returned to the idiot state again, and Katara let go of his hair so that it fell. The sister looked at her brother for a couple of seconds until he broke the silence.


"You look better with your hair down." Katara admitted.

Sokka just gave her a weird look but ended up just tying his hair back up in a ponytail. Michael shook his head and handed Appa's reins to Aang. The Avatar looked at the rope in confusion and turned to Cordato.

"Why is the rope torn and tied together?"

"... Oops?"

Simple_Russian_Boi Simple_Russian_Boi

Yes, Michael will steal Vaatu, I will explain exactly how it will work when we get to this point in the fanfic.

And now is time for me to steal your Power Stones!

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