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1.14% One Piece: Possessed Teacher / Chapter 4: Pirate: Possessed Teacher Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Pirate: Possessed Teacher Chapter 4

Qin Tianke will do it!

  As a 24k pure food otaku, Qin Tian has not only eaten all kinds of takeaway food, but also often researches the way of food.

  How do you say that sentence, what is food?

  That is, you will research in order to eat delicious things and make the delicious ones you like. This is called food!

  As for those who don't know how to cook but only's called a rice bucket!

  There is no doubt that Qin Tian is a senior foodie!

  "God! Master Sunny, you are so amazing, you can cook, and it seems to be better than my aunt!"

  Seeing Qin Tian constantly turning over the dishes in the wok with her left hand, Little Robin's admiration for Qin Tian was like a torrential river, out of control~

  "Don't be poor, get the oil bottle for me quickly."

  Qin Tian could only use half of his body, so he ordered Luo Bing to use the other half of his body to help~

  Not to mention, the efficiency is pretty good~

  In response to that sentence, men and women mate, oh no, match, work is not tired~

Chapter 7 I want to take you away (please collect it!)

  Although Little Robin's body is JiaoXiao, but because of the appearance of the devil-the essence of the devil, his strength is very large, so Qin Tian's cooking is relatively smooth.

  Soon, plates of delicious dishes were brought to the table.

  "I'll try my craft first, and see if the cooking with your body restricts my cooking~"

  Qin Tian picked up a piece of wax stick with his left hand and put it into Robin's mouth.

  The body belongs to Robin, but Qin Tian can also experience the delicious feeling, after all, he is now occupying half of Robin's body.

  "Um... not bad! I actually displayed my five success strengths!"

  Qin Tian is a little bit face-saving, in fact, he has almost exerted his seven powers of success, but he only wanted to make Little Robin admire him more, so he deliberately said the five powers of success.

  As soon as he ate it, Little Robin also felt the delicious moisture.

  "La ròu is delicious, Teacher Sunny, I grew up so, and I ate la ròu for the first time. It turned out that la ròu is so delicious. No wonder my uncle and aunt are only willing to eat a small piece~"

  Robin remembers that at the New Year's day, this piece of wax rou was brought back by his uncle from the business island next door. He was not willing to eat it. It turned out to be so delicious!

  When Little Robin said this, Qin Tian was not happy: "La ròu is indeed delicious, but it is not so delicious. The key is that I made it delicious, understand?"

  Qin Tianshen squeezed Robin's right cheek~

  Although Robin is young, he can hear Qin Tian's "resentment", so he spit out his little tongue and said obediently, "Teacher Sunny is so great~ I will eat your dishes in the future!"

  This is almost the same~

  Qin Tian smiled: "Hurry up and eat. After eating, we will continue to practice making ice cubes."

  With that said, Qin Tian and Robin have a chopstick on the left and a chopstick on the right. The efficiency of eating is also doubled~

  Before you know it, a large table of delicious food has entered Little Robin's stomach.

  Little Robin patted his slightly bulging belly and pouted: "Teacher Sunny, I'm still hungry~"

  Qin Tian was shocked, did I hear it wrong? Still hungry?

  My sister-in-law, grandma, you have eaten seven dishes and five bowls of rice!

  Even Qin Tian, ​​a foodie from a previous life, couldn't eat so many things!

  Qin Tian didn't think so much just now, but now suddenly felt puzzled, how did so many things get into Robin's belly?

  "System, what's the matter?" Qin Tian couldn't help asking.

  "Host, your student Nicole Robin is now comparable to a super dangerous species in her childhood. Eating can quickly replenish her physical and mental power. Food entering her body can quickly be converted into energy and stored, so you don't have to worry about her. Your belly will burst." The system explained.

  ha? It turned out to be so!

  "But the system...Will Robin make a lot of shit?"

  "..." The system was silent for a while, and then replied: "Host, you are so disgusting..."

  The system was defeated by Qin Tian's problem~

  "No, I'm serious, answer my question quickly." Qin Tian said nonchalantly.

  He considered that if Robin had to shed a lot of shit at one meal, wouldn't it be a waste of training time, and whether Robin's Xiao Juduo could bear it...

  The point is that he now occupies Robin's general body. If Robin's Xiaojuduo is destroyed, he will suffer along with it~

  Ahem... The otaku always thinks so strange~

  The system still answered Qin Tian: "No. The super-dangerous species has extremely strong digestion ability and uses almost 100% of energy. Therefore, Robin's frequency of shit is still the same as usual."

  After talking about this question, the system feels that it doesn't care about Qin Tian anymore...

  "Well, that's good, that's good~"

  Qin Tian is relieved, or else he will have to make some aloe vera cream to wear normally~

  Now that there was no worries, Qin Tian no longer worried about anything. He found all the ingredients in the kitchen and made them all delicious dishes.

  The rice is cooked one pot after another~

  After eating for more than an hour, Robin cleaned up all the delicacies and rice.

  Patting his bulging belly, Robin burped, "Finally a little full~ Teacher Sunny, the food you cooked is so delicious, it's a hundred times better than the aunt's cooking!"

  Qin Tian smiled happily when she heard little Lori praise herself.

  "Oh, it's not good!" Little Robin suddenly turned aside and exclaimed: "We ate all the things in Uncle's house!"

  "Eat all you eat~ Isn't the food just eaten?" Qin Tian said with a smile.

  "But these foods were bought by uncles and aunts. I ate them without their permission. This is stealing. Dr. Clover told me that stealing is wrong~" Robin's little hands were entangled. , With his head down, blushing, as if he was a kid who did something wrong~

  It seems that Dr. Clover is pretty good, and he taught Robin the correct values.

  It's just that, more often, truth will only restrain good people, but it will not be effective for bad people.

  For example, Nicole Shabi, he makes Robin work for free every day, and never pays anything.

  Qin Tian did not want Robin to think that Dr. Clover was wrong, nor did he want Robin to think that he did something wrong with Robin, so he said, "Robin, you are not stealing, because you paid."

  "Have you paid?" Robin's little face was full of doubts.

  "Yes, you did housework for your uncle for six years. According to the market price, even if you ate all his things, he still owes you a large debt! So you don't have to worry." Robin's little head, Qin Tian explained gently.

  Robin thought thoughtfully, then nodded faintly.

  Suddenly, she seemed to have thought of something, cold sweat of panic oozing from her little cheek, and nervously said: "After my aunt sees this tomorrow morning, she will definitely kill me~"

  Hearing this, Qin Tian smiled and said, "It's okay. After this meal, I plan to take you out of here and never interact with your uncle and aunt again."

  "Huh?" Robin exclaimed.

  "What's the matter? Don't you want it?" Qin Tian felt that he was a bit too domineering when Robin exclaimed, and he hadn't solicited little Robin's opinion yet~

  "No! I do!"

  Happy tears welled up in his big eyes, and Robin didn't want to stay in this house for a long time.

  Here, she couldn't feel any warmth.

  If she left here before, she didn't know how to survive.

  But now, she met Qin Tian. Although she only got along for a short time, the warmth she felt from Qin Tian far exceeded the warmth she had received from her uncle's family for so many years!

  Nicole Robin is still young, she doesn't know much, but she understands her heart. She felt that she was very happy with Qin Tian!

  As long as I can be with Qin Tian, ​​what if I leave here? What if there is no food?

  Where there is a sunny day, she won't feel cold like snow and ice!

Chapter Eight Control Training

  The morning sun fell on every inch of O'Hara, and the people on the island began to wake up one after another.

  A sow-like roar came from the kitchen of a certain house: "Robbin! See if I won't break your leg--"

  In the mountain forest, Qin Tian's mind suddenly heard a system prompt: "Ding! Congratulations to the host, get 1 shock point!"

  "Ding! Congratulations to the host, get 1 shock point!"

  Qin Tian was stunned for a while~

  Under what circumstances, look at the shocking progress bar: 3/10~0000

  How come out the 3 shock point in a good manner?

  Then he calmed down and thought about it. Qin Tian understood that it must be the three of Nicole Shabi's family who had contributed to the shock because of Robin's affairs.

  "In that case, a person is one shock point? If you want to collect 100,000 shock points, it seems that you have to rely on the killing demon order."

  Little Robin ate breakfast happily--

  A roasted wild boar...

  After leaving last night, at Qin Tian's request, Robin took away all the spices from the kitchen, and also took some clothes and quilts.

  I wanted to get some money, but I didn't find it...

  After coming out, Robin continued to practice making ice cubes. As he became more proficient, Robin made ice cubes more and more handy.

  In the morning, Robin was hungry again, so under the guidance of Qin Tian, ​​Robin caught a wild boar with the ability of flowers and fruits.

  At first Robin didn't dare to catch it, but Qin Tian encouraged her to catch it, and told her that if she didn't catch it, she would starve to death.

  Because Qin Tian knew that Robin had to deal with the navy that was not merciful when facing the Demon Slaying Order. If Robin didn't dare to catch a wild boar, how could he deal with the navy?

  With the help of Qin Tian, ​​this wild boar was finally thrown to death by Robin.

  Qin Tian made it into a barbecue with some spices.

  More than two hundred catties of delicious wild boars have all entered Robin's stomach. I have to say that they can really eat...

  The talent of the super dangerous species is tough. After eating, Robin JiaoXiao's body is full of energy again!

  "Teacher Sunny, let's continue practicing!"

  For a whole day, Nicole Robin was training besides eating. This persistence made Qin Tian full of confidence in Robin.

  "Ding! Your student, Nicole Robin, has an ice-making proficiency: 35.17%!"

  "Ding! Your student Nicole Robin has an ice-making proficiency: 48.88%!"

  "Ding! Your student Nicole Robin has an ice-making proficiency: 66.23%!"

  When dawn broke on the third day, the system finally heard a voice: "Ding! Your student Nicole Robin, proficiency in ice making: 100%!"

  Qin Tian looked at the 300 palms. Each ice cube was a regular cube, almost as if it were processed in a cutting factory.

  If it is not for flowers and fruits, it may take Robin two or three years to reach 100% proficiency!

  Although it's just condensing ice, it is a very important foundation.

  It is a Belden thing to use the freezing capacity to create ice cube shapes.

  Robin's ability to make ice cubes has reached 100% proficiency, so no matter how she makes ice cubes of any other shape, it is equally easy to make.

  At the request of Qin Tian, ​​Robin kept changing the ice cubes he made in his hands. One was a cube, another was a ball, another was a knife, another was a sword, and another was a spear...

  Because of his good foundation, Robin is comfortable with ice cubes of various shapes.

  Once the basics are laid, it's time for control training.

  It's like learning multiplication in elementary school. I learned the multiplication table of nine to nine first, and then I started to learn how to calculate multiplication.

  "Robin, next we are going to start control exercises. If you can practice control to a level that satisfies me, I will take you out to play once!"

  Qin Tian has become more and more accustomed to his status as a teacher, knowing when to suppress, when to encourage, and when to YouHuo~

  Of course, going to sea is indeed going to sea, but Qin Tian is to allow Robin to participate in some real battles before facing the advent of the navy slaughter order, and kill some vicious pirates or mafia.

  Otherwise, if an 8-year-old girl has never killed anyone, no matter how strong she is, she will only die when facing the navy.

  The cute little Robin didn't even know the little Jiujiu in Qin Tian's heart. He thought he was going to sea to play, and clapped his hands happily: "Really! I have never been to sea when I grow up! Teacher Sunny, you are so kind to me. !"

  "Well, knowing that I treat you well, let's train now!"

  Good to Robin!

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