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44% A Snake's Obsession / Chapter 33: Chapter 33

Chapter 33: Chapter 33

The smoke from the [Summoning Jutsu] cleared to show a full grown panther in its wake. She looked on guard, ready to strike should the situation call for it. Quickly surveying the area she sees there is no immediate danger as her summoner appears relaxed.

"Naruto." She greeted.

"Okoye-chan." He greeted back.

"I assume you didn't summon me for a social visit so what can I do for you today?"

"Do you remember that information I gave to you and the others, about the Akatsuki?" The panther nodded, "Well, two of them killed the Kazekage, Kakuzu and Hidan. They were last seen headed to the Land of Rivers."

"Then you need a hunting party?"

"Yes, but only to find them, do not engage." The panther didn't seem enthused about that.

"Naruto, surely you don't think two shinobi would be too powerful for the elite of our kind."

"No, I do not this isn't my mission, my team is aiding Suna."

That placated the warrior summons as her scowl melted away. "I will have the entire Dora Milaje search for them and report back but you better have some proper work for us soon, Naruto. The girls are getting bored. Oh, and I'm bringing Mageela. Before Naruto could offer a word of protest Okoye was gone.

"I see you run a tight ship with your summons," Temari said sarcastically.

"More importantly, at least we have trackers in the field. We should head toward the Land of Rivers anyway, they may still be there," spoke Baki. He'd sent the rest of the Suna shinobi back home, many crestfallen that another of their Kage had been killed. Not many liked Rasa but he was their leader. They were confident he'd be avenged as Gaara was considered the most powerful ninja they had, excluding Rasa, and Baki was a very elite shinobi as well.

Both teams departed soon after that, only stopping now to exchange information and begin forming a strategy. Baki was impressed with how much information Team Kurenai had on the two missing ninja and some of the preliminary strategies the Nara had produced taking into account all of their skills, having just learned about Baki's in the information exchange. The Suna Jounin felt confident they could succeed in their plans but he wouldn't get cocky. He wouldn't consider it successful unless all of his students were able to return home.


It was hard not to feel smug as she darted through the forest of death, confident she was the most lethal being in the infamous training ground. The Snake Sannin, after having Hiruzen shamed and humiliated, was on to her next target. There was no guarantee that things would go as she desired but she had little to lose in the attempt. Up ahead she heard sounds of swift movement and kunai penetrating trees. Orochimaru shunshin'd the rest of the distance and stood atop a nearby tree.

Anko was instantly alerted to the arrival of a new presence, one she'd been seeing more and more of after the removal of her cursed seal. Anko didn't know what to make of Orochimaru's behavior. The woman had been supplying her with new jutsu, even allowing greater access to the snake summoning clan. All of this was made the more confusing by Anko's own emotions stemming from her returned memories. She didn't viscerally hate her sensei like she once did, though some hate was still there, it'd settled into a reluctant ambivalence. Anko simply looked at Orochimaru, knowing the woman would explain herself without prompting.

"I want you to finish your training under me," Orochimaru stated, flatly.

"Wow, no foreplay, just shove it right in." Anko retorted, mostly to hide her shock.

"And here I was led to believe you like it rough."

"You might want new sources or assign the ones you have better targets. I can't imagine my sex life holds much interest to you."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Anko-chan. You know my curiosity is boundless, very little falls out of its scope."

"Yea… sure. What are you playing at?"

"I think you can be better than what you are and part of the reason you haven't reached your full potential is due to me. I want to rectify that."

"And what do you believe my upper limits are?" Anko couldn't deny the offer was enticing. She'd improved since her sensei left her but it'd been more incremental than the leaps she'd experienced when being trained by the Sannin. Being able to grow even more wasn't an offer she could simply ignore, not in her line of work.

"It's hard to project, Anko-chan but I believe you can become an S-rank ninja by the time we're finished." Any ninja would be enticed by the chance to become S-rank but Anko wasn't sure that was true if Orochimaru would be training multiple students.

"What about your current student?"

"His apprenticeship has all but ended, Jiraiya will be taking over his training."

"What makes this brat so special two of the Sannin want to train him?"

"You're a ninja, figure it out. Or be more concerned with yourself. Are you in, Anko-chan?"

"Yea, fine. But no experiments!"

"Kukuku, we'll see."


The rhythmic thuds of a striking post being hitting it was welcomed Hiashi to his destination. He felt unclean and unsettled with what he did to the Sandaime but his actions could not be taken back. Now, he was onto a new but adjacent bit of business and he was not looking forward to the outcome. He convinced himself this was for the clan and her protection but he doubted Hinata would see it that way. He stopped a few dozen feet from her, watching her train.

Smooth and powerful strikes landing with precision, her utilizing a skill many didn't believe she had. It was hard not to get lost in the arguments of old, accusations about her perverting tradition due to a lack of talent. She'd been called shameful and a disgrace because no one could see her and her general aloof manner didn't improve her standing; that she didn't care only hurt her more.

"Father." She said evenly but never taking her eyes off the training post. There was a time he would have bristled at the greeting, lacking both warmth and the respect of ceremony. It wasn't informal, it wasn't formal, just an acknowledgment he existed in her proximity.

"Daughter, we need to speak." His declaration resulted in Hinata turning toward him and closing the distance, in no great rush to do so. Once she was closer Hiashi began, "I will be brief, you are to no longer associate with the Uzumaki." Hinata looked at him for several seconds before turning around and heading back to the training post. "Hinata, I am serious," Hiashi said, sternly. His daughter didn't even turn around.

"I do not doubt you are, I simply do not care."

"Hinata, I have tolerated your ways-" that did make her turn around.

"You have tolerated? Tolerated? And what great deeds have I done to be bestowed your most divine tolerance, Honorable Hyuuga Hiashi-sama? How have I pleased the Gods to be shown this most humbling favor?"

"This is no time for petulance." Hiashi bit back, hating her backtalk.

"You've seemingly made time for some. Really, father, ordering me away from three whole people like they'll bind my soul. Are the Hyuuga really scared of three teenagers?"

"I fear their connections, each of them tied to Orochimaru. That is cause for concern and I do not want you mixed up with it or with them."

"You mean the woman you placed the entirety of the Hyuuga in debt with to save Neji's shinobi career? Maybe my feminine brain simply can't process the distinction or the logic therein."

"That was necessary and beneficial to the clan."

"Yes, empowering the boy that wants both your daughters dead is truly a great benefit to the clan. If only I were born with the penis needed to lead and the bravery to never question tradition."

Hiashi had to immediate counter to that. He knew of Neji's hatred for the main branch, of his genius being limited or under-rewarded. He also remembered how Hinata's interests and skill set were written off as the fancy of a girl, just something whimsical a princess would indulge in. He rarely defended her, his own frustration being voiced by others. It was shameful and cowardly; it'd also broken something between them. That she was normally compared, negatively, to Neji only cemented in her mind this wasn't entirely about her abilities but the reality that for the first time a kunoichi would be the head of the Hyuuga and many didn't like that.

"I have made mistakes but what I seek to do, I do for the clan." Hiashi felt a wave of killing intent wash over him. It wasn't anything he couldn't shake off but it was enough to be noticed. He saw Hinata, shaking with her Byakugan activated.

"Clan, I hate that word. Always for the clan. Exist for the clan, kill for the clan, change for the clan, train for the clan. Be a slave for the clan. Show no emotion for the clan. I detest that word. You speak of the clan but have no idea know what you mean by it.

You ask all to sacrifice for the clan but are they not the clan? Those you made servants, were they, not the clan? But maybe you are right to lose sight of the people. I haven't and most of them disgust me. So arrogant, so proud yet have accomplished nothing. They live off the glory of others and feel entitled to do so because they are part of the clan. It offends me, you all do; more than you'll ever know." Hinata stopped her rant, feeling herself slip. It wouldn't benefit herself to lose control. As fast as the mask of indifference slipped, it was back on and her scowl gone.

"Who I associate with is not your concern, Father." Was all she said before performing a shunshin. Hinata stopped just shy of her destination and ran the rest of the way. She doubted her goal had much chance to succeed but she had to try. She knocked on the door, not at all surprised when the Snake Sannin answered it herself. Orochimaru took a look at the young Hyuuga and could tell something was not right and while she knew Hinata would never come to her for comfort that was no reason to turn her away. She ushered the girl into her home, having her take a seat in the living room.

"What can I do for you, Hinata-chan?"

"I want to alter our deal," Hinata spoke.

"Oh, and what change would you like to make?"

"I want you to let him go."

"Him?" Orochimaru asked but knew who the girl was referencing.

"Naruto-kun. I want you to let him go."

"No. I told you that silly little crush of yours would never go anywhere, could never go anywhere. Why do you think that's changed? Because you want it to?"

"I don't want you to do it for me. But for him. He deserves something honest, something real. Not more lies and manipulation."

"I haven't lied to him."

"But you are manipulating him. He doesn't know you've had him watched by multiple people for years. He doesn't know that his so-called family is more loyal to you than they'll ever be to him. He doesn't know you'd never give him a choice, he has to be with you."

"He's smarter than you think. He knows I've tracked his progress and knows I've had agents within the village. He doesn't know about you specifically but you can tell him if you wish. As far as Tayuya and Karin, they may be more loyal to me but in the future, that won't really be an issue. Our interests will be one and the same. As far as having no choice, do you believe I've had one of my snakes mesmerize him? Did I give him an enchanted apple? Kukuku."

Hinata frowned. She certainly hadn't come here to be entertainment. But she should have realized this was futile. Maybe she did know and that's why she was here. To remind herself of what she'd agreed to, what she'd done.

"However, you do have a point. I am not allowing him a choice. If my softer, more subtle methods don't work I have other ways. Nothing he'd dislike, mind you but I fail to see why this matters to you."

"He's good. He could be hateful and lash out at people. He could refuse to help others as so few helped him but he's not like that. He's open and warm, willing to make a friend of anyone that puts forth the smallest effort. He's my friend and he deserves something good in his life. Something real."

"And that isn't me?" Hinata only looked at Orochimaru, refusing to answer. "It is only because you meant well that I won't take offense to this. But this is not your concern and there is no sense in fighting the inevitable. You, however, will still get what I promised you."

"On what condition?"

"I would think it quite obvious, Hinata-chan. Don't cross me and don't get in my way." Having said her peace and seeing it come to the result she expected Hinata saw herself out. It wasn't five minutes later that another knock on the door was heard. Orochimaru once again answered it, not surprised but also not happy to see it was Jiraiya looking deeply concerned.

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