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Chapter 18 Freeing Miles Dyson (Rewrite) 

T-X attack on the 149th Regiment would shows its nightmare in the upcoming morning. Leon was awakened with news of self moving Trucks and Tanks roaming the streets, and started attacking suburbs. The news continued that the 149th Regiment National Guard was found decimated outside the city. Surviving soldiers reported that their Vehicle suddenly acts on its own and trying to kill more soldiers.

"..... right at this moment we are viewing the aftermath of the 149th Regiment massacre. The 160th Infantry Regiment has arrived to search for survivors. Combat helicopters from 229th Regiment are being sent in to destroy the rampant machine" said the news reporter from a helicopter.

"Another one," said Leon as he watched the television news.

"You know who is likely the perpetrator?" ask Sarah.

"There is one known Terminator type that could hijack another Machine. No matter what, do not try to fight it in close range. It could hack your CPU and rewrite your order" said Leon as he talked to Cameron.

The only reason why the Terminator is unlikely to hack his puppets is the lack of electronics core at the moment. He used Chakra network and fuinjutsu as a core. Let's just say the puppets are his ace in the hole. He also creates some robots whose capabilities are less than his combat puppets.

When he sees Cameron, the first thing that he wants to do is upgrade her to be a more advanced Terminator. Torbjorn gauntlets open a whole lot of ideas for him to use. But once the news of the hacked IFV came in, he realized he must hold his ideas for now.

Another reason is when he tried to use his Machine Empath ability to enter the Core AI of Cameron.

Different from the T-850 Terminator, the core of Cameron is a house with a garden in it. Inside the garden are Cameron tending the plants.

"Who are you?" ask a young girl who really looks like Cameron.

"Cameron?" he asked.

"Whose Cameron?"

Leon then pondered a little bit and asked again.

"Ah, I thought you were a friend of mine. What's your name?"

"My name is Allison," she answered.

"Did you tend this garden all by yourself?" ask Leon.

"Ah yes" she answered.

"I never saw people visit this place," said the girl.

"Ah I just took a wrong turn on the road and found myself here" Leon answered.

"Well, I can't seem to find what I am looking for at this moment, but perhaps we would meet again?" he asked.

"Ah yes, I would love to" she smiled.

Leon then takes the road to where he came from and exits Cameron core.

Once he was out. He then told Cameron that he wasn't normal.

"I found somebody named Allison in your core. Who is she?"

"I have no data. There are missing memories from when the Resistance reprogramed me" answered Cameron.

"Let's just hope it won't be a problem in your future," answered Leon as she patted Cameron's hair. One thing Kate, Tsunade and most of the girl's close to him realized, Leon has a quirk of patting a girls' head. And only girls she cared for.


As Cameron was quite a cute girl, when she walked she did make heads turn. One reason why Leon give a parka for her to wear outside.

"Well, it seems they are really preparing to leave the premises" said Leon as he watched the cars moving on Genisys Game company building

Meanwhile inside the building is a mess. A blonde female soldier with one of her eye are bright red.

"Quickly move them! If the battle reaches here we would lose all progress!" she shouted to the people.

As he walked in, he found Miles Dyson inside a very secure room.

"I have done what you asked for. What else you want from me" snarl Miles.

"We must move. If you don't follow our demand we will kill your family" said the woman.

Miles becomes quiet. He doesn't really know if it was really true. He didn't really dare to check it as these people watch him 24/7. Recreating his work is not hard, who expect they have some backup data from the recreation of his works weeks ago.

But his motivation rang hollow compared to the past. Worse as the Cyberdyne mercs are threatening to kill his families if he doesn't finish his work. Well he hopes they are just bluffing claiming they have their family, but he learned not to tempt his chances.

"I see" said Miles. Even so he still show a distrustful looks to the female.

For the Cyberdyne Mercenary Woman, Roselyn. She was here all for her loyalty to DR. Bertram Hollister. In the past Dr. Hollister rescue her and support her vengeance. She fell in love with the Doctor.

When Dr. Hollister ask her to deal with this issue when Cyberdyne was threatened, she agreed. She dealt with the terrorist, too bad when she tried to capture Sarah Connor, one of them harmed her. Making her lose an eye.

Even now she is still angry at the boy. She would have hunted her after she finished her surgery. But Dr. Hollister orders her to guard Dyson. Both Dyson and the woman refuse to tell her who the boy is. So she sent that woman to Prison, to give them time until the project was completed.

"Captain Rose, we have a problem" said one Mercenary through a radio.

"What!" she asked, and at that moment an explosion occurred.

"We are being attacked!" shout a soldier.

Roselyn's smile goes wide. After weeks of waiting it seems the one who escaped are likely trying to free Miles Dyson now. She could finally have her revenge.

"Prepare the Helicopter. Bring the rest of the staff and project to the Helicopter. And stand your ground, we will deal with them here!"

Gunfire and sound of crash was heard downstairs, when the so called 'Security' start to move people upstairs they followed. All except Miles as the walls where he was kept suddenly exploded.

Tsunade's punch destroys the wall of the office where they kept Miles. Roselyn was surprised. Leon throws a flashbang into the building. Meanwhile the one the Mercenaries are fighting is Cameron and Kate.

"We got the package!" said Leon. Roselyn was surprised as she saw Miles Dyson was grabbed by the boy who wounded her.

In reality Leon already checked out the entire building 2 hours ago before he made his move. He orders Cameron and Kate to shoot them from the outside. Kate learned enough of his Kugutsu no Jutsu to be able to use his combat puppet.

At this time the Combat Puppet he used was made from Aluminium and steel alloy. The battle was quick. Leon has no interest at this moment to fight against these mercenaries. He knows this is not where Cyberdyne put the real research.

Kate and Cameron quickly retreat after throwing a grenade to the Mercenaries position. They kill two mercenaries on their way back. Cameron's running speed is not something a regular human could chase. Kate, Tsunade, and Leon are Jonin level Shinobi. They are experienced enough to use terrain to hide their escape.

When Roselyn watches them leave quickly, she curses and rages.

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