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Chapter 2: Killings~

Getting closer to the Goblin I dont give it a chance to turn around once I snap a random twing.

"..." Not saying anything I hold onto the sword with both hands and I slash at its legs. I don't want it to run around, I watch as it screeches loudly and I realised that the Goblin could be calling for other reinforcements.

I slash at its other leg, once I finally slash and damage both of its legs I raise my sword and stab it onto the goblins head.

[ - 5]

[ - 5]


"Phew..." I then pick up 2 copper and throw it into my backpack. Second Class fragment, checking around I see 3 goblins beggining to run towards me. I grab onto the other sword and I throw it at a in comming goblin.

[ - 6]

[ - 1 Blood loss per 5 second]

Piercing its leg it falls down. Now if I saw the damage above the goblins correctly they must have between 15 - 30 health points which made it so that they had much more health points then me. I had 4 a measly four, im scared but also felt a large amount of adrenaline so I kept trying to look around with the sword in my hand.

I watch as the two goblins run towards me, watching them raise their swords I slash diagonally. Being a bit weak I was suprised that the slash blocked the goblins swords.

I then slash towards the first goblin. Knocking Goblin No.1 I kick Goblin No.2, grab my backpack and toss it at Goblin No.1, watching as it collpases under the weight of the bag I run towards No.2 Goblin.

I pierced its head multiple times.

" more" I grab the goblins sword and rush towards Goblin No.1 who was now standing up.

"SCREEECCCHHH" the best way to describe the Goblins scream was that of a screech. But I felt relaxed this was just one goblin, I already killed the other so I had a fair fight. Probably more of a fair fight because it was smaller and weaker then myself.

"Hu~" Letting out a breath of relief I throw the sword at the Goblin, seeing it cower back I rush forward and stab its body. The Goblins sword fell out of his hand and I grab the fallen sword and stab it into the Goblins body.

[ - 4]

[- 3]

[ - 1 continuous blood loss per 5 seconds]

[ - 1 continuous blood loss per 5 seconds]

"I like the fact that the damage prompt happens at the end of battle but could I have it while I fight?" I ask and plead at the World Will if it even listens to me.


[World Wide Message]:

Attention humans, weapons that were created before the world evolved will now not work. Unless you create it using monster parts and cores they will not work because of the Mana infusement onto the world. Also, you can change the damage prompt, and you can gain skills by touching it a prompt will appear if you want to use it. Finally, if you want to see how much money or class fragments you gain check the Ranking for Money and Class Fragments, but please choose a nickname or you can use your real name, the World Will does not care

Sincerely, The Earth aka World Will

"Huh, so did it listen to me or did it just need a push to send this message?" I mutter to myself as Iook around my little battlefield. I pick up the copper coins I won from the 3 goblins I killed plus the first goblin which made up, 1 silver and 7 copper coins.

Picking up the 4 swords I push them into my backpack, picking one for myself I let out a breath I didn't know I had. Dropping the coins into the bag I keep the silver coin in my pocket, just in case. Plus it was my most valuable coin.

"Now then..." Looking at the bodys of the goblins I walk up to one and press my hand on it.

[Would you like to extract materials from the goblin?]


"Yes, of course" Pressing the Y i watch as the Goblin slowly vanishes and in its place I see 1 small core and a piece rotten meat. Frowning I throw the meat and place the core in my backpack.

"Core acquired" I then do this another 3 time's and gain 2 more core's.

"That 50% chance increase is really healping me out" I state as I jog towards a nearby slime. I needed to either find some people so that I wont leave myself defenseless or I need to find a strong enough item to survive.

"Okay so...ranking" I glance at the ranking prompt as I ready my sword. Staring at the blue slime I can see a rock(?) a small stone in its slimy body.

"Alright first this then ranking" Raising my sword I pierce the slime's stone, maybe the core. Once I hit it a red prompt appears in front of me.

[ - 25 CRITICAL damage!]

[Core destroyed!]

[Slime killed! +1 EXP gained and 1 copper coin]

Watching the slime slowly vanish I pick up a copper coin and toss it into my backpack.

"I now have 1 silver and 8 copper coins plus the 4 small cores" I mutter as I count whats inside of my backpack.

"Oh right EXP, how much do I have?" Opening up my status screen I check the EXP only since I knew none of my stats would change too quickly.


"So I gain 2 exp per goblin I kill and 1 for every slime I kill" I look around to see if I could move forward.

"So theirs around 3 goblins but my music class is nearby" I glance at the goblins and then at my music class nearby. I hesitate but I needed a safe spot to rest, I was getting a bit tired fighting these damned monster's.

"Oh right the rankings. Ranking check?" I mutter confused at how to even bring it up.

[Choose a nickname]:

"Hmmm...King fuck it" I mutter as I input my nickname. I would grow stronger if my levelling up says anything about it so I just had to choose a strong enough class and then no one would embarrass me.

[Ranking for Money]:

No.1 [King]:1 silver and 8 copper coins

No. 2[Suno]:10 copper coins

No.3[Kia]:8 copper coins

No.4[God]:6 copper coins

And ect the rankings went down and down until the copper coins reached 0.

"Class Fragment ranking?"

[Ranking for Class Fragments]:

No.1[King]:4 class fragments

No.2[Suno]:2 class fragment

No.3[Kia]:1 class fragment

No.3[God]:1 class fragment

" do we get rewards for staying on top?" I look at the prompt and then just as I said it another button appeared near the bottom of the ranking. Just below the 100th ranker.

[Reward for staying at the current Ranking]:class fragment

1:1 random rare magic skill

2:1 random uncommon skill physical skill

3-10:1 random common skill(random skill)

11-20:1 random L- tool

21-50:1 random trash weapon

51-100:10 copper

[Rewards for staying at the current ranking]:Money

1:1 random defensive L equipment

2:1 random L- defensive equipment

3-10:1 random Commom potion

11-50:10 small knives(trash)

51-100:1 knife(trash)

[Rankings will give rewards once 48 hours end]

Kuro_Simp Kuro_Simp

The things Ima do to the future girls, please tell me some fetishes you wish for me to write about. No NTR, SCAT, CUCKHOLD, FUTUNARI ect.

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