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83.59% One Piece: Like father like son! / Chapter 104: Similarities

Chapter 104: Similarities

Jackson POV

Today is the day. In approximately a few hours, we will arrive at Whole Cake Island, which is practically Big Mom's HQ. I have been wondering, just why would she invite us, ever since we got an invitation to her Tea Party but no theory felt right. Needless to say that I and the others raised a few theories regarding her reasons or maybe plans but ultimately, they were just speculations.

Still, according to Law, the most likely situation would be Big Mom trying to make me work under her, possibly by offering me something in return. After all if you could buy an immense boost to your military might and perhaps even secure your dominance in the New World why not just do that?

'But is us walking into her main base necessary if she just wants to recruit me?'

Back then, when Oven found and delivered us our invitation card, couldn't he have just delivered a transponder snail? That would have minimized risks on both sides, wouldn't it? Augur and Sabo both guessed that it might be because she intends to pressure me into joining.

Big Mom doesn't know for sure how strong we are but she must have gathered a majority of her forces for this Tea Party, since she always does so, when organizing these events. That gives her a perfect excuse as to why there would be an unusual concentration of military power, on specifically the one island, I was invited to.

Robin, on the other hand, mentioned a few times that it could be a trap to swiftly and efficiently murder us in cold blood to extinguish any and all chances that we could grow beyond her and the other current emperors.

But regardless of what her intentions will turn out to be, I have my own for going to Whole Cake Island. Me working for someone else is a no and so is an alliance to rule the new world or shit like that.

'Thinking back, didn't Shiki once offer me something similar to this? Working together to rule the world or something...'

I'm not interested in ruling anything or anyone. More than me ruling, it's much more enjoyable to have others do the work of ruling while I wander around the world freely as if it belongs to me. Of course metaphorically speaking since I, as mentioned, don't want to be a ruler.

Back on topic. Since Big Mom invited us to Whole Cake Island, we will just go and get her Poneglyphs. Best offer she will get is, that in exchange for copies, we will give her a translation. Of course it's very likely that she will get pissed and attack us, perhaps she might even try to get Robin if she knows about her but that is a big IF.

'Regardless, a fight between us is almost sure to happen.'

A cold breeze suddenly passed by me, blowing my hair back. Paired with thick, dark clouds and temperatures of around -5° C to 5° C, it made for bad weather that lasted for around 2 days by now.


My mount seems to agree. Hancock and me are currently riding on her huge snake's heads. The gigantic ones, pulling her ship. Understandably they don't like low temperatures and windy weather but none of us can control the weather... except for Enel perhaps, to a very limited degree but while I believe in his ability to make the weather worse, improving it might proof to be too hard for him.

From the corner of my sight, I noticed Hancock leaving wordlessly. She is heading inside where she was immediately swarmed by her crew members.

"Hm? Is it too cold for her?"

Mumbling so to myself, I went back to observing the ocean or so it looked to others. In truth I was looking at my cheat progress. Current rate is 98% but my latest mission states that it will give me 5% after beating an emperor and his/her crew, without casualties on my side.

'But then what? Will it go beyond 100%? That wouldn't be logical since it's mainly following a template. You can't 'Synchronize' things beyond 100% now, can you?'

"Uhm, Jackson?"

Someone called me. It was Hancock. She was back with a snow white, furry winter coat around her shoulders. It certainly looked warm. In her hands she carried another, yet similar black winter coat. With a shy expression she stretched her arms out and offered me the coat.

"Uhm it might not fit perfectly but since it's getting cold it might be better if you wore this for now."

Hancock calmly explained herself though only half of what she said reached my ears. I was too busy to burn this image of a shy Hancock in an elegant, white winter coat in my memories. Truthfully, I don't really need to wear one despite it being cold, and even if I needed one, I have my own winter clothing with me but since she went to bring one for me as well I tactfully didn't mention any of that and gratefully accepted.

Surprisingly our little Snake Princess can be really kind and emphatic-

*Flashbacks of first meetings and anime scenes*

*Cough* Hancock can be really... thoughtful at times. We have been traveling together for only 2 weeks and nothing big ever happened but it still is nice having her around. Probably it's exactly because of the many little things between us.

For example, so far she smiled every single morning when we greeted each other so brightly that it somehow even forced my lip's corners to move upwards. At first she gave of the impression of a total simp but even if not often, from time to time, she becomes exceptionally resolute and driven, especially after she made up her mind about something.

Besides that, there is no one else silly enough to worry about me catching a simple cold. Even in the unlikely scenario that I caught one, which never happened till now, it would jus-


A sudden shout interrupted my thoughts. Only now did I realize how Hancock was standing next to me looking out at the sea-


A strange noise. One that I know too well. Augur suddenly appeared, looking very neat in his evening suit.

"What is it?

"Big Mom's ships. Big ones, probably a division in her fleet. 9 in total."

(AN: Hey Everyone! Sorry for the delay. Feels like I'm saying this every time I write a new chapter now. If you wanna know how it continues just read the rest of the chapter. You thought it finished here? No! It's just my usual prank!)


3rd Person POV

Whole Cake Chateau. Queens chamber.

In her giant throne sat Charlotte Linlin, otherwise known as 'Big Mom' of the four emperors.

"When did you say did the 7th division make contact with him?"

Her loud voice reverberated through her chamber. It was high yet also raspy fitting for her advanced age as well as her enormous power. In front of her were Perospero together with Katakuri and Smoothie. Only Cracker and Snack were out on duty.

"Perororo. Brother Katakuri's men called to report about spotting Portgas D. Jackson together with Warlord Boa Hancock around 3 and half hours ago. Since we don't have information as to why that woman followed him here, they were tasked to 'escort' them together here."

Perospero answered quickly. Since then there have been no news about their situation or whereabouts.

"Mother. If it's been a bit more than 3 hours they are likely to arrive soon. I'm sure that noth- Mother?"

Smoothie tried to keep Big Mom from getting agitated, but the later stop listening as she turned her head into a certain direction, as if she was gazing at something. Agitation, which Smoothie just tried to prevent, visibly appeared on her mother's shocked face.

'... Just now... wasn't that?'

Linlin just used her observation haki, not really expecting anything unusual but the greater her shock was when she sensed a certain presence.


Again her loud voice loudly resounded.

"When was the last time a presence was strong enough to be sensed from so far-"

Her lips moved up so far that it threatened to split her face.

"Kaido? Admirals? Mamamama!"

Big Mom's mood was continually changing. A mixture of shock, anticipation and something none of her children ever saw on her face, cautiousness. She was wary of whatever she just sensed.

"If this really is that brat Jackson, than things might get out of hand. Mamama!"

Despite saying so, Big Mom's maniac grin stubbornly stayed on her lips, which started to freak out all her children, currently present.

"Mama! What is-"

Just as Katakuri finally opened his mouth to ask since he couldn't feel anything with his haki, someone entered his range of perception. Someone comparable to Big Mom! At that moment his mother spoke again, this time slowly but resolute.

"Katakuri. Smoothie. Just in case a fight breaks out, go and prepare the party location. power everything to it's maximum. Perospero. You go and keep any guest from entering till they are done."

"Aye Mama!"

The three went, leaving Big Mom, sitting on her throne. In her mind appeared the face of an enemy and rival from long ago. She still vividly remembers his cheeky grin, the black hair falling to his sides and that remarkable dark mustache. Besides Whitebeard, the only one she could sense even before he entered her island and also the only one who managed to steal her Poneglyph.


She slowly spoke his name.

"Could it be... that this brat really is comparable to you?"

(An: see you all next month)

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