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52% Apotheosis, The Goddess of Excess / Chapter 12: Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Chapter 12

"Junior sister Ziyun. May I have a moment of your time?" The divine family's young master, Chen Linjian asked Ye Ziyun.

"Sure" Ziyun replied. She already knows what will happen and actually wanted to ask Chen Linjian himself but he is asking first to her surprise.

"I am going on an expedition outside of Glory city. would you like to join?" Chen Linjian knows the background of Ye Ziyun as a divine family young master. Going out of the city walls is dangerous but the rewards are worth it.

"Okay, brother Linjian"

Listening to her positive reply, Chen Linjian smiled. He knows the City lord won't send Ye Ziyun without any protection which will mean they will be increased experts to protect them from harm.

"Brother Linjian, would you mind if I asked Xiao Ning'er to join as well?" Ziyun asked. There will be multiple opportunities to be with Ning'er alone.

"Sure, just make sure you guys prepare with rations worth for 2 weeks" Linjian replied. As long as Ziyun will be on the expedition he won't mind others.

Linjian gave her additional details and left.

Ziyun reading all the memories of Linjian felt slightly disappointed. She wanted a map to that place but Linjian has yet to get the map.

'Well, no problem. I need to prepare for the expedition'

After informing Ning'er about the expedition, she happily agreed to join.

Ziyun arrived at the Association and directly went to the kitchens and ordered a month worth of food.

"Store all the food is the spatial ring. I will collect it tomorrow morning"

The chefs immediately started to work on the order. After all, they are here working out of Ziyun's kindness so, they want to show their sincerity by not questioning her orders and following them.

Ziyun started her journey to the Secret treasure pavilion. A place where all kinds of battle gears and weapons are sold.

"What can I get you miss?" A pretty female receptionist asked. The master of the Secret treasure pavilion seeing Ye Ziyun immediately sent his best female receptionist to assist Ye Ziyun.

"Can we get a private room first?" Ye Ziyun asked with a smile, seeing the smile the receptionist got mesmerized for a second before coughing and getting back on the track with a blush.

"Y..Yes, please follow me"

Ye Ziyun immediately got to point after sitting in the private room. "Bring me your best weapons, preferably swords. Also, bring me a weapon that can be used as hair pins and throwing knives"

Ziyun saw many types of swords and other weapons but was disappointed. They did not meet her expectations.

After a while, she finally found a Gold rank weapon that resembles Senbons.

"Miss, Can I recommend you something?" The receptionist asked. She doesn't know if the customer will be pleased or offended after hearing her proposal.

"Go on"

"We have a store room where all our stock is present. I recommend we go there and choose yourself as you know what you want the best" The receptionist closed her eyes expecting insults for speaking something that sounds arrogant but to her surprise

"That's a good idea, Let's go" Ziyun immediately agreed. She hates nothing more than wasting time on these low-level weapons.

As soon as they entered the storeroom, Ziyun's eyes landed on a sword that looks simple with a black handle and blade with a purple line in the middle of the blade.

(Image here)

Following Ziyun's gaze, the receptionist saw the sword too

" Oh Miss, you have a good eye. That sword was at least a Blackgold rank and some centuries year old sword unfortunately the inscriptions on it got deteriorated with time and dropped to Silver rank but it is still extremely sharp. It can be said to be a peak silver rank sword. It's called 'Myriad Royal' "

"I'll take it" Ziyun replied without thinking twice.

She can repair the sword's inscription patterns. The sword is still sharp despite being an old sword. It didn't change physically which speaks to the quality of the sword and the inscription patterns on it are pretty high-level inscriptions. She doubts that it is from age of darkness, it should be even older.

"I also like a few pieces of armor. Particularly for legs, chest, and Gauntles"

Ziyun found Silver rank armor set but then she found another excellent item and asked about it.

"Oh? miss...I'm embarrassed to say ..but it is a broken item found in ruins. It is just a bronze rank leg armor now" The receptionist replied.

"Still, it matches well with the armor set. It doesn't have to work" Ziyun played it off, she doesn't want to let the receptionist know that she knows its true capability.

'This tiny world is really a treasure trove, I'm glad I started here. I wonder what kind of treasures I will find in the ruins' Ziyun thought.

"Okay miss, that will cost a total of....3 Million DSC"

"Here," Ziyun paid the amount without a second thought.

'I'm down to 2 million DSC but the expedition will cover it up ...besides I already have new ways to earn money'


In the training grounds, Ziyun completed her sword cultivation with Excalibur and body conditioning, Ziyun took some rest.

After getting out of Avalon, Ziyun equipped the armor with blue armor covering her top that has red lines, blue gauntlets, and finally the dark blue leg armor shoes.

In her hand is the 'Myriad Royal' sword.

She repaired all the items she bought and even improved the armor a bit.

The armor rank along with gauntlets went up to peak Silver rank while the leg armor rank went up to Gold rank.

Her hair is held by 3 Gold rank Senbon weapons. It looks like a normal hairpin but it is a deadly weapon.

The true surprise is the 'Myriad Royal sword', it is not just an ordinary weapon but it's an artifact that contains heavenly energy. She's not sure of the rank but she's sure, it surpasses Legend rank weapon.

Ziyun decided to use 'Myriad Royal' from now on, Excalibur is a great sword but it cannot be seen by anyone as it is a divine construct, the people from Draconic ruins realms will recognize it along with Nie li. The troubles it will bring are endless while she's weak, that said she still uses it for practice to build a connection.

"Okay, let's try this!"

Ziyun in a full battle suit stood and held the sword. She already got the 'Feel' of the sword and can swing it perfectly but it is not enough to pass the first level, She still cannot swing it 1000 times perfectly. She can barely hold onto 400 times before the swings become imperfect.

"It's time to face the demon beast"

Ziyun stood steadily and traversed the training grounds searching for the horned sheep demon beasts.

Until this point, Ziyun is like a princess. Even while cultivating on train grounds, she avoided the demon beasts but during this expedition, she knows it is inevitable to face a demon beast. She doesn't want to freeze up and die a pathetic death again.

When a horned sheep appeared in her sight, She stepped in front of it. Despite her calm demeanor, her hands say otherwise as they began shaking when the demon beasts rushed at her.

Fear and Anxiety built up and burst forth in Ziyun, just before the horned sheep crashed into her, her leg armor glowed and Ziyun jumped 30 feet high in the sky where her position is locked.

She sighed "As I expected, Experience is something I truly lack. Despite having all the power, I can't even face a low-level monster. My hands are still shaking..."

Ziyun focused on calming down. She can cut her emotions to deal with demon beasts but it is not the right way. Monsters and humans are different, she can deal with humans more easily compared to monsters.

Ziyun eyed the horned sheep carefully, it is somewhat intelligent as it didn't take its eyes off her.

'I will end it in one shot for a confidence boost'

With that, Ziyun activated her leg armor with her aim toward the horned sheep.

With a quick burst, Ziyun crashed into the skull of the horned sheep. The metal armor crushed the skull of the sheep.

Ziyun seeing the dead beast becoming a meat paste smiled slightly as worries decreased a little.

"This is really a magical world, my speed must be at least Mach 10. I would have burnt to death If physics exist here"

With her newly gained confidence, Ziyun went after another horned sheep. This time, she didn't jump and swung her sword but she swung it too quickly.


That was all Ziyun could say before she felt like a car hit her right in her chest. Horned sheep may be a bronze rank beast, but demon beasts are superior to humans in the same rank.

If not for her peak silver rank armor and her daily cultivation, Ziyun would have been crushed to death.

Ziyun crashed into a tree in a flash and felt slightly dizzy.


The horned sheep tried to charge again, but Ziyun managed to get out of her dizzy state. Again, the horned sheep managed to best her and hit her in the stomach sending her up in the air.

Ziyun activated her leg armor in mid-air making her freeze in the air.

It took a few seconds to get her bearings after using a Physique nurturing pill "Damn! I'm so pathetic at practical combat. Pointed noted, I should get a sword instructor as soon as I got back."

Ziyun took one of the Senbons tying her hair and shot it towards the horned sheep.

The Senbon fell mid-air. Ziyun once again got disappointed at her pathetic display.

"...I also need to learn martial techniques, It is better to get an instructor"

Ziyun wanted to finish this horned sheep like before but knew it won't change anything. Ziyun landed on the ground near the horned sheep.

"Come at me like before" Ziyun muttered with irritation. She can't believe how weak she is in practical combat.

The horned sheep rushed at Ziyun. This time Ziyun managed to cleave the horned sheep's head in half with a perfect swing, killing it but...

"I am supposed to completely cleave it... At least, I'm not shaking anymore"

Ziyun sighed and picked up the Senbon. locking it in her hair, Ziyun collected the materials of horned sheep and began cultivating her soul force.

"I can't improve my progress in just one night. It's better now I can at least move in front of a demon beast. ..perhaps, this expedition will truly give me the experience I need when facing the demon beasts"

The next day morning, Ziyun went to the kitchens. She received the storage ring which contains enough food supplies.

Later, she gave the orders for the next month till she comes back. Just before leaving, the new guard met her.

"Young Miss, here's the ring. It contains everything you asked for"

"Not bad, call half of the guards of association. I'm going on an expedition." Ziyun already sensed the guards her father hired. As a city lord, he knows what she's up to. So, she's not surprised but acted along.

"No need miss, there are 10 experts I know. They would gladly help"

'Oh! that is a good cover story father ordered them to tell me. Whatever, these are just my meat shields' Ziyun thought.

"Very well, Bring them along. I will pay them accordingly after the expedition" Ziyun replied before going to her house to freshen up and pack some more things.

Ziyun stored a few tonnes of Purple haze grass inside Avalon.

Ning'er arrived at her home and they both left to join the expedition.

Quetzalcotal Quetzalcotal

Ziyun is a Genius sure but up to this point. She's safe in both of her lives. She still didn't receive the memories of the first timeline. She only knows them from Nie Li's perspective.

So, She's not combat orientated....Yet. So, she can't defeat others in combat without experience and training with an opponent.

This is not a nerf, I repeat this is not a Nerf.

Ziyun's a prodigy, she's going to pick up fighting techniques soon.

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