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Chapter 19 Desert Massacre (rewrite).

Meanwhile, far away from the chaos of Los Angeles, a convoy of vehicles are seen traveling through the deserted landscape of Arizona at night.

"Man, I think I need to piss somewhere," said the driver.

"Damn it Mike, are you forgetting to piss in the last stop?" ask the passenger.

"Yes. God damn it. John, so I would pull over."

"Fine," said Mike on the passenger seat. He then squawks on his radio.

"This is Argent 3, we have a situation. Argent 6 here needs to piss, we would pull over for now. We will rendezvous at the next gas station!" said Mike, the passenger.

As the soldier walked quickly to a bush somewhere, he didn't realize something was following him from under the vehicle. He barely brings his dick out when a silvery being suddenly shows up behind him and stabs his head from behind.

The silvery creature, the Terminator, who now takes his form, takes his guns and walks to the car.

"You done? That was quick" said the passenger.

The driver just turned his head and pointed his finger. The passenger barely spoke when a flash of silver pierced his head. The driver then drives the car forward to the rendezvous point.

The convoy was waiting for him at a gas station. They seemed to enjoy some beers as they waited for him.

"There he is" said one of them. The gas station employees are staying put in his shop. Watching armed people on the road would mean they are security or they are gangsters. Both always mark problems.

When the car stopped, the driver walked down.

"Yo Mike, why did Wallace didn't join us?" asked one of them.

"He was sleepy. Didn't get enough sleep after the last mission"

"Damn. Well his loss then" said one of them as they drank the beer.

"So where do we go from here?" ask the driver.

"Ah. The Captain hasn't contacted us yet. You see the news? The LA is a warzone at this moment. So the Captain was ordered to evacuate the company employees out of LA"

"Ah I see" said the masquerading Terminator.

Then his left hand changed into a sword and slash two soldiers who were relaxing, one of them quickly tried to roll away, but he was quickly shot by a silver stab on his head before he could speak.

The Terminator quickly changed his form to become a beautiful female. She then walks to another group, mimics another soldier, and repeats the same process. After finishing all the soldiers, taking as many guns as she could. She walks to a larger truck and drives the truck away.

The gas station employee was worried. The cars that came a few hours ago didn't leave yet. So he slowly walks out, he freaked out when he saw a dozen men dead all over the place.

"Fuck…." as he run back and make a call to the Police.

Few miles away from the Gas station, the truck stopped. The woman entered the back of the truck and found the remnants of the T-1000. She then put her hand to the T-1000 remnants and the silvery liquid melted and entered her body.


After leaving the Genisys Game Company, Leon talks with Miles.

"So they have more bases?" he asked.

"Yeah. I heard Dr. Hollister give order to that woman through the intercom"

"Well, I would like to send you to your family first. They are worried about you. But we have complications. Some dangerous groups are aiming at us, they are likely trailing us. If we bring you to them, that would become a big deal"

"I could wait. At least making sure that we could stop the Judgment day is good enough"

Leon just answered "Yeah", then a heavy sound was heard as the Minibus they were driving suddenly swiveled from the highway and crashed on the side road.

Leon walks out of the vehicle with anger.

"Finally we found you John Connor. Now we can finish the mission" said a man as a car stopped. Leon just aims his gun and fires at him. The man just brushed away the bullets like it was nothing.

"Fool. Bullets could not harm a Werewolf" as he suddenly jumped against Leon. Leon suddenly brings out his Nuibari and tries to stab him. The werewolf feels danger from the sword.

While the Werewolf had stronger skin and regeneration, the sword bloodlust scared him. This is not an ordinary weapon, and magical weapons are known to harm them. It was proven as when he evade the stab that could have pierced his heart, he feel burn on his lungs.

"What the….." as he jumped away. He almost died. A puff of smoke then he saw some combat steel machines now aiming at him.

"A Ninjutsu? Who the hell are you! Are you a reincarnator?" the Werewolf shouted.

Leon don't speak, he only give signal to Kate who now already get out. The Werewolf suddenly smelled a bloodlust from the side, he quickly jumped as he barely evaded an attack. Of course he realize the style of the attack. Gatsuga, a typical move of Inuzuka clan.

"An Inuzuka?" he staggered. At that moment a girl with a small dog is growling at him. On her hand is steel claw gauntlet and a gun.

Leon dash quickly to try to kill the Werewolf when he was forced to evade as two gunshot was fired at him.

"Retreat Wolf. We need more strength" spoke a man from the roof of the building. Leon's puppet now target the man as it now shows up with a gatling gun. Bullet rains at the man as he take cover. The Werewolf has run away from them.

Once he was sure the attacker has left, Leon then change his focus to another corner.

"So you have watched a decent show. Get out before I kill you" bark Leon.

"You find me" said the man as he scratched his head.

"You barely smell like a beggar" snorted Kate.

"Never thought that John Connor is a Reincarnator" said the man.

"So? Want to kill me?"

"Naaah, it would likely mean our mission would be harder. Dealing with our decided opponents is hard enough. But dealing with the Terminators that were coming cause more complication than we expected. By the way, our Team leaders want to talk with you" said the man

"John Connor. I would like to make a deal with you" said a female voice.

"May I know who I am speaking with"

"You could call me Kosen, leader of the Azure Team" said the female.

"What do you offer?" said Leon.

"You probably realized about the existence of Omniverse, so let me get straight. Our mission here is to help you prevent Judgment day!" said Kosen from the communicator.

"You want an alliance!" said Leon.

"Yes. We would help you deal with the Terminators and the Underworlds Group"

"I see. I take that offer. But what do you offer for my help" ask Leon.

"Zhang Yun, did you bring an extra Dimensional Bag? Give it to him" said Kosen through the Communicator.

The man brings out a small pocket bag and gives it to Leon. Leon checked the bag, the bag was likely made with runes and magical constructs.

"This bag could hold up to 8 types of things inside of it. When you want to bring it out, you just need to interact with one of these 8 symbols. You could stack the things with the same type and attribute up to 30 times" said Zhang Yun.

"Interesting. For now this would be enough. I would need more resources to build an anti-Terminator puppet. So if you have more things that would increase our chances you could give it to me" said Leon.

"Inside of it there is a Laser rifle and its ammo from the future" said Zhang Yun.

Leon then brings the stuff inside out to his hand. Once he brings it out he realizes what it was, these are Laser guns, laser pistols and plasma weapons from Fallout 4 series.

"Well if you want information on how to finish your mission, I think you should try to find information about Dr. Bertrand Hollister and where he likely put the Skynet server. If you could deal with one of the two Terminators, go ahead" said Leon.

"If we need to call you, use that," said Zhang Yun as he left the communicator in Leon's hand.


For Sarah Connor realizing there are other realities beside hers is quite something. Finding out his son has awakened his memories of past life and was sent to another reality to fight for a whole decade is something else.

"So you gather orphaned and abused kids to be your Ninja army?" ask Sarah.

"Well, with what Cameron told us about the murder of future Commanders, we would need a back up. The kids could be trained and prepared to fight in the future if we die. Not to mention we have another Shinobi trained kids as their future leaders" said Leon.

"And about the Multiverse?" ask Sarah.

"Multiverse is a concept of a similar reality with subtle differences between them. Like in one reality I was likely older or younger by now, or I was already killed. Or on the off chance that a Terminator was sent to protect you in the first place, then it would be likely that Kyle Reese survived and defeat another version of Me that was changed as a Terminator"

Sarah was quite startled, but after contemplating it, something seems released from her. A burden of a possible future, its no longer weighted her.

"As long as Skynet control the time machine and is able to send one of its programmed Terminators to our time, the conflict would not end. Even if we able to prevent a Skynet rise, another AI with the same mental logic as Skynet could still trigger Judgment day"

"There are few ways in the future to alter this timeline so that the Skynet influence disappears altogether. First, we remove every trace of Skynet Terminator remnants. Highly unlikely with how we saw there are human cultists that support Skynet, the data are likely already under the DOD. Second, we remove Nuclear weapons from the equation by gaining technology that would make the launch of ICBM impossible. We would need to take control of a potential strong enough nation, to build these technology and launch them, or we own a FTL level spacefaring tech from another reality"

"Another one is to gain a decent Space-Time machine technology that could lock out this current reality or timeline from Skynets Time Machine. Each and every action would need the support of an entire organization behind. Something that we must build, the pro is we build the Resistance early on, before the Judgment day even happened, likely saving more people. In other way we have Human and machine that would be prone to be attacked from Skynet collaborator and agents"

"At this moment this is our current way to defeat Skynet. The existence of these Traversers means we likely have more access to different branches of technology. Traversers means the omniverse is real, every fiction we read or write likely has a corresponding reality it is based on. This means if we play our cards right, we could trade favor with them. We now have another way to fight Skynet. New technology that doesn't rely on Skynet implanted tech."

"The one sending me to another reality, haven't made contact with me for sometime"

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