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66.66% The library Of Forgotten Knowledge / Chapter 10: Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Chapter 10

* Something about this chapter feels odd, let me know if theres something I should change. *

James had continued to train with his spear, realizing that while it was strong, he was not particularly good at using it. The portals had been very calm lately, not a single visitor coming in 2 days since his return. However, that would all change today.

James leaned back in his chair, reading a book about spear wielding. He was getting sloppy, he mused as he thought about how nobody had come to visit. "Hahh, maybe it's a good thing. Breaks are always go-" He was interrupted by the doors groaning open, James jumping in shock and falling out of his chair as they did. However, he quickly righted himself and displayed his perfect smile.

"Welcome, visitors to the-" "Shishishishi. Does this place have any meat?" "Shut up Luffy, meat is the least of our problems right now." He watched the young man in the straw hat rub his head where the orange haired woman had punched him, pouting. He recognized them, well of course he did, they were from one of the best selling pieces of fiction of all time. One Piece.

"Welcome, visitors to-" "Huh, who are you?" his eye twitched as he was interrupted once again, his smile becoming more strained. "I am the Tower Master, and this is my library. Welcome." He said that through clenched teeth, but Luffy didn't seem to notice, only responding dejectedly, "Blegh, books? There's no meat here, let's go." He began walking around directly, before he was pulled back by a smiling dark haired young woman, saying "Come now Luffy, after all, the greatest treasure in the world is knowledge."

Strawhat didn't look convinced, but stayed anyway. "So "Tower Master" where are we?" That was said by a man with green hair and three swords, rather rudely in his opinion. "You are in a private dimension of sorts. I reside here and watch over this library, which holds everything ever written down, across every world, in every reality. I can allow you to take one book, as long as you return it within two weeks." The strawhats all looked excited at that proposition, though for very different reasons each. They all huddled around each other, with Zoro sending him suspicious glances the whole time.

"Ahh, you've come to a decision then?" He said as they finally released from their huddle. Robin stepped forward, stating "Yes, we have decided what we would like. We want the marine strategy book for ship positions." Not what he expected exactly, but he would comply. He summoned the book as he spoke, "Not a book on how to get to laugh? Unexpected." Robin smiled and took the book, "Now, that would be too easy, wouldn't it." James smiled, "I suppose so. Well then strawhats, until we meet again." He forced them out, relishing in Luffy's shocked face as revenge.

Two weeks had not passed, and now he was obligated to go take it back by force. He threw on his battle outfit, and grabbed his spear, calling out. "World Travel: One Piece, Loction: Straw Hat Pirate's ship." He vanished with a blast of light as the tower suppressed the portals.

He appeared instantly on the deck of the sunny, standing ominously with his spear in hand. The second he appeared, someone had a sword on his neck. He tapped his spear, causing a pillar of ice to hit the green haired swordsman in the chest, knocking him away and dodging an arm flying at him from the top of the Sunny. He grabbed the limb, pulling it and sending Luffy at him. As luffy appeared in front of him with a shocked face, he grabbed him by the neck and slammed him to the ground.

He dodged to the side as the cook tried to kick him, grabbing his leg and throwing him towards the mast. As Sanji landed next to the mast, he realised that the strawhats had arranged themselves in front of him, seemingly ready for a fight. "It has been 2 weeks, yet no book has been returned to me. Where is it." "HAAAAH! You attacked us for some stupid book!" Zoro looked outraged at that, but the next thing James said gave him pause. "Let me remind you that it was not me who appeared with a sword to someone's neck." Zoro looked embarrassed as the other strawhats sent him angry looks. "Now, the book. Give it to me." Robin looked nervous as she stepped forward and spoke, "Well you see… we don't have it…" They didn't have it. They had lost the book. That was really bad. The tower wouldn't let him return until he got the book, and this world was huge. "And tell me, who does have my book?" The strawhats looked even more nervous now, acting as if it had got incredibly hot incredibly fast. "Umm..well, themarinesstoleyourbook!" That last bit had come out so fast, he hadn't understood any of it. "What." The strawhats misunderstood that as his rage and luffy came forward. "We're sorry librarian dude. We got into a fight and then we realised that the marines had stolen your book! And well we can't really get it back." "And why is that?" This time Robin took the lead. "We're sure that they figured out what it was and had it sent to Marienford so that they could investigate where we got such a book. We simply don't have the power to get it back." He sighed, that was problematic, but it wasn't the end of the world.

"Well then, you're off the hook for now. I hope we never meet again." And with that, he flew away, intent on finding one of the four yonkos. Whitebeard. Judging by the fact that the strawhats hadn't learned haki, then he assumed that the marineford war hadn't happened yet. Despite his strength, he couldn't just go charging into the most heavily fortified position in the One Piece world without help. Luckily for him, Whitebeard was planning to attack the marines anyway. The only problem with that was finding Whitebeard in the first place.

His best bet was probably an information broker who could tell him the last known location of The Moby Dick. And the best place to find an information broker was any old pirate filled island. Those were common it seemed, as he saw one after only 15 minutes of flying. He landed on the back corner of town, so as to not arouse suspicion of his flying ability. Now, his plan was to find a bar and ask around. The best way to do that? Follow the noise.

That wasn't particularly hard, as bars were loud and drunk people were stumbling away from the general direction. He found it easily, and walked in. Everyone stopped and stared. He wondered what they could possibly be looking at before he realised that he still had his battle suit on and there was a massive spear on his back. "I am looking for someone who can give me information. I have money as well." Using earth magic, he created a glistening diamond the size of his palm and displayed it to the drunk patrons. Instantly they were scrambling to help him.

To him, it looked like a pack of desperate dogs wanting a piece of meat. They were all useless to him. He was sure that not a single one had any piece of information useful to him. He sighed, looking over the folks still offering him deals and scanned the bar, spying two men in cloaks making some sort of deal. That was what he needed. He began walking over to them, pushing the rabble away with a burst of wind and clearing his path.

As he reached the table, one of the men reached inside his cloak, he assumed in preparation to draw a weapon. "Now, don't be hasty. After all, I only want some information." The man didn't react on the outside, only sheathing the knife in his cloak and responding, "Hmph, you've come to the right place then. What is it you want to know? I can decide the price from there." The rest of the pirates in the bar returned to their drinking, grumbling when they realised he had found someone.

"I would like to know the current position of the yonko Whitebeard." The man choked on his own spit, with multiple surprised mumblings coming from behind him. "W-well you see, that's very prime information. It would cost you a fortune for me to tell you." James sighed, creating more diamonds and laying them on the table. The man's eyes shone with greed as he snatched them up and put them in a pocket. "Ahh that's enough. I can provide you with that information, if you give me a day. Meet me in this same spot tomorrow at dawn. Don't be late." And with the man sulked out, leaving his previous business partner grumbling.

A day later he was flying towards the last known location of Whitebeard. He was surprised when the man actually showed up with a map and the general area the ship should be in. As he reached the location indicated, he could spy a dot on the sea in the distance. He picked up speed, intent on reaching the ship as soon as possible. As the ship came fully into view, he could see multiple higher level members already looking towards the sky. As he arrived above the ship he slowed down and put his hands in the air, a symbol of peace and that he meant no harm.

He landed directly in front of the gigantic man, his usual smile replaced with a cold mask. He figured it would be useful for dealing with a pirate. He bowed as he spoke, "Whitebeard, I seek to join your crew temporarily. Something I seek is at Marineford and you are my way in. In return, I will do my best to fulfill a request of yours. Be that money, or even helping to rescue your crew member, I will do my best." All of this was said with a stone cold voice and expression, mirrored by everyone on the ship. They were watching him. The yonko stared at him from atop his seat, James staring back just as hard.

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