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58.82% Primate Murder Through a Multiverse / Chapter 29: Harry Potter: Book 1 Part 24 ("Eventful Dinner / Walk and Talk / Norberta P1")

Chapter 29: Harry Potter: Book 1 Part 24 ("Eventful Dinner / Walk and Talk / Norberta P1")

It was a normal dinner in the great hall of Hogwarts, students winding down from a long day of learning and walking around the castle. It was calm, too calm, for one Severus Snape his old instinct of the Marauders being a foot but with Potter and Pettigrew dead, Black in jail and Lupin not a student nor teacher it didn't make sense yet still he had his guard up.

It was mid-way through the dinner that a soft thumping sound started, and then it grew and soon all of Griffyndor was lightly hitting the table in a rhythm without them seeming to notice. and then it started, one student stood up and continued the rhythm with their feet well singing.


As he started singing the rhythm spread to Ravenclaw as they put down their books and stared at the student who stood up and started to bellow out a song.


Gryffindor & Ravenclaw: "HUWA" They all stood and yelled as the student dropped down with them, the rhythm continuing as the beat spread to Hufflepuff, leaving all the teachers bewildered and this time a 4th year Raven stood up.

Students: "SOON MAY THE WELLERMAN COME! TO BRING US SUGAR AND TEA AND RUM! ONE DAY, WHEN THE TONGUIN' IS DONE! WE'LL TAKE OUR LEAVE AND GO!" All together in unison, the Gryffindor & Ravenclaw houses sang.

And now the Slytherin students had gotten caught up in this mess, all of them looked surprised as they couldn't shout and their bodies moved to produce that singular rhythm. A Ravenclaw student stood up again, a different one this time and she sang with gusto and a smile on her face.

Student: "SHE HAD NOT BEEN TWO WEEKS FROM SHORE! WHEN DOWN HER A RIGHT WHALE BORE" She quickly sat down as a Hufflepuff stood up taking from where she left off.

Student: "THE CAPTAIN CALLED ALL HANDS AND SWORE! HE'D TAKE THAT WALE IN TOW!" The 6th-year Puff jumped onto his seat as he stomped the beat and dance around while singing, and the teachers started to beat the Rhythm on their table.

Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, & Hufflepuff: "HUHWA" They all stood and yelled again all three houses in unison.

Students: "SOON MAY THE WELLERMAN COME! TO BRING US SUGAR AND TEA AND RUM! ONE DAY, WHEN THE TONGUIN' IS DONE! WE'LL TAKE OUR LEAVE AND GO!" All together in unison, they sang out their hearts enjoying the simple yet spirit-lifting song that was just so infectious.

Student: "BEFORE THE BOAT HAD HIT THE WATER! THE WHALE's TAIL CAME UP AND CAUGHT HER!" Another Puff stood jumping away from the table as he danced an Irish jig in tune with the song, at the end of his line he continued to dance his Irish jig as what looked like his girlfriend stood up and joined him.

Bulstrode: "ALL HANDS TO THE SIDE, HARPOONED AND FOUGHT HER! WHEN SHE DIVED DOWN BELOW!" Millicent Bulstrode, a girl who had been making Goo-Goo eyes at Draco for the past week belched out the next lines, rather un-flatteringly, as she all but burped them out!

Students: "SOON MAY THE WELLERMAN COME! TO BRING US SUGAR AND TEA AND RUM! ONE DAY, WHEN THE TONGUIN' IS DONE! WE'LL TAKE OUR LEAVE AND GO!"The four houses sang together in unison, the joyous looks on the other other than Slytherin was infectious as soon they started smiling and joining in as the houses all got up as by this point they finished eating.

McGonagall while she was strict, she was motherly at heart and so she stood up and with a wave of her wand she moved the tables to the sides of the hall as they all stood and started dancing as everyone joined in to sing the song.

Except Snape, who was highly amused and already knew whom the culprit was! After all just last week she came looking for a potion that would make people sing a specific song. And while he had given Liliy's daughter the where to look, it was entirely up to the girl herself to pull this off.

Though on the outside he wasn't amused at all and had a scowl on his face as he stood up, only for the last bit to be delivered.

Students: "We wish to all, a very good night! From Messers Pearl, Black, and Grey!"

And with that, they all stopped, taking deep breaths before they burst into laughter with their friends and for just that night they forgot house rivalries as students alike gathered together laughing and singing more of the shanty together before they were sent to bed with hearts full of cheer.

All the while a white fluffy creature sat in the rafters of the roof, looking down upon this all with a smile upon its face as it slinked off through the wall into the unknown.


It was early the next morning, down in the dungeons with softly brewin' potions *POP* and with a drop from a vial a potion in front of Professor Snape changes color as he puts the stopper back, the door to his personal brewery opens quietly as a small person sneaks in and shuts the door with a soft thump.

Snape: "Hello, Emiya" He quietly said, his voice reaching the very corners of the quiet room as he flip a page in one of his books.

Harriet: "Hello Uncle Sev, how was your night and morning?" She quietly moved up to stand beside him and look down upon the potion, its baleful black color something that she likened to Death's robe.

Snape: "I recall... That just, last, week, someone asked me about a potion, Do you remember what potion that was?" his low drawl as he stared down into the potion mix as he stirred, seemingly uninterested in this conversation.

Harriet: "I do believe that it was one for Singing a specific song?" She demurely hid her mouth and smile behind her hand as she knew that while he seemed uninterested in pranks, he did know how to dish out good ones that were neither harmful nor degrading.

Snape: "Quite so... You wouldn't happen to have used said potion?" He turned to her slightly, raising an eyebrow.

Harriet: "I don't recall ever brewing said potion, however, I must give props to those Messers, they chose a good song." She looked away from snape to the cauldron as he added 2 mistletoe berries, she smiled as she looked back up to snape. Plausible deniability is something wonderful!


Archer: "Hello Heir Mafloy."

Draco: "Ah!?"

Malfoy who had been walking down the hallway one weekend was looking a little lost in his thoughts, he was so distracted that he walked right past Archer without acknowledging him. Turning around he stares up into Archer's eyes, he looked down at the young man uninterestedly.

Draco: "Hello, Archer." He did a quick bow getting g one in return.

Archer: "Knutt for your thoughts?" He passively raised an eyebrow and crossed his arm as he started walking down the hallway in the direction Draco was, he stopped after a couple of sets to look back at the Heir who gathered his witts and caught up.

Draco: "How is Harriet so strong?" It took a couple of seconds before he spoke but he was very inquisitive about said subject, especially after Halloween. It was quiet for a bit before Acher answered his question with one of his own.

Archer: "Why are you so weak compared to Heir Emiya?" This question stumped Draco, he hadn't a clue why Archer asked him that. They continued walking down the hallways of Hogwarts as Draco wrecked his brain for a clue.

Archer: "You have no idea right?" He got a nod in response as Draco kept his focus on Archer.

Archer: "Experience, that's why she's so strong, it may not be my place to tell but she grew up with her muggle relatives until just a month before she came to Hogwarts... She was treated like a house elf by, forced to do all the chores." Draco looked absolutely mortified at the notion of that, he was so surprised he stopped before quickly catching up with Archer he was about to speak but was interrupted by Archer.

Archer: "Avalon, The ever-distant utopia... A month before Hogwarts she was swept up by me and brought there. Time is a fickle thing Draco, you can stretch a day into months and those months into years." He was once again flabbergasted, but he kept his pace with Archer hanging on every word that was said.

Harriet: "Draco!" Behind Draco, in the courtyard, they had just passed by is Harriet, she calls out to Draco as Blaise Zabini stands beside her reading from a book in his arms. Looking back to Archer he finds the Mysterious man has disappeared.

Harriet: "Draco, you okay?" She and Zabini were now behind him, how long had he frozen because of the disappearance of Archer?

Draco: "Fine Harriet, what did you need from me?" he turned around to face her pushing this away for later, right now if what was said by Archer was true he would be a shoulder for her... However, did she need that?


One fine afternoon Fou went for a stroll around the castle ground, it was a nice calm morning as the sun rose and the smell of the leftover rain was exquisite. Walking by Hagrid's hut he decides to take a peak inside before leaving to get Harriet after seeing the dragon egg in the fire.


Walking through the walls of Hogwarts directly Fou soon appears in the Marauder's room, where Harriet and the Twins were planning their next big prank.

Gred: "So we will need a bunch of modified "Babbling Beverage" again," He was hunched over on her left, looking at the plans laid out on the table.

Forge: "But what song are we going to make them sing this time Pearl?" He was on her Right, looking directly at his brother who looked at him in sync.

Harriet: "Why my dear Black and Grey, How do you feel about "Drunken Sailor"? Imagine the chaos of the people dancing and singing in the halls between classes after lunch!" She grins while putting her arms around their shoulders and bringing their heads together.

Only for her to let go and stand up straighter as Fou appears on the table lungeing lazily, his tail swishing side to side as he yawns.

Fou: "Fou!" He rolls into a comfortable spot on his back.


Harriet: "Good morning Fou." She patted him on the head as she turned back to her plans with the twins.

Fou: "Fou Fou-Kyuuu Fou" He leans into the pats before dropping the bomb.

(Hagrid has a Dragon's egg in his hut.)

Harriet: "A Dragon egg you say?" She looked back up at him in intrigue.

Fred & Gorge: "What's this we hear about a Dragon's egg?" The boys had a special glint in their eyes.

Harriet: "It would appear that Hagrid has a Dragon egg my dear Cyote's!" She laughed lightly as she stretched and stood back, walking to the door with the twins behind her. Their destination obviously Hagrid's Hut.

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