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57.14% The Wickedly Fated Series: Book 1:The Heir / Chapter 4: Chapter Four:

Chapter 4: Chapter Four:

I was sat on a bed. Grumbling I cross my arms. I squeeze my eyes shut tighter. I could hear Kyro's laughter next to me.

                       "I still don't know your name." I let out a long sigh.

                                            "It's Eritrea." He was silent for a long moment.

                        "It's a beautiful name." I could feel my cheeks warm. Oh great. I flinch when I feel the bed give in at my feet.

                       "What are you so afraid of?" I inhale a shaky breath.

                                             "That you'll hate me. That once once we make eye contact you'll regret it."

The way that the pair bond works is that you both have to make eye contact twith each other. You can't just look at someone and know.

      But in my case...Being thrown into his dreamscape not once but twice! After the first time and him being able to shift back..then I had a pretty good idea of what was going to happen. And so did he.

    I inhale a rigid breath as Kyro places his hand on my arm. I was caving. I would cave. Part of me wanted too.

                            "You are my second chance. I won't regret anything." I bite the inside of my cheek. This was suppose to be a good thing right? I slowly open my eyes and I'm met with a pair of vibrant forest green ones. The ringing in my ears grew n my chest was on fire. I wince.

                                             "K-Kyro!" I gasp as he covers my ears and it felt like an electric current sparked through my body. But the ringing was gone and the left side of my collar bone burned alittle.

     Kyro removes his hands and he was smiling gently. Now that I got a good look at him my heart skipped a beat.

His hair is deep golden blonde color that is cut down on the sides and back but left long on the top. I didn't miss the braids. He has an amazing ivory skin tone. He has a beard but it's cut down against his face. And he has nice full lips. He's broad shouldered and muscularly built. That or he enjoyed form fitting shirts. He was huge. And I'm guess just over six foot tall.

   His smile grows as I continue to stare at him. Then I glance up at his ears I notice that they are slightly pointed. But my curiosity got the better of me and switch positions and found myself with my hands on his shoulders getting a better look at his ear.

                                            "I've read that Berserkers kept traits from their animal counter parts! I can't believe that true!" He chuckles making me very aware of how close my neck is to his face. I tense and try to move away but his arm wraps around me holding me in place. My heart jumped in my throat. And my ears started to burn.

                              "You smell amazing." He buries his face in the bend of my neck and inhales causing me to giggle and squirm. I was severely ticklish and I had just let him know it. He chuckles and pulls back.

                             "You're ticklish." He seemed very amused by this. I arch an eyebrow at him.

                                               "Can you let me go now?" I watch as his smile faded alittle.

But he releases me and I move back on the bed putting space between us. My stomach felt weird when he was close and I'm not sure if I liked it. He was just staring at me.

Did I make him mad?

                             "I-" The door bursts open and a young man steps inside. Then his eyes go wide as he notices me. He eyes Kryo suspiciously for a moment before looking at me again.

  His eyes are a strange amethyst color and he has tanned skin. I noticed that he was built too. But unlike Kyro he had dark chestnut colored hair that barely touched the top of his shoulders.

         The young man groans.

       "KY! Tell me you didn't kidnap this girl?!" Kyro roll his eyes turning toward the young man. I cover my mouth to keep from giggling. Kidnap? Wait, well I guess he kind of did..but I didn't yell for any help either so maybe not?

     The young man steps closer toward the bed. Making Kyro growl. But the young man didn't even flinch.

                           "What do you want Marcus?"  I glance at Kyro. His face was calm but he had moved slightly so his body was infront of me.

         "Miss are you okay?"  My eyes widen. Why wouldn't I be okay?

                           "Marcus!" Marcus snaps his head in Kyro's direction. But I notice The hint of worry on his face. Was it for me or for his friend?

                                                   "I'm alright. And no I wasn't kidnapped." Kyro's shoulders seemed to relax a little. Marcus looks relieved and then he smirks.

           "Then I see that I have come at the wrong time! If you will excuse m-" I climb off the bed and shake my head.

                                                   "No its fine I was just about to leave. You stay. I have to be getting home!" I made it to the door but suddenly strong arms wrap around me from behind causing me to stiffen for a moment. Warmth surrounded me. I couldn't help but relax into the arms.

                       "Be safe." I sigh.

                                           "I'll be fine. Goodnight." I wiggle out of his grip causing him to chuckle again.

    As soon as I was outside the Inn panic set in. My heart accelerated and my Paul's began to sweat.

     I needed to go home. I needed to be a safe distance away from him. I needed to think this through. I turn and start walking toward Belladonna's shop. I knew that she would be there.

       I swing the bag open and instantly curse! My bag! I left it in Kyro's room.

                               "Eritrea! Language!" I give Belladonna a guilty smile.

                                               "Sorry. I left my bag at the library." Belladonna arches an eyebrow at me and stiffens a little. I bite down on the inside of my cheek.

                                "You seem different. What's going on?" I let out a nervous laugh.

                                                "Nothings going on. Why would you ask that?" She frowns, her eyes narrow at me and then the door opens behind me. I mentally kick myself. Oh that's just great. He showed up didn't he?

  I gasp. White hot pain shots through my shoulder and black dots dance across my vision. A red ball of energy Flys passed me.

     I reach up and go to touch my shoulder and let out a whimper. Grinding my teeth together.

     I glance up and see the the tip of an arrow sticking out. My eyes widen and my legs give out.

     I groan and Belladonna catches me keeping my top half from falling on the floor.

                        "HOW.DARE.THEY." I flinch. I had never heard that tone come from Belladonna. I blink rapidly trying to focus.

  I inhale swallow breathes trying to breathe through the pain. My shoulder was on fire and I noticed that I was bleeding alot.

                           "I have to pull out." My eyes widen.


            ***KYRO'S POINT OF VIEW****

            Pain shot through my shoulder. Strange. Then came emotions. Fear, pain, Eritrea! My wolf pushed forward. I was barely in control. She was hurt.

     I ran through the Inn and followed her scent all the way to a little shop. Rage took over. Someone hurt her. And I was going to kill them for it! 

    I wouldn't lose her too. I kick the door in and watch half stunned as it came off the hinges.

      I step inside snarling. My tiny starlight was in the arms of an older woman. I saw the arrow's end sticking out from her right shoulder.

     She was panting and trying to catch her breathe. I rush to her without a second thought. The woman's eyes widen as I gently take Eritrea from her arms. By the look on her face she knew exactly who I was.

                                "Ery, I have to pull this out. It's coated in wolf's bane. It will hurt you." Wolf's bane? She wasn't a wolf though. I would have noticed that. I glance at the woman but she doesn't look at me.

Eritrea shakes her head. She was in pain and I could feel that much. Panic sets in. If it wasn't removed then the poison could get into her blood stream and hurt her. I noticed that her little body was shaking. She was trying not to cry. She was so brave.

                   "Ástin min. Pú ert ástaeđa mín fyrir tilverunni."( My love. You are my reason for existance)

She looks up at me with a confused expression. She was distracted. I slowly reach up and gingerly take the arrow. Instantly burning my palm. I yank the arrow out. Eritrea let's out a strangled scream and falls against me.

                                  "She passed out. I'm Belladonna and you must be Kyro." I raise and eyebrow at her. Didneveryone know who I was?

  Belladonna chuckles.

                                   "Stay with her. I'm going to get supplies to clean that and bandage it." I nod without saying anything.

   I look down at my tiny mate. She was frowning. I was never letting this girl out of my sight again!

    Why would someone want to hurt her? It didn't make any sense.

  I pulled her all the way up into my lap. She was still bleeding but didn't care.

    My head snaps up as the door opens again. Marcus stepped inside and glanced around before looking at me. His eyes fall to Eritrea and his expression saddens.

           "You ran out without telling me. Is she gonna be okay?" I nod and look down at her and she winces moving closer to me. I made me smile a little.

                         "She will be fine." She had to be.

Belladonna returned and began cutting away Eritrea's shirt. I let out a warning growl and glance at Marcus who turns his back quickly. Belladonna chuckles lightly.

                                        "So it seems that little dove has hidden something from me." I raise an eyebrow at her. What didnshe mean by that?

    Belladonna began working and mumbling an incantation. Probably to keep Eritrea asleep while she worked. Her hands were steady and she her hands didn't shake.

    I lean Eritrea up so she could get the back side of the wound. Once she was done I gently shift Eritrea so I can stand up. I cradled her against my chest careful not to move her to much.

   She scored softly. That was kind of cute.

                                          "I think we should talk young prince." I eye Belladonna for a moment. 

                               "What is there to talk about?"  She chuckles and looks down at Eritrea.

                                           "About your mate." Without meaning to I tightened my hold on Eritrea causing her to moan softly. I glance down at her and she wore a small frown.

    Hopefully she healed fast.

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