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9.57% Case Closed: The Strongest Uncle! / Chapter 9: Case Closed: The Strongest Uncle!

Chapter 9: Case Closed: The Strongest Uncle!

Chapter 9: Ability!

Mouri stayed outside quietly and didn't follow the kids. In his memory, Genta picked up the treasure map painted by the boss of the robber here. He remembered that those guys were all international robbers, and they had to plan well in order to grab the golds.

Mouri Kogoro turned and entered an alley, took out the human skin mask in the system space, and put it on his head. His entire face immediately fluctuated like water ripples, and finally turned into another person, a young wandering painter.

But this kind of disguise is not enough. So he used his perfect level of disguise. Mouri Kogoro takes off his suit, wipes the trousers with the soil on the ground, and then tears the suit trousers and jacket to tear open holes, and finally, his image greatly changes, like a young man playing body art.

Mouri Kogoro quickly returned to the entrance of the art museum and waited. After a short while, four kids walked out of it, and the four chatted and discussed:

"There are so many treasures in this world. I must become a treasure hunter. If I find the treasure, I can buy a lot of eel and rice."

"Idiot, there is no treasure map, you can't find the treasure at all."

"I've decided. We are going to set up a treasure hunting team. From now on, we will be The Junior Detective League, and I will be the leader!" Genta's little fat face looked excited.

Ayumi clapped her hands on the side: "It's great, long live the Junior Detective League."

Conan on the side looked unlovable, his eyes rolled out.

At this moment, Genta found a drawing-like appearance: "Hey, what is this?"

But before Genta saw what it was, this drawing was taken directly by a big hand: "Little brother, thank you for helping me pick it up."

Mouri Kogoro had been waiting a long time ago and took the drawing in his hand. His voice also altered as he held his breath and changed his voice.

"Wow, uncle, do you play art? You dress so handsome." Ayumi looked at him adoringly, staring in his eyes looking at Mouri Kogoro, who was dressed in tatters but had a special charm oozing from him.

"Ayumi, don't get too close to this uncle, maybe it's some tramp, what if he wants to catch you."

Mitsuhiko was jealous and spoke particularly unpleasant.

Mouri Kogoro didn't bother to care about them, glanced at the black men hiding in the corner, and left soon.

The young detectives didn't find anything unusual, but Conan felt a little weird in his heart. He felt that the figure of this man was a bit familiar, but he didn't have time to think deeply and was dragged away by Genta again.

Mouri Kogoro looked at the three little mice that followed him, two Italians and one Japanese. All three were wearing black trench coats and looked fierce.

Mouri Kogoro, who had recovered his karate skills, completely ignored them and led the three strong men to the depths of the alley.

"Hey, the one in front, stop for me, and hand over the picture that you just got." The Japanese man leading the two looked fierce, and the three of them surrounded Mouri Kogoro.

"Are you talking about this thing?" Mouri Kogoro shook the treasure map in his hand, folded it in half, and tore it apart.

"You're looking for death." The three of them were so anxious that they rushed forward. The well-prepared Mouri Kogoro directly blocked the three with one hand, and a fierce punch instantly hit an Italian man, the big blond guy was immediately knocked into the air, hung on the wall, and then collapsed like mud.

With one blow to the enemy, the other two's complexions changed drastically. They didn't expect to run into an expert, as they quickly retreated, distancing themselves from Mouri Kogoro, and took out two pistols from their arms.

Mouri Kogoro's pupils suddenly shrank, and he couldn't help but curse countless in his heart.

He didn't expect these f*cker to pull out their gun.

His muscles were tight and he burst out with all his speed and rushed up. Before the two of them could react, he waved his long legs and kicked another Italian directly with a round kick, and the other Italian immediately fell to the ground. In the end, only the Japanese robber remained, who kept retreating while shooting him again and again.

Mouri Kogoro quickly found a way to cover it up. He used the unconscious Italian as a shield in front of him. The Japanese robber did not dare to shoot again.

Mouri Kogoro urged with all his strength, grabbed the belt of the Italian robber, threw it towards the Japanese robber, and then slid out from below. The Japanese robber immediately lost his combat effectiveness, Mouri Kogoro got up and stunned him again with a hand knife.

Seeing the rubber unconscious, he couldn't help but sigh in relief. He almost overturned the wall in the gutter, no matter how good his skill is, he is still afraid of pistols.

This fight did not disturb anyone. Mouri Kogoro tied up the three of them with a belt and then confiscated all three pistols. As expected, being in real life is not the same in the anime. He never saw them use pistols in the anime. This time is really a close call.

Mouri Kogoro left the three of them where they were, then went to the public phone booth on the side to call the police, informed them of their locations, and then left.

As for the treasure map, there are only a few patterns in it, and it's all in Mouri's mind.

Having 20 points in his intelligence cannot be underestimated. Soon Mouri Kogoro solved the mystery. The pattern in it turned out to be a Japanese sign.

As night fell, Mouri Kogoro followed the Japanese signs and walked all the way until he finally came to an abandoned mansion by the river.

He walked into this abandoned mansion and walked up the stairs step by step. But suddenly, his vigilance rang like an alarm clock, as if he was locked in by something, so Mouri Kogoro immediately rushed forward.

And a second after, gunfire sounded, and then it was silent again.

Damn, I shouldn't believe the plot!

Mouri Kogoro who hid behind the bunker. Tried his best to escape from it, but he still couldn't escape the shot. He was shot in his arm. Even at the extreme speed of the human body, it's hard to escape the bullet...

At this moment, on the TV screen, a female anchor was speaking: "Interrupted in an emergency news, the leader of the Italian robbers, Tino Cabana injured the detention police officer and escaped from prison in the evening. Note that the criminal has a firearm in his hand... "

When the whole building returned to silence, Mouri Kogoro did not dare to look up. He didn't know if the enemy was waiting for his head to explode, but the artery on his arm was injured, and blood constantly leaked out.

What to do?

Mouri's forehead was full of sweat, and this time he lost a lot of blood.

The two sides faced each other secretly for a long time. The robber Tino Cabana, who occupied the commanding heights, finally couldn't hold it back. The sound of leather shoes fell on the stairs, da da da...

Mouri Kogoro was holding a transparent card in his hand, the primary psychedelic card, and muttered in his mouth: Closer, closer.

Finally hearing the enemy's voice approaching, Mouri Kogoro quickly crushed the card, an invisible wave swept out, and Cabana was pulled into the psychedelic array.

It's so spicy that he almost died. Mouri Kogoro tore a piece of cloth from his pants and stopped the blood on his hands. Then he stood up, took out the belt of the Italian in front of him, and tied it directly. His hands were then tied to a pole on the side and kicked off the abandoned building with one foot, and Cabana was hung outside the building.

Cabana was completely in the illusion at this moment, without the slightest ability to resist. At this moment, Mouri Kogoro went up the stairs and came to the top floor. The maple leaf coins on the top floor had already been packed into a big package by Cabana.

Little V said: "Congratulations to the host for completing the task. You have been rewarded with a 1 Lottery Ticket and 1000 points."

"Congratulations? don't you see that my blood is running dry? Little V, since you are an almighty system do you have any function to repair my injury?" Mouri Kogoro said weakly.

"The host shouldn't make it difficult for others. In this kind of situation, you should go to the hospital."

"What a garbage system, just say it if you don't have it, by the way, what other function do you have?"

"The host can use the Ten Thousand Realms Lottery, and maybe you can obtain something useful." 

"Then spin it quickly."

There was dizziness in his mind, and a bright turntable began to spin, and soon it stopped.

Little V's charming voice said: "Congratulations to the host for acquiring the healing skills."

Treatment: It can recover from serious and minor injuries. It cannot be used on dying injuries. It can only be used three times a day.

Mouri Kogoro's eyes lit up immediately, and there was really nowhere to go, and he hurriedly used healing techniques on himself.

Little light rhymes gathered from the wound around his body towards his arm. Not long after, the pierced artery was quickly repaired, and the bullet stuck in the bone was pushed out by the muscle, and the granulation continued to grow. Kogoro's arm recovered as before.

"I was wrong, Master System, you are not a junk system, you are my little padded jacket."

Little V seems to be angry, and no longer cares about Mouri Kogoro.

After Mouri Kogoro recovered, he squeezed his arm. As expected, he couldn't help but grin happily, but suddenly he felt extremely hungry, as if he could swallow a cow.

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