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Chapter 20: Everyone's Determination

{If you want to read ahead go to my https://www.(p)-(a)-(t)-(r)-(e)-(o)-(n).com/easyread}

~~~(POV: Jedi Knight Taylor Azure)~~~

~~~(Location: Elzacks Hotel, Sector 71, Denon)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 17 Years)~~~

~~~(Date: 568 BBY)~~~

My eyes soak in the dirty and old room Grandmaster Zana has decided to rent out for the mission we're here for. They won't be arriving until later today. Every time I look at this room, I'm reminded of something.

I don't know what it is, but I know that an environment like this is familiar to me. My missions with Mom have taken me all over the galaxy. We've stayed in palaces and slums.

But when I look at a room like this... I don't know... It's rawer...

I've been checking out the local sectors on Denon for almost a day now and against the orders of Grandmaster Zana. Staying cooped up in a room like this doesn't sit well with me. Over the past day, I've learned a lot.

Denon is a genuine contender to Coruscant. There are few planets in the galaxy worthy of the comparison. Even fewer that are genuine ecumenopoli. Hearing the stories and reports about Denon isn't justice to what I've seen.

I walk over to the table in the kitchen. It's the only place in this terrible hostel that has a holoterminal. After inputting some commands, a hologram of the spaceport appears.

Showing me the inner workings and architecture of the location we're meeting the Darksider. I've seen the holorecording of his powers. His abilities. He has no regard for life. If a fight were to break out in a public place like this.

Hundreds would die. The powers of someone trained in the arts of the Jedi and Sith are easily capable of killing countless people who aren't trained.

After a few seconds of staring at the massive hologram, I sit on the raggedy and torn seats surrounding the table and holoterminal.

"What would you do... What would you think of..."

Talking to myself isn't a habit I show around others. In times of critical thinking, it helps my process of finding answers.

The Darksider knows Denon.

That's why he picked this planet. It's territory he's familiar with and comfortable in. The exchange for Master Lymdor's life for the Holocron isn't a situation where we win. Everything has been set up by him since the beginning.

The Jedi High-Council has its mission. To apprehend the Darksider and punish him for his crimes. In my trip to Denon, I've come to a conclusion.

I have a separate mission from Grandmaster Zana, Master Larkor, and Mom.

A mission that I've assigned myself. They outrank me; there is no question about that. In the end, we need to come away from this with more than Master Lymdor.

I'm going to find out who the Darksider is.

A name.

Anything I can use to identify him. He's too intelligent and too powerful to walk into this without a way out with everything he wants.


Y3 gains my attention with a warning that we're receiving an incoming holotransmission from the Light Freighter the Masters are on.

My hand reaches out for the control panel on the holoterminal and secures the communication line. After a few seconds, a hologram of Zana, Larkor, and Mom appears. They're standing side by side.

They're talking to each other as they're muted, but after a second, they see I've connected. Whatever they're discussing comes to a halt, and they unmute.

"Taylor, the mission has gained a complication."

Larkor's usual tone of aloofness and care has disappeared. A heavy energy and disposition has taken the man. I look at the other two and see they're not happy.

"We received a holocall from the Temple. Padawan Ezark has stolen a Jedi Fighter and has left for Denon."

Zana releases a sigh as she speaks. Letting her disappointment be visible at the actions taken by my childhood friend.

I can't help widening my eyes a little. Ezark was having some problems, but I never thought it was to a point he'd do something like this. When he asked me to come on the mission, I should've known this was a possibility.

We're after the man who killed his former Master.

"It's likely he's already planetside. We got the report a little after we left."

Zana continues speaking with the frustration an adult would have with a very disobedient child. She's not like this. I can only sum it up to Ezark's actions interfering in such a critical mission.

They've kept the news about this from me for a whole day. I'm not upset; more confused. I could've been searching for Ezark while I've been here. He would've arrived a little after I did. Chances are I would've been able to find him.

How this interferes with the plan is obvious. Ezark will do everything and anything possible to get his hands on the Darksider, regardless of the consequences.

The Darkside is clouding his mind. Messing with his judgment.

"I'd offer to search for him, but your ship will be arriving within the next couple of hours. There isn't any time to search for him."

That's the fact of the matter. Ezark is a friend and someone I trust. He's in great danger on Denon, and his presence here threatens the mission.

I watch as Larkor and Zana gain thoughtful expressions. My eyes drift to Mom, and she's not reacting like they are. She's more worried than anything. I can see it in her eyes and features.

"I'm sorry we didn't tell you when we received the warning. When we arrive, we'll meet at the meeting location. Masters Pezzok and Rees should be arriving around now. They'll begin their investigation while we prepare."

The meeting is tomorrow. A concise timeframe to work with has tipped this exchange in favor of the Darksider, and I believe that's precisely why he did it. Giving us a small window to prepare raises his odds of success.

Which has worked beautifully his way. Now that Ezark is here, who knows what'll happen...

"I'm not worried about being warned about Ezark. What I am worried about is what he knows about the mission. Does he know it's happening at the spaceport?"

The three of them share a look as my question reaches across the holoterminal. Mom takes a single step forward, taking control of the conversation.

"Master Izok told Ezark about the mission details. It's clear that Izok didn't intend this to happen, but young Olidare has become consumed by his quest for vengeance more than we believed."

I can't help worrying about my old friend. The Darksider knows Ezark. He used Ezark to reach me through The Force. That's when our ability to speak with one another began. My eyes and attention turn away from the holoterminal.

Thoughts drifting to the Darksider. I'm tempted to reach out through The Force. To ask him questions. But that would compromise everything we're doing here.

I might be a fool already... It's not out of the question that he can sense my presence when nearby...

I can sense him... He's on Denon... I don't know where specifically, but he's here. Right now.

The conversation on the otherside of the holocall no longer involves me, so I shut off the holoterminal and lean back. Not caring how dirty the old chair is at the moment.

I stare at the ceiling as many thoughts race through my head.

"How do I get Ezark out of this alive..."

I can feel it... The Force is warning me that Ezark is in great danger... Not right now, but he will be.

And soon.

~~~(POV: Jedi Padawan Ezark Olidare)~~~

~~~(Location: Ventilation Shaft, Spaceport of Sector 70, Denon)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 17 Years)~~~

~~~(Date: 568 BBY)~~~


"Son of a Hutt!!"

I immediately pull my finger away from the open wires and put it in my mouth. I've never been good with electronics, but I know how to hack into security systems. Being a Jedi means much more than knowing how to use The Force and a lightsaber.

All those years of education and technical training have come in handy more than I thought it would. Especially right now. When all your time is spent learning, you learn a lot.

After a few seconds, I pull my finger from my mouth and return to the control panel. It takes a few more minutes, but I get passed the final firewall. I lay on my back as sweat pours down my brow in this blazing ventilation system.

I immediately make my way to the place I came in, and as I slink out the hatch and fall on the ground. I can't help letting heavy breaths in and out of my body.

As I stand up and knock the dust and dirt off my body. I look around the empty janitorial closet. The cleaning supplies and chemicals remind me of my antics with my friends back at the Temple when we were younglings.

It could be a leap from looking at this to remembering childhood memories. But we played pranks on each other with stuff found in these closets.

"Better days far behind me..."

I turn my thoughts away from the memories as I leave the janitorial closet. I place my larger robe over my Jedi garments. Allowing my hood to hide my features as I turn and begin walking down the hall of the spaceport.

After a few minutes of walking and keeping my presence small, I end up in a speeder heading to a luxurious building.

In simple terms, I've stolen a room under a fake and fabricated identity. Among the things I've learned from Knight Darsana is how to infiltrate secure locations.

It doesn't take me long to reach my room. I waste no time and head for the sonic shower. Undressing and getting clean is the fastest and most effective way in the galaxy. After I leave the bathroom, I sit on the bed.

I tap some buttons on the small holoterminal connected to the bottom of the bed. As I do, live feeds of the spaceport are shown to me.

I've got eyes over every conceivable place the deal for Master Lymdor's life will go down. The Darksider thinks everything is going according to his plan, but he couldn't be more wrong. Picking such a public location means cameras everywhere.

I'm sure the Masters here on their mission know the same thing and are in the feed themselves. In fact, they should be here. Talking and planning with Taylor. Masters Pezzok and Rees are walking around the spaceport right now.

They're not that good at hiding. Nautolans stick out regardless of whether they wear Jedi robes to hide their faces. However, their mission isn't to engage the Darksider. They're to find his ship or anything he might use to escape.

That's not going to work.

I've spent a lot of time thinking about the Darksider. About why he picked Denon. Master Izok did me a favor bigger than he could ever realize when he told me the mission details.

This planet isn't just a place familiar to the Darksider.

I'm willing to stake everything Denon is where his home base is.

He has no intention of leaving with a ship and entering hyperspace. He's just going to sink into the endless streets and people of Denon.

And I'm gonna track where he goes. I'm not going to inject myself into their mission. They'll fail.

I know how powerful the Darksider is. They won't catch him.

But I'll be ready to find out exactly where he's going.

The racing vehicles outside the window take my attention. I stand from my bed and walk over in my robe. Looking out the glass and into the sector. Denon would be a place of beauty if it weren't for the person I'm here for.

The Darksider taints everything.

~~~(POV: Jedi Master Krayla Azure)~~~

~~~(Location: Elzacks Hotel, Sector 71, Denon)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 37 Years)~~~

~~~(Date: 568 BBY)~~~

The sun has set on the world of Denon, and tomorrow, we'll be enacting the plan to capture the Darksider. At least, that's what I'm under the impression of. Aleya has reached the point where she's okay with taking the Darksider's life if demanded.

The view from this balcony at this cheap hotel is terrible...

Haden hasn't said anything or let an idea slip about his plans. I'm assuming the worst, and he plans on taking the kill route instead of capture.

My vision drifts to Taylor as she stands a few feet from me on my left. Looking at the same terrible view as me. I can see it in her. Feel it radiating off her. She's worried, but I don't know about what.

She's become better at keeping people out. Especially me.

I want to talk to her, but I've already resolved myself not to force anything. To be here when she's ready to speak, and she's not ready yet.

"Do you think what we've planned will work..."

It's a genuine question, but not about a subject regarding her. The plan we've got is solid, and I see us getting something from this. But Denon is a place we're unfamiliar with. The droids are ready, and we've got certain areas of the spaceport monitored.

Anything can happen, though. The Force is subtle... Unclear... Clouded... I can't see the future or feel any danger...

Fear of not knowing what to fear is an entirely rational thought.

And that's what I'm thinking right now.

"Time will tell."

She lowers her head slightly as she hears my response. My daughter is convinced this isn't going how we want it to.

And she's not the only one.

~~~(POV: Adren Saydra)~~~

~~~(Location: Underworld Base, Sector 72, Denon)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 17 Years)~~~

~~~(Date: 568 BBY)~~~


D4's constant chatter is something I've grown used to. His fear of my plans and goals reminds me of his annoyance.

His current complaints are along the lines of being disassembled by the Jedi.

"Shut up, or I'll melt you down before they get a chance."

A storm of noise comes from him as he rolls away. Taking off out of the room and heading to a different part of the base. My attention turns to the screens in front of me, and it's a connection to the security system of the spaceport in sector 70.

The place where the exchange for Lymdor is happening.

The security has been compromised. Someone hacked in and is watching all possible angles. Not that it'll help them all that much.

Speaking of Lymdor, I turn to the chuck of Carbonite. His arms are outstretched, and his face is one of pain. When I froze him, it was after a session of torture.

It's not every day you get to question a Jedi Master. He didn't tell me anything verbally but after a few hours. I was able to break into his mind.

So much valuable information.

However, I'm getting what I want. Star charts and a Holocron that can read the Memory Crystal they're stored in.

I will find Rakata Prime and Revan's Sith Holocron.

Not to mention, it's a chance for me to see who Taylor Azure really is. I know she's on Denon. I can sense her. And I know she can sense me. For whatever reason, we're connected. I'm gonna find out who she is to me.

Our connection defies all logic. We've never met before, and why we can speak to each other across the galaxy indicates a powerful Force Bond.

I can feel it.

It's finally come. Tomorrow, I'll get the information I need for my journey through the galaxy.

And I'll learn a little more about Taylor Azure.

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Word count: 2642

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