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98.27% A Legendary Reincarnation / Chapter 57: Chapter 57

Chapter 57: Chapter 57

<Shins POV>

The main thing that stood on my mind was what to do next..

There were so many things he needed to take care of.

Walking through the crumbling cavern, rising out into the sunny day with Alicia along side him.

We flew past my hulking main body that I used to claw around the destroyed mountain for any remains.

Even without eyes or much facial expressions, the emotions she showed from her open mouth alone displayed an 'awe' figure as she watched the massive beast she would've heard in myths or the like work through her old, unneeded home like mere dirt.

Loud mechanical clunks and whirs of the large squid like warship followed suite by crawling over any obstacle in its path and into the rocky plain of the mountains base while looking down at his human self.

It had become a lot easier to multitask between all my different forms even with some different movements or viewpoints, it had started to become all the same, it was funny to watch himself between different views.

I didn't know why it just amused me..

'Christ.. that's gonna leave a mark.' Flexing his arms and body he stretched to relieve any remaining pain that hadn't been already healed from his previous battle.

With a quick pop and blue flash, the familiar screen came into view.

A couple scrolls here and their and I came to my inventory for what I needed as Alicia watched in interest.

"Hmmm.." I narrowed my eyes at the blue screen.

In my inventory, the newly acquired treasure wouldn't do squat as he probably wouldn't have much use for it unless he needed to infiltrate a place that used this currency.. if he hadn't yet taken it himself.

I took out a singular coin that was gold and had a red glint to it.

'Either this is cursed cold.. or this is the newest crypto currency..' Flipping the coin around in his fingers like a true professional, before it fell out of his hands..

Retrieving the coin, he looked over his newly acquired quest with interest.

'This is every man's pipe dream.. a lot of guys would give their left nut for something like this.' Smirking he turned off his interface as three shadows came into view on the ground before them.

Cassidy's form with golden locks and top hat in her hoodie with seemingly no pants or panties along side Charlie with her striped black and white body became clear as they settled in front of them.

They were both accompanied by a small black worm with teeth, it was Azazoth using a projection for parts of herself.

Shin hasn't actually saw her true form, but she said explained before that she used to have a somewhat human form to roam around in but it was locked in the cage where her true body was as well, it annoyed her greatly.

Alicia was suprisied momentarily seeing the two.. unique women that flew down to her along with the strange flying worm.

She noticed how their way of moving and energy resembled shins in a way making her feel at ease seeing as her husband was relaxed, but the slithery little worm gave off a monstrous feeling.

Shaking her head she refocused on the two maidens noticing them finally touch the rocky ground.

The most eye catching thing she noticed however... laid below them.

Since he had greatly.. pleased them, their stomachs had deflated slightly but had regained some of its size with a good reason.

Charlie moved up to give me a long hug as well as Cass.

"Hello gi-" I began but was interrupted by a surprise nuggy and head lock from the golden blonde.

"You nearly gave us a heart attack! That damned plant gave off the sent of pure chaos and destruction the moment we saw it, my legs nearly gave out." She said as she stuffed him into her pudgy breasts.

"C-can't..breathe.." My arms flailed out pushing me out of her rack making her laugh.

"Heh, lovely family reunion." The girly voice came out from the sharp spindly mouth of the small worm unnaturally strange.

Charlie giggled before looking back to Cass.

"Don't be to hard on him or yourself Cass, you know why after all." Charlie spoke with a large smile forming from.. mask to mask?

Alicia walked up to observe their conversation with the girls noticing the new arrival as well but wanted to speak something of importance.

I noticed the look they gave to each other then looking to me with the brightest smiles on their faces confusing me.

It only took me a split second however when I sensed the indistinguishable presence of more beings.. all centered inside their stomachs.

"Y-your pregnant!" My eyes widened as they nodded quickly rubbing their bulging stomachs.

"They are indeed, the energy they give off is powerful ." Azazoth spoke floating through the air over to shin while resting on his shoulders like a snake, he didn't mind however as a bigger fact was at hand.

When Azzy spoke those words only confirming his thoughts when he sensed the life inside them, he felt himself stagger back before being caught by the smooth hands of Alicia who smiled as well.

'Welp time to grab some milk-Jk,Jk.'

"Congratulations, by the way my name is Alicia.. Im the queen of the Bri fairies, I'm Shins wife as well." She spoke as she stood tall and proud arms crossed while showing off her crown.

'Royalty of the Bri… so she was the queen.. interesting.' Azzy thought seeing the big difference from the past red little monsters to their now pure queen.

She wiggled slightly as she raised her toothed head fo look at the Bri queen.

Their energy signatures were completely different showing not much relation.. yet here she was.

Floating up to the giant silk white woman, Charlie sized her up as well as Cass before the pregnant latex puppet spoke.

"So you know about our relationship then, what you will need to do.. to always be there for Shin?" She spoke questioning the proclaimed queen with Cass waiting for an answer as well.

Shifting her arms to her side she lifted looked to shin.

"I do, he's saved me and more, I'll do anything for him.. as I hope you will the same."

The words hit Charlies and Cassidy's heads like a steel train making them squint their eyes.

Shin watched the show down in unease when the duo finally relaxed and walked up to Alicia.

"Then we welcome you.. as a sister and a friend." They gave a quick hug with their bodies squishing together nearly giving myself a heart attack.

Frowning as the erotic sight had ended, they walked over to where he stood.

"So what's with the crown on your head? Are you a king or something now." Cass asked inspecting the shiny piece.

Azzy took interest in this fact as well questioning what a crown similar to Alicia's was doing in his head.

"I am actually, Alicia here was the queen of the Bri species Azzy talked about and because of that battle with that demonic plant you saw earlier I'm now the king of her species apparently." He said with a smile pushing up his little crown.. his ego was definitely inflated.

Azazoth seemed to jolt at this information, an independent species that depended on a hive mentality accepting a sole human boy as its king? Unheard of.. especially considering that the Bri were a very solitary and sophisticated race..

'Guess times have long changed since that last corpse of information came to me..' She thought with a shrivel.

"Yes, that demon was called Bertlmu, it was an old demon general that turned my people into something else.. we were cursed, but shin saved me." She spoke with happiness while they listened.

"You said us.. are there more of you?" Charlie spoke seeing her being the only person with shin.

This quickly brought a saddened mood filling the air around them.

"O-oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know." She spoke.

"No, it's fine.. they had long left me anyways.. but I'm hoping soon I'll make a new one.. with plenty to spare." She said seductively aiming her words toward shin who stood embarrassed.

"Heh, well well well, hubby is already making new friends." Cass smirked as she watched Shin squirmed red in the cheeks.

"Alright alright- let's focus on that later, but for now do you guys know exactly how many you both are having?" Shin asked looking at their pregnant bodies.

He could sense the presence of life forms but not the exact number of them, it was like a jumbled radio signal.

"I'm not sure.. its a lot, more than any pregnant mother would carry normally.. it's makes me feel accomplished." Charlie said rubbing her belly in wonder.

[I may be able to help with that.] Lily materialized into view in front of them wearing nothing which exposed an even larger belly.

Alicia noticed the large pregnant woman and blushed, she would be like that someday but likely even larger as a queen she would be something called a brood mother formed to hold large amounts of children at a time.

Shins eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets.

'Damn, I really went crazy.. I am a full fledged dad now.." I thought seeing Lily giggle at his thought.

"What do you mean? You can tell us how many we are carrying?" Cass asked excitedly moving over to Lily with Charlie following.

[Indeed I can, after all I am carrying around 15 little younglings myself.] She spoke.


Lily looked over to see shin had fell flat on his butt with a bewildered look.

"H-h-how.. 1-15.. that.. how-" He muttered moving his way up to Lily before pressing his ear against her.

The sound of her stomach being pushed around in the cramped space entered his ear before he felt something reach out to touch him.

Jumping back in surprise, he saw the place where his ear had just been, held a small bump that moved back inside.

[They are very active as well, constantly kicking around, I won't be surprised if they come out in a few days.] With a plap on her stomach a few more bumps appeared making her giggle.

[Tickles too.] She remarked.

'Really is the beginning of an army..' Azazoth said as she moved of his shoulders to float around again.

Shin stood in shock, he had created new life.. life of his own blood. He wondered what they would look like.. would they be a human-system hybrid? Would his Godzilla dna affect them in anyway? Would they be affected by the demon energy?

Questions ran through his mind before Lily putting a hand on over his neck making Azzy the worm move out the way slightly.

[Calm down dear, they will be fine, if anything they will be incredibly strong.. and loyal, after all children take after their parents.]

[Now, let's see what we have with you too.] Lily said as she moved back over to Cass and Charlie.

Putting her hand on both of their stomachs, she closed her eyes for a moments as she felt around before pulling back and opening her eyes with a smile.

[Incredible.. you both have so much.. almost as much as me even.] She spoke making them light up.

"How many do I have?! I guessed triplets before but I'm definitely wrong now." Cass yelled excitedly.

[They are still small and growing.. but you hold 9 while Charlie holds 11] The light on their faces only grew.

Shin hugged the both of them before turning to Lily.

"This is great! But how are they able to hold so much… or even have so many?" I asked truly bewildered.

[Its due to your skill, your libido and fertility increased drastically with women having the same effect around you, it truly is a gift.. but hell for others with low insurance..] She said while muttering the last part with no one hearing.

"How are William and Marion treating you back at the island?" He asked.

[They are doing well, the yellow bunny named William usually sits on a red and yellow lounging chair sipping lemonade while the giant counterpart of Charlie stalls around in the shadows of buildings and such.] She said while picking up a shiny rock.

He smiled hearing them relaxing and enjoying their time, especially with William who was happy to help, and this time not to murder kids.

William would guard them with his life using his newly powerful animatronic form as a way to make them feel comfortable and also to protect them.

And this time around, he would treat them how he treated his son before going crazy, with respect and care.

He would always be connected to William and could appear whenever to make sure everything was fine, he would occasionally be around with his children whenever to bond when they were born.

Focusing back on the present and in the momentary celebration, Alicia walked up to them slightly towering over all four of them before speaking.

"So now that I've met you all, what should we do now?" She said looking to shin.

Pulling away from their hug, the large shadow of gojira stared back at him along size the warship and yellow bear.

He began to think of where to start for a minute or two with the girls watching in anticipation.

"I'm going to keep moving forward of course, I'll leave behind some of my counterparts to guard the vicinity... a base of operations if you will." He spoke.

"Everything I conquer will become my territory, that starts with this forest and mountain. This is merely the beginning, this entire world will know my wrath soon." Finishing with a eager smirk he sighed in content.

"That sounds hot and crazy as hell, I'm in." Cass said shoving her fist up.

The others agreed with Lilys body returning back to the island guarded by the monstrous Marion and surfing Springtrap.. courtesy of shin who let him be able to touch water without going haywire.

Charlie and Cass also disappeared to return to his soul plain where they would watch him leaving him alone with Alicia once again, aside from his counterparts.

The jiggly giantess kneeled to shin muttering a few words while rubbing her stomach before moving back and walking over to Azzy to talk.

Shin became as red as a tomato with a small tent forming on his pants before he quickly moved away.

Looking on his map he noticed the nearest interest was an unknown territory triangle that was north east, the demon territory north, and the Citrus kingdom that Azzy believed held the first of the five structures that held her caged up.

As he decided his plan he wondered who he would leave behind.. the locals weren't very friendly with his quadruped nor golden Freddy..

He had plenty of new animatronic and organic forms from conquering the Fnaf universe but he needed something that would fit this occasion.

In the end, he decided to in a way split himself thanks to his molecule skill into two of himself while he was guarded by a couple familiar animatronics.

He stood face to face with his short human self looking at his messy brown hair, big brown eyes, etc.

It felt similar to his other forms with not much change.

Behind his newly created clone stood the four main characters of the gang.. only this time they were truly metal monsters from hell.

They resembled the nightmares he had faced long ago just bigger and a lot more powerful.. capable of destroying skyscrapers powerful thanks to his capabilities as the new Fnaf owner.

"See ya." He said exactly to himself in his newly created body.

With a nod his clone along with the squad headed off into the dark forest.

Looking back at Alicia who stood in awe, he smiled.

"Thats just the least of what I can do. It'll only get better the more I grow." He said as he took her hand and floated up to his gojira form.

Landing on his shoulder high in the sky Alicia almost fell over but held on to shin.

"Then you just show me more! This is all so exciting." She said before they both dissapeared into thin air.

Just moments later they reappeared inside shins soul plain that resembled a large meadow of grass and flowers that seemed to stretch for miles.

Alicia gasped in disbelief seeing the wonders appear before her when they saw the familiar pregnant duo walk over from a small house.

"You can stay here for now if you want, the girls like to stay here and observe." Shin said with Alicia nodding.

She had a lot to learn and catch up on.

"Welcome you two, we were watching that clone of yours head off into the forest a moment ago, don't do anything to crazy.." Cass said crossing her arms.

He only chuckled at this before he spoke.

"Anyways, we're moving now, Charlie can you get her settled?" Shin said in which she nodded.

Pulling her hand they both led her inside the small house and small doorway which she ducked her head under of unknown architecture with multiple strange appliances that Alicia didn't know of.

The biggest thing she took notice of was a large realistic screen of a T.V that showed everything happening outside from Shins Godzilla form.

"T-this really is something else." She stuttered out as she walked across the room with her head narrowly missing the ceiling.

"I know right, it's like a real life movie theater." Cass said confusing Alicia with her words.

"A what?"

Both Cass and Charlie looked at each other before smiling.

"We have a lot to show you."

To be continued..

Hope you guys are enjoying the book so far, if not and complain then rest in piss.

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