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12.5% The Forgotten Elder God (Dropped) / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Grayfia Lucifuge

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Grayfia Lucifuge

It had been four years since I was born into this world, my system hadn't said any more messages since the day I was born, and even saying thinks like 'status' and such doesn't do anything, though the inventory still works. I also started training on controlling my power, since even though I had access to an unlimited amount of it, that didn't mean I could control that much. I did get better control but no where near enough to be considered acceptable.

I learned that my father had died not long after my mother had become pregnant with me, but neither her nor I were all that distressed over it. I wasn't because I obviously had never met him, and my mother because she had only met him 4 times in her entire life. Their Engagement, their wedding, once to get pregnant with my sister Kouko, and the last to get pregnant with me. Other than that, they had never seen each other again, and my sister had never seen him at all since she was only two when my mother became pregnant with me.

(A/N: Yes I know devils have low fertility, but there is a reason which will be revealed out later on as to why she was able to get pregnant both times on the first try.)

It honestly baffled me, my mother was exceptionally beautiful, yet they had been married for hundreds of years and only met four times. 'What an idiot my father was. Well, I'll take care of her in your place.'

I pushed those thoughts out of my mind as we came out of the teleportation circle at our destination, which is apparently my mother's best friend's house, Anala Lucifuge, or better known as Lady Lucifuge.

I walked next to my sister, and behind my mother, as we made our way into the manor. Before we even arrived at the door, it opened and a beautiful woman with black hair was standing in the door way, quickly making her way out to my mother before pulling her into a hug. "It's been too long Asame, I missed you." She said to my mother. "Anala, it hasn't even been three years, for us that's nothing. You came and saw my son with your husband remember?" My mother replied with an exasperated sigh, but she was smiling nonetheless.

"Yes, yes, I remember, but I was also very late into my pregnancy at the time, so we couldn't stay as long as I liked. But now that you're here, we get plenty of time to make up for that, and our children can get to know each other as well." She said with a playful tone.

When I heard this, an excited glint past through my eyes for a brief moment, though no one noticed it, as I quickly hid it and the two mothers, who would've been the only ones to notice, were engrossed in their conversation. Not long after, a young girl around my age with silver hair walked out of the doorway with a middle aged man with a kind smile on his face, he also had silver hair.

I was so excited about meeting Grayfia, I almost forgot we were still children, though I remembered before having any...bad...thoughts. I instead decided to do my best to get close to her, this was the perfect chance, my mom told me and my sister before we came here, we would spend a whole month here, so we had plenty of time to get acquainted.

Lord Lucifuge, whose real name is Rey Lucifuge, was much nicer than I was initially expecting. He was someone who was known as the right hand of Lucifer, and ruled in his absence after Rizevim refused to rule the underworld. He was a kind and caring father and leader, which is different than the stern man I read about.

After introductions from myself and my sister to Lord and Lady Lucifuge, who refused to let us call them that and made us swear to call them Uncle and Aunt, the adults left, leaving me, Kouko and Grayfia in the entrance room with a few maids.

I stood up and approached Grayfia, who looked too shy to start, soon followed by my sister, "Hello, my name is Valerian Maara, feel free to just call me Val though. I'm 4 years old." I said to her with a gentle smile.

My goal worked, because she smiled back at me and introduced herself as well, "Hello. My name is Grayfia Lucifuge, you can call me Grayfia, I'm also 4." She was much different than the older Grayfia, but what can you expect, she's much younger and hasn't lived through the two wars yet.

My sister stepped up next, "Hello, I'm Kouko Maara, feel free to call me Kouko or Ko, I'm 7 years old." She introduced herself with a smile to Grayfia. Once introductions were done, I could see that Grayfia wanted to do something, though honestly I wasn't sure what.

"Is there something that you wanted to do Grayfia?" I questioned, seeing her hesitation.

"Umm, well I'm about to go train, would you two like to come join?" She asked us with a hopeful tone. I quickly spoke up, "I'd love to, lets go somewhere we can train quietly."

Grayfia nodded her head with an excited smile, grabbed Kouko and I's hand and dragged us into their garden, which was around the side of their manor to train peacefully.

She quickly turned to us, "What is your family's power? Mine is to control shadows, like this. I also have a personal affinity with ice magic, though it isn't the family magic." She said excitedly and started manipulating the shadows around her in the garden to dance around in the air and she created small ice cubes that float around as well.

I laugh lightly at her enthusiasm, and then quickly changed the ice cubes that she was floating around into water vapor, causing them to disperse into the air around her, startling her. "Our power is called matter conversion, it allows us to change objects into other types of objects. Once we get strong enough, we can even change peoples limbs, or whole bodies, into other things like stone, effectively rendering that limb useless until they break/cut it off and heal it back."

Yes this was our families power, which if you ask me, it's on par with some of the other strongest house's powers. Being able to freely manipulate even the state of matter can be deadly, much less completely changing the composition of it as well. Though as impressive as it was, it didn't mean all that much to me.

Seeing this, Grayfia basically had stars in her eyes, though before she could say anything, Kouko spoke up seriously, "You can't tell anyone about this Grayfia, our house's power was kept a secret, even from other houses, I hope you can respect that and keep it a secret. The Lucifuge house and the four devil king houses are the only ones that know the details of our powers. The others think we just have perfect power control, since our family's power requires extremely high control to properly work."

Hearing my sister's tone, she looked disappointed, but agreed nonetheless. 'Interesting, she's extremely mature for only being four, I wonder if that's similar in all devils or just her...'

She quickly went back to her cheerful demeanor and sat down and exclaimed, "What are you two waiting for, you aren't training just standing there." I smirked at her statement and sat down, circulating my demonic power trying to control as much of it as I could outside of my body, and then even a little more until I got control over it, then repeating. Though it wasn't efficient, it was the safest way to do it, and I could tell just by looking Grayfia was doing something similar.

Devil's weren't supposed to start training until the age of 6, starting earlier could cause harmful effects if done incorrectly, which tended to happen with younger children. This didn't stop me, who had to beg my mother to let me and help me, and she only agreed to help me recently after using my strongest tool on her, the infamous puppy dog eyes, works every time on her. Though even after she agreed, she only agreed to let me do it with her around until she was convinced I wouldn't hurt myself.


"Okay Val, first circulate your demonic power around your body, don't try to form anything with it, just get comfortable with it flowing around your body." I nodded at my mother's statement and started circulating it, starting at my diaframe, where my Chaos Core is at and going to my lungs, heart, brain, and finally following my nervous system to each of my limbs, I continued to circulate it, letting it flow outside of my body, along my skin until finally converging it back around my diaframe, back into my Chaos Core.

My mom looked shocked at first, that quickly turned into a proud smile. "Good, you are a natural at controlling it, most devils can control it, but not to that extent, they tend to waste some of the demonic power whenever they cast spells, but with even a small amount of training you will be able to cut that to a minimum. Continue doing this until you can form shapes in the air out of raw demonic power and still not waste any of it."

I nodded at her words and continued practicing. It only took me a few days to do it and once I was done she smiled proudly once again and pulled me into a hug praising me the whole time. I pulled back from her, "Now can we move onto our family magic? Or even just basic magic?"

She looked at me seriously, but seeing me not backing down from my question, she relented, "Fine fine, but again only while I'm here for now until I know you will be safe." I smiled and immediately sat down waiting for her instructions, seeing me, she smiled wryly before sitting across from me and started teaching me how to manipulate my 'demonic' power into spells.

(Flashback end)

'No wonder Grayfia was so strong, she spent all her free time training, it makes sense. Though I can't blame her, It was never really specified when the great war started... I want to get as strong as possible by then.' Steeling myself one again, I continue my training as I feel my sister sit next to me doing the same.

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